《The March of the Black Queen (book III)》24.) I Rule With My Left Hand
"You thought you could out run me, honey?," his horrid shining teeth glimmer in the darkness. A spine chilling slow, jolly cackle leaves his lips.
"You thought you could ever replace me? He's needed me to guide him. He's needed me to reassure him that his gay lovers were anything but sinful guilt. He doesn't need you ruining him again,"
I feel his hands around my throat. I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
"Let- me- go," my choked plead comes out as breathless whines.
He hovers above me, planting his knees on my chest as my airways constrict to the pressure exerted by his hands. He presses his full body weight down on me, until his lips reach my ear, his mustache tickles my skin causing fear to trance me.
"I'll be back later, my love...,"
Freddie whispers warmly in my ear as he leans over my sleeping form. A gasp escapes me in my dream world, but here I lay motionless, paralyzed to the mold of the mattress.
Sometimes it's hard to face him the morning after— Sometimes when I wake up and he's wrapped around me, I can't breathe. But I can't let him on to that.
I keep my eyes closed until I hear the front door shut and lock behind him. I keep them closed still as I wait to let out the deep breath that I'd been holding in.
I don't remember ever having had so many tormenting dreams, night after night. They become so mixed with reality, I sometimes forget what's real and what's simply my mind trying to play tricks on me.
Don't get me wrong, we're finally happy. Every day of the last month together has been a mind boggling struggle for me, but I'm sure to him it's much the same. In fact, I don't kid myself that anything will ever get easy again— the damage is done.
Rising out of bed this morning, I have nothing to prioritize with my little darlings having slept over the with the Deacons. I decide to take a soothing bubble bath in the jacuzzi tub to try and ground myself.
My stomach feels in knots and I'm unsure if it's just restless nerves, or if I'm going to be sick. I want to vomit up every memory- but that's not how this works. I feel my body aching from the stiff way that I usually sleep now a days. The night sweats don't make me feel any better, either. I wake up cold and empty, nauseous and sore— like fighting for my life in my dream world is creeping into my waking life as well.
Settling into the scolding hot tub water, I begin to lather myself while inspecting my body. I can't help but think of the weary look in my husbands eyes each time I'm naked. The yearning sexy glares are often times interrupted by looks of concern for all the weight I've lost. I still can't figure how to gain back the curve of my hips, the thickness of my thighs, or the fullness of my breasts.
Now that I have my love back, nothing really matters. I let the water keep rising to cover me from my vision. It'd be better if my own body wasn't a constant reminder.
A door shuts harshly downstairs. My breath hitches in my throat as the worse possible scenarios fly into my mental.
He's here. He's coming for me. I knew he'd know when to find me alone.
"Who-who is is?...Go away...please.." I can't keep a firm tone, my body freezes in anxious anticipation for a response. My voice trembles as I chant my terrified prayer.
"Go away...please...please please..leave me alone..."
I thought it'd be a smart idea to be the first one at the studio today. We have to wait for Miami's urgent news, whatever that might be.
Popping into the room, I see that I wasn't the only one with the idea to come in early. What I didn't want was to talk about my life and the turmoil that just keeps on spilling in, but I can't escape the truth.
"She explained everything. She said that...that the doctor said there aren't any other options?,"
"No....There aren't..," he hums, nonchalant about it all. As if this isn't the worst case possible, but it is!
"Then get a second opinion!,"
"That was a second opinio-,"
"Then get another! A third! A fourth! This can't be the end for her now, she's strong. She can keep going, I..she...she's been through so much and always pulled through!,"
"I know that. I know all the facts. I've been here all along, too....,"
The two of us are silent for a moment. Allowing our thoughts a chance to breathe under the quiet lull of deaths watchful, hovering eye.
I open my mouth to speak, slowly letting my question rise, "...are you going to tell the others?,"
He nods his head, draining the remainder of his drink. Swishing the clear liquor around his mouth before gulping it down.
"Ronnie! I'll be late now! Are you almost read-,"
"Here I am, my love. I was just cleaning up after the children," She puts my lunch in my hands, pecking me sweetly on the lips and I feel like a jerk for calling her out.
"Sorry, love. I'm just in a hurry there's a band meeting and apparently there's some big important news"
"Don't worry, you'll get your punishment later- now, go on," She turns me around by my shoulders, swatting my behind with a kitchen towel. Looking at her over my shoulder she winks with a rather sly smirk on her face. I feel my face blush up, she still drives me wild.
Passing by the playroom on my way out, the door is almost closed all the way, but open enough for me to hear the giggles inside.
"Yes, Laura," Richie giggles as I shamelessly eavesdrop from behind the door. "You'd make a beautiful angel...you has to be the angel and I will be the brave knight. Just like my Mummy and Papi,"
The sudden puckering sound I hear makes my heart summersault. Pushing the door open to find two little smart alecks rushing away from each other, rosy cheeks of embarrassment as their guilt under my eye.
