《Beyond the Sinister (COMPLETE)》XXV. the scheme
The next day, Seraphina and Aunt Veronica spent many hours visiting Zachary.
Salvador, along with the rest of the guards, stared at Seraphina with such knowing looks.
"I was about to say to others not to bother you two but then, you bought the company," he whispered at her while strolling down to the visiting room.
Aunt Veronica pretended not to notice Salvador but Seraphina could vividly remember her aunt wincing at the very sight of yellowed and rotting teeth.
All Seraphina could ever do is merely suppress a chuckle, feeling overly sorry for the fella.
Seraphina gaped down at Salvador. What does he mean by that statement of his?
About what occurred yesterday? Seraphina and Zachary smooching right in front of his eyes, does he think they're doing something more scandalous than that behind closed doors.
'Oh, dear. Please don't let Aunt know about this,' was all Seraphina could ever pray throughout the day.
For the next few hours, Aunt Veronica alternates between sobbing and scolding Zachary who is busy eating, only nodding at Aunt Veronica.
In the corner of his eyes, the two of them exchanged glances, Zachary smirking, causing Seraphina to blush and chuckle, shrugging.
Zachary seems to be in a lighter mood now compared to before. Despite his sore face and shaggy hair and facial hairs, he doesn't look as if he's carrying the world on his shoulders anymore.
"What would your mother say, dear?" worried Aunt Veronica, messaging her temple in distress.
Before Zachary could muster a reply, Aunt Veronica already answered her very own question. Well, that's surely a rhetorical question.
"She would be disappointed, boy, truly. Look, your career might get affected by this scandal, oh, imagine the scandals," she once again distressed, looking very ready to faint any minute now.
Zachary then halts eating, looking at his godmother straight in the eye, comforting, "Don't fret over those, Aunt Veronica. Everything's gonna be okay, my clients wouldn't care about petty things,"
Aunt Veronica seemed satisfied with his statement for a second before her brows met again.
And so, for the rest of their visits, Aunt Veronica kept rambling about the scandals and such.
It even hinted how Seraphina's reputation could be in grave danger due to her appearance yesterday.
Zachary pretended to massage his temple, swiftly gazing to Seraphina, brow-raising sardonically, he mouthed, 'You look ravishing, love,'
That transpired Seraphina to chuckle a bit louder than intended, causing Aunt Veronica to momentarily stop, "What's funny, girl? Can't you see, no man would offer marriage to you ever again with that kind of reputation,"
And so, for the rest of the day, it went on like this. Aunt Veronica's stress alternated between her niece and her godson who kept exchanging secret glances and mouthing back words.
Some were funny, while some were downright flirty.
When Salvador entered the room, they knew it's time for Zachary to get back to his cell.
Aunt Veronica angrily faced Salvador, saying how little time they gave despite giving them numerous hours.
And so, while Aunt Veronica's back is facing the both of them, busy arguing with the guard, Zachary swiftly kisses Seraphina in the mouth, his rough hands encircled around her thin waist.
Tiptoeing, Seraphina kissed Zachary back, smiling, and whispering the words, "Sorry I didn't get to fix that hair of yours,"
Zachary merely smiled at her, " No worries, you'll be back tomorrow, right?"
There's something about his voice that seems foreign to her ears. It was as if he was overly worried she would not be back.
Seraphina wants to rain him with all the hugs and kisses just to convince him that she'll be back, that she'll never get tired of him.
"Of course, Mr. In-need-of-a-haircut. Besides, your beard tickles me," uttered Seraphina, chuckling when Zachary brushed his scruffy beard along her cheek.
The next day, as promised, Seraphina came back. However, this time, Aunt Veronica couldn't make it. Saying how she needs to explain to the Brents about Zachary's state, how he hadn't really committed a mistake, saying it was all mistaken identity.
With that, Aunt Veronica's sure the Brents, being natural gossip mongers will spread the information until Zachary's reputation is once again flawless.
"Got rid of that lady, huh? Couldn't blame you, you lovebirds couldn't even exchange looks," observed Salvador while leading her to the visiting room.
With Aunt Veronica, she decided not to bring the supplies she brought from his manor since she's certain her aunt would question her about it.
Now, without her aunt, she finally brought all the fresh clothes and shaving equipment.
Using the huge gallons of water she brought which Salvador assisted her in bringing inside, Zachary can now have a bath.
It still stunned her how easily she could bring any items she desires without a single question from Salvador and the rest of the guards. Still, she said none.
