《The Bad Boys Exception》Chapter 24
"You're both right, of course, I'm crushing on the fuck boy of Pearlacre high because of course I can't be attracted to actually nice guys who like me back!!" I groan, not registering my words until they come out. "Oh shit, sorry Charlie," I apologize.
"It's alright, I have to get used to it, but you're helping me get him right?" Charlie sighs, getting hopeful at the end.
"Of course, you guys literally would be perfect for each other," I enthuse, meaning every word.
"Perfect like you and Aiden?" Dale smirks, I shove him jokingly, causing Charlie to laugh.
"Okay so Dale, now you're a part of the cousins you have an obligation to also help me win over Em's bestie," Charlie comments excitedly.
"Hell yeah baby, he won't know what hit him," Dale winks.
"Thank fuck!! Okay now that's settled, enough with OUR boy talk people, let's watch some movies with hot guys we have no chance with," Charlie suggests, Dale agreeing instantly.
"Don't be too loud!! I think mom, Lij, and Robert will be going to bed soon...but we can watch the movie in Lij and my living room," I laugh, excited to hang out with my friends.
"Shots choosing," Dale calls, as he begins sprinting downstairs. Charlie chases after him, arguing that it should be her that gets to choose.
I literally love my friends, they always put a smile on my face.
I'm about to follow then when something hitting my window catches my attention. I'm not surprised at all when I look out my window and see Aiden throwing what looks like grapes.
I walk over and open my window, hoping more than anything we weren't loud enough for him to hear anything we were saying. I doubted he could hear anything, especially because we could hear his music which was playing loudly and my window was closed, but I still worried.
"Miss me already Black?" I smirk, his confidence rubbing off on me.
"You know it Collins," Aiden winks.
"What do you want?" I laugh.
"Just making sure that Calvin Klein over there is being respectful," Aiden smirks.
Calvin Klein?
"Wait you mean Dale?" I ask confused.
"Yeah, he was wearing a Calvin shirt at the diner, you didn't notice?" Aiden replies casually.
"No I didn't!!" I reply, sorry not all of us are as intuitive as the baboon Rafiki from the lion king.
I laugh a little at my comparison of Aidan to a baboon, it actually seemed quite fitting.
Aiden gives me a weird look before he continues, "has he tried anything?"
"No of course not!! I don't think I'm really his type," I reply, laughing to myself.
"Collins, I'm pretty sure you're everyone's type. I mean a gorgeous girl like yourself," Aiden winks, smirking at his blatant flirting. I know he was just kidding but my stomach did its signature flip anyway.
Agh stupid hormones, why does Aiden have to be so fucking hot!? He makes everything so much more difficult. If he wasn't so damn attractive then maybe I wouldn't be crushing on his fuck boy self.
"I'm touched Black, truly, but if you'll excuse me. Don't worry, if he tries anything I'll make sure I call my knight in shining armour so he can show his bravery like he did with Norman the spider," I wink, also smirking before I slam the window shut, his huge smirking grin the last thing I see before I shut my curtains and make my way down to the living room, a huge grin evident on my face that I can't deny wasn't there 10 minutes ago.
"Why are you grinning like that?" Dale asks suspiciously, "And why did it take you so long to come down?" he accuses, a suggestive smirk adorning his face.
"What movie are we watching?" I ask, attempting to change the subject. It works.
"Twlight!!," Charlie grins, Dale nods enthusiastically.
"Which one? I wanna see a shirtless Taylor Lautner," I grin.
"The first, we're having a marathon...even if we don't watch them all tonight, but I think we can do at least 2 Dale replies shrugging.
"Fuck yes," I grin, sitting beside an excited Charlie, "Why the fuck does she choose Edward at the end though?"
"Um because he is hotter than Jacob?" Dale replies in an obvious tone.
Say what?!
"No fucking way!!!" Charlie interjects, "Jacob was so much hotter, he even says it himself!!"
"You just have to see Jacob shirtless to know he's the better choice!!" I agree.
Team Jacob all the way!!!
After watching 2 movies like Dale had said, we ended up getting ready for bed and then falling asleep all cuddled on my bed.
I was in the middle with Charlie on one side, and Dale on my other. I had to admit, I had always been a real cuddler in bed, Charlie wasn't too bad, but she didn't mind a bit of cuddling, Dale however, was even worse than me and because I liked it more then Charlie, I had been stuck in the middle.
