《The March of the Black Queen (book III)》23.) Young & Beautiful
I don't have time to edit.
Heading back from my lunch break lol
Soooo yeah, bye!
"I'm sorry. We did every test we could think of. All the results are the same. It's positive...and we're not sure exactly how to treat you. The toll it's taken on your body is already evident. It's only a matter of... waiting..."
"Rosie!," I knock on the front door of the Taylor residence for the 5th time, still no one answers.
"Roger?!," I holler towards the open window on the upper level, but still my presence is ignored.
That's strange. I only wanted to visit with Rose today since we've barely had any quality alone time together. At least, just the two of us. Maybe they're just out. No big deal, but why isn't she answering her cell?
"No one home?," Ceci asks from the drivers seat.
"I guess n-," As I look back towards the front door, I see a patch of bleached tips poke out of the doorway.
"Thanks for the ride, Ceci. I hope the kids don't give you too much trouble," I comment while looking in the backseat at my three little angels all soundly napping. "Just remember, they're staring at the Deacons tonight".
"Of course, they won't be trouble. Have a good time, Cherie," I give her a quick peck on the cheek before rushing to the front door to beat the drizzling rain.
"I'm sorry, Rog...were you sleeping?,"
"No- well, yes I guess I fell asleep, but it's fine Cher," He shrugs as we walk into the house. Everything is quiet for mid afternoon and Roger looks absolutely exhausted. Maybe I should've come another time...
"Rose is upstairs in bed. We spent the whole day at the doctors, so I'm not sure if she's up for company, love," By his soft, calm tone I can't tell whether this is good or bad.
"Everything...alright?," I ask with a little hesitation.
"Oh, yeah, of course. She's fine. All the tests were clear,"
We stand side by side at the bottom of the long winding staircase. He has a tight smile glued on his face, but it seems he can only hold it for a second. He's lying, isn't he?
I head upstairs to find Rose in her bedroom, asleep like Roger said. Quickly slipping off my shoes, I crawl into bed beside her, slinging my arm around her waist.
She instantly picks up my hand, holding it for a second before giving it a good squeeze. "It's been a long time since we've just cuddled in bed together," She whispers.
"I know, sweetheart. But I'm here now. Do you want to talk about your day?"
"No..," she drawls with a heavy sigh, turning around so that our faces lie right next to eachother on separate pillows. "So many tests and being poked and prodded all day long...I'm tired of talking about all of that...,"
"Let's talk about you, huh.. how are things? Are you...have you settled back yet or are things still weird?," I can hardly meet her eyes. It's like she sees right through me.
"N-no ...no things are good.," I hum into a smile. "Never better.."
"Cherie...," She scowls at me, an all too familiar look to ploy me to be truthful.
"Rosie, everything's fine. I'm more worried about you-,"
"Who would have every thought we'd have all this shit to go through still after that fucked up childhood," She cuts me off, changing the subject completely.
"Hah, I'd say we were too delusional to think once we got our business together that everything would be smooth sailing," I chuckle a bit, but my hearts not in it.
"Do you ever sit and wonder, maybe if we'd never taken that job from Claude...never met the guys ...maybe we would have had an easier life..," Shes turns on her back now. Her eyes look to be in a far off land as she stares up at the ceiling.
"I used to think like that, but more for Freddie than for myself. It's my fault after all. All of this. It's me who brought the mess into his life," She doesn't say anything to contradict me so I continue. "I'd take in all this misery and give all my soul, for my husband and our children and our big family with all of you..," She just nods her head slowly, closing her eyes with a sigh.
"Cher, I get what you mean, but no. It wasn't your fault. Your ex was a psycho and so was freddies ex. Let's not talk about them, though..,"
The two of us grow silent for the next few minutes, early winter making the sun slowly sink down, casting shadows into the room. I wish things could last forever.
