《Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x Reader》The Hospital and Prom
Carlisle convinced me to suck the venom out. As soon as my mouth touched her wrist, it's the sweetest sensation I've ever tasted in my entire life. Slowly I could see her body start to calm down. Eventually she laid still and her perfect (Y/e/c) eye's closed.
"Emmett, you've got to stop. You're killing her. Find the will son." Carlisle put a hand on my shoulder. I looked down at my girl. I'm her knight in shining armor. I can't kill her. I have to pull away. I chanted to myself.
After a few seconds of internal struggle. I managed to release my grip on her skin. God, her perfectly pale skin. It's littered with bruises and cuts. I could sense people around me speaking, but I couldn't bring myself to focus on anyone else but her. I scooped her up in my arms gently, avoiding moving her shattered arm to much. I carried her into the car and we speed off toward's the hospital with the okay of Carlisle. Bella and myself in the back seat. Cradling her fragile body.
"She's going to be okay. Emmett." I felt Edwards's eyes on me. I looked over at him and saw him smiling softly at me through the rear view. "You saved her life."
I thought about those words over and over in my head as we drove to the hospital. Did I? I wasn't even there for her. I promised myself I'd always be there to save her. This time was just to close of a call. Sure I could have been selfish and just let her change. I'd never have to worry about her getting hurt ever again. But it wasn't what she wanted. She told me she didn't think being a vampire was for her. She told me several time's, she liked being human. Maybe one day we could talk about it again, but for now she liked being Human. I like Humany, (Y/n). No, no, I love Humany, (Y/n) and I can't live without her. I don't think I could ever bring myself to leave her side again.
I reassured myself over and over that I made the right decision. As I sat in room 213 at her beside, holding her delicate, fragile, non-broken hand. Of course, we had to come up with some bullshit story to tell the doctor's. Bella agreed to say they got into a fight over leaving Forks. (Y/n) tried to convince her to go back. They ended up arguing on a set of stairs at a motel and accidently crashed down the stairs and that's how they both got their injuries.
Bella and Edward, of course, called Renee and Charlie. They were due to meet us here today. A brunette woman who resembled (Y/n) a bit, ran panicked into the room. She looked at the bed with (Y/n), in it. Her familiar (Y/e/c) eye's gave off the look of devastation. Her eyes met mine and I prepared for the worst. For not protecting her good enough, to be told I wasn't good enough for her daughter.
"Hi, You must be Renee... (Y/n)'s Mom. I'm..." Before I could even finish, Renee engulfed me in a hug.
"Emmett, yes. God, it's so nice to meet you. Despite's the circumstances of course. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you." She said with tears flowing from her eyes.
"Sorry, for what?" I asked her a bit confused as she pulled away.
"For loving and caring for my daughter. She has spoken so highly of you. Thank you for always coming to her rescue. Thank you for being here for her through this. For not leaving her side." She patted my cheek lovingly. "I'm here now. I can take over. You go for a walk, get some rest, eat. Whatever you need. You've done so much for her already."
"Oh... Actually. If it's all right with you Mrs. Swan..."
"Please call me, Renee." She smiled brightly after interrupting me.
"Renee, then. If it's all right with you. I'd like to stay with her. I won't get in the way or anything I promise. I'll just sit on the couch and rest my eyes over there." She glanced at me with curiosity, before a smile came to her face once again. Her smile reminded me of (Y/n).
"Okay. Just promise me, if you need a break or anything, you let me know." I nodded at her and took a seat on the couch.
Renee took my previous seat next to the bed and held her daughters hand. She began to cry again, so I grabbed her a box of tissues which she thanked me for. She talked to her, unconscious daughter about load's of different things. Charlie was the next one in the room too see (Y/n). He thanked me too for being here with her and not leaving her side. Pride welled up inside of me at the happy thought that they liked me and didn't hate me. But I guess that's because they don't know the whole truth. It was my fault she was in this situation in the first place. I never should have left her to go alone.
28 hours 42 minutes. That's how long it took for (Y/n) to wake up.
I could see nothing but blackness for what felt like an eternity. I could feel all my senses coming back to me. I could feel my toes. Well that's good. I could feel my fingers. That's even better. At least some of my fingers anyways. Why the heck am I in pain? I attempted to search my brain for memories of whatever happened. Nothing. I felt sound vibrate from my mouth. I could feel my eye lids trying to flutter open.
"(Y/n)?" I heard an all too familiar voice call me softly.