At this point in time I was happy though because Dale had insisted on opening my window so the breeze would come in and I had always been someone who got cold very easily. Thankfully I was as toasty as bread thanks to Dale and Charlie's body heat.
My great sleep gets interrupted when I hear my moms comforting voice shaking Charlie and I awake, Dale didn't start school until Wednesday so he was able to sleep a little while longer than Charlie and I, and I was very jealous.
My mother had to practically drag Charlie and I off the bed before we properly woke, I guess she had a good sleep as well.
As much as I tried to ignore it, and I did, I had to admit that I did have a good sleep last night, but a better one the night before.
Groaning at myself and my newfound, and unrealistic obsession, I trudged to my wardrobe to pick something to wear to school today.
I was annoyed at myself for my feelings and therefore decided to just throw on a comfy pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a plain white shirt which showed a little cleavage. The outfit was thoughtless and causal but was cuter than I had expected. I left my hair down after brushing all the knots out and applied minimal makeup, just mascara and a little bit of eyeliner.
Charlie had found a very similar outfit to mine in her drawer, it consisted of light blue skinny jeans and a black shirt, she also had to pack some stuff for cheer practice at break, it was Pearlacre highs first game of the season on Thursday, so both Charlie and Luke had been practicing nonstop.
Dale drives us to school, he could've stayed in bed for longer and just left when he was ready but he had forced us to let him drive us to school. Something about thanking us for having him over and letting him crash girls night as well as him feeling like he had finally found 2 actual friends.
Dale was amazing, I had loved spending time with him and by the way Charlie was raging about how amazing he was, It was obvious she agreed.
"I literally love him, he was so funny," Charlie continues, I laugh and nod before my thoughts get interrupted by an arm slinging over my shoulder.
"Talking about me again ladies?" Toby grins, where there is Toby there is also Carter, Blake and of course their fearful leader Aiden. My heart unintentionally speeds up and I don't have to see him to know he was close.
"Actually no, we were talking about Dale," Charlie grins at Blake who walks beside her, "He stayed the night With Em and I at Em's house."
"Wait the guy from the diner?" Carter asks.
"Lucky bastard, when is it my turn to stay the night with you 2 lovely ladies, I promise I'll make it worth your while. There's enough of me to go around if you know what I mean," Blake smirks, standing in between Charlie and me and throwing his arms over our shoulders, pushing Toby off in the meantime who pouts in response.
Charlie laughs slightly, shrugging Blake's arm off her shoulder while Toby grabs me pulling me to his side. "You better not be replacing me as your BFFL Mills," he mock pouts.
"My what?" I question.
"Your best friend for life, duh," Toby replies like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
I look at him, is this guy seriously one of my best friends?
I guess he is.
"Come on Collins, we have bio first," Aiden whispers in my ear, gesturing for me to follow him with a smirk placed confidently on his face. It never occurred to me that literally everyone here also had bio, and that we still had quite a while before the bell rang but I followed him nonetheless.
"How was your night?" Aiden smirks, although he was smirking something about his tone seemed serious.
"Good," I reply absentmindedly.
"Where did Calvin Klein sleep?" Aiden continues, the smirk now gone and replaced with a more serious expression.
"With Charlie and me?" I reply questionably, knowing that he was referring to Dale. Where was this going?
"You slept with him in the same bed?" Aiden asks, the serious tone still there but I could detect a little judgment as well.
"Yeah? I've slept in the same bed as you Aiden," I reply, defending myself. Okay but this was actually beginning to get on my nerves. I know that Aiden didn't know Dale was gay and that he was just trying to protect me...his friend, but something about his tone annoyed me. I had literally slept in the same bed as him, I know I instigated it and he was again just looking out for me and being a good friend but it's the same thing. Right?
"I know you, we're friends. But you slept in the same bed with that kid after just one day." Aiden continues, the judgment becoming more evident.
"You've got to be kidding me!! You sleep with girls after seconds and you actually do things with them. We slept in the same bed together, so fucking what? You have double standards, it's fine for you but if I do it then it's suddenly not okay?" I argue, call me a feminist but I couldn't stand the double standards.
Aiden goes to reply but we get cut off by my best friend...or maybe ex-best friend who is standing at the door to my classroom, obviously waiting for me.
"Emilia?" He begins, Aiden and I both snap our heads in his direction, "can we talk?"
