《Beyond the Sinister (COMPLETE)》XXIV. love over all
For three consecutive days, the Brents visited the Hearts manor, uninvited.
Aunt Veronica swore that by the end of the week, if this deed of theirs continued, she'll face Mrs. Brent, confronting her about the issue, perhaps, spreading such scandalous acts of theirs in the town.
Seraphina planned on spending the rest of her days in her room, alone and cold, no clue about Zachary and her schooling.
However, due to the constant visits of the Brents, Seraphina was forced to entertain their guests especially Christoper who, for four days, had been by her side, whether she likes it or not.
Christoper insisted she'll tour him around the Hearts manor, praising over the paintings Zachary painted.
Aunt Veronica insisted they will not be hanging paintings her dear godson did not create, and so, from the drawing-room, dining room, even to her room, it all is filled with Zachary.
Perhaps, that's why she cannot take Zachary off her mind for literally, everywhere she goes, she can remember him.
Seraphina merely smiled at Christoper as he once again complimented another fine art of Zachary.
Their touring went out of line when Christoper hinted he would like to see her very own chamber.
That, indeed, stopped Seraphina off her track, causing her to be afoot behind Christoper who probably didn't realize such a scandalous statement of his.
"That would be highly improper, Mr. Brent, an unmarried woman should never ever show her room to a man," she stated, crossing her arm.
However, at the back of her mind, she cannot help herself but feel highly hypocritical for what about Zachary?
Seraphina quickly shook her train of thoughts, 'Zachary is different,' thought she.
"In fact, being with you unchaperoned is enough to cause an uproar in the town, Mr. Brent," added Seraphina, raising her brow.
Christoper gaped down at her, suddenly, Seraphina felt small for she is well aware he is, indeed, taller than her.
"Please, Ms. Hearts, Christoff will do," he replied, flashing such a handsome smile, both dimples appearing.
With her arms still crossing, pushing back the urge to pull his perfectly-combed jet black hair, Seraphina uttered the words, "If you'll excuse me, Mr. Brent, I would love to spend the rest of the day in my room, alone,"
She knew Christoper was on the verge of replying when she raced him off, "Now, do me a favor and win that case you've been rambling about for days, Mr. Brent,"
And so, half-running and walking, Seraphina left the man all alone in the corridor, not caring if what just transpired was utterly rude and all.
Truth be told, she sometimes cannot understand Christoper. There were times where she found him, okay, in fact, quite a pleasant company especially when discussing books and his work as a lawyer.
However, by the time he'll start rambling about his popularity, achievements, and even his need for a beautiful wife, that's where Seraphina would secretly scowl.
What frustrates her the most was how throughout their conversations, Zachary is still on her mind. She found herself comparing Christoper with Zachary.
It was hours before supper, the Brents had left the Hearts manor, the earliest record amongst all their visits when Aunt Veronica came right barging into her niece's chamber upstairs.
Seraphina was awoken from her nap, stretching, before she had the chance to say, "Open,"the door flew open.
Peeking, there she saw her aunt, looking all red and worried, a letter in her trembling hand.
Sitting up as quickly as possible, Seraphina knew something's amiss. She has never seen her aunt quite like this for months.
Aunt Veronica looked as if she's on the verge of tears any second now but tried very hard to suppress it.
Before she could ask her aunt what's wrong, her question was immediately answered, "It's about Zachary, my dear,"
At the mention of his name, Seraphina's heart raced, her fingers clutching the white covers, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
"Wha-what about him?" She asked dryly.
Her aunt paced around the chamber, her footfalls loud, obviously a sign of panic, "He has been arrested and is set for trial for murdering a man last night,"
If Seraphina's holding a glass, it would surely be shattered right now.
All this time, Zachary is in Avebury? Why hadn't he shown himself?
Then, Seraphina realized her grave mistake, she vividly remembered telling him to leave her alone. If only she could turn back time.
Seraphina rapidly rose from the bed, "We need to see him right now, Aunt Veronica, he-he might be starving now o-or is cold, we must bring him a blanket, Aunt, and water, an-"
Aunt Veronica stopped the ramblings of her niece by saying, "the carriage is already prepared, dear, come on,"
All while her aunt gave her unreadable sideways glances, Seraphina raced towards the carriage, nearly tripping over objects she didn't bother looking at.
