《The Bad Boys Exception》Chapter 25
"Anyways, before Mr. Black decided to grace us with his presence, we were about to discuss the field trip further," miss begins, sending a look to Aiden who just smirks, "so the trip will go from Tuesday morning until Friday midday a few weeks from now. We will meet at school and leave at around 8:30 as the trip will take up most of the day. I need your permission slips in by the end of next week, if not then early the week after. The camping ground will need numbers and if you don't get names, you won't be able to come. Our school is also not the only one attending this trip, I'm not sure how many other schools but I know at least one will be joining us."
The whole class once again begin talking excitedly, 3 whole night away from school?! I had to admit I was really looking forward to it. I had always loved the ocean, it seemed to be a place where I was just me, not someone who lost their sister or got disowned by her father, just plain old me. I was especially excited though to miss 4 days of school but to be still on school business technically.
"So each campsite will have a different amount of tents, when we get there you'll be organized onto campsites depending on your group size. Mr. Reid's class will also be joining obviously but we will have further meetings later on in the week and next week." Miss Wilson smiles, you could tell that even she was excited.
"Mr. Reid?" I turn to ask Charlie, I wasn't even aware there was more than 1 bio class to be completely honest.
"Yeah, he's the other bio teacher, he's a real dick though. It's a real bet choosing bio because you can either get Miss Wilson who is hands down the best teacher at the school or Mr. Reid who is probably one of the worst." Charlie explains.
I nod in understanding, by the sounds of it I was extremely grateful to be put in this class and not the other one.
"Yeah, Mr. Reid is an ass," Toby chimes in, obviously having listened to our conversation. "But how fucking awesome does this sound?!"
"I'm so excited, I wonder if we'll see dolphins and turtles," I squeal to Toby, my excitement finally coming through.
His eyes widen, probably not having thought about the probability, "I hope we don't, dolphins are terrifying, they're like sharks" Toby shivers.
He is scared of dolphins?! No way.
"How are you scared of Dolphins?!" I ask astounded, "they're beautiful and so timid!!"
"When I was young I swear one tried to kidnap me," Toby shivers again, "We were boating and I was swimming with my cousin and then we saw Dolphins and one bit my swimming costume and tried dragging me under, my cousin had to save me. Lucky he was older."
"That's amazing!!" I yell excitedly, I wish I was in his position, being that close to a dolphin.
"It was the worst, mom said it was because my swimmers was a Dolphin costume but I think it was just evil," Toby continues.
Charlie and I burst into laughter, of course Toby once owned a full-blown dolphin costume.
"Okay everyone, I know we're all excited and because of that I arranged a game for the rest of the lesson," Miss Wilson got all of our attention again, "So I made a slide show with sea life and as a group, you first have to diagnose the creature and then give me at least 1 scientific fact about it."
Everyone nods encouragingly, a competitive silence quickly filling the once loud and excited classroom.
"Okay ready, set, go," Miss calls before she goes to the first slide.
"Jellyfish," Aiden calls instantly, "they have no common organs or bones," he finishes easily, a smirk still present on his face.
I roll my eyes, everyone knows that. Okay so maybe I was just a little annoyed at him still but whatever.
"Okay 1 point to table 4," miss calls before she goes to the next slide.
"Staghorn coral, it can survive for over 5000 years and its found in more shallow water maybe up to around 30 or so meters deep," I call out, no one seemed to be making any guesses so I felt like I should.
"Well done Emily, that isn't an easy one," Miss Wilson points out, obviously impressed. I blush a bright red at all the attention.
Aiden looks at me and although he doesn't say anything, he seemed pretty impressed. I make a point not to get eye contact, I may have been childish but I was so over everyone's double standards. I didn't even have sex with Dale and Aiden was judging me. If a guy sleeps around he's 'top shit', or 'the man', but if a girl does the same thing she's a slut, hoe or whore.
Before long the bell rings, everyone stands up getting ready for their next class talking excitedly about the trip and the fun class we just had. Groaning, I make my way to Society and Culture, followed by Charlie.
It was now finally break, although I wasn't looking forward to seeing Aiden again, I was very hungry and needed some food STAT.
"Mills, wait up!!" Toby yells, I turn around and smile at him, waiting for him to catch up. I didn't even know his class was near mine.
