《The Bad Boys Exception》Chapter 7
As soon as we reach Aiden's house, mom nocks excitedly, and only seconds later a beautiful middle-aged woman appears. The woman is around my height, with black hair and beautiful skin. One of her most noticeable features however, was her beautiful green eyes. I had always been a sucker for brown eyes myself but if my kids were blessed with her eyes I'd be super pleased.
"Hello Rebecca," the middle-aged women smiles at my mom kindly.
"It's lovely to see you again Angela, thank you so much for inviting my family over" my mom replies, smiling in the same kind way.
"Who is this beautiful young lady, and handsome young man" Angela smiles gesturing to Lij and I.
Lij smiles confidently and the compliment and I just smile a little awkwardly. "This is my daughter Emily, and son Elijah" my mum grins, obviously proud of us, "and this of course is my partner Robert" she finishes, Robert smiles at Angela kindly and shakes her hand.
"Emily, you look around the same age as my son Aiden, you might even know him" Angela smiles, having no idea how close Aiden and I were, and I mean that in the most literal sense considering there is literally a couple of feet in between our rooms.
I smile in response, not entirely sure if Aiden had said anything to this woman.
"Come in, come in, and please call me Ang, all of you," she smiles opening the door wider and allowing us to step in. The house had the same layout as ours just like I had expected. This house was much more lived-in however, we hadn't had time to decorate and so Ang's house looked more homely than ours presently.
Following my mom, Elijah and I walk inside and sit down awkwardly on the couch that Ang had gestured to.
"When can we go home?" Lij whispers in my ear jokingly, I laugh a little at my younger brother but then bring my attention to heavy footsteps descending down the stairs. I look up and see no other than a smirking Aiden.
"This is my beautiful son Aiden" Ang smiles fondly at him, he continues to smirk, I have to hold in my laugh at the bad boy being called beautiful.
Aiden takes his eyes off me and smiles charmingly at my family. My mom smiles back, obviously falling under the bad boys 'polite' charm.
"Aiden sweetie, can you please go and get the girls from their room" Ang smiles at her son who follows her instructions immediately with a polite nod.
Lij and I listen to the grown-ups talk silently before two identical young girls prance down the stairs followed by a smiling Aiden.
The girls were absolutely gorgeous, they only looked to be around 6 but they had an innocence surrounding them that just made them all the more adorable.
"These are my two babies Ella and Mia" Rebecca introduces the two beautiful girls lovingly, whilst one goes straight to her mother, the other stays close to Aiden which I find adorable.
"How beautiful" My mother smiles at them, the one with Angela smiles back shyly while the other just shuffles closer to Aiden and attempts to hide behind him.
I look at the girls and smile at their adorableness, they were no doubt going to break some hearts when they were older like their brother. Although some of their features could be mirrored on Aiden, they had also inherited their mother's beautiful green eyes.
Aiden bends down to his sister's height and whispers something into her ear. She nods and re-emerges shyly.
"Such a good brother" my mom comments, directed to Aiden.
Aiden smiles another genuine smile whilst Angela speaks up; "he definitely is" she replies smiling.
We soon fall into another conversation and Aiden comes to sit on the other side of me while the twins play with some dolls on the other side of the living room.
Aiden sits closer to me and then smirks, obviously aware of my discomfort at our proximity.
Instead of moving away I turn around so I'm facing him and smirk; "I knew you were a belieber."
"Guilty" he replies matching my smirk.
Aiden looks over me and to Elijah who was discreetly playing on one of his gadgets, "that's a cool game" Aiden smiles at my younger brother who looks guilty that he had gotten caught.
"Yeah?" he replies once his embarrassment fades.
"Yeah, you wanna see something cool?" Aiden continues to smile at Lij who nods enthusiastically. I could already tell that Elijah loved Aiden, anyone who knew my brother knew that the way to his heart was by his video games.
It also shocked me at how civil Aiden was being to Elijah, he was even being nice.
"Come on" he continues to smile, Elijah gets up quickly to follow him but I stay seated in shock. Aiden was actually being so genuine when it came to Elijah, to me that made him all the more attractive.
The boys begin walking away before Aiden turns to face me; "you coming Collins?"
Speechlessly, I nod and stand up to follow the two boys.
Aiden eventually comes to a door under the stairs and opens it before turning on a small light. There was another staircase leading downwards to what I'm assuming was the basement.
"You're not gonna kill us are you Black?" I smirk jokingly, using his last name as he had constantly used mine. Aiden smirks at the name and winks at me; "Only one way to find out Collins."
I chuckle and then follow Elijah who was already halfway down the stairs, Aiden follows behind me as I begin walking down as well.
Aiden reaches over me and switches a light on, it was pretty obvious he had done it on purpose by the way his breath brushes against my neck giving me goosebumps.
