《Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x Reader》The Cullen's
Emmett and Edward picked us up the next day. We drove away's though a thick forest, down a winding dirt road. When the car reached a clearing, a bright, beautiful home came into view. It was a three story home with lots of windows, lined with beautiful stained wood.
Emmett nearly jumped out the car before it stopped and rushed to my door to get me out. I couldn't help but shake my head happily at him. He was just so excited for this day. He gripped my waist and before I know it we are next to the front door. I blinked a few times and knew I'd never get used to that. We entered in the house first, before Edward and Bella. We walked through the glass door way into a bright and open area.
"Wow." I breathed, looking around. Emmett took my jacket and chuckled at my amusement with the house.
"You like it?"
"Yeah. The design is gorgeous. And all the windows let in so much light. I love it." I grinned at him. He grinned back and took my hand leading me to the stair's.
"Well, this is the one place we don't have to hide."
As we walked further up the stairs into their home. I could hear opera music playing. We rounded the corner to see Esme, Carlisle, Rosalie and Henry in the kitchen. Esme smiled brightly at us and walked over engulfing me in a hug.
"(Y/n), it's so wonderful to finally meet you. Emmett has told us so much about you. I'm Esme, his mother."
"All good things, I hope." I giggled softly and Emmett playfully nudged my shoulder. "It's so great to be here and to meet you finally. I love your house."
"Thank you, dear." Esme smiled happily at me. Edward and Bella walked in behind us. Esme greeted Bella with a hug. "I hope you two like Italiano."
"Bella, this is my mother for all intents and purposes." Edward looked at Bella lovingly.
Well that if that doesn't just melt your heart.
"You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time." Carlisle said as he's busily moved about in the kitchen. A smile never leaving his face.
"I hope you're both hungry." Esme spoke sweetly.
"Oh, I am." I smiled. Emmett grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.
"Yeah, absolutely." Bella smiled at them all.
"She already ate." Edward cut in, speaking for Bella, with a roll of his eyes.
Rosalie who had been standing there making a salad squeezed the bowl she had in her hands angrily, causing the glass to break. Salad greens and glass scattered the floor.
"Perfect." Rosalie sneered glaring at Edward and Bella.
"It's just I know that you guys don't eat..." Bella rambled off.
Emmett told me to come hungry. So I didn't eat. Apparently Edward wasn't so forth coming with my sister.
"Of course. It's very considerate of you." Esme said softly.
"Just ignore Rosalie. I do." Edward shook his head in annoyance.
"Yeah. Let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us." Rosalie snapped at him. Henry walked over and put a hand on her shoulder in a loving way.
"I thought you said she liked me." I whispered softly to Emmett.
Though I guess whispering in a house full of Vampires is a futile effort. I thought to myself.
"She does..." He tightened his grip on my hand reassuring me.
"I would never tell anybody anything." Bella tried to reassure her as I had my small conversation with Emmett.
"She knows that." Carlisle walked over and began rubbing Esme's arm.
I love how sweet they all are to each other.
Carlisle shot a soft glare in Rosalie's direction.
"The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly." She took an intimidating step toward's Bella and Edward.
"Badly, as in... We would become the meal." Bella gestured between the two of us...
And here we were just watching the whole thing pan out and I get dragged right back into it.
At Bella's comment they all chuckled, including Emmett and Edward. Bella looks down to the floor embarrassed. I glanced at her sympathetically.
"(Y/n)!" Alice's soft voice rang through the room. I whipped my head up in the direction of her voice and grinned widely seeing her standing in the window. Alice gracefully hopped down and sped over to me wrapping me in a hug. I laughed and hugged her back.
"Alice! I was beginning to wonder if you were going to be here." I said. She smiled and held me by my shoulder's.
I peeked behind her to see Jasper standing awkwardly just inside the window. He smiled and nodded his head politely in my direction. I returned the gesture. Knowing how uncomfortable he was still with the smell of human blood. Specially mine and Bella's.
"Hi, Bella. I'm, Alice." Alice told her sweetly as she took notice of her. She walked over and wrapped her in a hug too. She chuckled before pulling back. "You do smell good too." I chuckled with her and Bella gave me a confused glance. I couldn't help but remember when Alice did the same thing to me before I knew they were vampires. Now us smelling good has a whole new meaning.
