《The Bad Boys Exception》Chapter 6
I had just gotten home, lunch was actually so good, I think even Luke enjoyed it eventually. Everyone had exchanged numbers as well and we had planned to all hang out soon. I was just hoping that Luke enjoyed it enough to want to sit with the untouchables again tomorrow because I have to admit, they're actually a lot of fun.
Charlie seemed to be alright again, she was even joking around with Toby and Blake. There was something wrong with her and I knew it but I couldn't figure it out. I didn't know why Charlie hadn't told me yet, we had always been so close and told each other everything. I seriously hoped she was okay though, I didn't like seeing her like this. She had stuck with me through everything and I wanted to be able to return that favor.
Elijah had caught the bus to aunt Jen's house, presumably to play video games with our 10-year-old cousin Mason, I had always found it cute that Elijah and Mason were so close even though they had a larger age gap. Mason was the only other cousin that we saw regularly. As well as Aunt Jen, I had an uncle Todd but we weren't as close to him. His wife had forced him to move to another state so we really only saw them once a year on Christmas for a couple of days. Uncle Todd had a daughter a year younger than us named Gemma that neither Charlie or I liked. She was bitchy like her mother but uncle Todd thought she was perfect.
I groan, consumed in my thoughts before an idea pops in my head. At every other house I've ever lived I had always had somewhere I could go to think, somewhere I could just sit in my thoughts without getting interrupted. At my last house, I had always sat on the roof, it was fairly easy to get there from my room because I could use my balcony to climb up.
I had loved the roof, it had been my favorite place in the house and had ended up being my go-to place whenever anything happened, or even simple things like when I thought of Maddi, and no one knew about it. I wish there was some way that I could get on the roof in this house, unless.
Another idea pops into my head as I run to my bedroom to see if there was any way I could get onto the roof using the tree between Aiden and my house.
Opening my window I notice that Aiden's curtains are open, but his window is shut, the curiosity gets to me as I look into his room from my window. I was surprised at how clean his room was, to be honest, there were no posters of half-naked girls which shocked me even further.
After I feel as though my curiosity has been properly cured I look up the tree to see if there was a way to get to the roof. A path eventually comes clear to me and it doesn't seem that hard to successfully use the tree's branches to climb up to my roof.
Opening my window impossibly further I slowly sit on my window seal and manage to clamber onto the closet branch of my tree fairly easily. Slowly I begin ascending further up the tree, making sure I use the branches that I remembered should get me up to the roof.
After about 5 minutes of slowly ascending higher up the tree, I make it to the height of the roof. I managed to get onto the roof, I knew that the next time I had tried I would get up a lot quicker. With that thought, I step one foot on the roof and then slowly release the rest of my body to follow my first foot. Soon enough I'm completely standing on the roof and I'm pleasantly surprised to see that there are several spots I could sit and look at the stars, but even more pleasantly surprised to see that the best spot to sit was practically right above my room where I had first stood on the roof.
Smiling at my newfound place I sit down and stare into the blue sky. I always wondered what had really happened once people died. Could they really look down on us from the clouds?
I hoped they could, I think that was one of the reasons I had loved the roof so much, especially after Maddi died. If Maddi was in the sky looking down at me then the roof was the closest I would get to her.
I look over at Aiden's house in curiosity once again and notice that it was an extremely similar shape than my house, just opposite which made me wonder if his house had a similar layout to mine, I guess that part of my curiosity would be fulfilled after tonight.
My phone ringing broke me out of my thoughts, looking at the caller ID I could see it was Luke.
"Lukas" I sing happily, giggling a little to myself when I hear him mutter some choice words under his breath.
"I'm boreddddddd" he groans.
"Hi bored I'm Emily" I reply on instinct, Robert's jokes must be rubbing off on me.
"Emiliaaaaaa, come and make me less bored" Luke begs, and then he continues; "Miles is home."
Miles was Luke's older brother, he was a year older than Maddi and her best friend before she died. They were so obviously soulmates, they had been dating since they were 14 all the way until Maddi passed. They would have ended up together if Maddi hadn't left us, they were perfect for each other and everyone knew it. They had been in love with each other their whole lives but never had admitted it until they were 14. They had dated as soon as they found out about each of their feelings, and had never had any problems.
