《Arranged (Todoroki x Reader x Various)》Familiar


Your eyes slowly fluttered open. You were in a musky jail cell. The smell of mildew and funk-filled your nostrils. Your lips felt dry and chipped as your head pounded. You attempted to move your arms, but they were tied down to the lone chair you were sitting on.

That was right. You were defeated by Toga and Dabi. They must've brought you to the League's hideout. Your arm still ached where Toga stabbed you at. The only noise in the cell was something dripping onto the floor. No one would know where you were.

You wondered if Todoroki was looking for you or not. You wondered if he thought you had run away from him and his family. You couldn't do that though. Some part of you still cared about the Todoroki. If you were being honest, you wanted to see him and his family again.

You could picture Natsuo complaining about one of his co-workers at the hospital he was interning at. You could picture Fuyumi cleaning up the house on the weekends and yelling at Natuso for being messy. You could see Enji at his desk drinking coffee and reading a newspaper. You could even see Todoroki slurping down his cold soba as if it was his last mean.

You could picture the Todoroki family. As fucked up as they all were, they had managed to become your family. Your eyes wandered to your wedding band. Even if it was brought down to you.

You heard multiple footsteps come from a distance from your cell. Annoyingly enough, you couldn't move to check who it was. Eventually, they got closer and stopped in front of your cell. You looked up to see the notorious villains.

Shigaraki's still sported his long, greasy baby-blue hair. He had a hand figure placed over his face. You saw his chapped lips poking out of the hand figure into a cruel smile next to his mole. The other villain was Dabi. He was idling looking at you, wearing the same outfit you saw him adorn the night you were kidnapped.

"Well, well, well looks like we caught another trash hero," Shigaraki remarked. He got closer to the bars as if to try and see your face closer.


"We have big plans for you (Y/n). The wife of Shouto kills the Todoroki family! What a headline," Shigaraki chuckled cruelly. You figured that was the League's plan. People who knew your situation would assume you snapped from the treatment you received. To be honest, it would look less suspicious than any other hero chosen. Dabi looked to the side. For a villain, he seemed likely uncomfortable when the decay-user spoke about the Todoroki family.

"Why aren't you crying out like your other hero friends," Shigaraki asked. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes and kept a determined look on your face. You weren't going to let Shigaraki break you yet. You'd rather be killed than brainwashed. Dissatisfied with your reaction, Shigaraki leaned away from the bars and grumbled under his breath. He began to scratch his neck, which was dry and flaking off.

"Stupid bitch," Shigaraki grumbled. It appeared that the rumors about him were true. He seemed to have a short temper when people didn't act the way he wanted them too.

"Dabi, you're going to stay guard here for awhile. Toga's getting ready for the hero bitch's procedure. Make sure she stays alive within those twenty-four hours, kay'," Shigaraki demanded. His crimson eyes peaked through his mask. They held such intense hatred for you.

"I'll see you then," Shigaraki mumbled before walking off somewhere else. Dabi stood by and stared at you.

He reached into his pocket and grabbed a carton of cigarettes. He grabbed one of the cigarettes and used a small blue flame from his other palm to light it. Dabi placed the cigarette on his burnt lip and took a drag from it. He exhaled the smoke from the cigarette on you causing you to cough. You narrowed your eyes at him.

"It's fucking annoying I have to babysit you. I could be doing something more productive," Dabi grumbled. He rolled his eyes. Your eyes continued to look at his face. He seemed oddly familiar for some reason. His facial structure looked familiar behind his scarred skin. His eyes were so blue, almost like the Caribbean ocean in the moonlight.


Dabi's turquoise eyes looked so familiar.

His body tensed up he got closer to the bars. His eyes glared down at you. Dabi was also emitting dangerous heat.

"What the fuck did you say," he seethed. You cursed to yourself. Did you say that out loud? You'd figure your downfall would have been more calculated than blurting out your thoughts. You needed to say something and fast.

"I'm sorry. It just, you sort of remind me of my husband," you muttered. Dabi didn't respond but he stopped emitting heat. He took a long drag from his cigarette before throwing it down and stepping on it with his boot. Probably the same boot to knock you out. You wondered if you had a mark on your head from the hit. Dabi backed up and leaned himself of the cement wall.

"...Shouto. What is he like?" Dabi mumbled. Why did Dabi want to know about Todoroki? Was he trying to get information from you? That didn't seem like the case. It looked as if Dabi was stuck in nostalgia.

"He's an ass," you automatically replied. Dabi chuckled in response. Why was he acting so oddly?

"Tell me more, more I'll burn you" Dabi demanded. You sighed and began telling your experience marrying Shouto. Dabi was nodding his head the whole time, seemingly interested in what you had to say.

"Yeah, I guess he does sound kind of an ass," Dabi replied. It was interesting to say the least that a notorious villain believed Todoroki behaved poorly.

"Natsuo and Fuyumi?" Dabi asked. You quirked your eyebrow. How did he know about Natsuo and Fuyumi? They weren't heroes nor were they in the media. Dabi knew a lot more about the Todoroki's then you originally thought.

"Natsuo...is in medical school. He wants to become a doctor. He's headstrong, dramatic, and goofy but he means well. Fuyumi typically cleans the house and cooks. She has a part-time job somewhere," you replied. For a moment you saw Dabi's eyes soften.

"...Rei?" He whispered. That name didn't stick out to you. You assumed he meant the Todoroki's mother. You hadn't had the chance to meet her yet. You were forbidden to, at the beginning of your relationship with Todoroki from Enji. He eventually rescinded that demand, but you got wrapped up in your own issues to pay her a visit.

"I never met her," you revealed. He didn't say anything. Your eyes narrowed towards Dabi.

"How do you know the Todoroki's?" you asked. Dabi sighed and sat up from his leaning position.

"I don't have to tell you shit, doll," he replied. Doll? Why was that pet name so familiar to you. You must've heard it fairly recently. Your lips pulled into a tight smile and you looked at the ground.

"You're really going to make me kill the Todoroki's," you whispered. Dabi let out another sigh, annoyed by all of your questions.

"There's only one true Todoroki I want to see dead on the ground," Dabi admitted. Fear raked through your body. Was he talking about Shouto?

"But I refuse to let anyone else kill him. That old man is mine to kill," Dabi seethed, grabbing another cigarette and lighting it. He wanted to kill Endeavor, not Todoroki. A part of you felt relieved but the other part of you worried about Enji. Although he was a cruel man, he still should atone for what he did.

"What about Shigaraki," you asked. He groaned out loud once more.

"Does it look like I give a shit about Shigaraki? Stop asking me stupid questions," he barked. It was ironic, since not too long ago he was the one asking questions on the Todoroki's. Dabi got out his phone and seemed to be scrolling on it. The smell of his cigarette was making the air around you uncomfortable. His phone buzzed, and Dabi smirked. His familiar turquoise eyes landed back to yours.

"You know, you're lucky people care about you, (Y/n)."

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