《Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x Reader》James
"Hey, Mom. It's me again. You must have let your phone die or something. (Y/n) and I aren't in Forks, everything's okay, but I'll explain later." Bella left Mom another voicemail on her cell phone.
It took us a whole day to drive from Forks, Washington, to Phoenix, Arizona. Alice and Jasper got us a hotel room at a Marriott. It was pretty nice, but both Bella and I couldn't help but feel like half of us was missing. Being so far away from Emmett was excruciating. The fear of the unknown is what made it the most unbearable.
The second day in the hotel room, Alice and Jasper were sitting on the couch. Bella and I were playing checkers trying to keep ourselves busy. Alice let out a gasp and her eyes glazed over.
"What is it? What do you see?" Jasper asked her concerned. Bella and I, both got up and walked over to her quickly.
"The tracker, he just changed course."
"Where will it take him, Alice?" Jasper handed her a piece of paper and a pencil.
"Mirrors. A room full of mirrors." She began to draw, while we all watched curiously.
"Edward said the visions weren't always certain." Bella spoke up.
"She see's the course people are on while they're on it. If they change their minds, the vision changes." Jasper explained further to her.
"Okay, so the course the Tracker's on now is gonna lead him to a Ballet studio?" I asked curiously, looking at the drawing on the table that Alice had just finished. Alice's eyes returned to normal, she and Jasper looked at me wide eyed.
"You've been here?" Alice asked.
"We, uh, took lessons as kids. The school we went to had an archway just like that. Remember, Bells?"
"Yeah, I think she's right." She nodded.
"Was your school here in Phoenix?" Jasper asked urgently.
"Yeah." My phone suddenly rang in my pocket. I saw Emmett's name. "Emmett?! Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, babe. We've lost the tracker though. The woman's still in the area. Rosalie and Esme are going back to Forks to protect your Father. I'm coming to get you. You and I will go somewhere alone. The other's will keep hunting. I'll do whatever it takes to protect you. I made you and myself a promise and I intend to keep it."
I let out a sigh.
"Okay. I'll see you soon."
"See you soon."
I let the others know that Emmett and Edward were on their way. Alice and Jasper left the hotel room to go down to the main lobby to get us checked out while Bella and I packed our thing's.
"I don't want to split away from you." Bella spoke up to break the silence.
"I don't either. Are they sure it's safe to spilt us up? I mean stronger together, right?" I asked glancing at her.
"That's what I would have thought too..." She mumbled.
Bella's phone rang this time. The caller ID showed it was home calling, which meant Mom was in Phoenix and finally calling us back. Bella answered and put it on speaker phone.
"Hey, Mom, I'm glad you finally got my message. What are you doing home?" Bella asked into the phone.
"Bella, Bella, (Y/n)! Where are you?" She asked frantically.
"Calm down, everything's fine." I said softly.
"(Y/n), Bella." She sounded a little softer now.
"We'll explain everything later, Mom." Bella assured her. Then there was a rustling sound. "Mom are you there?"
"Forks High School doesn't protect it's students' privacy very well. It was just to easy for Victoria to find your previous address. It's a nice house you have here. I was prepared to wait for you, but Mommy came home after she received a very worried call from your Dad." James's voice came through the phone soft and yet threatening.
"What have you done to her, you spineless prick." I snarled grabbing the phone from Bella's hand.
"Wait, wait!" Mom's voice shouted from the other end.
"Don't touch her!" Bella and I shouted.
"You can still save her. But you're going to have to get away from your friends. Can you both handle that?" James's voice made it evident that he was smirking.
"Where should we meet you?" Bella grabbed the phone from my hand and asked him quickly. I glared at her and gave her a w-t-f face.
"How about your old ballet studio? And I'll know if you bring anyone other than yourselves along. Poor Mommy would pay the price for that mistake."
The phone call abruptly ended. Bella and I gave each other terrified facial expression's. Bella headed immediately for the door but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.
"Bells, what are you doing?" I looked at her confused.
"Going to rescue, Mom. He wants us. Not her." She said firmly.
