《Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x Reader》The Cliff
"Gone out hunting. Be back tonight. Stay out of the woods. -Dad." The note he left on the kitchen counter said. I made my breakfast, eggs and toast and prepared a plate for Bella.
"Good morning." She yawned walking in and taking a seat at the table, digging into her food.
"Morning." I told her with a mouth full of eggs. She shook her head at me and continued eating.
"So." She wiped her face with a napkin. "This is probably going to sound crazy. But I want to go cliff diving."
I coughed and nearly choked on my last bite of eggs.
"What? Why?" I cleaned up the bits of food that were now on the table.
"I-I haven't seen him since that day in the meadow..."
"So, that's what that was all about that day." I thought back to the meadow and how weird Bella was acting.
"He kept us safe... Hallucination or not. I want to see him again, I know doing this I will. I want you to go with me. No, let me rephrase that. I need you to go with me. Safer together." She used our sibling motto we had since we were like 5.
"Seriously?" I scoffed.
"Yup. I will go without you. I don't want to. But I will." She got up and slid her shoes on. I crossed my arm's.
"You're not going to guilt me into this by using the motto we made up when we were 5." I pointed out.
"Fine." She shrugged and smiled. "Bye." She waved and walked out the front door.
I sat in the chair and grumbled to myself.
"Stupid. That's what this is. Purely stupid. I'm not going." I huffed to myself. I twitched in my chair after about a minute. "Ugh!" I jumped up from the chair and pulled on my sneakers and flew out the door. Of course, Bella was just sitting in the driveway, in our truck and smirking. I rolled my eyes and jumped in the passenger seat. "This is called being a bad influence." I point at her. She chuckled and started the truck and we headed off toward's La Push.
(Y/n) and Bella arrived at the forest's edge. The two girl's unsuspectingly headed into the forest and made their way up to the top of the cliff's. Meanwhile, a certain redhead was watching a hunting party, trying to track down the wolves. She eye'd the Police Chief preparing to attack him. Charlie Swan called out to his friend Harry Clearwater who seemingly stopped walking.
"Find something?"
Harry Clearwater erased the paw print he'd found in the dirt with his boot. He had gotten the overwhelming feeling of someone watching them. The red headed vampire jumped down from the tree ready to strike Charlie Swan. But Harry pointed a shaky shotgun at her. Victoria smiled evilly and sped over to him. Grabbing him by the collar.
Victoria was quickly attacked by Jacob's russet wolf, making her drop Harry from her grip. Harry fell to the ground and began having a heart attack.
Jacob and the other Quileute wolves chased Victoria away from the hunting party, only to lose her when she dove into La Push beach water's.
We had finally found our way up to the very top of the cliff's. I had tried to convince Bella to at least let us jump from lower down, but of course, she wanted to go big or go home. We both walked cautiously over towards the edge and looked down at the roaring waters below.
"Bells, the water looks pretty choppy today." I pointed out nervously.
"We were here around this time last year. It's not that bad." She visibly gulped and I laughed and mocked her to which she playfully shoved me. I gasped.
"All right, let's at least back up from the edge for now." I began to walk away but Bella didn't. "Bella?" I questioned her.
"You wanted me to be human. Watch me." She whispered to her self and took off her jacket.
"Did you see him?" I asked her carefully and she nodded.
"Bella, did you ever think maybe the reason you see him when your doing something dangerous is because it's your subconscious telling you quite literally not to do it. Because it's, ya know, dangerous... You're only defying your brain because you see him." I pointed out trying to get her too see reason.
"He won't stay with me any other way." She got a little closer to the edge.
"Okay, okay! Wait. Together! For the love of god, wait." I begged. I quickly ripped of my jacket and walked over to her. She gripped my hand tightly.
"Thank you for always being there for me." She said softly.
"I'd do anything to keep you happy, Bella. You're my sister." We grinned at each other. "Okay, count down from 3.... 3... 2...1!" I shouted and we ran forward hand in hand, jumping off the cliff's edge plunging into the deep, dark, frigid water's below.
I felt her hand escape mine and I made my way back up toward's the surface. I broke through and inhaled sharply. Bella appeared not to far from me. We both began to laugh as we saw each other. My laughter slowly coming to a stop and my eye's widening. Bella turned to see what I was looking at. A giant wave was rolling right toward's us. It pummeled into us and dragged us down.