"So I was thinking, next Saturday I'm coming over for the night and you and I are having that Vampire Diaries Marathon we've been talking about!!!" Toby enthuses.
I instantly smile at the chance to introduce someone to my favourite TV show and restart it, "fuck yes!! You're totally going to fall in love with the Salvatore brothers!!" I yell excitedly, gaining some strange looks from passing students.
Sue me, that show was the best thing to happen to this world, I cannot imagine a world without Damon Salvatore!! I was that person who watched The Vampire Diaries on repeat, all 171 episodes. I would begin at S1E1 and then watch it all the way through to S8E16 and then start again. It was kind of my thing.
Toby punches the air excitedly and goes to say something but then gets interrupted by the guy I recognized as Ryan, or the guy who asked me out on my first day.
"Hey Em, so I was thinking of having a party next Saturday night and I was wondering if you wanted to come? Obviously all your friends are invited, the guys always come to my parties and so does Luke usually considering he's my team captain?" Ryan asks. I wasn't sure if he was asking me on another date or just inviting me to his party but I was glad I had an excuse not to go.
"Sorry Ryan, I'm busy next Saturday night, Toby and I are having a movie night," I decline as politely as I could. Ryan looks beside me and it seems like only now he realized that Toby was beside me.
"What if the party was on a Friday?" Ryan offers, glancing behind me at something.
"Um maybe, thanks for the offer but I don't know if I have any plans," I smile awkwardly, he was going to change the date of a party because of me?!
"No problem, it's on Friday night now so if you can make it that's great, Luke knows my address." Ryan smiles before he walks away, not fazed by my rejection in the slightest.
I look at Toby who is looking surprised, "what?" I ask.
"The only people Ryan has ever personally invited to his parties were us, well Aiden specifically and that's because if we went, more people would, I can't believe he actually asked you," Toby replies shocked.
"Cocky much?" I laugh, referring to his comment about more people going if the untouchables did. I knew it was true but I still found Toby's cocky side funny, I was used to Aiden's, but Toby's was just different.
Laughing, Toby and I make our way to the cafeteria. I continue to the line while Toby sits down, he was smart enough to actually bring his own food and that was probably something I'd have to work on. The food at my last school was actually pretty decent but I forgot that most schools aren't like that. The only word that comes to mind when thinking about Pearlacre High's cafeteria is, well...unedible.
I stand in line, waiting for my turn when Ryan stands up on his table, gaining the immediate attention of all the gossip-hungry teenagers that attended this school.
"Alright, party and my place next Friday night, everyone is invited," he yells, loud enough for everyone to hear. Cheers erupt from everyone and most of the football guys hoot and holler in cheer for the party host. Ryan sits down and everyone quickly begins talking about the infamous Ryan parties. I hadn't even been here that long and I had heard all about his parties. Ryan was actually a nice guy, but he did have a reputation for throwing the best parties.
"Miss?" The lunch lady calls impatiently, giving me the impression that she had been calling me for a while. I quickly apologize and order my food with water before attempting to make my way back to our table.
"Hey sweetie," I get interrupted, I turn around and are extremely confused to see a smiling Tiffany, but the smile was anything but a genuine one, it was menacing.
"Hi?" I question, the look in her eye making me nervous.
"OMG, I love your jeans, where did you get them? Wallmart?" she replies, the fake smile still adorning her rather attractive face.
"Um, I'm not sure?" I reply awkwardly, and it was true. I wasn't someone who cared for brands like Tiffany did, I had no clue where I had gotten these jeans to be honest. Even her name screamed designer brand.
"Yeah I don't actually care," she begins, the same smile still on her face, "I just wanted to let you know that Aiden was mine and to stay away from him, I saw you with him this morning and like it's totally obvious that you're like in love with him and that he can't stand you. We belong together so if you'll kindly stay out of mine and my mans way," she finishes.
A shocked look must be obvious on my face, because I was not expecting that.
"And just in case you forget, let me remind you," Tiffany smiles menacingly before she grabs my water bottle from my tray, unscrews the lid and pours it all over my head considering she had 6-inch heels on and towered over me. Once the whole content is running down my shirt, she throws the bottle at my feet and says quite loudly; "nice bra by the way."
