《Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x Reader》The Volturi
The car ride was a short, nail biting, silent ride. Once we got to the airport, Alice and Emmett bought our tickets and we all boarded the plane. Heading for Italy. Emmett and I's tickets had corresponding seat numbers. Meaning we had to sit together.
"He's right... I did leave you. And you were right, I owe you an explanation." Emmett said quietly taking the seat next to me.
"I need one." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. "I deserve one." I said a little louder and firmer.
"I need you to understand, that when the decision to leave was made. I fought against it. Almost all of us did. But at the same time, since Edward thought it was safest to leave, all of us had to go. We couldn't split up our family. We thought by leaving we were protecting you both. Giving you a shot at normal. Normal's what you wanted, so that was when I finally stopped fighting it... I was trying to do right by you and honestly, I came so close to caving that day that we left." He explained sadly.
"That's why you couldn't even look at me... What about all those things you said?" I looked at his face and into his eyes, remembering all the heartbreaking words.
"I knew if I looked at you, I would have never left. Believe me, I really didn't want to. I lied. I had to say all those things to make you stay. But never did I mean any of the hurtful things I said..."
"You could have taken me with you... Instead of breaking my heart into a million pieces." I pointed out. On the verge of tear's. I tried so hard to hold them back. Emmett reached out and stoked my hand lightly. I was so angry and hurt, I wanted to pull away but I couldn't make myself do it.
"You think I didn't want to do that? I wanted to beg you to come with me that day. I really did. It was Edward's final decision to leave. Not mine. I tried to convince them to let me take you with me. But for the same reason I didn't stay alone, is the same reason you couldn't come. Bella's your family and if I had asked you to leave with me would you have really left your sister behind?" He asked softly with a knowing look. I looked back up at him and sighed.
"No, you're right. I wouldn't have. Just like how you didn't want to split up from your family. I suppose that makes sense..." I grumbled a bit before speaking again. "I'm still mad. Like really mad."
"I'd expect nothing less. If being with me is what you choose. I promise to spend the rest of Eternity trying to make this up to you, (Y/n) Swan. Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about you. Not a single day has gone by since leaving, that I haven't loved you." He said in a sweet voice.
"I never stopped loving you either, just like I promised. I thought about you everyday too. I know Bella said she explained the Jacob situation, but I feel like I need too." He nodded and took a soft hold on my hand and interlocked our fingers. That familiar rush of fireworks still remained. "Jacob has been my best friend since we were in diapers. He was there for me when you weren't. I won't be able to just let that go, and I need you to be okay with that. I love him, Emmett. I do, but not in the way you think. It's a platonic kind of love. Something between friends. The best of friends. And it's not the way I love you."
"It's okay. I know. You don't need to explain. I need you to know something to. I'm not going anywhere from now on. This time I really mean it. The only time I'll leave is if you order me away. If you ever did and chose to be with him because you want that. I can't tell you I'd be happy, but your happiness is what matters most to me. I would never try to stop you from being happy, (Y/n)."
"I missed you, Emmett." I buried my face into his shoulder.
"I missed you to, (Y/n)." Emmett put his face in my hair.
That next morning we arrived in Volterra, Italy. Alice managed to high jack a bright yellow Porsche to try to get us to the tower on time where Edward was planning on exposing himself. Only we were stopped by tons of people in red cloaks. It was a celebration in the city for the expulsion of vampires. Little did they know how wrong they were. Alice told Bella to run since Edward wouldn't be able to sense her coming.
"Okay, so now what do we do?" I asked after Bella got out and headed away from us.
"As long as she stop's him in time, everything should be fine. But we are going to have to talk with the Volturi. All of us. That's why I insisted you and Emmett come along. Aro is gifted. He can read every thought just by a touch of the hand. By Edward coming here, he's exposed both of you. If Aro had seen just Bella here, alive. They would have sent the Volturi after you because you know our secret. But I have a plan. I need you two to follow my lead and stick close." Alice explained.
Emmett and I nodded and agreed with her. We made our way through the crowds, keeping the sunlight off from the two vampires on either side of me. We made it to the bell tower and Alice gave Emmett a signal to bust open the door.
"Come on, guys. It's a festival. You wouldn't want to make a scene." Alice said as we entered the room.
"We wouldn't." Felix, a taller, red eyed vampire said to her as he eyed Bella and I.
"Enough." A blonde woman in a long black cloak with bright red eyes said.
"Jane." Edward said her name with a nod.
"Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." Jane looked around at the group of us and then the two other vampires in the room. She then turned on her heels and started to walk away, making the rest of us follow.
"Just do as she says." Alice whispered to Bella and I.
Bella hung close to Edward and I to Emmett. Alice stayed right beside Emmett and I.
"Go ahead." Jane pointed down a small staircase for us to go on.
We piled into a small elevator and make our way down. Emmett held me closely to his chest. The ride was short and we got out. Entering a large open room. A woman at the desk who looked to be human greeted us in Italian.
"Is she human?" Bella asked as we walk by.
"Yes." Edward answered her quietly.
"Does she know?" My curiosity getting the best of me.
"Yes." Edward whispered back to me.
"Then why would... She wants to be." Bella put the two and two together. The only reason a human would be crazy enough to work for and serve the Volturi.
"And so she will be." A vampire named Demetri said with a sly smile coming up beside me and behind Bella and Edward.
"For dessert." Jane piped in.
We entered a large door way that Jane opened to a room circular and large. Three throne like chairs sat at the middle of the far end of the room.
"Sister. Send you out to get one and you bring back three and two half's. Such a clever girl." Jane's brother Alec remarked.
"What a happy surprise! Bella and her sister, (Y/n) are alive after all. Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending." A man who we recognized from the painting, to be Aro walked over and grabbed Edward's hand. A bright smile is stained against his face. It seemed as though he never stopped smiling.