I held my breath and struggled to swim back up. The current was very strong. As the wave went away I had made it to the surface once again but I couldn't see Bella anywhere. Before I could shout for her or even think. Another wave came crashing down on me, pushing me farther under the water. The current pulled me back and forth, keeping me trapped. I opened my eyes and held my breath, still under the water, hoping to see any sign of Bella, or which way was up.
Finally I saw her in front of me near the cliff's edge under the water. She appeared to be looking for me too. She began to swim towards me and I towards her. Until she started frantically pointing behind me. I turned around to see a red headed figure swimming towards us. Another sharp current hit the water, dragging Bella into the rock wall, I watched helplessly as she went unconscious. Only to feel my lungs burning and my air gave out no matter how hard I tried to hold on. I felt my body go limp and cold.
We lost Victoria near the water. I was kicking myself for letting her get away again. Specially knowing what she was after. I trotted in my wolf form through the forest. An all to familiar and enchanting smell surrounded the air. Vanilla and oranges. Funny, that's what (Y/n) smells like. I thought to myself as I walked.
"Jacob, the girl's are here somewhere. Jared saw their truck over by the cliff's entrance." Sam's voice rang through my head, using our telepathy link.
"What?! They're supposed to be at home! We lost Victoria, we have to find them now!" I shouted in anger and began to run through the forest following her scent. Praying to god, Victoria hadn't found them.
I watched from afar as two figure's screamed their way into the hurricane like water's below. I sighed in relief, but only for a moment.
What they hell were they thinking? The weather was not good for cliff jumping today. I pushed my legs quickly and made it to the beach. I shifted behind some tree's and put on my short's I had tied around my leg and ran towards the water.
"Jacob! Have you found them yet?" Sam asked, running towards me. I looked out into the water for any sign of them.
"They jumped, Sam. They went cliff diving!" I shouted angrily, my eye's never leaving the water.
I finally saw two small heads appear in the distance only to be pushed immediately back under the water. My eye's widened and I looked at Sam. He nodded and we both jumped into the frigid water. I pushed through the water with everything I had. I couldn't let her die, I need her. That's when I saw (y/n)'s familiar floating body in the water. I grabbed ahold of her arm and pulled her with me, pushing us to the surface to try and get some sort of air back into her lung's. I made it to the beach and carried her in my arm's, laying her on the sand. I looked over her beautiful figure for a moment, noticing she wasn't breathing, paler, and her lips were nearly blue.
"Oh, god. Please don't be dead. (Y/n), wake up." I put my head to her chest and didn't hear anything. I put my hands on her chest and began to do CPR.
"Breathe, (Y/n)." I put my warm lips to her freezing cold mouth and blew air into her lungs. "Breathe. Come on, (Y/n). You can't leave me yet. Breathe. Come back to me." I breathed air into her lung's again and she began to cough up some water.
"Thank god, (Y/n)! Can you hear me?"
I thought I had died. That's certainly what it felt like. Everything was cold, but then I saw his face again. Emmett. He held me tightly and yet it felt like nothing was there. I opened my eyes and it was still dark. Yet, I could hear someone, someone was calling my name.
"Oh, god. Please don't be dead. (Y/n) wake up." The voice was distant sounding. Worry laced every word.
Pounding on my chest. That what I felt next. Then intense warmth.
"Breathe, (Y/n)." Pounding, then warmth. "Breathe. Come on, (Y/n). You can't leave me yet. Breathe. Come back to me." The voice urged desperately calling out for me. I desperately wanted to respond. I felt ice carry up my throat and out my mouth. My eyes fluttered as I tried desperately to open them.
"Thank god, (Y/n)! Can you hear me?" Jacob's face was laced with worry and concern. He looked over me and I felt his warm hand touch my cheek.
"Jacob?" I managed to choke out. I sounded like I had been a chain smoker for the last 30 years. He took a visible breath and laid his forehead to my chest.
"God, I thought I lost you. You're freezing. Come here." He sat me up and lifted me carefully into his physically hot arm's. I shivered and snuggled closer into the warmth of him.
"Where's B-Bella?" I coughed out through the searing stinging that covered my throat and wind pipes.
