《Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x Reader》Port Angeles
At a boat launch, near Forks. Waylon listens to the radio while messing with some fishing line inside his boat. Preparing for a fishing trip. A loud deep growl is heard causing Waylon to stop singing.
"Hello?" He shouts, but doesn't get an answer.
He shrugs it off and continues with what he was doing. Another sound is heard, this time making him stand up and check around too see if anyone's there. Nerves get the best of him and he begins to start up and drive off in his boat.
A abnormally fast woman with long red hair grabs the boat and pulls it back into the launch bay. Waylon truns around to see it's just a woman. He sighs in relief for a moment.
"Oh, Hello." He chuckles quietly.
Another man jumps from the ceiling, landing into the boat with him.
"Nice jacket." He smirks at him. This man is shirtless and has long blonde hair that's tied back.
"Who are you?" Waylon gives him a dirty look. Unsure how someone got behind him.
"It's always the same inane questions. Who are you?" He tilts his head with a smile.
"What do you want?" The female mocks.
"Why are you doing this." The blonde does the same as both he and the red headed female move in closer towards Waylon.
"James, let's not play with our food." A dark skinned man with glowing red eyes and dreadlocks suddenly appears, bored.
The woman kicks Waylon down, and the three creatures attack.
That night after getting back from La Push, I knocked on Bella's door.
"Hey, Bella."
"Hey, (Y/n). What's up?"
"So, Jacob told me this crazy story today..."
"Was it about what his friend's said?" She asked curiously and I nodded.
"Mhm. I was looking on my laptop and I came across this. It's a book on the Legends from the Quileute tribes." I sat on the bed and turned my laptop towards her. "There's a copy available, at the Thunderbird & Whale Bookstore. It's in Port Angeles. I thought maybe we could take a trip sometime to get it. Maybe this weekend?"
"Yeah, I think that's a great idea." She got up and grabbed a sticky note, writing down the address. We smiled at each other.
The next day, was a beautiful day outside. Starting to warm up, with lots of sun shining through the normally cloud filled sky's of Forks. I noticed that Emmett, wasn't in English and then Edward was also missing from Science. Bella and I sat outside with Jessica during lunch. Soaking in the sun. But both of us couldn't help looking around for the boy's.
"They're not here." Jess piped up from on top of the picnic table. Before closing her eyes again facing the sun. "Whenever the weather's nice, the Cullen's disappear."
"What do they just ditch?" Bella furrowed her eyebrows.
"No, uhm. Dr. And Mrs. Cullen yank them out of school, for like hiking and camping and stuff." She waved her hand around. "I tried that out on my parents. not even close." She groaned.
"Guys!" Angela came running over, joining us at the table. "I'm going to the Prom with Eric! I just asked him. I took control." She looked the happiest I'd ever seen the girl.
"We told you that would happen." I told her and she hugged me.
"Are you sure you guys have to go out of town?" Angela whined.
"Oh, yeah, its a little family thing." Bella assured her.
"Okay, we should go shopping in Port Angeles before all the good dresses get cleaned out." Jess mentioned to Angela and she nodded her head in agreement. The school bell rang, but I stopped them before they could go to far.
"Port Angeles? Do you mind if we come?" I asked politely.
"Yeah, I need your opinion." Angela laughed and locked arms with me as we headed to our final class.
The next day, Saturday, the girls and I loaded into Jessica's car and we drove all the way to Port Angeles. On the way there I sent Emmett a text.
Me: Hey
Emmett: Hey beautiful.
Me: Missed you at school yesterday. Just wanted to tell you I have the notes and stuff if you want it to stay caught up.
Emmett: Is that just an excuse to see me again? ;P
Me: God you're so cocky sometimes. Lol.
No, I really do have them if you want them. Maybe we could catch up tomorrow if your not to busy camping ;)
Emmett: Haha, who told you we went camping? Now you seem like the stalker.
Me: I'm not a stalker. If anyone is, that would be Jess. She's the one that told me that's where you all go when it's nice out. I swear that girl seems to know more about your family than I do. 🙄
Emmett: Is some one jealous? ;) Don't worry, princess. She's no where near as educated as you.
We actually only went for just the one day. So... maybe we could have a study date today?
Me: Ha, as much as I'd love that. Can't. Going to Port Angeles, with Jess, Angela, and Bella. The girls are going dress shopping for Prom. (Insert puke face here) lol.
Emmett: Port Angeles? To look for dresses? You? No way. Jk. Maybe you should try on a few. Send me some pictures.
Me: Emmett Cullen. Absolutely not. Two reasons. 1. If I did try on dresses, I wouldn't show you because I'd want it to be a surprise for Prom. 2. You haven't asked me to Prom. So there's no point in trying them on or showing you pictures. :P
Emmett: So if I asked you're saying there's a chance you'd go?
Me: hmm... it's a horrible idea. Really. I'm not coordinated enough for such an occasion, haha. But if you were to ask, I'd think about it.
Emmett: I'll think about it. ;)
Be safe.
Once we got to Port Angeles, we made our way to a dress shop. We'd been in there for at least two hours now, watching the two try on basically every dress they had in store.