I ignore the action and look inside the now lit basement. Elijah stood just ahead of me with his mouth wide open. Down in the basement was anybody's dream 'man cave'. There was a pool table and that football table thing along with a large flat screen with almost every gaming gadget ever. There was also a mini-fridge and a leather couch along with various other sitting areas and an air hockey table.
Even I was jealous of this room and I had only played video games with Lij, I didn't even know how to play pool. It made me wonder how Aiden could afford everything, I mean he was only a high school senior and it didn't look like Angela had a lot of money herself. It was also blatantly obvious to me that there was no father figure living in this house which meant they were only living off one income.
"Aiden, I give you permission to date or marry or do whatever you want to my sister if it means I can come down here sometimes," my brother breathes in amazement making me gasp.
"Elijah, you would sell me off for a game room?" I ask in astonishment.
"Lee, I love you but this is no ordinary game room, I'd do more than sell you," he replies instantly making me laugh slightly.
"There is a lot I would like to do with you Collins," Aiden smirks in my ear, I wasn't aware that he was that close to me, but the action made my previous goosebumps reemerge and an involuntary shiver run down my spine.
"Aiden" I scold pushing him away, he just smirks at me, he knew exactly the effect he had on me and he loved every minute.
Lij was too busy looking around the room to notice the little exchange between his sister and the biggest player probably on earth.
"Kid's dinner's ready" Angela yells from the top of the stairs. I look at Aiden who gives me one last charming grin and walk up the stairs quickly, trying to flee from the present situation. I hear Aiden chuckling behind me before he says something to Lij and they follow me up.
I sit at the table with my parents and after our last exchange, it doesn't surprise me one bit when Aiden sits beside me and scoots his chair closer to mine. Elijah sit's on the other side and shoves my side gently to get my attention; "Your friend Aiden is so cool, can I hang out with you guys from now on?"
"We don't really hang out" I reply awkwardly glancing at Aiden who is in some conversation with my mom.
"Well then can you start?" Elijah asks in an obvious tone.
Before I can reply Angela gets my attention; "So Emily, what do you plan to do when you leave school?"
"I think I want to study medicine, maybe be a surgeon like mom or a doctor, I'm not entirely sure but I want to help people" I reply smiling, okay so maybe I was showing off a little - sue me.
"Oh that's wonderful, I'm sure your parents must be extremely proud" Angela smiles at my mom and Robert who both nod enthusiastically.
I smile in reply and eat my dinner listening to the adult's small talk.
I was just about to swallow some mashed potato when Aiden puts his hand on my inner thigh. I instantly tense, almost choking on my mash potato and glare at Aidens smug-looking face. I put my hand on top of his and try to pry his hands away but he just tightens his hold and smirks at my weak attempts.
Once all my efforts fail I decide to try another approach and with that, I kick Aidens shin under the table. Aiden visibly winces, now it's my turn to smirk. He instantly takes his hand off my inner thigh to rub his shin while he jokingly glares at me.
"Are you okay Aiden?" my mom questions worriedly when she sees his still wincing face. I laugh under my breath, then continue to laugh at Aidens glare.
"I'm okay, just got a cramp in my leg" he says smiling charmingly at my mom who nods sympathetically. I continue to laugh under my breath, Aiden smirks at me.
"So Aiden, are you dating anyone?" my mom asks, I'm extremely close to my mom and I know exactly what she is doing when she asks Aiden. The glance she throws my way just restates my previous point.
"Uhhh, no I'm not, I'm not really looking to date anyone at the moment" he replies awkwardly, I have to hold back a laugh at his comment which he notices and looks extremely uncomfortable. I guess it would be pretty hard to explain to my mom that the reason he didn't date was that he preferred skipping the date or introduction of any sort and getting straight to the intimate part. The only relationship he was actively involved in would be that of 'friends with benefits', or as he probably so respectively calls it; 'fuck buddies'.
"I get it, you're focusing on school. No time for a girlfriend," my mom replies in what sounds like understanding, having no clue whatsoever of the real reason.
"Something like that" Aiden replies smiling awkwardly. My mom once again nods having no idea of the situation. I look over briefly at Angela to see her even rolling her eyes at the comment.
I once again hold back my giggle until Aiden smirks at me and once again puts his hand on my inner thigh. I instantly tense once again. I was lucky that no one had noticed my obvious discomfort
This time I skip the prying and go straight for the kick. Unfortunately, the bad boy expects this reaction and dodges my kick with a smirk staining his attractive face.
Agh this boy is intolerable.
I try a little longer to get his hand off of me but end up failing every time. Fine, plan C.
"Lij can we switch seats, I'm feeling a little claustrophobic," I ask smiling.
He instantly obliges throwing me a worried glance, I knew he only obliged because he knew that I often felt claustrophobic before having one of my dreaded panic attacks. Although he was willing to sell me for a man cave, I knew how much he really cared about me.
