《Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x Reader》Pack Secret
Later that night I sat in my room on my bed. Bella had fallen asleep about an hour ago. Dad was at the station. I couldn't sleep because of worrying about everything. My safety, Bella's, my Dad's. I jumped out of my thoughts at a clinking sound on my window. Given the threat of Victoria, I probably shouldn't have, but I got up and slowly walked to my window. There was a few more soft clink's. Someone was throwing rocks at my window.
"(Y/n)!" A familiar voice called out. I made it fully to the window and looked down to see Jacob Black standing on the ground below. I sighed in relief at the sight of him and opened up the window.
"Jesus. You scared me. What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper yelled at him.
"Back up, I'm coming up." He said and ran towards the house. He parkoured his way up the side of the house, to the tree and gracefully came in through my window. I scoffed at him and crossed my arm's, trying not to be impressed.
"Hey." He looked at me and I furrowed my brows at him not responding. He stepped towards me. "Look, I'm sorry."
"For what? Tearing my heart out, using almost the same exact word's he did?" I scoffed again and sat down on my bed, arm's still crossed angrily.
"I'm sorry about that. I wish I could explain. But I literally... can't." He stepped a bit closer. I watched him look and notice the dream catcher he gave me for my birthday hanging on my headboard. A small smile and sigh escaped his mouth. "Have you ever had a secret you couldn't tell anyone? One that wasn't yours to share?" We looked at each other knowingly and he took a seat next to me. Moving some of my hair behind my ear. "Well, that's what it's like for me. But worse. You have no idea how tight I'm bound."
"I hate this." I mumbled. I made the decision to grab his hand, and he held mine in return. I leaned into his warm chest. "I hate whatever they've done to you." I leaned back and looked up at his face. He held my left hand and looked at our finger's.
The smile was immediately replaced with a frown. I quickly noticed why as the crescent moon scar on my wrist shined brightly on my skin. I covered it and pulled my hand away. His face contorted to an angry expression and he stood back up on his feet.
"I mean, the killer part is you already know." He huffed angrily. Jacob looked at me and reached out a hand, his face softening slightly again. I took his hand and he pulled me up. "(Y/n), do you remember when we walked on the beach at La Push, last year? The st—..." He couldn't finish his sentence but I knew exactly what he was referring too.
"The story you told me. The story about... the cold one's." I looked into his eye's and he nodded sadly.
"I guess, I understand why that's the only part you remember." He spoke sadly while letting go of my hand and walking around me. He went to my dresser, his fingers ran across a photo frame that had a picture of me, Bella and Dad all together. Then he picked up the one next to it which had a picture of the two of us goofing around only a few weeks ago.
"There has to be something that you can do." I said trying to understand whatever he's going through and trying to say.
"No. I'm in it for life." He turned to look at me.
"Maybe... Maybe we should just get out of here. We'll just leave. You and me." I suggested. It was hurting me to see him so pained.
"You'd do that? For me?" He looked a bit stunned. I stepped closer and grabbed his hand's again.
"I would. Of course I would. You... you mean a lot to me." I told him softly. He quickly hugged me and pulled away looking at my face.
"It's not something I can just run away from, (y/n/n). But I would run away with you. IF I could." He shook his head. Jacob let out a sigh. "I've got to go. They'll start wondering where I am." We looked at each other and he pulled me in for a tighter hug. I rubbed my hand's up and down his bare back. "Please. Try to remember." He whispered putting his face in the crook of my neck. I could feel the heat of his breath. "It'd be so much easier if you knew." He pulled away and planted his lips on my forehead closing his eyes tightly.
He pulled away and headed for the window.
"I'll try." I replied quietly. Jake put a foot out the window. "Jake, what are you doing? Wait, Jacob." I pleaded terrified he'd get hurt. He jumped straight out the window with no problem's landing with the smallest thud of his feet hitting the ground. I stood with my head out the window looking at him in shock. He looked back at me with a grin and ran off into the woods.
I went to sleep that night and had a crazy dream. Seeing Emmett's face for the first time in month's. Watching him leave me again, me chasing Bella through the woods. Waiting forever in the freezing darkness for someone to find us. The large pair of glowing eyes reminded me of the wolves we saw in the woods. Jake's voice ringing through the dream, retelling and telling the story over and over again.