The whole time Zachary bathes, Seraphina simply faces the wall, her face red, her ears picking up Zachary's endless chuckles and ridiculous suggestions on how she's free to join her.
When he asked her to please scrub his back, Seraphina debated whether to agree or not but in the end, she found herself walking towards him and scrubbing his back for a minute or so.
"I now smell like you, love," he stated while she was busy scrubbing his backfilled with scars. She no longer felt the need to question him regarding the scars.
She knows he'll tell her about it when he's ready.
"Only if you'll make a habit of bathing daily, Zach," replied Seraphina.
Everything happened so fast, the next thing she knows, her slender fingers are buried on his blond hair, scrubbing his scalp.
When Seraphina heard him moan, she froze, and with that, she ran back to the other side of the room, blushing.
Zachary chuckled at her.
Still, she remained facing the wall. Even while he finished bathing, while putting on his clothes, he kept talking about how impressed he is at her for picking up his favorite set of clothes.
Afterward, she gave him a haircut and shaved his face. He said he could do it but then, she reminded her of the absence of a mirror.
With that, that left Zachary no choice but to surrender, sitting still as Seraphina's face only inches apart, shaving his beard.
However, despite sitting, Zachary's still tall which caused distress to Seraphina. It stunned her when suddenly, Zachary encircled her waist, positioning her steady in his lap.
She tried to get off at first but gave up when his grip remained firm. She could perfectly smell him from how close they are. She smells so manly and flowers since she bought her soap.
Zachary, throughout the deed, has a strong urge to kiss her right in this very minute but decided not to since he knew Seraphina would be pissed.
Looking at Zachary, after the haircut, Seraphina's satisfied with her work, to the point a squeal escaped her lips.
Seraphina was still sitting on top of his lap, his hands still around her waist, he kissed her hard on the lips, shocking Seraphina.
After their kiss abruptly ended, Seraphina's face red, her lips swollen from all his kisses, Zachary said, "No more beard to tickle you,"
All the reply Seraphina could ever muster right now is a nod, her mind still dizzying from all the kissing.
Zachary was on the verge of kissing her again when Seraphina quickly rose from his lap, strolling back to the table, pointing to the food she brought, all while not looking him in the eyes for she's sure he has a smug look on his face.
While Zachary is busy eating, before Seraphina could have a chance to register her train-of-thoughts, the words, "About all the nude illustrations, did you really see me naked?" fell out of her plump lips.
Zachary seems as surprised as she was at her question. However, after a second, he schooled his face back to normal.
Stopping in the midst of his meal, he stared at her, answered, "It was all in my head, Sep, believe me, never had I seen nor touched your naked body,"
" Then, what about clothes? How'd you know my size?"
"I don't know, it sounds strange but I just know it, I guess," he answered, shrugging.
Holding her hand, he uttered, "For that, please forgive me, Sep. For being such an asshole and a creep,"
All Seraphina could reply is a genuine laugh, before adding, "Just don't do it again, please,"
Nodding at her, he responded, "You got my word, love,"
"Now's my turn to ask a question," he added, his brow challenging.
Seraphina knew she's not hiding any question, she merely shrugged, and nodded.
"Tell me the truth, did you have a romantic relationship with my brother?" He seems tense at his question. It was as if he was sure of the answer yet still dreads it.
"Your brother and I had not been engaged with romance or whatsoever towards one another, Zach. I and Dorian were only friends, nothing more, nothing less,"
She then heard his sarcastic sigh, " A man and a woman cannot be friends, Sep, especially if it involves a beautiful woman like yourself,"
Not sure whether to get frustrated or blush, Seraphina responded with a firm voice, "Believe me, Zach, when I said to me and your brother were just friends,"
When Zachary only gaped down at her with a disbelieving eye, Seraphina let out a soft sigh, closed her eyes.
She knows the truth needs to come out whether she likes it or not. She knew it's not her place to say it but Dorian would understand, right?
Letting out another soft sigh, she licked her lips, nervous at what she's about to say, Zachary just stared at her every movement, as usual.
And so, she confessed his late best friend's secret to his distressed older brother.
"Sure, I do have a major crush on him for so many years since one cannot deny how handsome he is, but that all went away when he told me that..." Seraphina gulped before continuing.
Zachary stared at her, appearing to remain calm despite the stress in his eyes.
"Well, look, I confessed to him and he told me he prefers boys than girls, Yo-you see, Dorian all along is a closeted-gay,"
At that revelation. Zachary's eyes went massive. As if he cannot process what she just said. Well, who can blame him?