Thankfully, the staff seems to know what to prepare since a jar of water, three thick blankets, and a packed meal of their supposed supper later were already in the carriage.
Less than a minute later, Aunt Veronica joined her niece in the carriage. As soon as the door was closed, the carriage now raced off to Avebury's jail where Zachary is detained.
They're already kilometers away from the Hearts manor when they realize what Seraphina is wearing, or more likely, not wearing.
For starters, she's wearing a gray day gown which her aunt decided to tolerate but she is not wearing gloves, a hat to cover her face, and even shoes? That's beyond unacceptable.
Seraphina knew her aunt wouldn't allow her to see Zachary in that state. Anyone in the jail could notice her, and the next thing she knows, she's the talk of the town.
Visiting Avebury's jail all dressed up like a complete prostitute.
Before Aunt Veronica has the chance to stop her niece, Seraphina promptly pleaded, "Please, Aunt, I just need to see him,"
There was a long pause after that. The two of them merely exchanged gazes. Seraphina prayed her aunt would allow her, thus, not ask her a question regarding her strong urge to see her godson whom she showed such strong dislike over the years.
Seraphina was about to say more when there, Aunt Veronica released a long exhale, "Fine but don't come crying in my arms if your reputation is completely ruined by the time you left that godforsaken place,"
All Seraphina could ever do is wrap her arms around her aunt, murmuring thank-yous for numerous times before her aunt was forced to untangle herself from her overly grateful niece.
"About that state of yours, go ahead and take my shoes and my veil,"
Raising her brow in confusion, " what about you?"
"I'll just see that punk of a godson of mine some other time. Just make sure to bring these supplies to him,"
It was the first time she heard her aunt curse. Let alone used one to refer to her favorite godson.
They are already near their destination judging from the sudden change of atmosphere, it was like this was a different dimension. Everything's dark and scary.
From the look of her aunt, Seraphina knew her aunt was frightened to enter such an establishment, she too, but that's not enough hindrance for her to see Zach.
Before her aunt could say about her entering the jail, she uttered, "Everything's going to be fine, Aunt,"
And when the carriage stopped in front of the stabby-looking establishment, cobwebs everywhere, tall ungroomed plants in the corner, two barking dogs in the entrance, Seraphina swiftly jumped off the carriage before her aunt could stop her.
She heard her aunt holler her name but all she could muster was to look back for a second, wave her handoff, and stroll towards the place, supplies in her other hand.
A short man, probably in his mid-forties, teeth rotting, hair thinning was the first soul she saw.
She could tell he works here judging from his uniform and of course, because he could freely come in and out of the said establishment.
The man looked at her from head to toe, Seraphina felt an overwhelming thankfulness towards her aunt for letting her borrow a veil to cover her face and a pair of shoes two sizes bigger than her.
Seraphina let herself the freedom of faking a cough before saying, "Good afternoon, Mister, I'm here to see one of your detainees,"
The man then looked at the supplies she had on her hand, "Oh, it's for him. His name's Zachary Canning, now, if you'll be an angel, Sir, please show me the way," Seraphina said all these with such a firm voice.
He seemed surprised at her boldness but decided to slide it, for that, she is thankful.
Nodding his head off inside, Seraphina quickly followed him as soon as he began leading her inside.
Everything's much worse inside. The cobwebs outside were tripled inside, there are three old men, who like the man she is following, are employees as well.
The old man with rotting teeth who later on introduced himself as Salvador stopped beside a battered mahogany table in another battered room he led her to.
Nodding his head, "I'll go fetch your guy,"
And with that, she was left all alone. Gingerly, she laid all the supplies on the table, and sat, and waited for Zachary, her heart beating fast for it has been, indeed, long since she last saw him.
Seraphina's jaw dropped as soon as she saw an almost unrecognizable man enter the room, Salvador behind him, his hands on Zachary's hands.
It was obvious Zachary could easily escape the so-called-clutches of Salvador yet decided not to.