"I like this one. But like, I don't know about the one shoulder thing." Jess said holding up a bright pink dress to her body.
"I like this one." Angela held up a pretty blue dress.
"Yeah, I like the beading." I agreed with Angela.
"Jess, what do you think? Lavender? Is that good? Is that my color?"
They both came out and stood in the mirror area looking at the new dress they had on.
"I like it." She giggled. "Okay I like this one." Jess said about a hot pink dress she had on. "It makes my boobs look good."
"Hey!" A group of guys walked by the window and knocked. They started cat calling at all of us. Even though, Bella and I were just sitting in the window.
"Oh, god that is so embarrassing." Jess said.
"Disgusting." Bella and I said from our seats on the window sill.
"Bella, (Y/n). What do you think?" Jess asked for our opinion for the hundredth time.
"That look's great." Bella nodded.
"I like it. You should get that one."
"You've said that about like the last five dresses, though..."
"Sorry. I thought they were all pretty good." Bella scooted awkwardly in her seat.
"You're not really into this are you?" Angela looked at us both.
"There's actually this book store we were hoping to check out." I piped up ready to get out of this store.
"Can we just meet you guys at the restaurant?" Bella asked.
"Are you sure?" Jess looked at us confused.
"Okay, we will see you guys soon." I said as I nearly ran out the door, with Bella close behind.
We walked together for a few miles until we finally found the bookstore. We walked inside and the counter clerk guided us to the Quileute Legends book. I thanked him and paid for it and we head back out. By now the sun had set and it was quite dark. The streets barely lit up as it was. Bella and I walked together quietly trying to head back towards the restaurant we were supposed to meet Jess and Angela at an hour ago.
"Bells... I think someone's following us." I whispered to her after seeing a shadow that'd been trailing us for a good few blocks now.
"Come on." She pulled me down a darker alleyway.
"What are we doing? Darker alleyway? Hello, all scary movies point to this being a bad idea. We should go back where the street is lit..." I whisper yelled at her. Two male figures cut us off at one end of the alley, so we turned around and walked faster back in the direction we came from.
"We saw you two at the dress store." One voice said.
"Hey, where are you going?" The second man called out to us.
Another group of three guys end up in front of us.
"Where are you running off too?"
"What up?"
"There's my girl."
"How you guys doing?"
They all kept getting closer and closer to us. Surrounding us like a predator does their prey. I pulled Bella behind me protectively.
"Where are you going?"
"Come get a drink with me."
"You're pretty." One tried to stoke my face with his hand.
"Don't touch me." I snapped and slapped his hand away. Another tried to grab Bella's arm and pulled her away from me, but I held tightly onto her arm.
"Leave us alone." Bella shouted angrily.
"No seriously you're cute. I think this one's going to come home with me." He laughed and trailed his finger up the inside of my thigh.
"I said don't touch me!" I quickly kneed him in the balls and he fell to the ground.
"Ooo not so friendly." Another one laughed and slapped my face almost as hard as a punch and I stumbled backwards further into Bella.
A loud engine rumbled near by and sped it's way into the parking lot we were currently surrounded and trapped in. I recognized the car almost immediately. It was a silver Volvo. One guy grabbed me by my arm just as the car came almost barreling into us all. Edward and Emmett jumped out of the driver and passenger side seats.
"Get in the car." Edward sternly told Bella and she quickly obeyed.
"Give me the girl." Emmett snarled loudly at the guy holding me.
"Hey, whoa, man that was really dangerous." One of the guys says to Edward, talking to him about his driving.
Edward lets out a loud, deep growl from his throat that makes all the men back away. The one holding me, pushed me forward right into Emmett's arms awaiting arms. Emmett quickly brought me into the backseat and climbed in beside me. Bella was watching it all frightened from the passenger side seat. As soon as we are all safely in the car Edward got in and rev'd the engine, charging the car forward at the men once again. Some off them this time had fallen to the ground. Edward whipped the car into reverse and pulled a stunt to get the car going straight again. I was clinging tightly to Emmett in the back seat.
"I should go back there and rip those guys' heads off." Edward angrily snarled.
"Uh no, you shouldn't." Bella argued.
"You don't know the vile, repulsive things they were thinking."
"And you do?" Bella raised an eyebrow at his statement. I caught him glancing back at us in the rear view mirror.
"It's not hard to guess..." Edward had such a tight grip on the steering wheel. So much so that if it were even possible to make his knuckles whiter than they already were, he'd be see through. "Can we talk about something else? Distract me so I won't turn around." His body was shaking with anger.
"You should put your seatbelt on." Bella tried to make some sort of conversation. Making Edward laugh.
"You should put your seatbelt on." Edward chuckled and continued to speed and swerve through traffic as if it's not even there.
And I thought Emmett was a crazy, fast driver.
"Are you okay?" Emmett whispered to me, rubbing my injured cheek softly. I could tell he was also holding back anger of his own.
"I'm fine..." I whispered back, placing my hand on his. The coolness of his hand helping drastically. "Thank you." I said out loud to both of them. Who knows what would have happened if they hadn't shown up when they did. Edward's eyes met mine in the mirror and he nodded with a very small smile on his face.