"Yeah, Cher?,"
She turns to look at me again, maybe sensing the change in my quivering voice. If she won't let me in, I've got to take control of the conversation. I know what is true. I'm having to learn to pay the price, and deep in my heart, I know we're all just in a whirlwind of destiny.
"Thanks for the ride, Rog...," I stare at his bloodshot eyes, he looks so exhausted. A far cry from the carefree, funny character I'd come to know.
"Cherie, w-what should I do-," He grabs my hand before I can get out of the car.
Turning to him, I can see he's completely breaking down. All this mess and no one deserves it.
"There's nothing you can do, Roger. Just...just be there for each other and...don't worry about all of us. We're only a phone call away," He shakes his head, obviously not satisfied with what I've said. But he lets go of my hand, and I get out to wave at him from my front doorstep.
Walking into the house, a whole new scene is before my eyes once I step into the open door of my bedroom. I can't be more thankful for having this man to call my own.
Freddie, unaware that I'm now watching him. Is trying his damndest to strut around to the beat of music playing from the speakers.
He's got his legs shoulder width apart, with a pair of skin tight, white spandex pants and no shirt. He bends from side to side, shaking his ass here and there to the rhythm. He yanks the fabric ever so gently, unlodging it from the places where the creases run deeply.
I don't mind this view at all. In fact, I think I'll sit and watch.
As I sit on the edge of the sofa chair in the corner, he starts to sing along.
"Just beat it,
beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Show em how funky and strong is your fight-,"
I can't control myself, watching him prance around in front of the long oval mirror, shuffling his shoulders and pretending he's in a music video all on his own as he tries his best attempt at a moonwalk, wiggling his arms in front of him like he's trying to persuade his body to obey the movement.
Bending his head down, he grips his package and spins around quickly, still singing along until he hears my laughter.
Freddie turns around wide eyed, taken completely off guard by my intrusion, a bit of pink rising on his cheeks.
"Heh-hello darling, didn't see you there..," He stands with his hip popped to one side, hands on his waist.
"Freddie you cant be serious," I say with a smirk in my face as I get up from my seat and stroll over to him.
"Serious about what, my dear?," He turns to look in the mirror again, going over his appearance. I can see his eye trailing his body, trying to find the catch.
Our eyes meet through the reflection and I silently gesture towards his mid-region. "...you, uh..you fill out those tight spandexy outfits much more than you used to-"
"Yes I know, darling. I'm not as slender as I used to be, I've finally grown into the body of a grown man," he grumbles while rolling his eyes, unamused at my comment even though he's taken it out of context. I decide to keep up with the jabs to see his reaction.
"No— it's the dad bod. You have a dad bod now, Freddie. It was inevitable really-,"
"I have a WHAT??," he starts his rant with that higher pitched voice that he gets when he's excited or upset. I'm guessing it's the latter.
He starts to parade around the room, tugging at his pants to make them rise up closer to his belly button. "I've never heard such a ridiculous thing!,"
He grabs a plain white T-shirt from his drawer, slipping it on quickly. I have to say I feel a little bad about this, but of course he's only overreacting.
"Dad bod, hmm?," He sits on the edge of our bed, switching his phone on. "We'll see about that," he scoffs as he uses his pointer finger to tap tap tap tap at his phone screen.
"Watch this," he jumps up from the bed, runs over to the mirror again, only this time he's trying to position his phone at the right angel to take a picture of himself.
"This bloody thing is unflattering. Here. You take it," My grin grows more devilish when I see him striking a dominant pose for the camera. You see, what I was trying to tell him...
"Now, watch this. Customer feedback is the most important. Let's get professional opinions, hmm,"
Again, he has a seat on the bed. Fully concentrated on typing in a caption. I peak over at his phone to see he's definitely on Instagram again.
I sit beside him now. I guess my little bit of joshing has gone over his head. He can't think I was being serious. "Papi, you know I was only joking. I wasn't even talking about your body, I was talking about your-,"
"Aha!," He says excitedly. "You see, darling. Only a matter of seconds for my lovies to comment their compliments and- hey, now wait a bloody minute!,"
Leaning closer to him as he scrolls through the comments, I start to giggle at his disgusted expression from what the fans have written.