"Alice, what are you..." Edward looked at his sister with a shake of his head.
"It's okay." Alice walked over and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Bella and I are going to be great friends. Just like me and (Y/n) here." We both smiled brightly at my sister. Bella let out a small smile that started to peak at the corner's of her mouth.
She knows how hard it is for me to make friends. Generally I don't let people get close enough. Even our human 'friends' are better friend's with her. Besides Angela. I actually like her.
Jasper cleared his throat quietly enough to get everyone's attention.
"Sorry, Jasper's our newest vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him." Carlisle gave Jasper a small smile.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Bella." Jasper struggled to get out with a smile on his face.
"It's okay, Jasper you wont hurt her." Alice assured him sweetly placing a hand on his chest.
Edward grimaced and put a hand on Bella's back.
"All right, I'm gonna take you on a tour of the house now." He quickly began to usher Bella out of the kitchen.
"I'll see you soon!" Alice shouted at them in her special bubbly way.
"Cute." Esme sang happily as the couple walked away.
"I think that went well." Carlisle sighed happily.
"Clean this up." Esme demanded in such a nice way towards Rosalie, referring to the glass and salad still on the floor, yet still being firm. "Oh, (Y/N) dear. You said you were hungry. Come sit, eat." Esme softly grabbed my wrist and pulled me to one of the barstools at the kitchen counter island.
Carlisle quickly prepared a plate and put it in front of me. Emmett took a seat next to me and looked at me lovingly. I giggled and blushed as I began to eat my food.
"Wow, this is amazing. Thank you so much." I told them as I swallow the food in my mouth. Esme and Carlisle watched over me as I ate, with large happy smiles.
"You're very welcome." Esme said sweetly.
"I am really sorry if my sister and I have caused any trouble for you guys..." I apologized to them after a few minutes, recalling the conversation with Rosalie.
"You can't choose who you fall in love with, (Y/n)." Carlisle put a gentle hand on my shoulder. "We are very happy for you and Emmett. And Edward and Bella. Don't apologize. We are very excited to have you here."
"Thank you for doing this, Dr. Cullen." I gestured to the dish in front of me.
"Please. Call me, Carlisle." He smiled. After a minute he and Esme walked away.
"So, was that awkward or what? Huh, Princess." Emmett laughed next to me.
"Oh, come on. It wasn't that bad. It appears as though Edward and Bella are more alike than I thought. Public gatherings make them nervous." I laughed and then ate some more of my food.
"What did you think?" He smirked and pushed some hair away from my face gently.
"I'm glad we came. I really like your family."
"Good. They like you too." He kissed my cheek softly making me blush.
"I do, like you. You know." A voice sounded off from behind us. Putting the emphasis on you, towards me. I twisted in my seat to see Rosalie and Henry standing behind us. Emmett stood up and bro hugged his brother. They began play fighting each other. "I heard what you said." She chuckled lightly stepping closer and leaned on the counter next to me. "Emmett is more of a little brother to me than anyone else in this family. He deserves to be happy. Don't get me wrong, I love all of my siblings and I'd die for any of them. But Emmett..."
"Is Henry's biological brother?" I said with a smile of understanding.
"Exactly." She returned my smile, before it faltered a bit. "You seem sweet. But you needed to know the risk's that are associated and that come with..." She gestured to the air. "All of this."
"Believe me. Emmett and I talked about it even before I fully knew what I was getting into. Before I confronted him about what I knew he was. I was the first one to ask him about what implications would take effect, on him and your family if we continued on with that life changing conversation. Of course, he couldn't really answer me given he didn't even know if I was going to say vampire." I chuckled awkwardly running my hand through my hair.
"He told me." Rosalie smiled softly at me. "He told me about how you care more about what happens to us then yourself and that you don't seem to keen on changing into of of us. That's when I told him I liked you."
"Well that's really good to hear. I don't, uh, exactly make friend's easily..."
"You've got friends in us now." Another deep voice said from behind us. Rosalie's eyes lit up in a loving way as she looked over my shoulder. I turned to see Henry and Emmett looking at us after their play fight session.