"I told you. I'll always save my princess." Emmett whispered to me, placing a small, light kiss in my hair, on top of my head.
"We were supposed to meet Jess and Angela at the Bloated Toad." Bella told Edward. He nodded at her and took us there.
Bella and I jumped out of the car and walked up towards the door seeing Jess and Angela walking out.
"Hey, you guys. We are so sorry..." Bella began to apologize.
"Where were you? We left you both messages." Angela said with relief evident in her voice.
"Yeah, we waited, but we were, like, starving so we..." Jess started to make up some excuse as always, before being cut off at the sight of Emmett and Edward walking up behind us.
"I'm sorry, we kept the girls from dinner." Edward told them. They both looked at him in awe that he was even talking to them.
"Yeah, we just sort of ran into each other and got to talking." Emmett flashed both girls his famous grin. I should be completely jealous right now, but strangely I'm not. I know he's doing this in order to help cover for us.
"No. We totally understand. I mean, that happens, right?" Jess acted like her normal fake self. I can totally tell she's jealous.
"We were, uh..." Angela stuttered.
"Yeah, we were just leaving so..." They walked around us and stopped. Gesturing to us both to follow, given the fact that Jess drove us here.
"We should probably make sure (Y/n) and Bella get something to eat. Don't you agree, Edward?" Emmett asked him. I squeezed his hand as he wrapped his around mine and I smiled at him.
"Yeah, it seems only fair." He smiled a charming smile at the girls making them visibly swoon. "If you'd like. I'll drive you both home myself." Edward spoke looking directly at Bella who was standing between both Jess and Angela.
"That's so thoughtful." Angela nudged her and smirked.
"It's really thoughtful." Jess's tone giving away that she was jealous, giving a fake smile.
"Yeah, I should eat something." Bella nodded in agreement.
We walked inside and ended up sitting at separate tables to give us each some space. The waitress, however, shamefully flirted with both of the guys, ignoring Bella and I.
"Here's your Caesar Salad with chicken." She grumbled and placed the plate down in front of me before turning her attention back to Emmett. "Now, are you sure there's nothing I can get you?" She asked him in a sweet voice. I rolled my eyes and began to eat my salad. Emmett never even looked up at the waitress. Only ever kept his eyes on me.
"No. No, thank you." He replied politely.
"Let me know." She winked at him and walked off.
I scoffed and continue to take another bite of food.
"You're cute when you're jealous." He leaned his face on his hand and watched me eat like normal. I rolled my eyes again and ignore his statement.
"You're really not going to eat?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
"No, I told you. I'm on a diet." He chuckled.
"Really and on that diet you can't even have salad? I'm not even on a diet and here I am eating a salad." I laughed pointing it out.
"It's a special diet." Emmett chuckled and took my free hand and intertwining it with his across the table. "Figure it out yet?"
"Nope." I popped the 'P'. "I'm close though." I stated with a proud grin.
"Mhm, sure you are." He rolled his eyes.
"So you wanna tell me how you guys found us?" I raised an eyebrow while taking another bite of my salad.
"Well you texted me earlier and told me where you were." Emmett stated the obvious.
"Ah, see I never said where exactly. Just that we'd be in Port Angeles at a dress shop. Clearly when you found us, we were no where near that shop. So either A. You got extremely lucky, which is highly unlikely. Or B. You were following us."
"And here I was starting to get worried you were just a pretty face." He fakely mocked.
"How rude!" I faked hurt and stabbed my fork to my chest where my heart is, gently and pretend to die. "Okay, but I'm really going to need some kind of answer." I pointed my fork at him.
"Fine. You were right. We followed you. After I mentioned to Edward that you guys were in Port Angeles. We remembered all the missing persons cases and mysterious deaths that were happening up here lately. He got really worried and just wanted to make sure, Bella was safe. You too, of course, but for obvious reasons, your sister more so." He explained.
"I get it. Continue." I giggled.
"I wanted to give you your space. I really did. But curiosity got the best of me and I agreed to go with him." He shrugged.
"You were worried about me?" I awed, sweetly at him.
"Of course I was worried about you. Apparently, rightly so. Wherever you go trouble seems to follow you." He scooted around the table and touched my cheek that was starting to bruise slightly. "I could have done it too, you know? I should have jumped out of the car and ripped those guys heads off, for even being near you. When Edward told me about the slap. I was furious. And when I saw that guy holding onto you... Normally I'm the scary one. But this time I was the one who was scared..." He explained and his voice got softer the more he talked.
"Oh, Emmett." I touched his cheek gently. "I'm fine. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."
I wanted to ask what he meant about knowing about the slap. Seeing as that would be impossible. But there was so much undeniable tension between Emmett and I, that it had my full attention. Both of us, wanting to lean into one another.
"Would you please hurry up with your research and tell me what your conclusion is?" Emmett laughed softly and pulled away some.
"I'll try. I can't make any promises." I tapped his cheek lightly.
I finished up my food and Emmett paid for it even though I insisted and the four of us left, heading home.
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