"Bella, we can't just go alone. Neither of us could defeat him. We-we have to tell Alice and Jasper." I tried pleading with her.
"(Y/n). He already has Mom. You heard him. We bring anyone else and she'll die. We have to go and we have to go together. Don't you get that?" Angrily, she ripped her hand away from my grip.
"Of course, I do..." I said quietly. "I want to save Mom too..."
"Then lets go." She said simply and walked out the door.
I quickly wrote down on a piece of paper the address to the ballet studio on the drawing Alice had made. Hoping Alice and Jasper find it before it's too late. I just had a feeling about this and that it's not going to end well. Specially going in with no real plan against a skilled hunter vampire.
Bella and I managed to sneak out of the lobby and get a cab without being spotted by Alice and Jasper. Soon enough we made it to the Ballet studio. Both of us got out and quietly made our way inside. Mom's voice rang out through the air frantically crying out for us.
"Bella, Bella, (Y/n)! Where are you?"
"Mom?" Both of us said, frozen in our tracks.
"(Y/n), Bella."
"Mom!" We both ran towards the sound of her voice.
"There you are. What are you two doing in here?" She breathed as Bella and I entered the back room to the studio.
But I didn't see her anywhere. Bella and I walked towards a tv. Seeing two little girls, one (Y/H/C) and one brunette on the screen. Knees to chest, little pigtails and bright pink leotards.
"Everyone makes fun of me." Little Bella said sadly.
"I couldn't let her sit here alone." Little (Y/n) said throwing an arm over her sister's shoulder.
"Come on, you're a wonderful dancer." Mom looked sympathetically at Little Bella. "And you're a wonderful big sister." She smiles gratefully towards little (Y/n).
"Mom, (Y/n)... I suck." Bella said with attitude. It made me chuckle seeing this video.
But the sudden dark chuckle of someone else, came from behind us. We both turned around to see James looking at us with a tilted head and his creepy smile. The mirrors in the stupid room reflecting him everywhere. I placed an arm in front of Bella and stepped slightly in front of her.
"That's my favorite part. It appears you've always been the protective one haven't you?" James eyed me as he began to walk, circling us. "Both so stubborn too." He smirked and rushed forward, stroking my cheek.
"She's not even here, is she?" I snarled at him.
"No." He grabbed my throat and forced me into the wall behind us. Bella still semi-stuck behind me. "Sorry. You know, but you made it too easy." James whispered in my face. Bella and I both breathed heavily. "So, to make things more entertaining. I'm gonna make a little film of our time together." He roughly moved me again, putting me next to Bella. Both of us standing against the wall. "I borrowed this from your house. I hope you don't mind... Good." He showed us a tape recorder and backed up pointing it at us. I could see the blinking red light indicating it was recording.
"And... Action. Oh. Those looks will break Emmett and Edward's little hearts." He faked sympathy.
"Edward has nothing to do with this!" Bella shouted taking a step forward. James pushed her roughly back against the wall.
"But he does. Oh, his rage will make this for a more interesting sport, than his feeble attempt to protect you." He chuckled lightly. "And let's continue." He took a step back from her and pointed the camera again.
"You're going to be one, sorry asshole when they come for us." I said angrily.
I caught from the corner of my eye, Bella, holding onto her pepper spray, preparing to use it. I'm sure it won't have much effect but if there's a chance, we have to take it. James took a step towards me ready to speak again. When Bella leaned forward and sprayed him in the eyes. Both of us making a break for it around him. We heard him growl angrily. Only making it about halfway through the studio before he jumped in front of us.
James grabbed Bella and threw her across the room like she was nothing. She skid across the floor and smacked her head. He then grabbed me by my hair and dragged me over towards her.
"Beautiful. Very visually dynamic. I chose my stage very well." James said pleased at his handy work. Bella pulled her hand out from behind her head and I could see that she was bleeding. James grabbed her hand and snarled, smelling her blood. "It's too bad he didn't have the strength to turn you. Instead he kept you this little fragile human."