Aiden looks at me in what looks like worry. No way, I must be dreaming, the bad boy worried about me? No way.
I smirk at him letting him know that I was okay, just wanting to get away from him to which he instantly smirks in reply.
After I switch seats with Elijah, the dinner goes by extremely quickly, and although I'd never admit it out loud, I actually found myself missing Aiden's company.
I had just gotten to my room, I began taking off my shirt to change into my pajamas when Aiden's voice interrupts me with a wolf whistle. I squeal in surprise and quickly cover myself up again, before throwing my deadliest glare at Aiden who just smirks at me; "don't stop on my account," he winks.
"Aiden!! What the fuck, I was just about to get changed" I say frustratedly.
"I know, I was looking," he admits shamelessly with a grin.
Before I can reply I hear my mom's footsteps coming towards my door, I panic and just shut my blinds, well aware that my window is still wide open and Aiden would be able to hear everything my mom said. As soon as I shut my blinds the door opens and mom walks in. I wasn't entirely sure why I hid the fact that I was talking to Aiden, I guess I just panicked. Luckily my mom didn't notice anything and instead just sits on my bed.
"What do you think of Angela and her family, wasn't Angela just lovely," my mom enthuses fondly.
"Yeah they were really nice" I reply carefully, not knowing if Aiden was still listening. I don't know if it was wishful thinking, but I had hoped that he had taken me shutting my blinds in panic as a cue to leave.
"Her son Aiden is cute!!" my mom smiles, ahh the real reason she came here is now revealed.
"I guess?" I reply questionably, holy shit I hope Aiden isn't listening.
"You guess? Hon if I was your age and looked like you I'd do anything, that young man has been seriously blessed in his looks department. He's also such a nice boy!!!" She continues, I inwardly groan.
"Mom I don't think I'm really his type" I comment awkwardly remembering everything Luke has told me about his familiar blonde barbie type. He said that Tiffany was the closest thing Aiden had to a girlfriend, he had slept with her multiple times, and I looked nothing like her.
"Oh please honey, you underestimate how gorgeous you really are. I think you're everyone's type!! And I'm not just saying that because I'm your mom," mom giggles fondly.
"Mommm" I groan.
"Okay okay I'm going, but Em, that guy is an extremely good catch and if I were you, I'd be going for it right now" she begins before leaning in to whisper in my ear; "maybe you can ask him what he thought about this conversation when you open the window to talk to him again," she finishes in a whisper before sauntering out, throwing me a wink as she closes the door.
I look at the closed door in shock, how the heck did she know!?
I awkwardly open my window again and blush a bright red when I see a smirking Aiden sitting on his window seal.
"Don't say anything" I demand and quickly drown out loud chuckle and inevitable pervy comments by closing my window and shutting my blinds.
Can this day get any worse!?
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Ruining Happily Ever After
Laia is pissed. When she kills off a fan favorite from her successful novel series, she elicits the anger of some chuunibyou god-child. As her ‘divine punishment’, she gets thrown into a world of her own making– literally. Waking up as the villain of a shitty CEO romance novel she wrote long ago, Laia has to satisfy the life wishes that character has. If she does, she can get out of this world and return to her own. If she doesn’t, she dies. Armed with a talking fox-cat-thing to navigate the system mechanics of her punishment, she’s ready to turn the place upside to get what she wants. She's also not opposed to having a little bit of fun in the process. The original protagonist is in love with her, the original love interest is thoroughly destroyed, and– if it wasn’t already obvious– the original storyline is up in flames. ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ One crappy romance novel was enough, but another? “I fucking completed everything that stupid system asked of me, so tell your idiot brother to bring me back to my world.” The handsome man languidly sitting on the throne sighed dramatically, “Unfortunately, father and mother heard about what he did to you. He’s currently under guard and won’t be able to get you out of here.” “Why didn’t your parents get me removed from here first before locking your brother up?" "They forgot,” he simply said. He showed a regretful expression. She knew it was bullshit. Her temples throbbed, “So what are you doing here?” A beautiful smile bloomed on his lips. It was enchanting, bewitching, and made her want to bash his face in. “I’m here to keep you company,” he winked, “My Empress.”God. She wanted to stab him in the heart just to shut him up. ▽▽▽ System but not really. Barebones shit. This book may end up reading like crack. You have been warned. Each 'arc' is a new novel our wonderful MC visits. There are three arcs to this story. one (1): CEO/Contemporary two (2): Eastern Historical three (3): Fantasy World Chapter Length: 1k-1.6k words. Upload Schedule: As of 01.04.20, daily updates for two weeks. After that, probably 3-5 a week. Estimated Novel Length: 150-200 (each arc will have about 30-70 chapters).
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