《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 12


Elaine's POV:

Fred and Draco were nose to nose. "So you think you could just kiss her and get away with it?!" Fred spat. They were sizing each other up...a recipe for disaster. "Get out of my way Weasel," Draco said. His anger was clearly rising fast. "No I don't think I will," Fred said, his entire face was bright red now. They had drawn a huge crowd. Not only was our entire Potions class surrounding the boys, but the rest of the school was as well. Everyone that was making their way towards the Great Hall for lunch, saw the commotion and most likely decided to stop to see what was going on. That's when I noticed Draco's friends, Crabbe and Goyle, were right behind Draco. I scanned the crowd, as the boys continued shouting at each other, and saw Ron and George make their way towards Fred. George whispered something in Fred's ear as Draco raised his fist. "We've got to get her out of here...she'll get hurt...she'll try to stop them," I heard Harry say to Hermione from behind me. I didn't think much of it. Then, as Draco's fist drove into Fred's jaw, I tried to charge in between them, but was stopped. Harry's arm was held tightly around my shoulders as Hermione led us far away from the fight. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" I heard someone scream as we got far enough away. It was Professor McGonagall. "Harry what about Fred!" I yelled as he steered me right into the Great Hall. It was practically empty since the whole school was watching Fred and Draco fight. "You can't...you'll get hurt," Harry said simply, and pulled out his wand.

I was so worried about Fred, and wanted to find him, but Harry put a charm on me so I couldn't leave his side or move from him. Only he could reverse the charm and until I promised not to move, he wasn't going to reverse the charm. "Go check...but be careful," Harry said to Hermione and I struggled to try and stand.

Hermione went to go see what happened. She came back ten minutes later, as the rest of the school piled into the Great Hall. "Fred, George, Ron, Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle...all taken to Professor Dumbledore's office. Since Malfoy threw the first punch, he's in big trouble...Professor McGongall was escorting them to Dumbledore's office when I got there. They all look really beaten up...I could see George lost a tooth," Hermione explained. My heart dropped. I wasn't only thinking about what my friends just did for me and if they were okay, I was also thinking about what Dumbledore was going to say. It was embarrassing enough that I was the reason Fred, George, and Ron were in this mess to begin with, but for Professor Dumbledore to know as well...it was insanely embarrassing.


After barely eating lunch, Harry, Hermione, and I went to Defense Against the Dark Arts. There was no Ron, Draco, Crabbe or Goyle to be seen. "Good afternoon class. I see we have fewer students in this class than expected. No doubt we can thank Miss Granger for that," Professor Snape said, sneering at me. I didn't even know what to say. I knew Snape gave Harry a hard time, but I didn't realize he would be so openly hatful towards me as well. "Leave her alone," Harry spat as I looked down at my desk. "Ten points from Gryfinndor, and if you open your mouth again Mr. Potter it will be detention for a week," Snape snapped.

After Defense Against the Dark Arts was over, Harry and Hermione showed me where to find Professor Dumbledore's office. Professor McGonagall was waiting outside when I arrived. "Ah Miss Granger," she said, folding her arms. "Can I speak to Professor Dumbledore?" I asked her. "I think its best if you do," she replied, giving the statues in front of his office the password, and stepping aside for me.

I took the moving spiral staircase up to his office and knocked on the huge wooden door. It swung open for me and I entered. "Aha Miss Granger," Professor Dumbledore said. Fred and Draco were sitting in front of him. They both turned to look at me. I gasped when I saw the two of them. Fred had a black eye and badly bruised jaw, while Draco seemed to have a broken nose that had been dripping blood. "I think that's all I have to say. I think it's safe to say it will not happen again," Professor Dumbledore said to Fred and Draco. With that, they were dismissed and he invited me to sit down. "I just wanted to come here and tell you that their fight was all my fault, sir," I said, pointing to the door Draco and Fred just left from. "Yes I think that it was as well," Dumbledore said with a chuckle. "You're not mad, sir?" I asked politely. "Well of course not. This is not the first time two boys have fought over a girl in this castle...and I dare say it won't be the last," Professor Dumbledore said, taking a handful of chocolate candy and eating it. "While you're here, Elaine, I did want to make you aware of a task I am giving Mr Potter. I am going to ask him to let Professor Slughorn collect him. You seem to also be a favorite of Professor Slughorn and if Harry needs your help with this task I need you to do so and help him," Professor Dumbledore explained. "Of course," I replied, happy to help Dumbledore. He then dismissed me and as soon as I exited his office, Harry was waiting on the other side. "See you later," I said as I held the door open for Harry, who was no doubt about to get the very task Dumbledore had just spoke of.


When I found my way back to the Gryffindor common room, I found Hermione and Ron sitting at a table near the fire. I quickly walked over and sat down. "Ron are you alright!" I asked as soon as I sat down. His cheek was badly bruised. "Yea...was just telling Hermione what happened," Ron said. "So, Malfoy threw the first punch and when Fred punched him back, you could hear his nose break...Crabbe and Goyle immediately went for George and I as Fred starting choking Malfoy out...honestly I'm glad you two weren't there...it was ugly," Ron told Hermione and I. Just as he finished his story, Fred and George walked into their common room from their dormitory. I immediately stood up and threw my arms around Fred's neck. "Ow," he said quietly. I immediately pulled away and saw I accidentally hit his bruised jaw. "It's alright," he said just as I was about to apologize. He immediately pulled me back in for a hug and kissed my cheek. Ron and Hermione then joined us as we talked. "I'm sorry you guys," I to Ron, Fred, and George. "Really its Malfoy's fault...luckily I saw McGonagall and she saw him throw the first punch," George said. So that's what George whispered to Fred...makes sense. "He got what he deserved...nothing to be sorry for babe," Fred said, gently pulling me away from the crowd and leading me to the couch.

Fred and I spent the rest of the night together. He even let me practice some healing spells on him. By the end of the night, his bruises were merely discolored spots on his face.

The next two days flew by and before I knew it, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were walking to Hogsmeade. Unfortunately, as part of their punishment, Fred and Draco were not allowed to go to Hogsmeade, so Fred and I couldn't get lunch at the Three Broomsticks like we planned. Luckily, since Ron was only helping Fred, he was allowed to go to Hogsmeade with us.

The four of us walked through all of the shops filled with things and had such a great time. Hogsmeade was wonderful and I was so excited to hear there was another trip scheduled right before Christmas break.

The next few weeks of school were, thankfully, uneventful. Crammed with homework, exams, and Quidditch practice, Fred and I barely left each others side as we worked. I barely saw Draco as well besides in class. He left me alone for the most part...but it still made me upset when he would curse at my friends and I as we walked through the castle halls.

The only eventful thing to happen was that Professor Slughorn invited Harry, Hermione and I to be apart of the 'Slug Club'. Basically, its a group of his favorite students that he has parties and dinners for. Ron was rather bitter he wasn't invited to join. The first party was scheduled for the night before Christmas break, but I wasn't looking forward to it. His parties were rumored to be very very boring.

Like I said before, Quidditch season was now in full swing. It's already the middle of October. It was raining constantly, and the air was getting colder by the second. Ravenclaw had versed Hufflepuff last weekend, and Gryfinndor's first game was against Slytherin...tomorrow...I was definitely not ready. No matter how many times my teammates encouraged me, I was petrified to play in front of the entire school...more importantly...petrified to verse Draco. He has been known to cause injuries on the Quidditch field...

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