I took my chance when Bella pulled her hand away from him. I used all the force I could to punch him in the face... Futile effort of course, since he's got a stone hard body. I screeched in pain, as my fist was clearly now broken. However, it appeared as though I surprised him, because his grip on my head had let go.
I fell to the floor next to Bella. James angrily snarled once again. He grabbed my fist and twisted my entire arm with all his strength. A horrendous snapping sounded through the air and I screamed out in pain. Bella attempted to kick him, but he was to quick. His foot stomped on her leg, another loud crack rippling through the air. Bella screamed out in agony. James lifted the camera from the ground and pointed it at us again.
"Tell Edward and Emmett how much it hurts. Tell them to avenge you. Tell them!" James yelled through gritted teeth. enjoying the sick torture.
"No, Emmett, don't!" I screamed.
"Tell him, tell him!" He turned the camera to my face, screaming at me.
A blur quickly tackled him down towards the ground. Bella and I looked over to see Edward looking back at us. He had thirst filled eyes, obviously enchanted by the smell of Bella's blood. But it was also a look filled with regret and fear. It had distracted him so much so, that James recovered and lunged back at Edward.
"Quickly take off your sweater." I said quietly crawling towards her the best I could without using my arm. Bella obeyed. "Now hold it against your head, you've got to try to stop the bleeding."
"You're alone." James said pining Edward against the glass mirrors. Bella and I watched in horror. "Cause your faster than the others." He slammed his head against the mirrors again, breaking the glass. "But not stronger." James taunted.
"I'm strong enough to kill you." Edward growled and managed to get James off him. Throwing him across the room through a stand alone mirror. Edward rushed over to our side.
"I'm so sorry." Edward apologized looking between us both. Attempting to lift Bella from the floor while I stood carefully to my feet.
James was behind us again in a instant. He grabbed my already broken arm and threw me against the next wall of mirrors causing it to shatter and cutting pieces of my skin. I whimpered as I fell to the ground, having smashed my head I could feel my vision going blurry. I heard Bella scream next as James threw them both to the ground after Edward tried to get Bella safely out. James ran to Edward picking him up and throwing him up into a higher window, shattering the whole thing with his body. I laid just below him and attempted to cover my head from the falling glass.
James knelt next to me with a curious expression. He turned and stared right up at Edward as he got off the window sill, above me. I felt James grab my left arm and bite down into my skin. I screamed out in pain once again. Edward tackled into him, both of them skidding across the floor and destroying the wood. I screamed and groaned out in utter agony.
"(Y/N)!" I could hear Bella screaming my name across the room.
I could make out a figure standing over me again and I screamed trying to fight away whoever was near me. With what little strength I had left. Every inch of my body felt like it was burning.
"Shh, shh, baby. It's me." I heard a sweet voice say and I began to relax for a few second's. Emmett.
"Emmett?" I whimpered.
"Yeah, (Y/n) it's me. I'm here." He cooed softly. "We're going to get you help."
"Bella? Where's Bella?" I asked frantically, worried about my sister. His silhouette quickly disappeared from my side, to reappear seconds later joined by another one.
"I'm here, (Y/n/n). I'm here." Bella said.
I could hear her voice right next to my head. Being able to feel her hand's running though my hair. I started to scream in pain again as the burning intensified. My whole body ached and arched.
"Oh, god. We have to help her." I heard Bella say worriedly, while wincing at her own pain.
"Carlisle and the other's were right behind me. He'll be able to help her." Emmett reassured her.
"It's okay. Shh. Jasper and Henry have James. It's all over now." Bella told me through gritted teeth. I could see a bright orange color light up at the other end of the hall. So many people were shouting and yelling.
"(Y/n)! Oh, god. It's okay." I heard Alice next to me now. All I could see still were blurry figures. "Carlisle!" Alice yelled.
"No, no! I need to be with her!" I heard Bella scream as her voice began to grow distant.
"It hurts." I whimpered, still writhing in pain.
"It's okay, (Y/n)." That was Carlisle. "Her whole right arm is broken, shattered collar bone, dislocated shoulder, her fingers and wrist are smashed. She's got a head wound, and she's losing a lot of blood." Carlisle listed everything wrong with me, but nothing explained the excruciating burning I was feeling.