I don't know how to respond to this at all! I should have just kept on my way going out the door, but I have to admit I don't feel a ounce of anger just...well, a Mercury is not going after my little girl...no sir!
"RICHARD...," The boom of my usual mellow voice instantly makes my godson stand up straighter. His eyes widen in fear as a call him over to me. "A word, please...now,"
He responds immediately, shuffling his feet as he stands with me now out in the hallway.
"Richie..," I smirk at him. He has the same guilty look as his father. His eyes peak at me from under his dark eyebrows, his cheeks a blushing pink color. "What were you doing in there?,"
"Kissing Laura....," He smiles almost too adorably to be mad at. I said almost.
"Listen, Rich..you're much too young to be kissing girls. I don't think your parents will be too happy to hear about this-,"
"No, Nino, please! You can't tell Mummy or Papi!," He shakes his head furiously back and forth as he pleads.
Laura peaks her head out from the doorway, I can tell they're both just innocent little things mimicking what they see. I can't say I'm not at fault here...
With a heavy sigh, I check the time on my watch- I'm already bloody late! I'm never the one to be late.
"Go on now, the both of you, and find the other kids and all of you okay something together, alright?," I rub his head with my hand, shaking his curls about until the fear in his eyes dwindle away. I can't be mad at this kid!
"Come on, Laura! Let's go find Charlie and the boys!," Richie holds out his hand, shaking it around until Laura places hers in his little palm.
As they both run up the stairs, hand in hand, I catch the cheeky smile of that little Mercury boy as he turns to see me walking out the front door.
"That's just wonderful, darling! I love it so much already! When do you think you'll be by to record?," Montsy's warm laughter at my excitement rings in my ear as I try to listen to her.
Miami walks into the studio with John now. We'd been waiting for them for almost an hour! But, luckily I got to have a quick chat with Roger before Brian showed up.
Not that we're keeping secrets or anything. They'll find out soon enough, too.
"So what's the word, bird?," Roger chuckles, turning his swivel chair towards Miami as he settles in.
Taking a cigarette out of his coat pocket, Miami opens his briefcase, spreading some papers onto the coffee table.
"Well boys, I mostly meant to talk with Fred, but seeing as how all of you are so close to these cases, it's good that you're all here...," he takes a long drag, his eyes scan our waiting faces.
My interest is peaked, sure. But I don't want to discuss any of this. All this time. All these damned cases we've had to deal with from the lunatics that follow us it's a never ending game-
"He's dead. I got the news from his lawyer since his appeal had been cancelled. I wondered why, but no one would tell me anything else besides the fact that he died while incarcerated and so, case closed!," He smacks his hand across his knee with a little smile on his lip that still hold his cigarette, before quickly continuing.
"Now Mary on the other hand, is set to be released in the next couple of days. She's shown good behavior and the judge is taking pity on her for-,"
"Good behavior?! HA!," Deacy scoffs, rolling his eyes as he crosses his arms.
"Wait, wait, wait. So, did the inmates kill him? Was he murdered? Poisoned? Was it suicide? Are we sure he's dead?," Brian shoots off a roll of questions as Miami keeps puffing out smoke.
I know I should be the one asking questions. I should be the most concerned. I knew things were going too well for us. Since Mary helped us find Cherie, I do hope her ways have changed...
"Mary...when exactly is she-,"
Miami interrupts me before I can finish my question. "She's to be released on Saturday. She has to do a few months of community service, but that's her biggest hurdle. I'm sorry, Fred, I tried to reason with the lot of them but it didn't work-,"
Getting up from my seat, I reach over and pluck the cigarette out of his mouth. It's been years since I've had a good drag from one of these things, but I need it. I never did enjoy the smoke spiraling all the way down my throat, but small inhales is all I ever really felt the need for.
"Well, what good news do you have? This is all so depressing, dear— liven up," I respond, passing the cigarette back to him.
The look of shocked faces surround me as I walk back to my seat. I don't know what everyone is so stunned about. This is my life. And it's always been a damned soap opera of sorts.
"I do have good news actually," Miami's voice turns up a notch, suddenly more chiller than before.
"I've got the tour dates all mapped out..," A chorus of groans from all of us follow his announcement.
It's been a while since we've been on tour, but the last one didn't exactly go as planned, so no, we're not too excited.
"...Oh! And, Thomas turned himself in last night. He's booked!," he grins widely as the fresh news hits our ears.
"He..he went in or they found him? How? Where?," Rogers quiet demeanor was mostly unnoticed until now. He's on the edge of his seat and his face has changed shades as he looks to have steam coming out of his ears.
I tune out the rest. There's only one man I truly have an interest in finding. That motherfucker just keeps getting away. Rats always know where to hide.
