《Arranged (Todoroki x Reader x Various)》Outburst


Todoroki walked into the conference room. Different heroes varying from agencies were in attendance. Typically, Todoroki would be more focused on the task at hand, but he was worried about something—you didn't come home last night. Natsuo and Fuyumi didn't see you, which didn't happen often. You'd usually greet Fuyumi when she was in the kitchen or hang out with his brother while he did paperwork. Could you have run away from him and your marriage? He couldn't blame you if you did.

That scenario didn't seem right though. He could imagine you yelling or talking to him about it beforehand. Your relationship together was still not the greatest but in the process of becoming better.

He knew you were one of the heroes leading the campaign against the League of Villians. If you would've gone undercover, he figured you'd let him know. Miruko also didn't know where you were, eliminating that idea altogether.

With a heavy sigh, Todoroki plopped down at a seat. He noticed his hero name was on a nameplate in front of him along with a stack of papers. He noticed Midoriya was talking with Mirio in the corner. As much as Todoroki wanted to greet his closest friend, he couldn't find the energy. He wasn't expecting to worry about you so much.

Was he finally falling in love or was this different? He couldn't tell at this point. He was very bad at emotions in general—understanding them and expressing them.

Todoroki noticed his father came into the meeting as well. Todoroki's eyes wandered towards the nameplate next to him.


He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He didn't have the patience to deal with his father. Regardless of his feelings of his father, he noticed Enji seem tenser. Todroki caught onto his father's behavior when he was young, to judge whether or not to bother him. Hopefully, the meeting before him would be over quickly and he could call you again.


Hawks walked up to the podium. His slitted amber eyes were much more determined than Todoroki usually sees on TV. He didn't like this feeling. He felt as though he and his father knew something Todoroki didn't know.

"Already, let's get started. This is going to be a long meeting with a lot of information. I'm not going to say anything twice, so take notes," Hawks uncharacteristically announced. Todoroki opened the stack of papers.

"We had to speed the process of infiltration because something unexpected occurred," his father announced beside him. His voice was annoying Todoroki. He just wanted him to shut up. Why couldn't he have sat anywhere else? Endeavor's eyes looked down at Todoroki beside him.

"We have reason to believe, (H/n) has been kidnapped by the League," Endeavor announced. Todoroki slammed his fist down on the wood. He surely made a dent in it. How did his father know if she was kidnapped? Why wouldn't he have told him sooner? Everyone's eyes laid on the two Todorokis next to each other. Endeavor paused, looking at his angry son.

"I saw her get taken away when I was starting my patrol of the area," Endeavor confessed. Todoroki shot up in anger. He bore his teeth at the large man before him. Todoroki's dual-colored eyes were filled with hatred. Todoroki's point a finger out to his father.

"Why didn't you say anything to me," Todoroki shouted. Every word that came from his mouth was dripped in poison. So much for reform. His father was the same, the scar on Enji couldn't change it. He had the power to save you, but he didn't. Endeavor let out a sigh.

"I couldn't abandon my position. The villains Dabi and Toga were seen getting ready to deploy a Nomu. When I saw them together, a Nomu attacked close by. We'll talk about this after the meeting," Endeavor stated. Flames shot out of Todoroki's side. He was losing control of his emotions, and thus his quirk. The flames heat up the room causing heroes by them to shoot up in fear of getting in the crossfire. Todoroki's previous homeroom teacher sat up. Aizawa didn't activate his quirk, but he seemed to be ready to do it at any moment. Midoriya also shot up from his seat.


"Todoroki, control yourself," Aizawa yelled out. Hawks remained quiet at the podium watching the Todoroki family. Todoroki could feel his gaze on him.

"Todoroki, it's not worth it," Midoriya cried out. How wasn't it worth it? Endeavor had terrorized him throughout his life. He'd push his family away to be a great her.

He pushed his...

Todoroki ceased being on fire. His eyes still glared at his father. He had done the same to you after all. Todoroki grabbed his packet filled with information on the raid and began to walk out. Midoriya followed him.

Todoroki sat onto a chair outside of the conference room. Midoriya sat by him, his emerald orbs filled with worry.

"Todoroki..." Midoriya whispered. Todoroki was still shaking in anger, guilt bubbled up in his stomach again. He hadn't felt like this for a while now. His father had the chance to save you but didn't. He himself ignored you for half of a year to see another woman. You had gone through misfortune to misfortune, and it was his family's fault. Midoriya had an arm around his friend. Todoroki had confided his feelings with Midoriya for years. The green-haired boy was aware of the true situation regarding the two of you. He had urged Todoroki to treat you better, but he always ignored him. Midoriya told him he was going to regret it one day, and Todoroki did.

Large footsteps were heard that was getting closer to the two young boys. Todoroki looked up to see his father and Hawks. Todoroki narrowed his eyes at his father. Endeavor tried to place a hand on his son's shoulder but Todoroki quickly dodged it.

"Don't touch me," Todoroki threatened. His father sighed and pulled his arm back.

"I'm sorry, but I had to do what I needed to protect the city. I know how upset you are," Endeavor stated. Todoroki wanted to curse him out but remained quiet.

"I also know the two of you haven't been on the greatest terms, but I'll admit, I didn't exactly help things along," Endeavor admitted. He was the sole reason he was married. Endeavor looked away for a moment.

"...You're going to be a better husband I was," Endeavor muttered before walking off. Why did he come this way to tell him that? Was he trying to be fatherly? Todoroki scoffed. So his father knew about the problems of the marriage. Still, it wasn't like him to say something like that. Hawks remained by the boys. He flashed a smile and closed his eyes.

"Hey, kid. You mind if the lil' Todoroki and I talk," Hawks asked. Midoriya smiled and nodded. Midoriya patted Todoroki's back in comfort before he walked away. Once Midoriya was away, Hawk's opened his eyes again. He didn't like how he stared at him. Hawks' eyes clearly weren't human.

"I know how to get her back safely," Hawks revealed. Todoroki looked away from the winged-hero. Hawks always gave him weird vibes. He came by the house fairly often because of how close he was to his father. Still, something about him was off to Todoroki.

"How? She could be dead or brainwashed already," Todoroki muttered. Hawks tutted and crossed his arms confidently. His wings were stretched out to their full wing-span showing of his crimson feathers.

"...You're just going to have to trust me, kid."

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