Again Aiden goes to object, but I give him one last cold look and strut to Luke. Aiden swears and walks off, probably to go fuck a girl considering it's fine for him, even if the girl would most likely be called a slut afterwards. Only when I turn to face Luke and give him my full attention, my heart drops. I don't think I was ready for the friend break up that was inevitably coming after the last morning we shared.
"Hey Emilia," Luke smiles sheepishly.
"Hey Lukas," I attempt to smile but I'm pretty sure it comes out very forced and unattractive.
"I'm really sorry Emilia, about everything. I shouldn't have left that morning and I definitely shouldn't have come over drunk. I know I really hurt you and I promise I'll make it up to you if you'll let me. I get that you don't feel the same way but we have time and I don't want our friendship to go to waste." Luke says, a meaningful look plastered on his familiar face.
I ignore the fact that he still has hope and I'll never look at him like that and jump on him, hugging him as my life depends on it, the tears falling freely down my face. So much for wearing mascara.
"I'm so glad you don't hate me," I cry onto his shoulder, laughing at myself and my patheticness.
"I could never hate you Emilia," Luke smiles, placing me gently on the floor but not letting me go. I know how this must look and I momentarily think of Charlie, but right now I just needed a hug from my best friend who would do anything for me.
I could hug Luke forever, it's such a warm and familiar feeling, like how it feels hugging a close cousin or brother, but the bell rings, breaking me out of my trance.
Hesitantly Luke and I release each other and bid our goodbyes before I walk into the classroom and take a seat, waiting for everyone else. All the boys except for Aiden walk-in soon after I do, followed by Charlie who sits beside me. Toby moves to sit on the other side of the table beside Carter but I call him over.
"Tobes, sit here," I invite, patting the seat on the other side of me. Charlie gives me a strange look at my blatant attempt to avoid sitting next to Aiden but she doesn't say anything. Toby grins and sits beside me easily.
"Miss me Mills?" Toby grins cheekily.
"Of course, where would I be without my BFFL?" I match his cheeky grin. The whole table looks at me in confusion, probably wondering what 'BFFL' meant but Toby whispers in my ear before I get a chance to explain.
"Don't tell them, it's a BFFL secret," Toby grins, "sorry guys, it's a best friend thing," he continues, but this time addressing the remainder of the table who just look at my self proclaimed BFFl the way that I expect most people that know Toby do.
The teacher walks in soon after with a bunch of what I assume to be notes before handing them out to each student. An excited chatter fills the room and when I get my note, I understand why. This wasn't just a note, it was a permission slip for the field trip we were told about last week.
"This is going to be so much fun!!" Charlie enthuses, Toby nods in agreement, a huge cheesy smile on his face.
I smile in agreement but if I'm being honest I'm worried about Aiden. I mean I know he skips all the time and I'm still pissed at him but that didn't mean I didn't want to see his annoyingly attractive face, even if it was just to send him cold looks throughout class.
My prayers seem to be heard when Aiden comes sauntering through the door, 15 minutes late to class by the way, as confident as ever with a smirk replacing the judgemental look I had seen not so long ago.
"Aiden, you decided to actually turn up today?" Miss Wilson smiles, but still sends him a pointed look.
"Sorry miss, had something to take care of," Aiden smirks.
"Yes, I can smell so it seems," Miss gives Aiden a strict look, "go and sit before I have a reason to send you to the office because it seems you may find yourself in quite a lot of trouble if you are sent to the office."
Aiden salutes her mockingly before sauntering to our table, he gives me a look when he notices that his usual seat beside me was taken but still makes his way to the only free one, directly across from me.
When he walks past me I can smell it and I instantly know what Miss Wilson was talking about. Aiden was stoned. I had never personally smoked anything myself but weed had a very strong and hard to forget scent. My ex-boyfriend Justin used to smoke weed sometimes with his friends, I had never really cared because he never tried to push it on me and he never did it a lot, only socially at parties.
Luke had never tried it either, being the golden boy athlete and all, but I knew Charlie had at least tried it. Never around me, but she was definitely the wilder one of the 3 of us, it seems she also had Dale now. Although she was also an athlete, she always said a tiny bit wouldn't hurt and even though Luke disagreed, she was probably right.
I roll my eyes at his coping mechanism and he just smirks, obviously aware of my pissed off state.
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