"Did you know that Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves?"
That's not possible... Is it? I woke up in a cold sweat the next morning. Jumping out of bed taking a shower, getting ready for the day.
"Hey, whoa. What's the rush?" Bella asked as I came barreling down the stairs. "Where are you going?" She asked alarmed as I made my way to the door.
"Jake, came to see me last night. I.. I think I know what his problem is but I have to go see him. Now." I quickly explained to her and started up my bike.
"Wait, wait. I'll come with you!" She called out the front door.
"Just meet me there!" I shouted as I rev'd the engine of the bike. I could see her run back inside to get the truck key's.
I went speeding down the road. Heading straight for La Push. I skidded the bike into Jacob's drive way and jumped off, letting the bike fall to the ground. I ran up to the door and knocked, hoping he'd answer the door. Instead I saw a concerned looking Billy Black wheel his way over and open the door.
"I need to see him." I said. Billy looked at me and awkwardly shuffled in his chair.
"He's not in." I took a deep breath and looked at Billy, not believing his answer.
"I'm sorry." I walked past him into the house. "I really need to see him."
"(Y/n)!" He called out worriedly, as I made my way though the house to Jacob's door. I opened it and a smile crept up the corner of my mouth.
Jacob Black, sleeping on his bed, curled up with an arm hanging off the side. I shook my head and as I looked up from his sleeping figure, I saw out his window. 4 figure's emerging from the wood's. I made the decision to confront them.
"What did you do?" I stalked up to them. "What did you do to him!" I shouted angrily pointing a finger at Sam.
"(Y/n)." Embry said softly, keeping calm. The other's surrounded us quickly.
"Easy." Sam snarled at them.
"He didn't want this." I shouted. I heard the rumble from the truck pulling into the driveway.
"What did we do? What did he do, hmm? What'd he tell you?" Paul got into my face and Sam grabbed his shoulder pulling him back.
"Both of you calm down." Sam snarled again, looking between us this time.
"He's my best friend, Paul. He hasn't told me anything! He won't talk to me because he's afraid to. Because he's afraid of you guy's."
Embry, Jared, and Paul laughed.
"(Y/n)!" Bella's voice rang out behind me near the house.
My anger got the best of me at there laughing and Paul being the closest. I smacked him in the face. Paul began to shake and snarl angrily. Sam looked to me worriedly.
"Too late now." Jared smirked.
"Bella, stay up there! (Y/n) get back!" Sam commanded. I began to walk backward's stumbling a few step's. "Paul! Calm down." Sam commanded in a authoritative tone.
Paul continued to growl louder. He quickly bent down and in a swift motion and the sickening sound of snapping bones. I watched with my very own eyes as Paul shifted into a large overgrown gray wolf. I stumbled to the ground and stared, in a mixture of awe and horror. I felt arm's on my shoulder's as Bella bent down to grab me, also watching in utter shock. She grabbed under my arm's and yanked me back onto my feet.
"(Y/n)!" Jacob shouted running out of the house and effortlessly jumping over the porch railing. Bella and I began to run towards him.
"RUN!" Bella shouted at him.
Jacob ran towards us and jumped into the air changing form, landing on the other side of us. He stood protectively snarling and growling loudly. Bella and I stood wide eyed gripping each other behind him. That's why the large russet wolf the other day seemed so familiar. It's Jacob.
Paul and Jacob snarled at one another, before Jacob lurched forward and they begin to attack each other.
"Jacob!" I shouted in fear. Bella held my arm's so, I didn't run towards them.
Their snarls filled the air, and each time their large bodies smashed into the ground it felt like an earthquake beneath our feet.
"Hey. Take the girl's back to Emily's place." Sam ordered the other boy's. He walked into the forest behind Billy's and disappeared, following Jacob and Paul.
"Guess the wolf's out of the bag." Embry said walking forward towards us.
Embry and I hopped onto my bike. Jared and Bella got into the truck. He drove me to a house deep in the woods of La Push. Once we entered the driveway both guy's yipped happily towards the house. I climbed off my bike following after Embry.
