《iron souls | gajeel redfox x reader [OLD]》.:2:.


You and Gajeel stepped into the noisy guild.

"Hey, (y/n)! Fight me!" You heard Natsu yell.

Every morning, he would ask you to fight him, but you always won. You turned your arm into a pillar and hit Natsu in the gut, sending him flying.

"Hey Mira! Pass me a beer!" You yelled half way across the guild.

Mira threw a beer half way across the whole guild only for you to catch it single handedly. You went over to Cana, who was your best friend, and cousin, and had a drink with her.

Gajeel just rolled his eyes and went to his usual spot: the corner seat at the bar.

It was a normal day at the guild: Natsu and Gray fighting, Erza eating her strawberry cake, Elfman telling men to be men. You and Cana getting drunk, Juvia fawning over Gray, and Lucy and Levy trying to get everyone to calm down.

All of a sudden, You and Cana got squashed by Master Makarovs massive foot and Gray and Natsu getting squashed by the other one.

"Cana, (y/n), I expect better than getting drunk first thing in the morning. And Natsu and Gray...just grow up." he got into his tiny form and went over to the bar.

"Gihihi," Gajeel chuckled, looking at a flier. "Hey (Y/n)! Wanna do a job?"

"Hell yea!" You replied heading out the door with Gajeel, not knowing what the job was at all. You got home and packed some stuff in your back pack. You took the songbook, your laptop, your MP3 and wore your headphones around your neck.

You met Gajeel at the train station. He got there just five minutes before the train left.

"So what's the job?" You asked.

"We have to catch some former Phantom Lord geezers 'cause they're stealing some diamonds or something. But really I just wanna beat some Phantom ass."


The train came.

"Do we have to get on it," he groaned. "you don't get sick but I do."

"Quit complaining! It's just a 5 hour ride." you reassured him. "Hey, where's Lily?" You asked.

"I don't know. But I think he didn't want to come or something." he said, boarding the train.

You sat down in your places and the train started to depart. You could tell Gajeel was sick but he tried hiding it.

"Here, take one of these." you threw him a medicine container and he caught it. He took one and instantly felt better.



"Come sit beside me." you patted on the seat next to you and pulled out your songbook.

Gajeel came and sat beside you. You passed him the songbook and took out your laptop and MP3.

"Why'd you bring this stuff?" Gajeel asked.

"So we could continue the song we were making. I produced a few beats. You can pick your favourite." You explained. Gajeel was impressed. He took your laptop and started listening to your other works.

Other songs

"Whoa. You made all of these?" He asked.

You nodded.

You made him listen to the beat you created for Call Out My Name, which is the name you agreed on for your song. He bobbed his head, which meant he liked it. You still haven't finished the lyrics, but you could do that now.

"Okay, I took your lyrics and used it as the chorus." you told.

You sang them out softly, trying to keep your pace with the several beats you made.

Your voice attracted some other people on the train to start looking over to the source of the beautiful voice.

"I think the 3rd ones the best." You told Gajeel.

"I like it. But do you think we can add a little bit of me in there? Like, shoo bee do ba or something?" He asked.


"Hell no." you rolled your eyes and stuffed your laptop in your bag.

You took out your iPod and your headphones and started listening to some music.

Gajeel went back to his spot and looked out the window. You felt those knots in your stomach again.

"Were they coming from Gajeel?" You thought.

You looked at him and smiled as he looked out the window.

'Why won't (Y/n) trust me with song writing? Am I really that bad? Fuck, it doesn't matter anyway. She's always going to be better than me at literally everything. Other than fighting.' Gajeel thought.

You and Gajeel got off the train and started walking towards the jewellers house. It was a small, cozy looking townhouse in a lively village.

You knocked on the door.

"Anyone home?" You shouted.

"We're the Wizards from Fairy Tail," Gajeel added.

A man opened the door. He appeared to be in his 60's, but still a healthy looking man.

"You must be (Y/n) and Gajeel from Fairy Tail. Come in." the man welcomed you into his house and directed you to the living room.

The fireplace was lit up and sparks flew around the wood. You sat down next to Gajeel, and the jeweller sat on the other couch across the coffee table.

"My name is Ben. I believe that you are the former Phantom Lord members correct?" Ben asked.

"Well he is," You pointed at Gajeel. "But I'm not."

"I see," he said. "The job requires you to find those Phantom Lord idiots that keep stealing from my shop. I figured I could call Fairy Tail, considering they have already beat Phantom Lord once."

"We'll keep an eye out and we'll stay a couple days to take 'em out for you." you said.

"Yea, but we should call it a night (Y/n). It's pretty late." Gajeel said looking out the window.

You nodded and waved Ben goodbye. You gave him a warm smile and left his cozy house.


You and Gajeel got a hotel room to spend the night.

You were already in your pyjamas. You had tied your hair in a high ponytail, and tied your bandana, of course, to keep your hair out of your face.

You were on the bed, reading the 'The fault in our stars'. Gajeel stared at you.

Not the affectionate kind of stare though; more like an annoyed glare.

"You better not make me read that one too," He growled.

You looked up and rolled your eyes.

"Stop bothering me. You always find the best time to be annoying." you retorted.

You kept reading and the adrenaline inside you grew. Gajeel got sick of watching you and got into bed beside you-it was normal, considering your multiple sleepovers.

He fell asleep almost instantly and you heard his feint snoring. You kicked his leg. He turned around and gave you a glare.

"Shut up!" you whisper-yelled.

"What did I say now?" he retorted.

"You're snoring."

"I can't not snore. I don't realize I'm doing it."

"Well snore quietly!"

You finished your book and put it away. You snuggled under the covers and turned off the lamp on the nightstand.

"G'night Gajeel."

"Night, (Y/n)."

You fell asleep. Gajeel looked over to you. He wasn't asleep and couldn't sleep. He looked at your quiet and calm face and smiled.

"Sweet dreams, metal head." Gajeel soon drifted into deep sleep.

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