《iron souls | gajeel redfox x reader [OLD]》.:1:.


You were spending a day at home and taking a break from all the ruckus at the guild.

You wore a black t-shirt and blue, ripped short jeans. You were nibbling on a spoon while reading a book called "the fault in our stars".

You put your hair in a messy high ponytail and kept your bangs out of your eyes with the black bandana that Stelliacona gave you when you met him.

That bandana was like Natsu's scarf and Gajeel's gloves that their dragons also gave them; you never took the bandana off.

You laid down on the couch, putting your feet on the parallel armrest, and read your book calmly while nibbling on the spoon. It was currently 12:00 pm, so the sun was shining brightly.

You lived in a small house in the woods, not far from Magnolia. You heard a knock on your door. You groaned and rolled your eyes because you just got to a good part in the book. You opened your door too see Gajeel and Pantherlily standing at the door. You stared at them with a 'really?' kind-of look. They welcomed themselves in your house-Like always-while you stared at them squinting your eyes. You closed the glass door and sat back down on your couch to read your book, still nibbling on the spoon.

You didn't care what Gajeel was doing in your kitchen at this point because all you cared about was seeing if Augustus dies. Gajeel stared at you from the countertop which was in-front of the couch you were sitting on.

"Whatcha readin'?" He asked you.

"Shut up Gajeel wait a sec," you put your finger on the ending sentence.

You put in your bookmark and closed the book. You stared in front of you with a blank expression. You rolled off your couch, Gajeel still staring at your stupidity. You got up and stumbled your way to the countertop. You leaned down on the countertop parallel to Gajeel. You looked at him and he looked at you.

"Augustus dies, Gajeel. Augustus fucking dies." you groaned. Gajeel just rolled his eyes and turned around to help Lily.

"I don't care (y/n). It's just a stupid book." he replied.

You looked at him, offended. You slammed your palm on your chest "You know me, im not a book worm but this book is amazing" you said.


"How much liquor did you have today?" He asked looking through your cabinets.

"None!" You slammed the book on top of your countertop and sat down on one of the three black stools.

Pantherlily flew towards you and handed you a plate.

"What are you guys doing here anyways?" You asked.

Gajeel placed a tray of sushi on the counter.

"We brought you some sushi. We went out to this amazing sushi place for lunch and decided to get you some. Your my best friend after all." He said.

You coughed. "I'm your only friend."

You took some sushi with a pair of chopsticks and tried it. Your eyes grew sparkles in them. You took at least ten pieces and gobbled them down.

"They're amazing!" you said.

After eating, Gajeel and Lily decided to stay for the rest of the day. You took your worn out soccer ball and went outside. Gajeel followed.

You started to do some keep-ups and when you reached twenty you slipped and bicycled the ball straight into Gajeel's face. He looked pissed.

"Okay, now you got me pissed!" he grabbed the ball and threw it like a dodge ball.

"steel dragon-make: Wall!" You yelled.

A steel wall emerged from the ground. The soccer ball hit the wall and hit Lily.

You got up as the wall slowly disappeared. Soon enough everyone was playing hardcore dragon-slayer dodgeball.

It got dark, so you headed inside. You offered Gajeel to sleepover, like you've done in the past. He said okay-as usual-so you set up the couch. He took of his shirt and slept in his shorts. You got into your Pajamas and went to bed.


You tossed and turned. You couldn't sleep that night for some weird reason.

Your stomach felt tied in knots. You got up and sat on your bed. You leaned on your bed-rest and sighed. You looked out the window to see the moon being slightly covered by the trees. An owl had just started cooing. You looked at your nightstand and saw your songbook.

You started to wright a song. You put your knees towards your chest and rested the songbook there.


Possible lyrics

-You gonna have to do more than just say it, you gonna have to do less when you do it.


-everyone falls in love sometimes. I don't know about you but it ain't a crime.


You stopped writing to see Gajeel leaning on your doorway.

"What are you doing up so late? It's like, 2:00 or something" you told him.

Those knots in your stomach became tighter. Where they coming from Gajeel? You thought.

"I couldn't sleep." he said.

His hands where in his pockets as he walked closer to you. He leaned over to see what you were writing and you placed the book on your chest as you leaned away.

"Scooch over." he said.


"Scooch. Over." Gajeel glared at you.

You "Scooched" over and he came into bed with you. You decided to keep writing some lyrics that popped into your head.

(I am currently changing the song from aware shape of you by Ed Sheeran to Call Out My Name because I am currently revising this story and changing it up, considering I wrote this a long time ago. These lyrics will be a mix of songs, but the final song is Call Out My Name. Also a really good song, highly recommended.)

-Baby come closer, eh.

-number one. Come on baby keep up with the pace

"Writing a song?" Gajeel asked.

"Yea." you replied.

"Can I help?" he asked again.



"Cause your taste in music...it's well...Interesting."

"Oh c'mon. I bet you 20 spoons that we could make a song together and make it good."

"Fine, then I bet 20 screws." you held out a hand and shook Gajeel's in agreement.

-buss it down, buss it down, oh yea yea.

-go slower, go faster, like controlla, controlla.

"Okay, okay, I get what we're doing here." Gajeel grabbed your pen and book and started to write something.

You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes.

'Bet you it's stupid' you thought.

He handed back the book. Surprisingly, you thought the lyric was pretty good

-she got me up all night, constant drinking and love songs.

-I'll admit I'm wrong but I know that you gonna come for me, yea.

"Not bad rookie." you said, tapping the pen on your lips. "But how 'bout this."

-so call out my name. Call out my name, when I kiss you, gently.

-I want you to stay. I want you to stay, even though, I know you don't want me.

"Not too shabby, (y/n)." Gajeel wrote something long. It seemed like he took one of your lyrics and wrote a chorus.

Call out my name,

Call out my name when I kiss you gently.

I want you to stay,

I want you to stay even though you don't want me.

Girl, why can't you wait?

Girl, why can't you wait till I fall out of love?

Won't you call out my name,

Girl, call out my name and I'll be on my way.

"Wow. Just wow. I didn't know you could actually write anything other than shoo bee do ba." you told Gajeel.

He gave you a glare.

"Jeez. Chill, iron head." You retorted, taking back your book.

'I feel sick.' you thought about the knots in your stomach. You and Gajeel spent the night writing a song.


It was now 11:00 in the morning and you fell asleep on Gajeel's shoulder unintentionally.

"Guys, wake up!" Pantherlily yelled, yanking the covers but you two didn't even flinch.

Pantherlily got into his battle form and got two trash can lids. He went back to your room and banged them together.

Startled, you got up and fell of the bed. Gajeel's head was leaning on yours so he lost balance a fell right on top of you, making you bonk your heads together.

"Ow," you both rubbed your injured foreheads and stood up.

Pantherlily was wearing a deadly glare.

"I've been trying to wake you two up for two whole hours!" He shouted.

You and Gajeel were still half asleep. Pantherlily said he made Bacon for breakfast and you and Gajeel raced to the kitchen. You gobbled down the Bacon and thanked Pantherlily.

You got dressed and wore a black sweater with two white lines wrapped around the lower elbow part of the sleeve, dark blue jeans, and ankle high converse. You kept your (h/l) (h/c) down, minus your bandana keeping your bangs out of your face. You all left for the guild to start a new day.

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