"No, no, my hand. It's burning!" I screamed and moved around some more.
"Oh, God, Carlisle. She's been bitten. It's the venom." Emmett said in a worried tone.
"You're going to have to make a choice. You can let the change happen..." Carlisle began to explain before Emmett cut him off.
"No. She doesn't want this. She wants to be human." Emmett said firmly, voicing my wishes.
"It's going to happen Emmett. I've seen it." Alice said appearing next to me again.
"It's doesn't have to be that way." Carlisle shook his head.
"What do I do, Carlisle." Emmett asked him impatiently.
"You could try to suck the venom out."
"I wont be able to stop." He quickly retorted.
"Then find then will! You don't have much time." Carlisle spoke crossly at him.
"It's okay, (Y/n). I'm going to make the pain go away." Emmett's voice went soft.
I still wriggled and screeched in pain unable to speak to him any longer. I felt him place his mouth over my bite mark. Slowly my body stopped writhing. I could feel the burning sensation start to go away. I still couldn't focus because of my head. But I started to feel better. Everything went blurrier and blurrier until everything went black.
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We all want to believe we are heroes of our own story - unless we want to be the villain, of course. At the end of everything, the Final Reaper decided he hadn’t been a hero. Driven by a desire to right the wrongs he was subjected to, he killed everyone who wronged him or his people - which turned out to be everyone that wasn’t killed by someone else first. He'd won - but it was a hollow victory. Eventually, Order’s Voice found a way out. If the only existing being would agree to give up most of his power, the Voice could reset the multiverse to an earlier time with a few minor changes. Of course, the Voice couldn't ask it that way. It could only ask if the Final Reaper was willing to start over from when Earth was first brought into Order. It was an easy decision, and yet it wasn’t. Was he willing to go through eons of pain again to not be alone? Yes. In a heartbeat. Not that his heart beat anymore. Now it would. Perhaps he could even be a hero, this time. When he landed in his old body - more or less - on Earth, the Final Reaper once again became Thomas. He was both and neither. He needed a new name for a new life. Serenity. ------------------------------------------ While this is technically a System Apocalypse story, it's a System Apocalypse that is designed to have a large percentage of the population survive and prosper. There are a lot of problems that come with the appearance of the Voice, and it's entirely possible to lose. Earth has some special opportunities, but also special challenges. The first time around, Earth won the first round and lost the second. Serenity has ten years from when the Voice arrives to prevent that from happening. It will be a group effort; Serenity can't win alone - which is difficult for someone who's been alone for as long as he has. Of course, that's only his second priority. ------------------------------------------- Updates Daily A note on the nonhuman lead tag: He isn't human, and hasn't been human for a very, very long time (or maybe not long at all, depending on how you count it). He still thinks of himself as human, either way. The content warnings are mostly to give me room to write; this fiction is not intended to be edgy, but once in a while a character will swear or someone will get seriously injured. The cover image is a Chandra/Hubble composite image of VV 340 / Arp 302 / UGC 9618. While we're not going to space itself any time soon in the story, people from elsewhere are coming to Earth and Serenity will visit other planets. Plus, I like space imagery. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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Two opposite universes, one with human beings born into great destinies filled with magic and supernatural powers and the other with divines; creatures only exist to serve the universes of humankind. Will the two worlds clash or it would exist within one another peacefully?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nadine called the waiter and eyed his moving body from the far end of the restaurant until he noticed her. He nodded his head and walked toward her. As she put a polite smile on her face; something shiny caught her attention. It wasn't clear but for a long second, she thought she saw a set of eyes floating in the air looking deeply into her soul. She was about to talk when suddenly the waiter appeared before her eyes forcing her to blink fast. She looked up at him, smiling again and then ordered two carbonara dishes and chicken Caesar salad. "So... what happened in Dubai?" Camellia said, trying to get her mind to stop overthinking. "Nothing happened," Nadine said, smiling. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Burning Tears is copyright © 2020 by Nouran Eidarous. All rights reserved.*Daily Updates*
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Leah's Writer's Room
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