Sure, Dorian is not into horseback riding or any other manly activities but one cannot instantly conclude he's gay.
"And so, that began our little secret. Each year, Dorian would introduce me a new paramour of his, each one more handsome than the previous one,"
Zach was surprised at what she just said.
"Wow, I felt overly guilty for not knowing that considering he's my little brother. I shouldn't lock myself up in my room, I should've hung out with him and maybe, just maybe, I would've known," was all Zachary could say after a minute of silence.
Comforting him through rubbing his arm, she said, "It's your fault, Zach, hell, even Mrs. Jane and Auntie had no clue,"
Nodding, Zachary gave into her touch, wrapping his arms around her, his head rested on her shoulder as she continued the motion of rubbing his arm.
"Besides, you've worked hard to earn that reputation of a creepy guy in my head," Seraphina jokingly said, earning a light smirk from him.
In the middle of the night, once again, she sneaked to the bar Zachary was staying in. It only has around 5 people in it, 2 were customers, 2 were prostitutes and the last one is the bartender who also happens to be the owner.
She then asked the owner regarding what truly happened the night about Zachary and indeed, the owner told her the same thing Zachary told her.
"Are all these people the same ones as that night?" she asked, her emerald eyes wandering around the small smelly pub with battered chairs and tables, beer stains on the countertop.
"You got it right, Sweetheart," answered the chubby balding owner.
"I have a business proposal for you, Mister,"
Seraphina seems to have grabbed his full attention since he stopped wiping the countertop, resting both his elbows on it instead.
"Spill it," he replied as he fished tobacco from his pocket, lighting it.
"I'll give you two thousand pounds, one for you and one for the others,"
The man choked the smoke at the mention of the large sum of money. She knew they wouldn't reject her offer, after all, two thousand pounds is no joke.
"What's in exchange, Sweetheart? Nothing comes for free, that am sure of,"
" Let's just say it involves Zachary Canning,"
And so, for an hour, she told him about her plan and what they needed to do.
In the end, as expected, all of them happily agreed to her proposal.
After giving the two thousand pounds she withdrew from the bank just the night before, Seraphina handed the man and the rest of the people involved the money.
"I expect you all to stay true to your word, please," pleaded Seraphina, eyeing them drugged into the bag filled with notes.
One of the witnesses, a man in his fifties, with graying hair and all, reeking of alcohol, said, "I don't get it why you'll waste your money on that creep, he doesn't deserve you, Miss,"
The owner gave her a sideways glance, all while still counting the money, "I second the motion, Miss. I mean, with that beauty of yours, you could even marry King George,"
Seraphina did not reply instead, she shrugged and was about to leave when a tall blond woman in her thirties, one of the prostitute gripped her arm, stopping her.
"He may be a creep and a not-so-good-looking guy, Miss but he sure is faithful," she stated, crossing her arms.
Her brows meeting in confusion, Seraphina asked her, "What do you mean?"
"For starters, do you happen to be Seraphina?" the woman asked, puffing out tobacco.
Suppressing a cough, Seraphina swiftly nodded.
"That drunkard wouldn't accept any of my offers. All he ever says is your name, Seraphina here, and Seraphina there," the woman explained, smirking.
Seraphina doesn't know what to say. She let her eyes travel around the woman. She's tall, blond, wearing a battered brown gown that is way too fitted, half her boobs are on display, with rotting teeth and all. Plus, she, too, reeked of alcohol.
"Yo-you and him? Did you to-two...?"
The woman quickly shook her head, laughing, "God, no. Hell, he won't even look in the eyes,"
At her answer, Seraphina let out such a relieved sigh, it was as if half her problems vanished out of thin air.
With that, the woman chuckled at her, shaking her hand before saying, "Wow, that creep really did stole your heart, huh,"
Smiling, she said, "Please refrain from calling him to creep, Ma'am,"
'I only have the right to call him that, he sure is a creep but he's my creep,' she spoke in her mind.
At that, she left the pub, the horrid smell of alcohol and smoke clinging to her gown.
Still, she left the pub with a massive smile plastered on her face.
No way would she regret spending all her money, her dowry on him, leaving her penniless at the moment.
Besides, her parents will state she'll receive all her inheritance by the time she married or when she turned 30.
Hi! So, this story only consists of 31 chapters which are all already finished. Anyways, always keep safe! 🥰
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