《Beyond the Sinister (COMPLETE)》XXIII. knowing me, knowing you


Seraphina was heartbroken over what had transpired that night. For seconds, for minutes, for hours, for days, her mind solely kept worrying about him.

'Please let him be safe,' prayed Seraphina every single night that flew by, the constant feeling of loneliness enveloping her.

Aunt Veronica, the first day her niece came back with a horrible state, muddy nightgown, sticky hair, with blood everywhere, looking like she was fresh out of the battlefield, was hysterical.

Saying how she'll sue the boarding school for putting its students in grave danger. Take note, what complicates things more was the fact the Headmistress cannot be found anywhere.

Aunt Veronica, since day one, kept sending her telegraphs but none came back. Thankfully, Seraphina wrote her a letter saying she's safe and sound. However, after two or three letters, no more letters from Seraphina were delivered, causing Aunt Veronica to worry.

That's when her great godson came into the picture, writing her letters regarding Seraphina's safety. How she's with him, traveling places to places, accompanying his business transactions in the meantime which Aunt Veronica found so sweet.

When asked about her experience, Seraphina merely shrugged, saying, "T'was fun," which seems to satisfy her aunt.

Thinking about the fire that happened, Seraphina cannot help but feel hatred towards the rest of the girls and the Headmistress for they truly did betrayer.

But who knows, they might be victims as well, forced to get out of the boarding school in the middle of the night, leaving them confused and all.

Seraphina's mind drifted to all the belongings she left in the boarding school, all now in the form of ashes. The letters Aunt Veronica, Dorian, and even Zachary wrote her. God, even the illustrations Zachary sent her, she felt sorry.

Of course, Aunt Veronica bugged her once again regarding her so-called-little-vacation with her godson. Asking her if they stayed in the same room and such.

At the mention of that, Seraphina couldn't muster gazing back at her aunt for she knew she couldn't handle her aunt's wrath if she ascertained the truth.

Trembling, Seraphina swiftly shook her head in denial, "Never, Auntie," with that, Aunt Veronica merely nodded. However, there was this disturbing knowing smirk plastered in her face, sending Seraphina discomfort.


The next day, Aunt Veronica barged into her room, ordering her to dress up since they're meeting a friend. Saying how many church ladies fret over how beautiful the household of Mrs. Smith.

And so, throughout the journey to the other side of the town, Aunt Veronica narrated her trips to numerous manors. Bow she cannot believe the Duke's in-laws have peeling wallpapers and a broken vase. What a shame, really. Plus, their tea tastes horrible.

A month like this went on. No more killings. No more Zachary. Not a single note was received. Not a single rose covered in dried blood. Not a single visit.

Sep found herself frowning these past few weeks. She read dozens and dozens of books in which she can't seem to focus on since her mind kept drifting back to Zachary. Worried how he is doing right now.

Sep badly wants to ask her Aunt if she knows how's life going with Zachary but she frets about her aunt's reaction.

I mean, why the sudden interest in my grandson? If it's Dorian we are talking about, it is understandable but Zachary? Pray to enlighten us, please.

Seo had somehow managed to shut her mouth, forcing herself not to say anything about Zachary despite how her heart and mind kept rambling about him.

Once again, Aunt Veronica insisted Seraphina accompany her to another manner of her friend on the other side of the town.

Mrs. Brent, a lovely woman in her late fifties, wearing such a glamorous burgundy gown, began rambling about her son who now works as a lawyer.

All Seraphina could ever do is smile, nod, pretending to be pretty much interested. At the corner of her eye, Seraphina could perfectly see her aunt inspecting the house, from the tiles, carpets, and even the scullery maids' uniforms.

In the middle of Mrs. Brent's monologue, the subject of the talk came strolling down the drawing-room.

Seraphina gave herself the freedom of looking at the man. Truth to his mother's word, he is, indeed, a handsome fella. Probably only a few inches shorter than Zachary and mind you, Zachary is gigantic. His jet-black hair is perfectly combed, suit finely ironed, shoes well-polished.