"I think we should go back and find out if Jacob's okay." Bella said worriedly.
"I hope Paul sinks some teeth into him. Serves him right." Jared scoffed.
"No way, Jacob's a natural. You see him phase on the fly?" Embry laughed in awe. "I've got five that says Paul doesn't touch him."
Bella and I both stood there awkwardly.
"Come on in, (Y/n). Bella. We won't bite." Embry joked.
"Speak for yourself." Jared looked us both up and down uncomfortably.
"Did you know?" Bella whispered.
"I had a very small hunch..." I whispered back.
"Oh, by the way. About Emily, Sam's fiancé. Don't stare. It bug's Sam." Embry said as we got closer to the house.
"Why would we stare?" I questioned him.
We walked inside to see a cute little house. Jared and Embry happily making themselves at home.
"You guys hungry? Like I have to ask." The woman in the room laughed. Taller than Bella and I, she was a pretty woman with dark hair, kind eyes, and a big scar across her face turned to look at us. "Who's this?" Emily asked with a confused, polite smile.
"(Y/n) and Bella Swan. Who else?" Jared snickered.
"Ahh, so... you're the vampire girl's." Emily smiled at us.
"So, you're... the wolf girl." I greeted her back. We both chuckled.
"Yeah, I guess so. Well I'm engaged to one." She smiled brightly at me and placed a plate of muffin's down on the table in front of where Jared and Embry sat down. Jared reached for one and Emily smacked his hand. "Save some for your brother's. And ladies first. Muffin?" She asked us. We both nodded and grabbed one.
"Thank you. I'm (Y/n) by the way, she's Bella."
"Emily. It's nice to finally put a face to the name. Jacob talk's a lot about you." She smiled. "But, leave it to Jacob to find a way around Sam's gag order." She chuckled with a shake of her head.
"Uh, actually. He didn't say anything to me. And Bella was just there at the wrong time." I defended him.
"It a wolf thing. Alpha's orders get obeyed whether we want em' to or not. Oh and check it out. We can hear each other's thought's." Embry wiggled his eyebrow's at me as I sat next to him.
"Would you shut up? These are trade secret's. Damn it! These chick's run with vampire's." Jared scolded him.
"You can't really run with Vampires. 'Cause their fast." Bella said matter of factly and leaned against the wall.
Emily and I laughed at her comment.
"Yeah, well, we're faster. Freaked out yet?" Jared taunted.
"You're not the first supernatural thing we've met." I pointed out.
"Jake's right. You're good with weird." Sam walked in the door way and made his way over to Emily. He pressed his lips against her passionately and then showered her with kisses all over her face, specially on her scar.
I looked down and twiddled my thumb's. They all seemed really nice, so far. Really happy. I missed that feeling with Emmett. I heard more shuffling feet enter the house and I turned to look and saw Jacob and Paul.
"Sorry, (Y/n)." Paul smirked at me as he took a seat. I just nodded back.
"(Y/n)." I looked over at Jacob as he called out for me. He gestured for me to follow him outside.
"Bella, will you be okay for a minute?" I asked as I stood up.
"Yeah. Go." She nodded and took my seat.
We walked through the wood's silently and back out onto the beach.
"So, you're a werewolf." I stated as we walked side by side.
"Yeah. Last time I checked." He paused for a minute. "A few lucky members of the tribe have the gene. If a bloodsucker moves into town, then the fever sets in."
"Mono?" I teased with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah, I wish." Jake said solemnly.
"Well, can't you find a way to you know... not be? It's wrong."
I didn't enjoy knowing that they've been hunting and killing people. Actual people.
"It's not a lifestyle choice, (Y/n)." He stopped in front of me and furrowed his brows. "I was born this way, I can't help it. You're such a hypocrite. What, I'm not the right kind of monster for you?" Jake looked at me sourly.
"It's not what you are. Jacob, it's what you do. They never hurt anybody. You've killed people, Jake." I pointed out and tossed my hand's into my pockets.
"(Y/n)." He looked at me slightly amused now with understanding. "We're not killing anyone." He stepped closer and looked at me.
"Then who is?" I tilted my head confused.
"What we're trying to protect you people from. The only thing we do kill... Vampires." He studied my face looking for what my reaction might be. I furrowed my brow's now.
