


It's been a min since Santiago and I had our falling out and we haven't talked since. We see each other in the hallways but don't say nothing to each other kinda like now. He shook his head at me and turned the corner with his friend Juan by his side.

"What was that about?",ebony asked walking by my side.

"We had a huge argument weeks ago."

"About what?"

"I cheated on him with trey."

"Girl you still seeing trey?",she said surprised.

"It was only one time."

"Is his dick that good to be going back?",she asked me. I laughed because I definitely was not gonna talk about that to ebony.

"So what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know. Like honestly, I like Santiago a lot and he's such a great guy but I feel like we have no chemistry."

She gave me a 'girl please' look on her face.

"Did you ever stop and think y'all have no chemistry because your still hung up on trey? Maybe your just not opening up to him enough because Santiago is a pretty dope guy and he has chemistry with just about anyone he meets."

"Maybe your right."

"You just gotta decide what you want and who you want. If you don't want Santiago, leave him for the next girl. Shoot I'll be glad to date his fine ass."

"That's against girl code",I said shooting her a look. She laughed it off and went to her class while I was alone stuck walking in the hallway. I didn't have a class for the rest of the day but I wanted to stick around in case I saw Santiago. Luckily I did by the vending machine grabbing a coke. I decided to walk over there and talk to him. "Hey",i said leaning against the machine. "Sup",he said nonchalantly.


"Do you have a min?"

"Yea i do. Your lucky you caught me before I headed out."

"Can we talk?"

"About what?"

"Look I'm really sorry. Your such a great guy and I never meant to hurt you like that",I said cuttin to the chase.

"Did you realize that before or after you spread your legs to another man."

"Your a jerk I swear",I said walking away. He followed me and pulled me aside.

"Okay I'm sorry."

"Do you think I'm a hoe? Is that what you think of me?",I asked him.

"No Khia. I don't think your a hoe. I just think your such a confused woman who don't know what she wants and I'm here trying to make your decision easier for you and you run to a no good dude."

"My decision is not for you to make Santiago."

"Understood but I'd be damned if I date you and you out here cheating on me. Once your my woman, that's that. Whatever you want, I'll give it to you. You don't got to go out looking for it Khia damn and you just don't get that. Your such a beautiful girl with such innocence but your decisions are naive. You ain't never gave me a chance to show you that you deserve better."

"I know I deserve better. I don't need you to tell me what I deserve."

"If you know then why you keep going back Khia?"

"I guess I'm used to being a sidechick. I've been doing it for 4 years now."

"You need to get used to being my main chick."

"Does that mean we're still together?",I asked.

"Do I gotta spell it out for you?",he said grabbing me close and kissed me. This is what i wanted. A man to treat me right. A man who doesn't care what people say about me, he'll show me off. He doesn't care about my skin color, or my ethnicity, or my background. I'd spent the rest of the day with Santiago at his family's restaurant and even helped out as they closed it for the night. After Santiago dropped me home, I decided to walk to trey's house to set the record straight with him. I rung his doorbell and he came to the door with only his boxers on. What was the deal with that?


"Can I come in?",i asked him.

"Uh I'm kinda busy right now. I got a lot of work to catch up on with my cases. You know how that is",he mumbled. I crossed my arms and looked at his eyes. I can always tell when he was either lying or telling the truth. I cocked my head to the side and said, "move." I opened the door and found a petite light skin girl half naked on the couch of his living room. I chuckled and shook my head then looked back at him. "I just came by to tell you not to call me, text me, or none of that. I'm done being what I was to you and that was a sidechick, you can definitely replace me with Barbie doll here. I'm sure she won't mind screwing you anytime you want. I guess what they say is true. Once a player always a player",I walked out and left him looking dumbfounded.


Man a girl like Khia was no joke. I thought all I'd have to do is work my charm on her and she'll fall easily but I've mistaken her. She's a tough cookie to crack but I like a challenge. Khia is gorgeous and her skin is so radiant to me it's crazy and every time she looks at me with her big brown eyes, she makes my heart melt. I would hate to think that I was already starting to fall in love with her but that's not something I was gonna tell her. For some reason, every time I express myself to her, she falls back on me and i don't hear from her for a good week or two. My mission was to get her to be open to me and allow me to have her heart or have her permission to steal it from that no good ex of hers. I've seen the cat that day he was in front of our school talkin to Khia and there wasn't somethin that he had that I didn't. Dude looked like he could be her father but I wasn't judging all I know is next time he pull a stunt like that, ima let him have it. I couldn't say nothin before because Khia wasn't mine but now she is. Interrupting me from my thoughts, my mom came in and took a seat on the side of my bed.

"Hey mom wasup?",i said sitting up.

"First of all this room needs cleaning."

"I know you didn't come here to talk to me about my room ma."

"Hijo, your father and I have decided to meet your girlfriend Khia. Invite her to dinner Sunday",she said smiling.

"Alright you'll love her."

"She's not Latino but we'll see."

"Mom I don't think Latinos are for me anymore. They either too fast or unfaithful. I want someone that's faithful."

"Is Khia faithful?",she asked.

"Only one way to find out",I said shrugging my shoulders when I knew damn well Khia recently cheated on me.

"Mi hijo, faithfulness isn't within a certain race. There's other non-Latinos that are unfaithful too. It's about the quality of the girl and her morals that determine if she's faithful or not." No matter how much I hated to admit it, my mom was right but I was still not trying to date any Latinos because I've had my fair share with them already.

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