《the greek hero (sonadow)》a runaway for an emperor


'SHADOW GET GOING' sonic shouted to shadow from across the cliff but shadow didn't want to until a load of arrow was aiming his way did he then leave sonic behind

in shadow mind:

'damitit damnit damnit why did i have to jump on that vine first if i didn't i would of had a chance to fight them off and find a way to get to you '

and shadow was gone when he ran to the trees.

'shit the emperor not going to be happy with the emeralds gone nevermind at least we have you blue demon'

sonic slowly stood up holding on to his wound while the jackal pulled up the sword with him and was now pointing it at sonic

'get lost asshole'

then sonic threw a punch but the jackal catch it then try to kick but was pull with his arm to the jackal and then he swung him around then twisted sonic arm '

arrgh let go of me you bastard'

'my name is infinite captain of the Pompeii's army so keep that in mind when we make the trip back'

'like hell am i going back there'

'oh really because the way i see it you don't have the option to refused'

then infinite twisted and pull sonic arm till he heard a click then sonic drop down on the floor to his knee's


infinite walk in front of sonic and raised sonic chin with his sword

'if i were you i would get use to being on my knee's in front of my superior's'


sonic was roughly pulled up by infinite and push towards the solider's

'tie him up nice and tight and his legs too and then throw him in the cage

sonic fought back but was to weak to stop them from bounding his hands together and his legs sonic was in too much pain from his wound that was now bleeding and his arm that was dislocated he soon fell unconscious before they pulled him up.

with shadow:

shadow was thinking on what to do.


Go back and save sonic or go north to angel island with the emeralds give them to there leader and then save sonic

as he was still thinking while walking he notice there was some rustling from the bushes and was getting ready to fight until someone came out of one of the bushes it was an little ecidna with some chao's around her

'hello sorry for scarying you my name is tikal and these are my friends just saw you and they wanted to follow you'

'that fine but your an ecidna right'


'then am i on angel island right now'

'yep my tribe is not far from here why'

'can you take me there i need to give your leader this'

she look at the sack after shadow open it and was happy to see them

'the jewel's of power that was taken yes i will take you to my tribe they said that someone will come back with them please follow me'

shadow followed tikal to her tribe which didn't take long and saw a whole village full of other echidna's who was looking at him when he was passing by them then saw the ruin's and the alter where the master emerald was with an older echidna next to it.

then the older one turn to them as soon as tikal shouted the name knuckles and ran up to him and he then saw shadow.

'who are you and why are you here?'

'i came to give you these sonic said you needed them back'

he showed the emeralds to knuckles and knuckles smiled and nodded

'thank you so much for bringing them back but where is sonic'

'sonic was just captured i hope and i need to see what happen to him'

'so the prophecy may be true then that poor kid (sigh) come with me we have much to talk about and by the look of you i think you need to get some rest before you leave'

shadow was tired and he did have scratches all over him but he wanted to go find out what they did to sonic


'i'm fine i need to find sonic now so i will be leaving now'

'sorry i know you want to find sonic but you need to know a few things first and you won't be no good getting him back in your weak state so rest and i'll send some of my mobians to the last place you saw him in the meantime'

shadow sigh and accepted knuckle proposal just hopping for the best for sonic to be ok.

meanwhile with sonic:

sonic was started to slowly wake up but wish he didn't as he was hit with more pain he open his eyes and saw metal bars around him.

He tried to move but was tie up pretty tight he then slowly sat up and lean against one of the bars and look around he saw that he was in a cage he the look through the bars and saw that the solder's were running behind him but they seem to be traveling fast for some reason


no one was listening no sonic just struggled to get out of his restraint for a while but had no such luck

sonic mind:

damn i pretty much screwed right now i just hope shadow has better luck than me and got to angel island but right now it probably the best because i was only slowing shadow down with me not running and all but then if i think about it shadow never ask me if i can run as well as that he never was insulting me or hitting me heck he even let me cuddle next to him when we were sleeping is it because i'm injured or does he care about me he never really did give me an answer when i ask him.

Just then they all stoped and infinite was walking around the cage till he was in front of it he open it and draged sonic out he then told one of the soilder's to untie his legs and he did then sonic was pushed by infinte to walk forward sonic stumbled but catch himself before he fell then he felt something sharp poking his back

'keep walking and i won't hurt you'

'pff whatever'

sonic did what he was told and saw that he was at the mansion again before walking inside and this time there was mobians here and there cleaning,painting and moving things around and then saw two guards opening two large door for them to go in and as he walk in he saw that memphis was laying up on a roman fashion couch with other mobians serving him food and fanning him to cool him down while memphis saw sonic and was grinning as he got closer till he was in front of him.

sonic was stop and then forced to go on his knees in front of memphis.

'finally your back infinite you took your time i was starting to think he defeated you again'

infinite bow down next to sonic

'my apology my lord they mange to hide in the forest but manage to sniff out this boy's blood to find him however the other one got away with the jewels but we came back faster than expected by using my teleportation'

'well done on getting sonic here and don't worry about the other he will be slaughtered with the echidna tribe when we get back over there'

sonic shouted at memphis 'YOU ARE ONE SICK BASTARD YOU KNOW THAT'

infinite raised his sword but memphis put his hand up and then he put his sword away and step back as memphis stood up and went up to sonic lifting his chin with his finger still grinning

'i see that your wounded that a shame one of my solider's shot you but don't worry i had him kill just for you'

'WHAT why the hell would you do that to one of you mobians for'

memphis lean in and whispered into sonic ear

'because no one damage what belong to me'

'i don't belong to no one ESPECIALLY YOU'

'will see about that'

memphis wave over a group of other mobians

'get him patch up and ready'

sonic was pulled up and taken out of the room by the group but not before he heard memphis chuckle behind him.

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