《Beyond the Sinister (COMPLETE)》XXII. farewell
Few days quickly flew by, not a single day passed where Seraphina's mind revolved around the man he left behind, the man he learned to loathe for God knows how long yet managed to earn a spot in her naive heart for such a short time.
After an hour and a half of tutoring the innkeeper's niece, Seraphina dozed off from reading too many classics. An escape, let's just say, to not let her mind drift back to him.
Slumping on the battered sofa, Seraphina dreamt multiple times that night, each one she vividly remembers.
One cannot state it's classified as dreams for all of them actually transpired in the past. She, being a young girl once again, back in the Canning manor in Avebury, Mrs. Jane and Dorian still pretty much are alive.
She was at the age of 14 and so was Dorian while Zachary was 22.
She remembered Dorian and her reading a book in his nook when Mrs. Jane's horrified screams filled the manor, her scream so loud it could certainly shatter the glasses.
As a reflex, Seraphina and Dorian swiftly exchanged confused and worried stares, and in an instant, they closed their books, racing towards the noise' source.
They found Mrs. Jane in the garden, wearing her bright yellow bonnet, green rubber gloves extending to her elbow, a muddy apron, looking all pale and sweaty.
Seraphina could not blame Mrs. Jane for such a horrid scream, in fact, she commends her for if she's put into that position, she'll surely commit something worse.
For there lies all Mrs. Jane's parrots inside their very silver cages, their wings chopped off, beheaded, all swimming in their own pool of blood.
Seraphina clutched Dorian's shirt, her hand covering her mouth. Seraphina, no doubt, badly wants to puke right now at such sight.
But stopped herself when she felt the arrival of another.
Dorian stood beside his mother and Seraphina, his hand caressing Mrs. Jane's back, sobbing, her head on her son's broad shoulder.
Dorian and Mrs. Jane, perhaps, did not notice a chart walking towards them with such catlike footfalls. One could barely hear him.
However, Seraphina forced herself to take her eyes off the brutally murdered parrots, her horrified eyes meeting the suspect's gaze.
The two of them exchanged looks, not one of them breaking eye contact.
Seraphina squinted at him as the words, "What happened here, Mother?" fell from his devilish mouth.
Acting all innocent here, huh. Mrs. Jane gaped up at her firstborn, saying, "Oh, son, you wouldn't believe what happened to my dear parrots. Such poor souls,"
Zachary dared not to cast a look at the dead parrots, his eyes still planted on Seraphina.
"Such poor souls, indeed, Mother," his voice monotonous, emotionless.
Seraphina doesn't need to actually see Zachary murder the parrots to know he's the man behind this. She's no fool, she sure saw him all bloody with all the beheaded sparrows not so many months ago.
Of course, God knows how many times she tried to tell Dorian, Mrs. Jane and even her aunt about this but none believed her.
Calling her a funny girl for telling such a thing for they firmly believe the oh-so-good Zachary does nothing all day but study and paint in his very lair.
'If only you know,' thought Seraphina every time this happened.
Dorian then excused himself, saying he'll go fetch the gardener to clean all this up.
Mrs. Jane ended up looking less pale when Zachary promised to buy her a dozen parrots tomorrow.
'oh, those poor innocent parrots," thought Seraphina once again as she remained standing in the garden, fighting the urge to clench her fists and punch Zachary.
She vividly remembered Zachary giving her a wink before she raced away from him, the sound of his horrifying chuckle following her.
The second memory was when Seraphina found Zachary cutting his wrist in the very corner of the library, staining the pages of the book he was just reading a while ago.
Zachary let his blood spill on a small vial which confused Seraphina. After that, never saw Zachary wear short sleeves for years.
Mrs. Jane kept bugging his son regarding it but Seraphina remained quiet, playing innocent.
The last dream was recent. It was when she caught Zachary punching the mirror a year ago, causing his knuckles to bleed, the shards of glass burying in his skin.
It was during Dorian's worst years, him slowly succumbing to illness, the doctors haven't been delivering such hopefuls
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that indeed, Dorian only has a few months left.
At that exact moment, Seraphina had this strong urge to run towards Zachary, hold his bleeding knuckles, bandage it or whatever God knows what.
She doesn't know why but all she knows at that time, she loathes the sight of Zachary hurting.
That night, Seraphina woke up, gasping, her heart beating fast. She felt thirsty. Fortunately, she had a glass of water on her bedside table. She quickly chugged it down as if she hadn't tasted a drop of water for a decade.
Even in the middle of the night, from her room, the distant sound of a waltz playing downstairs in the workers' quarters can be heard.
It's no strange everyone including the scullery maids are learning the art of dancing for it was all the rage in London.
To be frank, Seraphina was seriously tempted to at least teach them how to do it properly yesterday afternoon but in the end, decided not to. Why? It is in order to smoothly avoid any questions on how a plain widow like her learned how to.
Her being literate is enough to confuse the inn, the last thing she wants is to add another to their list of doubts regarding her.