She saunters off, swaying her hips and out of sight. I stand there frozen and in shock before Charlie interrupts me.
"What a bitch," she snarls, grabbing my tray and water bottle before throwing the contents in the closest bin.
"What the fuck?" I ask Charlie, still shocked.
"I fucking hate her, wait until cheer practise when I 'accidentally' stuff up my moves and trip her over," Charlie continues, "come on, I have a spare shirt in my locker.
It was only now I realised that I had been wearing a white shirt, and now my hot pink, lacey bra was on full display. I instantly cover my chest, but it's too late because I'm already getting wolf-whistled at by multiple guys. It was right about now that I hated my tendency to only purchase cute bras, I wish I was wearing a plain one, but I don't even think I owned one. I had always loved wearing pretty bras, not for anyone but myself but I hated wearing plain ones for reasons I didn't know.
"Fuck off, all of you!!" Luke yells at all the guys, also coming to my rescue.
With my face down, attempting to hide the blush on my cheeks that were almost as bright as my bra I follow Charlie and Luke to Charlie's locker, the hunger I had previously felt suddenly gone.
"Are you okay Emilia?" Luke asks tenderly, Charlie was still cursing out Tiffany so I wasn't even sure she heard.
"Well I've been better, I wish I was wearing a different bra," I groan, hiding my cheeks as the memories once again flood my mind.
"At least you had boobs to display, if that happened to me you'd probably think I was a guy," Charlie interjects smiling, her obvious attempt at trying to make me feel better. She was wrong though, she had the best chest. While I was stuck with an uncomfortable D cup, she had the perfect B cup.
"I mean I guess my see-through white shirt covers up just about as much as your cheer outfit does," I smirk, like most high schools these days, our cheerleading outfits are extremely small. Our colours weren't ugly, in fact, the blue and gold looked quite good together, but the length of the outfit distracted everyone anyway. Charlie hated wearing her cheer outfit when she didn't have to, but unsurprisingly, Tiffany and her minions chose to saunter around in them every chance they got.
I mean if they were comfortable in them then props to them, but the outfits actually looked quite uncomfortable from a bystanders point of view. Although short, the material was thick, and the plaid skirt seemed to be unable to stay still, the shirt part of the outfit wasn't half as uncomfortable looking, but I would expect that the tighter, yet thick fabric wouldn't be particularly comfortable on a girls chest.
"Here," Charlie laughs, passing me a shirt. I take the shirt and stare at her; "Charlie, this shirt is tight on you, how the fuck is it supposed to fit me?" I ask, stunned.
The shirt was another white one, but it was a woollen tank top that was tight on Charlie, let alone me. I was taller, larger, and had a bigger chest.
"Sorry Em, it's all I have, I thought I had something else," Charlie replies guiltily.
Groaning, I walk into the closest bathroom holding the tank, Charlie following closely behind.
"Why couldn't I be wearing any colour but white today?!" I groan, closing my eyes and putting my hand to my face.
"At least I had another shirt for you?" Charlie attempts, smiling sheepishly.
"Can you really call this a shirt?" I ask pointedly, holding the shirt up.
"Just put in on, it might be better than you think," Charlie suggests.
Nodding, I take off my wet shirt and pass it to Charlie to hold while I slide on Charlie's shirt.
The shirt wasn't better than I had excepted, it had a V line that showed a fair bit of cleavage and then curled tightly around my waist, finishing just above the waistline of my jeans. I tried pulling the shirt down to cover more of my stomach but then it showed way too much cleavage, so I tried pulling the shirt up to hide my cleavage, but then it just showed too much of my stomach.
Fuck. My. Life.
I pull the shirt down as evenly as possible and are therefore left with how it was when I first put the shirt on before showing Charlie a pointed look. The only good thing about the white shirt was that the material was thick enough so my hot pink bra couldn't be seen.
"Okay I know it's not your normal style but you look hot, we don't have too much longer left anyways and unless you want to wear this and show the world your bright pink bra, this is your only choice," Charlie reasons, holding up my wet shirt.
Groaning once again, I nod gratefully at Charlie, take my wet shirt back and walk outside of the bathroom to show the world my new, but undesired look.
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