"Her blood appeals to you so much. I wonder..." Aro glanced at Emmett. Taking steps toward him, grabbing his hand as well. He said something I don't quite understand in Italian. "Ah, the same goes for you, dear Emmett. I can see why. The smell of them makes me thirsty... How can you stand to be so close to them?" Aro asked looking between both men.
"It's not without difficulty." Edward said plainly.
"Yes, I can see that." Aro laughed.
"Aro can read every thought I've ever had with just one touch." Edward informed us as Aro held onto his hand once again. "Now you know everything. So get on with it." Edward told him bitterly.
"You are quite a soul reader yourself, Edward." He glanced over at Bella and I, who now stood near each other. "Though... you can't seem to read their thoughts. Fascinating." He let go of Edward's hand and took a few step backwards. "I would love to see if you are exception's to my gifts as well." Aro held out a hand towards us. "Would you do me the honor?"
Bella looked to Edward and he gave her a slight nod. I looked at Alice and Emmett. Emmett held my waist tightly before letting out a small sigh and let go. Alice nodded as well.
Both of us walked forward towards him. Aro took ahold of Bella's hand first and grasp it with both of his own. His eyes looked at her quizzically, clearly not used to having his power rendered useless. He let go and moved to my own hand. He held mine and did the same thing. His deep red eyes boring into my own. I showed him no fear though, which seemed to peak his curiosity.
"Interesting." Aro stated letting go of my hand. He chuckled. "I see nothing on either one of them." He walked away from us back towards the thrones. Bella and I both walked back to our guy's. Emmett held tightly to my waist again and my hand's rested on his chest. "I wonder if... let us see if they are immune to all of our powers. Shall we, Jane?" Aro grinned widely looking to the blonde. Jane turned her head and looked at Bella first.
"No!" Edward shouted and tried to run forward at her.
"Pain." Jane smiled proudly and suddenly Edward started to convulse and he fell to the floor.
"Stop! Don't, please. Stop." Bella begged, seeing him in so much pain. Groaning on the floor in agony. The boy, Alec. Came forward and held Bella back away from him. "Stop! Just stop hurting him, please. Please!" Bella begged harder. Aro looked to her curiously and then turned to the girl.
"Master." Jane responded. The second her focus left Edward, it appeared as though the pain had stopped and he could breathe again.
"Go ahead my dear." Aro assured her. Jane turned her focus to Bella.
"This may hurt, just a little." Jane smirked and stared intensely at her. Bella looked like she was bracing for impact but nothing seemed to be happening. Aro let out a loud high pitched laugh in amusement.
"Now the other!" He clapped excitedly.
Jane turned to look at me now. I felt Emmett move from beside me but I put my hands on him and shook my head. I didn't want to witness it again, like she did to Edward. He looked down to me with pain and fear in his eyes. I turned away and looked at Jane. Jane's gaze intensified and I waited for something, anything to come. But I felt nothing.
"Remarkable!" Aro clapped again and tilted his head. "They confound us all... So, what do we do with you both now?"
Bella moved closer to me and I too her. A man in one of the thrones looked bored and he spoke.
"You already know what you're going to do, Aro." Marcus drawled out slowly.
"They know too much." Caius the other in the third throne spoke.
Aro looked disappointed but called out for the man named Felix. Felix moved quickly separating me and Bella from the others. He spun around and went for me first since I was closest on his side.
"No!" Emmett and Edward growled. They both moved us out of the way and then they charged together at Felix.
Alice attempted to join them, but was quickly held back by one of the guards. Demetri, the man we walked in with stepped in and he pulled Edward off Felix, slamming him into the ground causing his cheek to crack slightly. Bella and I watched in horror as Emmett took on Felix and Edward, with Demetri. Emmett and Felix, evenly matched, until Felix gained the upper hand.
Both of our men were put into serious hold's. So close to having their heads torn from their bodies. Bella and I screamed and shouted in pain for them both. Aro watched our reactions, finding them amusing. He put up his hand to stop any further actions, but Felix and Demetri didn't let them go.
"Take me in his place! Kill me, please not him." I begged for Emmett's life.
"Kill me, kill me. Not him." Bella begged for Edward's.
"How extraordinary. You both would give up your lives... for someone like us? A vampire. A soulless monster." Aro walked towards us. He seemed drawn to me once again for whatever strange reason.
"Just get away from her." Emmett snarled, in Felix's grasp.
"Of course we would." I responded without backing down. I glared at Aro.
"You don't know a thing about their souls." Bella stood by me also unafraid.
"This is a sadness. If only it were your intentions to give them immortality." Aro said speaking to the guy's, before walking towards us. Ready to do the job himself. He got ready to pounce at us.
"Wait!" Alice shouted. "Bella and (Y/n) will be one of us. I've seen it. I'll change them myself."
Aro held out a hand for Alice to show him whatever she'd seen. The guard let her go and she walked up to him, giving him her hand.
"Mesmerizing, to see what you have seen, before it has happened." He looked from Alice to us. "Your gift's will make for intriguing immortals. Go now make your preparations." Aro walked away from us quickly.
"Let us be done with this. Heidi will arrive any moment. Thank you... for your visit." Marcus spoke out slowly.
Emmett and Edward walked back over to us putting their arms around us and holding us closely.
"We will return the favor. I would advise that you follow through on your promise soon. We do not offer second chances." Caius remarked from his chair and we began to head for the door.
"Goodbye, my young friends." Aro called out to us.
As we walk down the hallway, we saw what must be a tour group, being led straight to the room we had just come from. All kind's of men and woman of different age's, who suddenly began to scream in terror as they are fed upon.
We left Italy and headed back home all together again, finally.
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