《Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x Reader》Vampire. / Official.
On our way back home, we were getting ready to pass the Police Station and we could see tons of flashing lights, and a ambulance.
"Whoa, Bells. Dad's still there." I pointed out the window towards the Chief's car.
"What is going on? Can you pull in?" Bella asked Edward, who agreed.
"That's our father's car on the end." Edward noticed Carlisle's car in the parking lot as the car came to a stop.
"What is he doing here?" Emmett wondered out loud.
We all climbed out of the car and Carlisle walked out of the station at the same time.
"Carlisle, what's going on?" Emmett asked in his husky voice.
"Waylon Forge was found in a boat out near his place. I just examined the body." Carlisle sighed.
"He died?" Bella asked shocked.
My eyes widened and tears started to stream down my face before I even had a chance to process anything. Emmett noticed and quickly wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him quickly before regrettably letting go.
"How?" I managed to choke out.
"Animal attack." Carlisle said as he looked between his boy's.
"I'm sorry. I'll talk to you later Emmett, thank you for tonight." I quickly said and ran inside the building to find my Dad.
(Y/n) ran inside, with tears streaming down her face.
"Sorry, she's a lot closer to Dad's friends..." I let them know and they all gave me sympathetic glances since a family friend just died. "So, you said it was an animal attack. Was it the same one that got that security guard down in Mason?" I questioned the Doctor.
Certainly he must know something. I could see the look in all of their eyes and the way the boys stiffened at the mention of the animal attack.
"Most likely." He glanced to his son's once more.
"Well, it's getting closer to town then." I stated the obvious.
"Bella, you should go inside. Waylon was one of your father's best friends. He and your sister need you." Carlisle put a hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head.
"Okay... Uhm... I'll see you later." I looked back at Edward once more before walking inside to find my Dad and sister.
I walk in to see the two of them looking at an old picture. It was from the Christmas Waylon was Santa Claus and Charlie was holding (Y/n) and I. Charlie began to explain how it'd been 30 years he'd known Waylon. That we was determined to find whatever this thing is that killing people. He even went bit overboard and made us both take a bottle of mace to protect us. We both only took it because it would give him peace of mind.
Dad drove us home that night. Neither Bella or I could sleep. So we kept each other company in her bedroom. We decided to talk about everything by going over the animal attack. When we walked out of the station earlier with our father, we had seen Waylon's body being removed. He had bite marks on his skin, but it was regular looking teeth marks. Like a human. That's when everything started to piece itself together for us.
Why when Bella first met Edward she'd sworn his eyes were black as coal. How Emmett was like like a stone hard rock wall. How they both moved incredibly fast. They never ate or drank anything in front of us. Both of their eyes are a golden shade, even though they aren't actually related. Inhuman strength. Their skin is like ice. She even told me that at dinner he'd told her he could read minds, well everyone's except ours. Which explained a lot. We even did some research on what they were just to see if any old legends that were actually accountable added up. Sure enough, we seemed to be right on the money with our suspicions.
They are Vampires. Now came the difficult part. Confronting them about it. Were we scared? Honestly, no. Should we have been? Most likely.
The next morning, Bella drove to school and planned to confront Edward. I, however, texted Emmett and asked him to pick me up and take us to our spot. He did so, without ever saying a word. And I didn't say anything to him. We walked towards the waterfall with a decent distance between us. The silence was heavy, but not at all awkward. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to know.
"Emmett?" I said his name out quietly. He turned to look at me with a tilted head and a soft smile graced his lips.
"You promised, if I got this right you would tell me. Before I say anything I need to know the consequences. What happens if I'm right?" I asked curiously.
"Well, I guess that a little difficult to answer. Things would change. That's for sure. But until I know you know, we can't predict what will happen. We will cross that bridge when we get there. Okay?" He shuffled over to me and put a cold hand on my cheek before stepping away. "Tell me." He demanded, but not in a harsh way.
I took a big, deep, shaky breath.
"You are something, Emmett Cullen... You are insanely strong, inhumanly fast. You've got ice cold skin, that is pale white." He circled around me slowly, listening to my every word. "You never eat or drink anything. The way you talk sometimes, it's different, like your from a different time. You're never around when it's sunny..." I took another deep breath after spewing out all that info and from behind me he moved some of my hair. "Emmett? How old are you?" I asked seriously and he chuckled quietly.
"And how long have you been 19?" I raised an eyebrow as he came face to face with me.
"A long time."
"I figured it out. I know what you are." I whispered to him. He hesitated wanting to reach out and touch my cheek, but didn't.
"Tell me."
"You're a Vampire." I breathed out.
"Are you afraid?" He asked with no hesitation.
This time I reached out, touching his face gently and looked into his eyes. He carefully placed his hands onto my hips and pulled me closer towards him.
"No." I stated firmly. "So?"
