《the greek hero (sonadow)》keep going


shadow was waking up from his sleep he open his eyes and saw the sun out he was going to look at the time but he couldn't move his arm he look why and saw the answer and blushed a bit seeing sonic sleeping peacefuly and snuggling his head on shadow chest at first he wanted to push him off but then remebered his wound on his side so instead he had no choice to wake sonic up 'faker wake up' sonic was still sleeping 'faker......FAKER WAKE UP' sonic bolted his eyes open and saw a not so happy shadow who was blushing.

'wha what wrong' he rubbing his eyes

'you are on me so can you move' sonic look and saw that he was on his side and snuggling up to shadow with his hand on his chest 'ah sorry about that shads sonic sat up as quick as he could without hurtinng his wound then scrached the back of his head while blushing a bit all shadow said to sonic was to not to speck about this to no one when they get back home sonic agreed and they both stood up got the sack of emeralds and walk north.

shadow and sonic was walking for a couple of hours while checking there comunicaters they were glad tails built them for everyday and survival purpose's sonic was so board by this time and wanted to say something to kill it but he knew shadow prefers silence until he him self broke it

'so how did you know what to do with that wound of yours'

'oh this i get them all the time when fighting my enemy's but because of that i did learn how to patch myself up by reading on type of thing that can help and even the survival book for type of herbs and plants to use'


i see....you did seem to look like you done it before so what was the worst you had then'


'umm that would be when i was fighting eggman and this huge robot he made i manage to destroy it but i had most of my ribs broken and my left arm too and also i was covered in cuts and bruises that was painful.....oh can i ask you something why did you not hit me when you woke up'

'because faker if i did that i would injury you more and if that happen then i would have to carry you there so i'll rather be hug at night than do that'

'HAHAH well ok thanks for not hitting me i guess and sorry again didn't mean to do that'


they spend most of the day walking and talking about sonic fights then his life and how he got to meet his friends until they stop as they saw some fruit near the bushes and trees sat down and eat and then kept moving again until it was starting to get dark.

shadow started the fire near a running river while sonic check on his wound and try to clean the sock in the river shadow went behind sonic and saw that he was in pain by every move he made 'how's you wound faker'

'it ok just really sore that's all' shadow saw that sonic try to pretend that he was in no pain and smile

'faker i know your in pain don't try to hide it because your not very good at it' sonic had the string in his hand and the sock so shadow pick up sonic and carry him near the fire 'shadow you know i can walk you don't have to carry me'

'your obviously in pain so just let me patch you up it will be quicker than your shaky hands' sonic knew shadow was right he been walking all day in some pain but he never thought he would be shaking from it.


shadow put sonic down and gently patch him up now sonic was laying down shadow sat down next to him and said

'when we get back don't tell anyone about me helping you this way i don't want people thinking i care about you'

'but do you because i care about ya'

shadow just blushed a bit and lay down trying to be himself and told sonic to just go to sleep sonic never got the answer to his question but forgot about it and fell asleep next to him.

Again shadow woke up with shadow hugging him he look a sonic who look so peaceful when sleeping and doing some light snorers too.

This time however shadow saw that he had his hand wrap around him shadow sigh thinking he gotten too close to sonic lately and that he may show his true feeling to him if he keep doing this.

Shadow was getting his arm back until he felt something on sonic back he stop and touch it again it felt like healed scar wondering his hand again without thinking he felt more all over him and some under his spikes too in shadow mind I thought sonic must of gone through hell but shadow started to remember that sonic said he had been injured many time's but he didn't think it was this bad he started to feel a little bit of guilt as he got sonic off of him slowly to not wake him up.

shadow stood up and start shaking his head he new he had feeling for the teen but not this much to feel guilt and sympathy for him.

Shadow just sigh to his thought and look at the time and where north was until he heard something in the distance of the woods he went to check what it is and saw a group of solider's with the jackal they seem to be searching shadow quickly ran to sonic and shake him up

'sonic we need to get out of here now'

sonic was stirring and was about to speak but shadow covered his mouth

'shhh we need to go the jackal back there with a group'

sonic nodded and got up with the help of shadow and started to sneak in the trees they were doing fine until an arrow landed next to shadow and by instincts he gave sonic the sack and pick him up in a way you would with a bride and ran with someone close behind.

as shadow was running he tried to lose the mobians that was after him but with no luck so he just went full speed until he stop at a steep cliff he look down and saw there was no way he can jump down

'shadow look there a vine on the tree over the other side you just need to jump and grab it'

shadow put sonic down 'can you still jump faker after me'

'yea just hurry will ya'

shadow had no time to argue and jump on to the hanging vine and swung to the other side just before the vine snap in his hand but shadow manage to land 'DAMN IT' shadow look looked at sonic and saw that the jackal was coming out of the trees and walking striaght to sonic with a sword in his hand


sonic look back and saw the jackal was 5 foot away from him he was traped as he knew he couldn't fight right now


sonic tie a knot on the sack and threw it as far as he can at shadow but at the cost of opening his wound up he drop down holding on to it grunting in pain while shadow catch the sack and then look back to see a sword next to sonic face and the jackal right behind him.

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