However, that didn't stop her yesterday from standing still across the workers' quarters, meekly listening to the laughter and their footfalls.
She cannot relieve herself from the moments of her first learning how to dance.
It was Aunt Veronica, whom she absolutely misses so much, was the one who taught Dorian and her all this. From the mere curtsy, how to ask a lady a dance, the art of fanning, and of course, dancing.
Dorian and her learned Waltz at the same time, constantly stepping on each other's toes, transpiring the both of them to laugh out loud.
However, while having the best of their time, Aunt Veronica was annoyed at such a deed.
With that, while the two of them are exchanging high fives, betting on who'll first master the dance, they fail to notice Aunt Veronica exiting the room.
However, the second their dance instructor came back, she knew her aunt wasn't alone, and that she, in fact, was in deep, deep trouble.
For there stood Zachary behind her aunt, hands inside his pockets, hair standing everywhere, he looked as if he was fresh out of sleep.
She knew what her aunt was up to. And so, Seraphina was forced to zipped her mouth, forced to learn the dance with Zachary who, by the way, is a great dancer.
No doubt, Seraphina accidentally stepped on his foot multiple times. So many to name the number. However, not once did she see Zachary get annoyed, in fact, he doesn't seem to mind at all.
Strangely, everything's going smooth until she caught Zachary holding back a smile in the corner of her eyes.
She let herself have the freedom to look over her neck, and there she saw Dorian dancing gracefully with her aunt.
Hurriedly, she shifted her attention back to her feet and hands, "Dear Lord, I'll do anything for you to bless me with dancing skills," she murmured to herself.
However, her silent yet frightening dance partner seemed to hear her for she senses him suppressing yet again a laugh.
What is she? A laughingstock.
With that, intentionally, she stomped her feet to his so hard, causing him to wince this time.
With that, Seraphina smiled broadly.
The rest of the week went well, in fact, a little too well to the point she began to anticipate a problem.
Would you look at that, because on the very first day of the following week, while deep asleep in her chamber, two hooded men barged into her room?
Before Seraphina had time to scream, one covered her mouth immediately with a handkerchief. In an instant, her mind began to rumble.
They swiftly tied both hands and feet, covering her head with a sack as she tried to escape their clutches.
"No wonder that bastard is crazy about her, she's a beauty," uttered the man, his voice hoarse.
Seraphina cannot help herself from wincing. She continued struggling from their firm hands, "and feisty too, wonder how well she is in bed,"
That gross statement of his was followed by a devilish laugh, enough to raise all her hair.
"I wish we could find out but the Boss will absolutely kill us in an instant if we do that,"
The last thing she remembers was them hauling her into a carriage judging from the soft cushion and the sound of horses' hooves, she screaming for Zachary's help in her very mind.
That was the last thing she remembers before she lost consciousness.
Seraphina woke up when she felt such rough hands around her, steadying her.
Where are they?
When the carriage stopped, the men whose hands were snaking around her body, hauled her from the carriage, dragging her somewhere.
Hands still tied, blind due to the sack, Seraphina still struggled until the cloth around her mouth gave up.
With that, despite the dizziness, Seraphina let out the loudest scream she could muster.
The only reply she received was a laugh from her captors. "You're hopeless, Sweetie,"
Seraphina tripped herself multiple times perhaps from a rock despite the two men holding her shoulders.
After a minute of dragging and crying for help, she felt her captors stopped on their tracks.
That was when she felt a rough hand against her back before she could register what's happening, the man already pushed her.
Seraphina doesn't remember everything that happened so fast, her heart beating hard and fast. However, one thing's for sure, she is, indeed, in a hole.
Her mind confirmed her worst nightmare when she heard a sound of a shovel above her, still being tossed at her legs.
'Oh God, they are burying me alive,' thought Seraphina.
Seraphina screamed and screamed but the sound of their laughter filled the place.
The frightening sound traveled and the falling of soil at her body brought chills down her spine.
Seraphina tried her best to escape the ties around her feet and hands but it was no use.
All she could ever do is scream and scream as she felt the soil pulling down her body.
This goes on for minutes until she couldn't anymore, she felt herself suffocating, tears flowing down her cheeks.
That's when she heard it, the swift two gunshots followed the loud sound of shovels at the ground and two bodies rolling down beside her.
She felt something sticky touching her bare arms. Oh, God, is that blood?
Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard footfalls running towards her.
After a moment, Seraphina could tell someone jumped into the hole, that's when she felt a familiar hand touching her cheek through the sack.
Quickly, the sack was removed and with that, staring back at her is Zachary.
It was the first time she saw him in a month, and so many things had, indeed, happened to him. His eyes filled with panic.
He looked worse than he remembered. His eye bags were worse, his clothes all ruined with blood and soil, his hair sticky, his lips chapped and peeling, his beard long.
However, one thing's for sure, she is glad to see him. So glad to the point she began sobbing, her shoulder trembling.
Zachary held both her cheeks and before she could digest what he's about to do, he kisses her in the lips with so much passion and needs
His kiss this time is absolutely different. When he lopsided here, it felt like fireworks exploding.