I managed to open my eyes and groan again at the bright lights. I tried to move my arm to cover my eyes and I couldn't. As my vision came back to me I saw two figures at my bedside. Am I in a hospital bed? A very sweet looking brunette sat next to me holding my hand. The other brunette figure's head laid on my beside, her body in a wheel chair with her leg laid up in a cast elevated, and she was asleep. I could feel a tube around my face and in my nose. Oxygen. I looked down to see my entire right arm in a giant white cast.
"Baby?" The voice said softly again as my focus came back to me. I turned my attention to see my Mother's smiling face.
"Mom?" I managed to speak but it came out like a whisper.
"Hi, baby girl." She smiled and I could see tears start to form in her eyes. She nudged the lump next to me softly.
"Huh?" Bella sat up groggily, until our eyes met. She smiled happily at me and flung herself onto my stomach. I groaned in slightly pain, but I managed to get out a chuckle.
"Hi, Bells." I said softly, still not quite having a voice. My eyes widened as I remembered hearing Emmett, before I passed out. "Where is he?" I asked frantically. I tried to sit-up but Bella pushed me back down gently. Her hand went to my cast and held it there steady.
"It's okay. He's here." She said gesturing her head behind her. I saw a bulky, figure laying on the couch, in a large blue sweatshirt that appeared to be sleeping. I sighed in relief and nodded at her.
"He's asleep. He never leaves." Mom chuckled. "Your Dad's here too. He's down in the cafeteria. Finally managed to convince him to get himself something to eat and a coffee."
"What happened? How long have I been out for?" I asked and Bella gave me a funny look. Mom looked at me with a sympathetic glance.
"You don't remember?" Mom questioned. I shook my head no. "Well when you fell you shattered your arm. You lost a lot of blood." She looked me over as if she was searching for answers. "You really don't remember any of this do you?" I shook my head again. "Maybe your sister should explain it you."
"I'm so sorry, (Y/n). For everything. I should have listened to you. Remember, Edward and I fought. I decided I wanted to go home so I dragged you with me. We drove through the night and grabbed a hotel just outside of Phoenix. We got into an argument over the fact that we left Dad. You were starting to regret coming with me. Thing's escalated pretty quickly. We were in a stairwell and I tripped after arguing with you. You tried to grab me, but you fell too. We fell down two flight's of stairs. You went through a window..." She pretended to get choked up. Mom held her shoulder.
As Bella spoke I got flashes of images, from what really happened. At least what I could make out of it anyways.
"Sounds like us." I chuckled lightly.
"I'm so sorry you both went through that. That's when Emmett and Edward found you guys along with their father. They had come to try to convince Bella too come home also. That's when they rushed you here." Mom's phone vibrated as she finished speaking. She opened it up and began to text. "It's Phil. He's so worried about both of you."
"Oh my god. Are you texting?" I asked her surprised.
"Finally, yeah." She laughed. "I told him to stay down in Florida. Oh, girls you are going to love Jacksonville. It's sunny everyday, and we found the cutest little house, and you'd each have your own bathroom." She started to list off thing's. Both Bella and I looked at her surprised.
"Mom, I still want to live in Forks." Bella looked at her quizzically.
"What?" Mom asked confused.
"I want to live in Forks." She repeated.
"Me too." I agreed with her.
"Well, okay... We can talk more about it later." Mom said unsure. Probably not wanting to argue with us right now.
"Mom, do you think you can go find Dad?" I asked trying to change the subject and have her leave the room.
"Okay, baby. I'll go get him." She leaned up and placed a kiss on my forehead. She got up and walked out of the room. The second the door closed Emmett was next to my bedside, holding my hand.
"Hi, princess. How do you feel?" He asked.
"Like I got ran over by a truck." I chuckled quietly, but quickly stopped because it still hurt a bit. "What happened? Really?" I glance between my boyfriend and my sister.
"We took care of it. James is gone. The woman Victoria, she ran off." Emmett said carefully.
"You saved me. Again. We really need to stop making this a habit." I gave him a pointed look.
"Well, you're right about one thing. We definitely have to stop making this a habit." He chuckled quietly before his face drooped in sadness.
"She's right Emmett. Without you she wouldn't be here." Bella said to him with a soft smile. She turned to me. "James bit you. You were transitioning, but Emmett stopped it. He had to suck the venom from your blood."
"You did?" He nodded softly. I reached my good hand out for his. "Why didn't you let me turn?" I asked out of curiosity.