I could certainly see the family resemblance between the two, without all the vampire traits. They were both bulky, built men, about the same height, Henry was maybe an inch or so taller, they both have similar facial features.
"I know we've seen each other around school and such. But damn, Emmett. Aren't you going to introduce me to my future sister-in-law?" Henry punched Emmett's shoulder. Emmett rolled his eyes and playfully shoved his brother back.
"(Y/n), this is Henry. My brother. Henry, this is (Y/n) Swan. My gorgeous girlfriend." He smirked and put an arm around my shoulder.
"I've heard nothing but good things about you, Henry. It's really nice to meet you. Ya know, officially." I laughed sticking my hand out for him to shake. He grinned playfully at me and grabbed my hand but instead of shaking it he pulled me away from Emmett into a big bear hug.
I was stunned for a second but then I quickly returned the hug.
We both laughed and pulled away. Emmett growled lightly and pulled me back to him wrapping his arms around my body.
"So," He mumbled into my hair. "Ready for a tour, now that you've eaten and met everybody?"
"That would be great." I patted his arm and smiled, looking up at him.
"I look forward to hanging out with you again, Ms. Swan." Henry said in a funny fake accent and bowed to me. Rosalie giggled and smiled at her husband.
"We will see you around, (Y/n)." Rosalie shook her head, grabbing Henry's hand and dragging him away.
We made our way around the house, Emmett showing me everything. The house was just positively beautiful.
"I can see the family resemblance between you two." I laughed as we make our way up the stairs towards the bedrooms. "You not only look similar, but you act similar too."
"Oh, really? How so?" Emmett smirked.
"You're both, very happy go lucky type of guy's. And quite the comedians." I laughed lightly.
"Yeah, I guess it runs in the family genes." He tapped his chest and I shook my head.
We walked further up the stairs and when I look to my left and notice a large frame on the wall filled with rows of graduation caps.
"Are those really graduation caps?" I laughed in shock.
"Yeah, its kind of like an inside family joke. Since you know we move around a lot." He laughed and ushered me the rest of the way up the stairs. "So this is it." Emmett said as we reached one of the door's. He opened it and let me walk inside.
As I entered, I noticed two of the room wall's are entirely wrapped in windows. There was a large skylight in the center of the room. A bench and weight's in the corner, a small couch against the back wall facing the windows. There was no bed which I found slightly interesting. A section of the wall, next to the couch had a built in bookcase that was lined with all different kinds of literature.
"Yep, this is my room." Emmett leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed and his signature smirk on his face.
"Honestly, it's exactly how I pictured it. Specially the weight lifting equipment." I chuckled. "I love how open it is."
"Well, I came from a family of hunters. I've always enjoyed the outdoor's. So it was only fitting to have the room with the best view." He chuckled.
I stepped towards one of the windows and looked out. He was right, it was a really great view of the open forest that sat outside the house. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, his hand's interlocked in front of my stomach. I leaned back into his chest and let out a happy sigh.
"So, I noticed one thing, though. You don't have a bed." I pointed out.
He chuckled and squeezed me lightly.
"Don't exactly need one. I don't sleep. None of us do."
"Like ever?" I gasped and turned around in his grip putting my hand's on his chest. "I don't think I could live without sleep. Ask Bella, she has to basically drag me out of bed for school in the morning's."
"Of course she does." Emmett laughed. "But that's just it isn't it? I'm not living, so sleep isn't necessary."
"Right, right of course. How could I forget?" I told him sarcastically. He chuckled and planted a soft kiss to my lips.
Charlie and a group of other police officers and hunter's are seen running through the woods. They had created a hunting party searching for the mysterious killer 'animal'. The blonde, named James watched from the tree line as the red headed female ran swiftly through the woods and field. She stepped barefoot through a pile of dirt, leaving a single human footprint.
One of the police officers with their canine police dog walked through shortly after her. The dog sniffed the spot where the females footprint was left on the ground.
"Whoa, hold up!" One of the men in the party yelled. Charlie walked over towards the pile and bends down examining the footprint.
"It's human?" Charlie said confused.
He thought they were hunting an animal, so the footprint left him with many more questions and even less answers.
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