Zachary and Seraphina shared an eye contact for God knows long since to the point it forced Salvador to leave them alone, all while shaking his head, murmuring, "Youths these days,"
Zachary looked surprised yet relieved to see her right now.
Seraphina was glued in her seat, she was in deep shock, indeed. She doesn't know what to do. I mean, she hasn't practiced, not even in her mind what she'll do or say as soon as she sees him.
Now, why then did Seraphina find herself rising from her seat and running straight to Zachary with her arms open.
Zachary then quickly scooped her from the ground, Seraphina's arms around his neck, her legs encircled around her hips, Zachary let out a soft chuckle Seraphina missed.
Gingerly, Zachary lifted Seraphina's dark veil and that's when she realized his transformation.
He looked tired. Way too tired. As if he hadn't slept for a decade. He certainly loses weight judging from the firmness of his jaw, cheekbones, and bone-like body.
Letting herself have the freedom of studying his face further, his lips are chapped than ever, eyebags obvious, hair uncombed, and there's a scratch in the side of his face and a sore black eye.
Considering his black eye, he must've been punched else were as well. With that, he quickly jumped off from him, worried plastered in her features, "Does anything hurt?"
She asked, all while traveling her thumb across his cheek, he leaned against her, he held her hand, rubbing his thumb over it before lying it against his heart.
Before Seraphina could say anything, he raced her off by saying, "My heart hurts from missing you so damn much,"
Seraphina blushed at what he said, causing her to lose the guts to look at him straight in the eyes.
Coughing, Seraphina avoided his excessive gapes by walking back to the table, Zachary looming over her.
Nodding her head off to the seat, Zachary gingerly sat down, his eyes following her every movement with such adoration in his eyes.
It was as if he can't believe Seraphina is here, alive and well, in his very front.
If this is a dream then please, don't fucking wake him up. He fucking begs you.
After preparing his meal, Zachary ate as if he hadn't eaten a proper meal for a Millenium from how quickly he devoured the meal.
All while he is busy eating, still giving her gazes every now and then to assure himself that, indeed, he is not dreaming, Seraphina lets her eyes travel around his face.
His blond hair has grown, stopping at the top of his shoulder, his beard growing, a black eye, lips sore.
"I'll give a haircut and a shave tomorrow, Zach," the words left her plump lips before she could stop herself.
That causes Zachary to merely nod and smirk in the middle of his meal, causing Seraphina to blush, what would he think? That she is just finding an excuse to see him tomorrow? Sure, she is but he doesn't need to know that.
"What? If only there's a mirror here, you'll know you're badly in need of one since you clearly look like a caveman," she reasoned out, she was talking fast.
" A handsome caveman?"
"No, a psychotic caveman," she replied, causing both of them to chuckle.
When he caught her staring for too long, he seemed embarrassed which confused her.
Is he still worried about what transpired that night? He shouldn't be.
Seraphina, too, is lost for words, resorting to holding his hand instead, assuring him that all is fine.
After the meal had concluded, she threw him numerous questions regarding what transpired for him to be put into jail.
Zachary stunned her by rising from his seat and sitting beside her.
Only inches apart, their knees touching one another, Zachary enclosed her hands with his warm rough hands, looking her dead in the eyes.
"I did not kill the man, Sep, I swear," he hoarsely uttered.
If her hands are not trapped by his massive hands, she would've to rub her thumb across his cheek, to comfort Zach.
Letting out a sigh, "Tell me what happened, Zach. Anything, perhaps but everything but I just need to know what happened this time,"
Shoulders falling down, " I-i was at the local pub, minding my own damn business when this man insisted I'll go pay the lady who has been bugging me for so long the action she desires. 'course, I paid no attention to the man. But he provoked me, Sep, really. He said perhaps, I have a girl back at home waiting for me, that I was too gay, that I should not bother being faithful since surely, that girl is...having sexual intercourse with others as well, "
Seraphina stared at him, her mouth hanging. Still, during his narration, Zachary was gripping her hands hard and kept looking at her with desperation, as if begging for her to believe her.
"After that, I couldn't take it any more, I attacked him, all while screaming so many curses I can't even remember now. I attack him with anything my eyes could see, chair, table, glasses, I-i took pleasure in beating the shit out of him especially with my fists,"
He looked embarrassed and angry as he was narrating what truly aspired. Seraphina wants to cut him off and comfort him right at this moment.