"Freddie?," Brian strokes my nudges my shoulder before swinging his guitar around himself. "Ready to finish this up?," I nod my head, though my mind is still a tangled mess.
"It's no wonder why your son is acting the way he is. Look at the marks on you! Geez!," John scoffs as he pushes last me in the door way.
Ever the passive aggressive atmosphere while recording for Queen. That's just the way we work.
"And just what the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?," I shake my head, coming to my senses, too intrigued to dismiss Deacys comment.
"Your neck, mate— Did you cross paths with a vampire last night or-,"
"Ooh, you're one to talk!," I fire back, picking up my headphones, "Whats Richie got to do with this?," I question before putting them on.
"I caught him this morning in my house, kissing my daughter...," He grumbles, annoyance clear on his tongue.
I can't help the wide grin that spreads across my face as I put my headphone on, cackling the whole time. If there's one thing that's fun, it's messing with John Deacons snappy temper.
"Ha! HAA! That's my boy," I shrug as Brian and Roger snicker near the back of the room.
"Do you really think it's funny?," Deacy's scowl is more cute than scary— always has been, that'll never change.
Walking over to him, I put my arm around his shoulder, pressing him close against my side.
"Come on now, Deacy, they're only children," This wins me a tiny speck of a smirk. "Besides, imagine us being in-laws," His eyes grow wide as his hand pushes mine away.
"Lay off it, Fred!," he shoves me away, but the four of us are laughing to tears as I fall back into the piano bench.
Imagine the sight of that. Deacon and Mercury. Haha! The media would have a frenzy.
"Cher?," I enter the quiet house, making my way as carefully as I can. My body feels like giving out, I probably should be back home resting, but I want to spend as much time with Cherie as I can before.... well, I just think it's the best way to spend my day...
A muffled voice, a few rummaging sounds come from upstairs and I change direction from the hallway to the staircase. Gripping the banister with all my might as to not fall when my weak knees give out. My breathing is heavyily burdened, but nothing that I'm not used to by now.
Cherie's bedroom door is wide open, but she's not in bed. I lean against the door to the on-suit, listening for the water to stop.
Knocking gently on the door, I wait for her to answer...
"Cher? Can you open the door? Are you alone?," I silently curse myself for not thinking of it before. I swear the last thing I want is to find Cherie and Fred together in any type of compromising positions right now.
I decide to wait downstairs, there has to be a reason their not answering. Obviously, I'm interrupting something....
Something in me makes me wait a while longer. There are no whispers, no hushed giggles—no noise. And the Mercury's have never been known to be quiet lovemakers by any means...
Hmm, I'm being ridiculous, I'll just go wait downstairs and maybe make some tea and-
Stepping away from the door now, I feel the tip of my suede boot moisten, the odd feeling instantly making me uncomfortable.
My heart is stuck in my throat as the growing puddle of water beings to pool around my feet from under the doorframe.
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Oral Sex
This is a story about me. Not exactly a biography. That seems sort of arrogant to me. I mean, who am I to think my life special enough to have others want to read about it? But I came of age in the 80's in Southern California and, if you don't already know, it was a great place and time to be alive! So, even if my whole life story isn't filled with accomplishments worthy of the history books, I do have some great stories to tell. They're wild and fantastic and I remember them all! So, rather than the story of my life, this will be more like a fun romp thru stories of my sex life! Some of it, I think you'll find erotic. MOST of you will find at least SOME of it shocking! (I know even I do!) Mostly, though, I think you'll laugh. Because for some reason, when I write about it, it's comedy. And...believe it or not...ALL OF IT REALLY HAPPENED! Most of the names have been changed - to protect, well... Me! (There are no innocent parties here.) Very few people are as transparent as I am! Some of them did let me use their real names but I'll leave it to you to try to figure out which ones!It is an unfinished work. I am adding stories a chapter at a time. I'm hoping enough of you will love it by the time I'm done, to warrant putting it into print!SO... If you like it, please pass it on! SHARE IT with anyone else you think might enjoy it. And... CLICK ON THOSE 🌟's! They're at the end of each chapter. The more of those I get, the higher up on the list of recommended reading I will go.Now, imagine me reading this to you out loud...Ya ready?We're about to have ORAL SEX!
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The Fragmented Luna
Rowen Whitley is your typical seventeen year old girl and, although she has a tragic past and a fragmented memory, the only thing she wants to do before graduating high school is make it through the year unnoticed. All those hopes of remaining unnoticed this year are tossed away in a single moment of rage when Rowen punches the most popular girl at school in the face. Now Rowen must change her plans for a peaceful year and accept that sometimes letting people in might not be a bad idea after all. After all there are other dark forces in this world, that are much scarier than a jealous bully, and they may very well be coming for her. Check out this exciting story, filled with twists at every corner, in The Fragmented Luna by Mariah Karris.#1 in Haunted#10 in JourneyCurrently reediting
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