Freddiesasscheeks169: "😘"
Freddiesbeefjerkyskank: "😍😍😍🥳
LaspalabrasdeLaBulge: "🥵🤤🤤😜
BabyQueenie39: "🤮😍
"Well, that didn't go as planned. Whatever, at least they're still kind of compliments. I mean really! What the bloody hell is a dad bod and how do I get rid of it?!"
He shuts his phone off, twitching his lip over his teeth and pulling them inward. I can't believe he's actually offended.
"You look fanfuckingtastic! Stop being a grump," I throw my leg over him, straddling his lap on the edge of the mattress.
"How ever will I be able to be less of a grump, when my own wife thinks-,"
"Thinks you have a rock hard bod?," I lower my voice, speaking directly onto his lips. His plump bottom lip grazing against mine with every word.
"Or, better yet, thinks she wants your rock hard cock?," Sucking his bottom lips into my mouth, I teasingly flick my tongue around the captured flesh before releasing his lip again as his quick moan slips out.
I pull back to look at him, there's that lustful swirl alive again in his eyes, the tip of his tongue slowly slides over his moist bottom lip, licking up my flavor.
I bend my head down to his ear, whispering seductively before biting his earlobe, causing him to growl, "So then...," I begin to swivel my tongue down his neck, stopping just at the nape to place delicate, soft kisses on his skin. "Are you going to give it to me...or do I have to take it?,"
As soon as the words leave me, I use my mouth to suck the tender skin of his neck, moving in small sections, twirling my tongue around like a French kiss. His hips begin to move under me. I can feel the pulsing bulge between my legs, wanting to break free. Sliding my flat tongue up his neck, slowly making my way to his sharp jawline, he grabs me by my hair, pulling me back from him.
Staring at him now, I can see the bright red marks I've left on his skin. My handiwork, my territory. Post that on Instagram!
"OoOh, I'm gonnaaaa give to you...," He holds me in place, one hand gripping the back of my neck, the other holding my hips down on him as he grinds into me.
"And you're gonna take it, too. All of it-,"
In one swift motion, he plants me on my back on the bed, crawling over to where he's flung me, he strips his shirt off in seconds.
Making his way closer,he uses his knees to push my legs further apart, bending down on a prowl, his back arches, the roundness off his cute little ass outlined perfectly behind him. He lifts my shirt above my head, leaving the fabric around my wrists, pressing them together over my head.
"Is this alright..," he stops for a moment, questioning his slightly tougher approach.
"Anyway you want to give it to me, Papi...," I bite my lip in anticipation, as he pushes his weight firmer on top of me, his chest on mine. One hand holding my wrists together, the other trailing down my side, a light brush against my skin making me quiver.
"Keep them up," he winks at me and I can feel myself pooling with wetness as his hot breath reaches the spot just above my pant line.
His kisses on my stomach make me shiver, his mustache tickling my navel, he jabs his tongue into it, biting his way across my skin until his teeth clamp onto my pants.
I start to squirm underneath his glare. His eyes never leave mine as he pulls my pants down, lifting my legs above my head, he slips them off, smacking the inside of my thoughts with a heavy hand.
I squeal with delight, loving the way he can make his mark on me without making it fearful.
"Oooh, you like that do you?," his husky tone is seductive, causing my clit to pulse as he brings his head down between my thighs.
He hovers above my panties, I keep my eyes directly in his lips as he stares at my soaked panties while repeatedly licking his lips until they glisten. He pushes his mouth onto me letting a deep groan travel into me as his mouth begins to eat around my pantry lines. His fingers move them to the side, his tongue is so warm, soft and merciless as he laps me, every single stroke of his tongue sending me sprinkling into pent up immediate orgasm.