"The men inside the pub, probably around 5 including the owner stopped me, and so, the man, all bloody and all, left the pub. After the fight, despite swimming in the man's blood, I continued drinking and drinking and went back to the manor until the next morning, I was way passed out in my room when authorities arrested me for murder, saying the man I fought with last night was found brutally murdered in the riverbanks," he uttered, finishing off with a soft sigh.
Wait, so, all this time, he was staying in the Canning manor? If only she bothered paying the manor a visit then all this wouldn't happen. Seraphina quickly wrapped her arms around him which Zachary quickly returned. They stayed like this for minutes.
"Everything's gonna be alright, Zach, I promise," she murmured in his ears, Zachary merely replied with a nod.
It doesn't matter if he believes she'll stop his destiny, he knows the case is lost. Everyone saw him beating the hell out of the guy and hours later, he was found dead.
However, Zachary barely cared for the moment since right here in her arms, he felt absolutely safe.
"I could talk to a friend of mine who is a great lawyer, I could ask him-"
Seraphina hadn't had the chance to finish her statement when Zachary cut her off, his brows meeting, "who is this man you're talking about? I don't recall knowing a lawyer as your friend,"
"I met him just this week, son of Aunt Veronica's friend but really, Zach, I could ask him to help you, he's a great lawyer, he has solved a lot of cases, an-"
Rising his brow, his lips into a thin line, "You seems to know a great deal outpatient of yours, Sep,"
Seraphina is getting frustrated. Dear Lord, now's not the time for him to get all jealous and all. Not the perfect time to let his pride control his being.
"I'll rather rot in hell than ask his help,"
Rolling her eyes upwards, "Ugh! Fine!"
"I said fine, Love,"
Minutes later, there was a knock or two.
After a couple of seconds, the door flew open and there stood Salvador, his eyes immediately looking over us, his eyes transformed from curious to relief to disappointment.
W-wait? Does he think me and Zachary are doing something scandalous here?
Salvador, looking sharply at Zachary which Zachary chose not to pay attention to, said, "You need to go back to your cell, bud,"
Seraphina felt panic rising inside her. Already? But she just got here.
Salvador was already leading Zachary out the room when suddenly, Zachary held both her cheeks, planting a firm kiss in her very lips, causing Seraphina to let out a shriek.
After a second, she responded to the kiss, her hands against his chest, her toes almost curling, the corner of her lips twitched up. Zachary's fingertips traveling from her cheek to her soft hair.
Their long passionate kiss ended when they heard an uncomfortable cough around them and that's when Seraphina realized Salvador was here, watching them kiss.
What a scandal.
She couldn't look Salvador in the eyes due to embarrassment, and so, she pretended as if nothing happened.
But deep inside, her heart is soaring due to what just transpired. Is Zachary kissing her?
The two of them locked eyes for a second before Seraphina tiptoed and planted a quick peck on his scruffy cheek, "I'll go see you soon, love," whispered Seraphina.
At the usage of the endearment, Zachary's lips turned upwards, looking all foolish as he gaped down at his Zachary.
When Seraphina came back to the carriage, her aunt threw her lots of questions regarding her godson's situation.
Seraphina, still reliving their kiss in her mind, merely answered that Zachary is fine and that she'll visit her again tomorrow.
Aunt Veronica's brow rose at what her niece just started, "Already?"
A nod is all Seraphina could reply. She doesn't care if she'll appear like a wanton or whatever in the eyes of others, what's important is, Zachary would have someone to be with.
Besides, she already promised she'll give him a haircut tomorrow.
In the middle of the night, while everyone was asleep in the Hearts manor, she sneaked towards the Canning manor.
Thankfully, Zachary already disposed of all the household staff ages ago so that no one would catch her.
However, at the current state of the house, she thinks bringing back the household is, indeed, a good idea.
You see, everything's in chaos. Everything is turned upside down, the chairs, the tables, glasses completely shattered.
Perhaps, when Zachary comes home drunk, he'll start throwing things.
She went straight to his chamber upstairs, fortunately, it's not locked.
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