"Because, you said it wasn't something you wanted. I couldn't take that from you. Not when I had the chance to stop it and to save you." He explained. I smirked at him and he stopped talking after hearing what his own word's had said.
"See? I could tell you were doubting yourself. You did save me, Emmett Cullen. Just like you've always promised."
"I'll leave you two alone for a minute." Bella smiled looking between us. She rolled herself away and into the hallway.
"I thought I wasn't going to be able to stop. You're blood was so sweet. I almost killed you because I didn't... I only stopped after I remembered and thought hard about our promise. To always come back to each other, and that I would save you and never hurt you." He leaned forward and placed his forehead to mine. We both took deep breathes in and exhaled.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you too." He began to chuckle and pull away. Taking a seat next to my bed and intertwining our fingers. "According to Bella you were pretty badass. Protecting her and stuff. You crushed your finger's and wrist by punching a vampire in the face." He let out a big smirk.
"Yeah, I guess I did." I looked down to my messed up hand and chuckled.
"I'm telling you. You would make a pretty badass vampire." He smiled and moved my hair away from my face.
"After everything that just happened. I'm really not sure I ever want to go through that again. The pain was intense, times like 1,000. But, Emmett? Promise me something, though." I looked at him with sad eyes.
"Anything." He gently squeezed my hand.
"Next time I'm basically on the brink of death. Promise me you'll change me. Only then would I let it happen. Or maybe one day, I'll ask. But that doesn't seem so likely right now." I chuckled lightly. He looked me over and nodded before kissing me slowly.
"I promise." He pulled away and gave me a smile.
I stayed in the hospital for another 3 day's in Phoenix. Then we headed back to Forks. 4 day's later it was Prom. Dad, rightfully grounded both of us for our behavior. Bella got it worse than I did, of course, but she accepted the punishment anyway. And even though we were grounded, Dad still allowed for us to go to Prom.
Alice had given me a beautiful, (Y/F/C) dress to wear that I was able to easily slip on over my arm. Emmett wore a dark blue suit with a matching (Y/F/C) tie. Edward even convinced Bella to go. She borrowed a dress from Alice too. A light blue dress, and of course fashionably equipped with a boot for her broken leg. Edward wore a black suit and matching tie.
We pulled into the Prom and parked. Emmett kissed my cheek before heading off to grab our tickets. He left me waiting on a bench near the woods. Bella and Edward were going to be meeting us here.
"(Y/n)?" I heard a familiar cheery voice call out from behind me.
"Jacob?" I looked at him happily. "Hi."
Jake looked me over with a concerned look.
"Nice." He gestured to my giant arm cast.
"Thanks." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Are you crashing the Prom or something? Got a hot date?" I asked curiously.
"No... uh," He scratched the back of his neck before getting closer. He took a seat next to me. "Dad, paid me to come talk to you."
"He had to pay you?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Not cause I didn't want to see you or anything. I did. I do. I mean..." He paused and thought for a moment. "I just didn't want to relay the message he gave me. But here I am I guess."
"I hope he made your suffering worth it." I snickered and shook my head slightly.
"Twenty bucks." He beamed with a smile.
"Jake..." I playfully shoved his shoulder with my good hand. "Alright, let's hear this twenty dollar message from the great, Billy Black."
"Just don't get mad, kay? His message. Not mine... He, uh, wants you to break up with your boyfriend. Bella too. It's just... he said and I quote. "We'll be watching you." He laughed after relaying the message.
"Wow, well. Tell Billy, thanks for me." I chuckled lightly.
"Jacob." Emmett sneered as he came back towards us. I stood up and he put a protective arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. "I've got her from here."
Emmett and Jacob glared at each other. Jacob looked at me after a minute.
"Guess, I'll see you around, (Y/n)." Jake said quietly.
"Bye, Jake." I replied softly as Emmett pulled me away.
"I leave you alone for two minutes and the wolves descend." Emmett laughed, his big hearty laugh. I shook my head and couldn't help but laugh a bit myself.
Bella and Edward walked up next to us.
"Hey, was that Jacob?" She questioned me.
"Oh, yeah, it was." I said. She glanced at me curiously.
"What did he want?"
"Nothing important. I'll tell you later." I smiled at her and she smiled back nodding her head.
Emmett and I walked together and got our picture taken under the couple's archway. We went inside and danced for a bit together and then he got me some punch to enjoy. We slow danced together under the stars, which was really romantic. I really didn't think I'd like going. But I'm glad Emmett asked and made me go to the prom.
I am completely in love with a vampire named Emmett Cullen.
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