"Sam's got her. She's okay." He brushed my hair out of my face and his relieved face, turned into one of anger. "What the hell were you thinking? Next time you want to do something stupid at least wait for me. I won't be able to concentrate thinking you're jumping off cliffs behind my back."
"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered. His face softened again and he placed his warm cheek on top of my hair.
"I really thought I lost you there for a minute." He whispered.
"I'm n-not g-going anywhere." I whispered back.
"Jacob! Get her home! I'm going to help out over at Harry's place. Bella's waiting in the truck." Sam yelled out across the beach.
"Harry? What happened at H-Harry's?" I looked up and asked him.
"Harry Clearwater had a heart attack."
"Oh, god? Does my Dad know??" I asked frantically trying to stand up. Jake helped me to my feet my held an arm under my own and we walked towards the truck.
"Yes. Charlie and my Dad are over at his place with his family... He's gone, (Y/n)." Jacob said sadly.
I held tightly to him as we walked.
Dad, just seemed to be losing the people closest to him left and right. Here Bella and I were jumping off cliffs, putting ourselves in danger. I scoffed at myself. I looked up and saw the truck with Bella sitting on the seat with the door open a towel wrapped around her. Joined by Embry who was holding her to keep her extra warm.
"Bella?" I called out as we got closer. She looked up and saw me. She grabbed a towel and ran over to me. Wrapping it around, hugging me tightly in the process.
"I'm so glad you're okay." She breathed.
"Me too, I'm glad you're alright. Next time let's make sure we have back up." I grinned at her. As scary as it was, I had to admit. It was fun.
"I agree." She laughed.
My face dropped.
"Did you hear about Harry?" I asked quietly.
"Let's get you girl's home okay?" Embry said softly. "Bella can ride with me."
"Okay." She agreed. "See you at home."
I nodded at her. They climbed into a small black car that sat behind the truck.
Jacob and I climbed into my truck. He drove us toward's home and turned the heater on to help since I was still shivering. Even after a few minutes, I was cupping my hands, trying to blow warm air into them.
"Hundred and eight degrees over here." He chuckled. I shook my head and scooted closer to him.
"Smooth." I tried to laugh lightly so it didn't hurt to much. He wrapped an arm around my back and kept the other on the steering wheel. I snuggled into him. "Must be nice never getting cold." I joked.
"It's a wolf thing." He shrugged slightly.
"Nah, it's a Jacob thing. You're just warm. Like a personal sun. Bright and warm on those cloudy dark days." I explained and he chuckled, placing a kiss on my head. He squeezed me a bit with his arm that was wrapped around me.
"Is this better? Now that you know about me, I mean?" He asked after a minute.
"It's nice to have you back if that's what you mean."
"When a wolf first shifts, it takes training and restraint. That's why, Sam ordered that I had to push you away. It wasn't for forever. Just until I could control myself. Anger, like what you saw with Paul, is all it takes to shift in a split second. It was for your own safety." He explained.
"I don't need to be protected, Jacob. I only needed you. I'll always need you." I told him softly.
"You saw what happened to Emily. Sam got angry. Lost it for a split second, Em, was standing to close. He'll never be able to take that back. What if I got mad at you?" He looked over at me briefly, with a pained expression.
"Jake..." I scooted just a little bit away just so I could look up at his face.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm just going to disappear." He looked to me worriedly.
"Not that you need me to tell you this. But, you are not going to lose yourself. I wouldn't let that happen. You're still Jacob. My best friend since we were in diapers. My Jacob."
"How?" He asked.
"I will tell you all the time." I smiled at him and he smiled softly back. We pulled into the driveway and I hugged him tightly when the truck stopped. "Thank you for everything."
Jacob hugged me back just as tightly, nuzzling his face and nose along the top of my forehead. We hopped out of the truck. Bella hopped out of Embry's car and he drove immediately back to La Push. The three of us began to walk towards the house. Jacob's body suddenly went stiff and he put his hand's in front of us.
"Wait!" He dragged us back over towards the truck.
"What? What is it?" I ask frightened.
"Vampire." He said coldly.
"What?" Bella whisper shouted. "How do you know?"
"I can smell it. I'm getting you both out of here." He opened the driver's side door to the truck and began to push us in towards the cab of the truck.