"So... you were right. I told you I would tell you and you're right. I am really glad you figured it out... But, you're crazy for not being scared. Or bolting in the other direction. I mean, you haven't even asked me the most important question. And that's what do I eat?" He gave me a mischievous grin.
"I kinda chalked that up to, blood bags or something." I chuckled.
"Hilarious, (Y/n)." Emmett rolled his eyes.
"Okay, okay. What do you eat?" I asked.
"Actually, my family is different from the rest of our kind. That's why our eyes our golden. We don't drink human blood. We feed on animals. If we fed on human's our eyes would be a creepy deep blood red." He leaned forward lifting one hand off my waist, to my cheek. "I've been wanting to do this for a while now. Since the moment I first met you. I-I need to try and see what it's like... But I need to know, are you okay with this?" He asked just before our lips met. I could feel him take in a deep breath of my scent.
"Yes." I whispered back with no hesitation.
Emmett carefully connected our lips together. His mouth was cold and yet surprisingly soft. My hands rested easily on his firm chest. We kissed each other only for a few moments, our lips moving together in perfect sync. The soft slow kiss, started to turn into a more passionate one, but Emmett quickly pulled away.
"Wow." I said trying to catch my breath. "Ive been waiting to do that for what seems like ever." I giggled.
"I have way, more self control around you then I thought." Emmett smirked proudly. "Come, on. I got something else I want to show you." He held out a hand and I grabbed a hold. He swung me around onto his back. "I need you to see why we can't be around when it's sunny out. Hang on."
Emmett grinned and wrapped my arm's around his neck. His hand's grab the back of my thighs. And suddenly it felt like we were flying through the air. The forest just seemed to move away from us, as Emmett ran. I held on tightly, even though the wind was burning my eyes, I just couldn't bring myself to close them. Everything happening was entirely mesmerizing. He carried me all the way to the top of the mountain side we were on, out of the clouds to the first patch of sun. He carefully helped me off of him and made sure I had my balance before walking towards the patch of sun shining through the trees.
"This is why we can't come to school when the sun's shining. Why we can't be around others." Emmett carefully took his jacket off his shoulders and stepped into the sun. His tight white tee shirt clung to his chest. His arms, and face, any visible skin shined in the light. It was like thousands of diamonds glistening in the sun. I took a few steps toward him completely mesmerized.
"May I?" I asked quietly and reached my hand out and he nodded.
I walked around him. My finger's lightly trailing along his skin. His eye's following all of my movements. His hand quickly reached out and lightly grasped my wrist as I circled back to the front of him up his arm. Emmett pulled me close to him and placed another light and quick kiss on my lips.
We broke away from each other and both smiled immensely together.
"So does this mean, you'll finally be my girlfriend now?" He smirked and lightly caressed my cheek.
"I mean, you could have asked before. I would have even said yes then." I giggled.
"And now?" He raised an eyebrow, smirking at me.
"Yes. Emmett. I'd love to be you're girlfriend."
We got back out of the tree line and down to the waterfall. Sitting and talking about a lot of different things. Mostly normal stuff. Almost as if nothing even changed between us. Until I started to get curious and wanted to know more.
"Em?" I asked and he hummed in response. We sat next to each other on a rock near the small pond of water below the falls, our hands intertwined. "Why me?"
"What?" He turned to look over at me with a confusion etched upon his face.
"Why me? Like, why did you choose me out of all people in the school. In the world even." I asked.
"Ah, because... Well... See in our world. There's a thing known as Mate's. Every vampire gets one. That's why Carlisle has Esme. Rosalie has Henry. Alice has Jasper. Bella is Edward's and You... you're mine. You're blood sings to me." He laughed and I looked at him confused. "It's like your scent, it draws me to you. More so than anyone that I've ever met. When I met you that first day, I'm not sure if you noticed. But I kinda ran out of class as fast as I could without getting caught. I wasn't sure what was going on. I have a decent amount of restraint, when it comes to human blood, unlike some of my other siblings. But with you. It was so inviting. I didn't want to hurt you."
"I don't think you could every bring yourself to hurt me." I laughed. "You're rough and tough on the outside but underneath all of that. There's a really sweet, soft, caring guy inside."
"Don't tell anyone. Or I might have to kill you." He teased. I just rolled me eyes at him attempt at a joke. "Anyway's... So, when I went home that night, I talked to Carlisle privately about it. That's when he explained it all to me. Oh, and of course, Alice." He laughed loudly at the mention of his sister. "She saw you coming."
"She saw me coming? What does that even mean?" I asked even more confused.
"Well. See sometimes when a human changes to a vampire. They can be considered 'gifted'. As I'm sure you're aware. Edward can read mind's. Except your's and Bella's, of course. He finds it extremely aggravating." He chuckled. "Alice, gets premonitions. She can see the future."
