


"What is she doing in your room hijo?",my mom said.

"I thought y'all weren't supposed to be home until Monday",I said scratching my head. My mom walked in my room and saw khia and I asleep on my bed. I was sure the coast was clear cause they went out on the road yesterday morning. It was Sunday morning and they here. "This is what your doing under our house?"

"Mom we didn't have sex if that's what your tryna say",I assured her.

"Doesn't matter. She should not be here. Is this the girl abuela was talking so highly about hijo?"

"Yeah Thats khia, my girlfriend mamá",I said.

"I don't wish to meet her under these terms. Wake her up and bring her home before your papá sees her here."

"Lo siento mamá",I said. I went back in the room and found khia already awake. She had put on her shorts and searched my closet for a jacket to wear. She grabbed my keys from the tv stand and handed them to me. "I'm ready",she said her eyes hung low. I don't think she was even fully awake yet and fully registering what was happening. "Are you gonna just stand there or bring me home? I'm tired",she said crossing her arms. I put on a pair of sweats over my boxers and put my shoes on. I kissed her on the forehead and said, "I'm sorry baby."

"She hates me."

"She doesn't",I said opening the door for her. I held her hand and we went out the back door together to avoid my parents. Halfway through the ride, khia fell asleep in my car and I just stopped by a nearby gas station and let her sleep because I was not gonna wake her up again just to tell her she gotta go in her house. 30 mins later she woke up and looked confused.


"Where are we?",she asked looking around.

"The gas station. You fell asleep through the ride and I didn't want to wake you again for you to go home."

"Aww that's sweet",she said.

"I got you some breakfast",I said handing her a blueberry muffin, a fruit cup and a bottle of Tropicana orange juice. As she ate, I started the engine up and continued driving to get to her house. I let Eric Berlinger's G.O.A.T song blast through my speakers while I took a detour and drove on interstate. Khia wasn't really bothered by it because she wasn't paying much attention to where I was taking her. I pulled up at a public beach and that's when she realized where she was.

"This doesn't look like my driveway Santiago",she said.

"I know",I said. She gave me a look and squinted her eyes at me which made me smile cause it was cute.

"Since my parents decided to ruin my plans for today. I had to improvise",i said helping her out the car. We walked along side the beach and it wasn't much people here on a Sunday afternoon which was good. I needed to spend some alone time with khia and get to really know her. We been going out for a good 3 weeks and she still has a wall up. Today was the day I was gonna knock that wall down. Seems like she wants to open up to me but she decides against it. "So what did your mom say?",she asked me.

"She said to take you home before my dad came home."

"So you didn't get in trouble?"

"Nah not really. I mean it's not like we had sex or anything last night",I said with a shrug.


"Did you want to?",she said looking at me.

"Of course. I'm always down but I didn't want to force it on you."


"So you ever been to haiti?"

"Nope never been but I've love to go though."

"Well you know we like next door neighbors so whenever we go to the Dominicanas, we can pass by haiti too."

"You and I?"

"Yeah. Would you like that?"

"Yea I would",she said smiling from ear to ear.

"You should tell me what it's like to be Haitian."

"Well you get to eat Haitian food and speak creole and french."

"You know how to speak that?"

"Only creole."

"Your fluent?"


"See I would've never known that. You gotta open up to me babe",I said causing her to giggle a little.

"I do open up. What you mean?"

"I don't even know your birthday."

"September 13."

"You know mine?",i asked her.


"Cause you never asked",I said causing her to laugh again. We spent a good amount of time vibin on the beach and chillin with each other.

"Hey can i tell you somethin? But you can't get mad",she said looking at me with her beautiful dark brown eyes.

"Why would i get mad?", I said.

"Just promise me you won't."

I looked at her trying to figure her out.

"I won't get mad. What is it?"

"You gotta do the pinky promise with me",she said putting her pinky up. I smiled and intertwined my pinky with hers. She looked in my eyes and said, "I cheated."

"You cheated?",I said feeling my heart drop.

"Yeah i had sexual intercourse."

"Why? With who? Khia if you wanted sex, you could've came to me yo",I said shaking my head at her and looking away.

"I'm sorry",she said.

"Nah. I'm sorry. I didn't know why I thought making you my main would change your mind about being a sidechick. I bet you had sex with that fool too",I said in fustration. She didn't say anything. I definitely played myself when I decided to date this confused chick.

"I don't get you females. Y'all got a guy tryna treat you great and y'all go running back to the same asshole who disrespect y'all and use y'all up for sex. Did I really had to tell you to stop messin with ol dude now that you with me? Some things is common sense man. Damn Khia. You wanna be a sidechick. Don't tell me you don't cause your actions ain't matching up with what you sayin. If you wanna be a sidechick, I don't mind making you mine too",I said. Khia's hand met the side of my cheek hard slapping me.

"F... you",she yelled and walked away from me. Was she mad cause what I said was mean? Or because it was the truth?

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