"And who would be this beautiful young lady, Mother?" Greeted Mr. Brent, his hand behind his back, flashing a princely smile, dimples appearing.


It didn't escape Seraphina's attention when she saw him gazed at her fingers, perhaps checking to see if she's engaged to be married or what.

Seraphina merely raised her right brow, Aunt Veronica only watching, Mrs. Brent smiling as she introduced her guest.

"Oh, Christopher, this is Seraphina Hearts, niece of my great friend, Veronica," introduced Mrs. Brent.

Curtsying, Seraphina forced herself to flash a smile, no teeth showing. Christoper Brent returned a smile.

Mrs. Brent then left the room with the unwilling Veronica Hearts, saying she has a set of breathtaking paintings to show her.

At the corner of her eyes, Seraphina could tell her aunt murmured something like, "I highly doubt it,"

With that, Christoper and her were left unchaperoned in the drawing-room. She's well aware this is scandalous yet said none for she doesn't have the energy to reason out with a lawyer.

Christoper then offered his arm, leaving no choice for Seraphina but to simply accept it.

Standing near him, Christoper smelled so manly, "If you don't mind, Ms. Hearts, I could tour you around the manor,"

All Seraphina could do is smile back at him, letting him drag her around the house. All throughout the tour, Christoper talked about his job, the cases henson, the famed people he's associated with.

At the near end of the tour, he seemed a bit guilty for talking about himself. And so, he asked her about hers.

"Oh, I'm still studying," uttered Seraphina, shrugging, feeling the long stares of Christoper beside her.

"Any hobbies of yours? Sewing, perhaps?"

At the mention of that, Seraphina cannot help herself but chuckle. Shaking her head, she said, "Oh, no, Mr. Brent, you see, I rather spent a night in an asylum than sew,"

Christoper seemed surprised but said none. Well, at least he's polite. Most men, based on Seraphina's experience in numerous balls, would question her. Bombarding her questions on why she doesn't have a soft spot for sewing like most ladies.

In the end, they talked about books. Despite reading massive law books, Christoper stunned her by revealing how in his spare time, he'll predict or two.

With that, Seraphina was delighted. It has been so long since she has discussed a novel with someone. All her life, Dorian was the only one she could fangirl with, rant with.

In the end, aside from constantly talking about himself and constantly showing off his fine dimples, Seraphina could tell Christopher Brent wasn't as bad as she thought.

When the tour concluded, her aunt was frowning, clearly disapproving at what transpired, her arms crossed.

As a farewell, Christoper planted a light peck on her hand, "I'll see you soon, Ms. Hearts,"

All Seraphina could do is smile, feeling already tired, "and nice meeting you too, Mr. Brent,"

Christoper surprised her and angered her aunt when suddenly, he held Seraphina's thin waist, lifting her into the carriage.

Aunt Veronica began rambling about how she doesn't like Mr. Brent, saying Zachary is so much better.

All throughout the journey, for some reason, despite the endless rant of her aunt regarding Mr. Christoper Brent, Seraphina cannot help but smile.

No, not because of Christoper. In fact, truth be told, after their encounter a while ago, Christoper did not once again the the the enter mind.

The corners of her mouth twitched up, causing Aunt Veronica to get somehow annoyed for she thought her niece was thinking about Christoper.

However, what she was thinking was her memories regarding Zachary. Their encounters since she was just a mere child. Oh, how she loathed the sight of him back then.

Now, she'll do anything to lay even just a glimpse of that man.

Oh, how she loathes how he'll send letters back then, letters with no signatory. But now? She's very much willing to do anything just to receive a letter from him.

How he'll give her books she was saving up every birthday without once again, any note where it came from.

How he'll attend her flute recitals annually despite how he'll just sit in the corner, with Dorian and her aunt smiling broadly. Him? Oh, he was just merely looking with that smirk on his.


Hi, hope you're all safe from this pandemic. Love you all. :))

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