"So that's why on that field trip, she worded thing's the way she did and why she told you, you'd get to spend eternity with me. And i'm guessing how she knew her and I were going to be the best of friends?" I gasped. "That's amazing!"
"Yeah." He chuckled again. "Except her visions are subject to change, though. Based on people decision's. You know so it like she could have a vision of someone going left at a fork in the road. And when that moment happens if that person changes their mind she would see them take the right path instead. It's a bit confusing, but I'm sure you get the over all drift."
"Yeah, I get it." I giggled at his attempt to explain. "So does anyone else have any gifts?"
"Yeah, Jasper has the ability to sense and change someone's mood. So if you ever felt random feelings that you couldn't explain when he's around that's probably him. I was gifted with strength." Emmett lifted up his arm showing me his muscles causing me to laugh. "It's more than just that though... Like I said I seem to have better strength when it comes to restraint. So it's more than just lifting and breaking. Took me a while to learn that aspect of it though." He pointed out.
"I think, that's really cool and it's just as important as the rest." I put my hand on top of his, and we smiled at each other.
"You don't know how long I've waited for you." He smiled sweetly and brought me in for a quick peck on my lips.
"Well, I'm glad you finally found me. And I'm glad that I've found you." I smiled up at Emmett's sweet face.
It eventually started to get late, so Emmett drove me home again, since we had completely ditched school.
"I'll pick you up tomorrow for school if you want? We probably shouldn't ditch again though. I mean, I'd be fine, but you probably not so much." He laughed and helped me out of the Jeep like a true gentleman.
"Yeah, sure. That would be great." I grinned widely.
"(Y/n)?" Dad called from the doorway to the house. He stood their with his arm's crossed and an raised eyebrow in my direction.
"Oh, Hi Dad!" I waved to him awkwardly.
I looked between Emmett and my Father. Well, he's already here. I grabbed Emmett's hand and we walked towards the house together.
"Who's this?" He asked in his deep, pretend Dad voice.
"Dad, this is Emmett Cullen. Emmett this is my Dad, Charlie Swan." I introduced the two and gave my Dad a glaring look telling him to be nice.
"Hello, Sir. I'm Emmett. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I wanted to make sure your daughter got home safely." He explained to him as they shook hand's. Dad looked at their hands as they shook them.
"So you're the Cullen boy, I've heard so much about." Dad grinned at me and I blushed red and glared at him. "Thanks for getting her home safely. Seems like you have quite the habit of that." Dad tried looking at him like he was angry, making me gulp. Until, his expression softened and he smiled brightly. "Thanks for taking care of her, Emmett."
"It's my pleasure, sir." Emmett nodded his head before looking back at me. "So, I'll see you later."
"Yeah, see you tomorrow morning."
We awkwardly said goodbye unable to properly do so in front of my father. I walked into the house with Dad right behind me.
"So... he seems nice."
"Yeah, he is Dad."
"You seem... happy."
"I am." I blushed.
"Are you, ya know..."
"Together? Yes, Dad..."
"Alright?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Alright." He shrugged and gave me a quick side hug before walking away. I chuckled and headed up to my room for bed. I couldn't help the giant smile that formed on my face. He likes him.
Emmett picked me up the next morning. It was somewhat sunny outside today, so he tossed on a baseball cap and made it sit backwards on his head, with a pair of shades. We climbed out of the Jeep and headed into school. Emmett wrapped an arm around my shoulder and smirked.
"So, everyone's staring." I whispered with a small nervous chuckle. Everyone in the parking lot watching us as we walk by together.
"Eh," He shrugs. "Let em, look. Let's them know you're officially off the market." We both laughed and I shook my head.
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It was his turn to walk down to the corner store and buy the beer. The big game was about to start. Jason left the apartment a normal twenty something with a pocket full of one-dollar bills from the guys and a mysterious artifact he dug up in the field next to the apartments the day before, which he planned to show his college professor on Monday. Little did he know that within the next few hours, Jason would be running from demons, who crawl up out of the ground, with his favorite erotic starlet, Penny Tickles, and rubbing an artifact that only seems to grant one wish every twenty-four hours.
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This is not a world of heroes... In the near future, individuals who would come to be known as the Advanced are born across the globe. They may have abilities far surpassing scientific understanding, but for all that they are still only human, and have to make their way in a world that values hard currency over great deeds. So when humanity's ability to decide its own future is cut short with the arrival of a fleet of mysterious ships in the sky, they can only watch as the world is subjugated and humanity imprisoned within its own cities. Now these super-powered individuals must find a way to overcome a mechanical monster of unknown power and the people who would betray their own race for personal gain. It will be a race against time, and the fate of the planet is at stake. And even should they somehow succeed, a far greater threat is approaching... A sometimes violent, sometimes comic story of ordinary people with extraordinary powers, caught in the eye of the storm. (Contains strong language and violence) Also available on Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1150697
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