Felt as if she was safe. As if nothing will ever go wrong. As if her dream of living in the countryside and faithful husband is now complete.
Slowly, she felt herself sitting up, the soils falling to the men beside her.
For some reason, she felt herself closing her eyes and responding to his kiss with such need and passion, all while her years flowing down her cheek.
She felt his rough yet gentle hands untying the ties bound around her hands and feet.
With that, all while still kissing her, he carried her into his lap and hardened the kiss, his hand around her shoulder, her hand buried in his hair.
It was her who broke the kiss, the both of them gasping for her, their damp lips lightly touching each other as Zachary smoothened her face and hair.
"God, I miss you so damn much," murmured Zachary. Seraphina screamed 'me too' in her mind but said none.
Instead, she merely looked at him, with that, she cried once again. Her mind reliving her almost being buried alive, her feeling so lonely in the inn, desperately missing him.
In an instant, Zachary wrapped his arms around her, "I am so, so sorry, Love,"
Staring back at him, she forced herself not to sob, "How'd you found me?"
"I knew where you were all this time, Sep." He replied, still caressing her cheek.
Seraphina was about to ask a question when he raced her off, "I didn't approach you since I know you need some space,"
That revelation alone was the reason why she was yet again on the verge of crying.
"I did watch you every day, of course, for I cannot sleep knowing you're unsafe. I mean, what if the kid you're tutoring treated you badly, some drunk men barged into your room, what if someone flirted with you and you ended up liking it? There are so many what-ifs, Love. I just can't,"
Speechless. That's what she is right now.
She then felt Zachary carrying her in his arms, leaving the two dead men in the ground which Seraphina forced herself not to look at.
Till now, she was shaking. All Zachary could ever do was murmur comforting words in her ear, his hand caressing her back as he carried her out of the cemetery.
After a few minutes, they're now in a carriage. During the journey to God knows where, she was seated on his lap, Seraphina wearing Zachary's shirt which she insisted she wears due to how she's only in her nightgown.
And so, Zacahry is half-naked, stroking her hair, while Seraphina remained in his lap, her hands on her lap, her cheek against his chest, emotionless.
She felt Zachary stir when she decided to open her mouth, however, she still did not look at him.
"What's happening, Zach?"
However, there was no reply.
"Why is death chasing me, Zach? Please,"
Again, he did not answer. This time, Seraphina shifted her eyes to him, he merely stared back at her. His eyes are full of emotion. Sadness, anger, and regret mixing into one.
"Please answer me this time, Zach, please," she pleaded, her trembling hands gripping his bare biceps.
"I have the right to know, Zach. Both of our lives are at stake,"
Still, his mouth remained shut, refusing to spill anything.
Suddenly, a tear fell down from her eyes.
At the sight of her tear, Zachary continued stroking her hair which frustrated her more.
"Believe me, Zach, you're someone, God knows, I see myself being with for the rest of my life but I just can't do this anymore,"
Zachary seemed surprised at her statement but said none, instead, he held both her cheeks. "And be with me, Love, L-let's run away a-and..."
"Did you do this?" cut Seraphina off, her eyes and voice filled with determination.
Seraphina doesn't need to repeat her question in order for Zachary to know what she's talking about.
Shaking her head in desperation, he gripped her frail hands, "I swear, Sep, I didn't do it. I did not order him to bury you, I-i..."
This time, it's Seraphina's turn to remain quiet as Zachary explained and pleaded.
"I know what I did was wrong, being the mastermind of the tragedies that struck you and all but I swear, I have nothing to do with the fire and this, please, believe me, Love," Zachary exclaimed, his voice desperate and hoarse.
"But I admit, it was all my fault. I dangle you into my world, for that, I am truly sorry, Love," stated Zachary, quickly running his hand across his hair in frustration.
Seraphina looked at him, her heart aching as the words, "Leave me alone, Zach, please. Please, for real this time," fell from his trembling lips.
She knew she'll regret her words tomorrow but she knew this is what she needs.
Silence enveloping them, Zachary softly kissed Seraphina's forehead before saying, "if that's what you want, Sep,"
And before Seraphina could muster a reply, Zachary told the chauffeur to halt the carriage.
The two of them exchanged looks for a second before Zachary let himself the liberty of yet again kissing her on the forehead before he removed her from his lap.
He then looked at her one last time, tucked her hair behind her ear, "Goodbye, Seraphina,"
With that, Zachary left the carriage, leaving Seraphina all alone inside.
As soon as the door closes, the sounds of the horses' hooves continue, that's when Seraphina realized what she had done.
God knows how much Seraphina badly wants to scream at the chauffeur to please halt the carriage. God knows how badly Seraphina badly wanted to run after him, wrapped her arms around him, kissed him on the lips, and pleaded with him to forget what she just said, that yes, they could run away together. Wherever he prefers to.
However, Seraphina did none. Instead, she let her tears fall all throughout the journey back to Avebury.
Her mind was wondering what had happened to him. The man she loves.
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