"You can't kill..." I began.
"Don't worry, we can't touch your precious little Cullen's unless they violate the treaty." He cut me off with a bitter tone.
"While I appreciate that comforting fact. That's not what I was going to say. You can't kill vampire's." I told him as though it were obvious. Jacob scoffed.
"Really? We took out that leech with the dreads easy enough. By the way, what in the hell were you two doing so far out in the woods?" He looked at me concerned.
"It was a special spot for Bella and Edward." I waved him off. "But Laurent? He's dead?"
"Yep. His red-headed girlfriend is next." He stated. "(Y/n/n)?"
I swore I probably could have passed out at that statement. I stood dazed and in shock wavering slightly, before finally noticing Jacob's hand waving in my face.
"Vi-Victoria's here?" I squeaked. Jacob looked at me even more concerned. He wrapped an arm around my back, keeping me steady just in case.
"Was. We chased her all the way to the Canadian border the other night. But she keep's coming back. We have no idea what she's after." Jake explained.
I shoved away from him and begin walking around in circles running my hands threw my hair. Grabbing my locket and rubbing it in between my finger's. He looked at me worriedly and confused. I took a deep breath after a minute and looked at Jacob with a serious face.
"I do. Me. Me and Bella." Jacob's face dropped at my words. He grabbed my hand and we ran all the way back to Sam's house. Well, more like he pulled me back and I tried to keep up with him...
Jacob walked inside first as if he had only walked all the way there, into the room filled with laughter.
"Sam. We have to talk." Jacob stated seriously.
I walked in behind him with my hand's on my knees and put a finger up trying to catch my depleted breath. Bella walked up beside me and looked at me worriedly.
"What's going on, (Y/n/n)?"
"Victoria." Was all I could breathe out. Bella stiffened quickly. After I caught my breath I began to speak. Every one had their full attention on me. "Victoria, Bella. She's been here. Jacob told me so. She keep's coming back and I know exactly what she's here for."
"Us." Bella gasped and looked around the room. The men in the room all had their face's changed to extreme seriousness.
"Pack meeting. NOW." Sam ordered and all the guy's huddled together in the kitchen to make a plan. Emily kept us company in the living room.
The pack ordered a protection detail on us and Charlie. They weren't happy to know we were the target's she'd been after, but they were happy to finally know why she kept coming back. That night Jacob rode with me on my bike and Bella drove home.
"It's probably safer for now that you don't ride out in the open on the bike." Jake said as we climbed off the bike in my driveway. Bella climbed out of the truck.
"Well, now that I know Victoria's around. Trust me, I won't unless I absolutely have too." I assured him.
"Don't worry. We've got this place covered. She won't get near you, Bella or Charlie." Jake tossed his arm around my shoulder and kissed the side of my head.
"Look, you've got to be careful. She's fast. You don't know how fast she is." Bella warned as she walked over to us.
"You know, your lack of confidence in us is a little insulting." Jacob laughed. Bella scoffed. "All right well I better go."
"Just stay safe." Bella called back as she walked into the house. Jacob and I looked at each other.
"Are you sure you can't just stay?" I asked him with a worried smile.
"I got a vampire to kill." He smirked at me and ran off towards the road, disappearing into the darkness.
"Do you think maybe, we should call them?" I asked quietly coming into Bella's room to say goodnight.
"As much as I want to... They won't answer. I've tried calling Alice before and her number's disconnected. The email's are alway's still unavailable to send. We have no idea how to get ahold of them."
"Okay...Well, goodnight Bells. I love you."
"I love you too, (Y/n/n). Good night."
I laid in bed for a while that night. I hadn't tried to get ahold of them as religiously as Bella had. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk to any of them, except maybe Emmett... But it was absolutely the fear of rejection, like Bella got that kept me from it. It weighed heavily against my mind as I tossed and turned in my bed. I knew for sure I couldn't call. I didn't know what I'd do if they did or didn't answer. But nobody said, I couldn't send a text. So I texted the one person I thought would care the most if something happened to me. But it certainly wasn't who you would have thought. I pulled up their contact information.
Me: Victoria's back.
I typed it out and clicked send.
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