I stopped my hand's on the door seeing a familiar looking vehicle parked just across the street.
"Bella, it's Carlisle's car." I said with a gasp. She froze and looked in the direction I was. She gasped softly too.
"They're here." She said frantically. Bella pushed around us and headed straight for the house.
"Wait it's a trick. Stop! You've got to come with me!" Jacob grabbed both of our arm's as we reached halfway to the house.
"They won't hurt us." I tried to assure him and I peeled his finger's from off my arm.
"If a Cullen is back here, this is their territory. Treaty say's we can only defend on our own lands. I can't protect you here." His eyes and voice pleaded for me not to go.
"It's okay you don't have to." Bella said, inching her way backward's.
"Jacob, they won't hurt us. You don't need to protect us from them."
I just needed him to understand.
"You're about to cross a line." He said angrily.
"Then don't draw one!" I told him angrily back.
Bella and I ran into the house as fast as our feet would carry us.
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Ingar – former Kongr of Ilvana and Lyssia’s grandfather Scyftan River – the unofficial divide between eastern and western Ilvana Listorian (the five-pointed flower) Andev - Kongr of Listoria Igone (of the green thumb) - Andev's wife, Drottingr of Listoria Thisska - Listorian Drakun, bonded to Igone Linea - Drottine of Listoria, Murel's twin, heir, present day 20YO Murel - Drottine of Listoria, Linea's twin, heir, present day 20YO Ansev - Kongre of Listoria, twin's younger brother Sundric - Kongre of Listoria, twin's younger brother Giall - Jarl that travels to Ilvana with royal party Dunival (the spinning dustdevil) Magnor - recently crowned Kongr of Dunival, present day 25YO Tirne - Kongre-Slad of Dunival, younger son of Rijek, present day 22YO V???? - Magnor’s self-proclaimed “second”…another name Lyssia can’t seem to learn! Deceased Erina - Lyssia's mother, deceased Rijek – former Kongr of Dunival, deceased Anitra – former Drottingr of Dunival, Magnor and Tirne’s mother, deceased The Five Kongdomren - Ilvana, Dunival, Listoria, Sinnet, Nukrevn Aonta...Definition and Cast to be discovered DEFINITIONS Kongr/Kongre - King/Prince Drottingr/Drottine - Queen/Princess Kongdomr (Kongdomren) - Kingdom (Kingdoms) Jarl/Karl - landowner/non-landowner, may be beholden one particular Jarl Lach – healer Fyr/Slad - heir/none Middig/Dreg - master/apprentice Skald - historian and musician Drengr – champion Drakuns - Dragons, the Ancient Ones Bjurn – bear Elke(Elken) – gigantic, majestic elk, native to Ilvana Ban-maudr – “executioner thorns”, found in the eastern forest, very painful and hard to remove Yute - Thanks yearly celebration between cold and growing seasons Urd/Eda/Aon(-Yute) - past/present/future, two weeks each Lay - Ilvanian historical songs Laikari - Listorian historical plays Ridineig - fast-paced dancing tune Drigneig – type of song, a dirge, “opposite” of ridineig Lur - long trumpet like instrument Bowed lyra – larger version of hand lyra, played with a bowed stick Jorki – similar to a pan flute, jokingly called “child’s flute” Drakuns - Dragons, the Ancient Ones Diyana - songbird Wulv – wolf, native to Dunival Wulvken – umm…we’re still not sure Volvstot/wulvstot – “witchbrew/wolfbrew”, dark beer that Magnor brings from Dunival Fovk - fox Vas Morginnen - Good Morning Vas Heill - Good Health Vas Daginnen – Good Day Adhuil - prosperous, prosperity Ami - genderless term of endearment Dunga - insulting way of saying someone is stupid Saedas - sweetness, another way of saying happinessSaedhirte- sweetheart Hviss - an (improper) oath Slegrl – sly Standa – stop An-rivic – be still! Brudpar – “bridal pair”, bride and groom Dubkir – famous Ilvanian horses, half-wild and bred for the hunt * * * * * * * * * * Playlists: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcaiTcdQkK6nXrjYq29srJ7GMsebdd-Sp https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcaiTcdQkK6msFQiYhbaYhZ0VqFJ0mROi Lyssia character portrait by @soretoothproductions!
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