"Papi! Fuuuck! Yes! Just like that!," licking my labia from the expelling cum, he crawls to hover over me, his chin dripping with my juices.
He kisses me hard, pushing his tongue against my lips I open my mouth to receive him, fully tasting myself on his tongue. "Hmmph, baby...Are you ready for this..," He spills a sweet little moan into my mouth when I reach down to grip him.
I squeeze his hard cock in my hand, feeling the warmth of his pulsing shaft, directing his fat, enforced tip inside of me. "Ahh, you feel so good Papi.."
I'm breathless as he starts to slow pump into me, picking up the pace within seconds to a jackhammer speed. "Fuck- I needed you so bad— ughh, you're so warm baby...mmm,"
His speed doesn't let off any sign of him stopping soon, my legs squeeze around his waist, wanting him deeper and deeper. "Fuck me Freddie, fuck me, fuck me good— YEEEESSS! OMG! YESS Papi Dont stop!,"
He throws my legs over his shoulders, butterflying his legs, getting that deep dive angle that makes me feel like I'm going to explode! The slushing sounds of splattering fun mixing in with my long, drawn out moans, his growls turn me on even more. He sounds like a wild man.
"Damn, baby you take it soo good. Ughh, I'm gonna tear you up— f-f-FUUUCK!!!," His body starts to shake, his hands grip my hips, he slams into me harder and hard, "AHH! Ahh! AHhhHhhhh!," My throat burns from the screams, but I can take him in me forever.
His mouth slacks open, jaw unhinged, he throws his head back chuckling and groaning at the same time, fully enjoying the ride. "All mine— all mine— Baby you're hot, ooooh!,"
His roars of pleasure, quiet, his body lays on top of me, engulfing me, slippery and wet with sweat as he creams inside of me he moans soft, short whimpers, riding out his release until his unloaded.
I hold his head to me, where he lays on my chest. Running my fingers through his damp, short curls, our chests heave, our breathing matching the same rhythm as we both come down from the high.
His lips trail up my neck, tender wet kisses mark me until I feel him sink his teeth against my skin, "shhhhhhh—ahh!," he rewards me with a couple rough sucks, pulling my skin to his teeth.
"There. Now we're even," he smirks as my last whimper escapes me at the feel of his cock being pulled out.
His eyes shine with the light of a truly happy man. This is my Freddie. This is the Freddie I always want to see and feel. We deserve this and more. As he lays on his back now, our bodies never leave eachother. I lay on his chest, crossing my arms to support my chin as my fingers roam through the tufts of his sweaty chest hair.
She never stops. She never stops making my heart fill up, never stops making me fall into a sappy, mushy, completely, foolishly, utterly in love with her. I stroke the dip of her back with my fingers, staring at her beauty as she caresses my chest.
"After everything you know now....everything that's happened...," her eyes trail away from mine. I can tell whatever she thinks of herself is not much at all.
"You don't think I'm disgusting or....damaged..,"She doesn't form the sentence into a question at all. No, it's more like she's telling me what to think, how to feel.
"I don't think of it that way and you know it.," I start off with a stern voice to prove my point, but melt back down into a soft tone as I go on. "You should know it. I love you, Angel. Nothing will ever make me stop loving you, or making love to you.,"
"Will you still love me, when I'm no longer young and b-beautiful?,"
"Hey now...you'll always be beautiful. And we'll grow old together...No matter what, I'm here..."
She begins to hum as she lays her head against my chest. I stroke her hair, twirling pieces around my fingers listening to the most soothing, deep-throated hum. As I follow the haunting tone into a land of dreams, I feel like I'm floating around in the midst of a creeping projection....love is no square deal, it's cold as shell and love kills..
Sleepily I tell to her, the very thoughts that are in my mind into a song as she drifts to sleep...
"I love you for you silence,
I love you for your peace...
The still and
Caaaalm releases..
That sweep into my soul...
...And slowly take control..."
A fortune- teller could sense the times....
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