When Maddi died, Miles turned to drugs and alcohol, and meaningless sex. Although he was the complete opposite of what he had used to be, he had always treated me the same. We had always been close, but when Maddi died we just got closer, I think I reminded him of her the same way he reminded me. He had always acted like a protective older brother to me and I was so happy when that never changed after Maddi died. He had pushed everyone away, spent his trust fund on traveling and partying but he had always made time for me.
He had the same blue eyes as Luke, but light brown hair. He was no doubt attractive, but I saw him like my older brother just like he had seen me as a younger sister.
"I'll be there in 15" I reply instantly, Miles had been in Europe for the past 4 months and I had missed him.
I hear Luke cheer as I hang up and put my phone firmly in my bra so I can safely climb down.
I quickly change into grey leggings and out of my skirt so I could be more comfortable and run down to my car. I was still the only one home so I leave Nala inside and lock the front door, making sure to send a quick text to mom and Robert.
About 10 minutes later I've arrived at Luke's house on the rich side of town. Parking my car in my familiar spot I run inside to see Miles, well him and my best friend.
I see him as soon as I walk inside, he was standing in his familiar spot looking out the window with a glass of what I'm assuming to be bourbon in his hand.
"Miles" I yell excitedly gaining his attention. He smiles at me back and puts his glass on the window seal opening his arms. Without hesitating I run at him and jump into his brotherly hug, he laughs at my enthusiasm, hugging me as tightly as I was hugging him. His familiar scent of bourbon engulfs me, but I take in every moment.
"Hey little E" he smiles as he puts me down and takes a good look at me while I do the same to him.
He looks tired, he has stubble on his face that needs to be shaved and more wrinkles than any 21 year old should have. It makes me sad to see him looking this worn out, I know it would kill Maddi to see him like this, but he had never been the same after she had died.
"You get more beautiful every time I see you, you look so much like her" Miles smiles sadly at me, taking a huge sip of his no doubt heavily alcoholic drink.
"You think so?" I smile, it was the best thing anyone could ever say to me when they said I looked like Maddi. In a way, it was almost like a part of her lived on in me, and every time someone compared her to me, that part of her just got stronger.
"Definitely, well except your eyes, man she was jealous of those" Miles chuckles, obviously thinking of her.
While I had always been jealous of her beautiful brown ones, she had always loved my bright blue ones
"Emilia, If you and I had kids, they'd have the best eyes" I hear Luke interrupt from behind me.
Miles chuckles, "hopefully the eyes were the only part of them that they inherited from you."
"Hey" Luke rejects.
I laugh at the boys, when Miles had pushed everyone else away from him, Luke was included and their relationship had been strained ever since.
"Let's go out the back" Luke smiles at me.
I kiss Miles on the cheek and quickly follow Luke to the familiar spot he was taking me to. Ever since we were kids, Luke and I had always loved the river that flowed through the back of his property.
It had always been our spot, when we were kids we used to bring toys down here and stay for hours, as we got older we started bringing things like picnics. In summer it was an amazing place to swim, even Lij, Miles and Maddi used to hang around down here when it was hot.
We simultaneously sit on the bench that we had David put in a few years ago. "He gets worse every time I see him, he really only smiles when you or Elijah are around, or he's drunk" Luke sighs and I know exactly who he is talking about.
"He lost his soulmate, Lukas, I don't know if he will ever really be the same again and no one can blame him," I reply, leaning my head on his shoulder and cuddling into his arm, in what I hope is a comforting gesture.
"You lost your sister, you have even more of a right to mope around, why don't you," Luke asks gently, I wasn't even entirely sure he had known what he was saying.
"I had people, he didn't. You and my family were my other people but Miles's only person was Maddi and when he lost her, he lost his whole life, I guess people also deal with grief differently " I reply looking up at him through my eyelashes.
"I'll never leave you, I'll always be there" Luke replies after a minute, smiling sadly.
"I know Lukas, I wouldn't let you leave even if you wanted to" I laugh a little, Luke chuckles as well.
We sit in silence for a while before Luke interrupts.
"Em, there's something I need to tell you," Luke says quietly.
"What's wrong?" I reply gently, worried about my best friend.
He looks at me and then sighs, "I just love you, that's all" he replies smiling, something tells me that wasn't exactly what he wanted to tell me but I smile back anyway.
"I love you too Lukas, you'll always be my best friend," I reply cuddling into him further.
I hear him sigh in what seems like regret, but I don't push it because it was pretty obvious that he didn't mean for me to hear him.
"What time is it?" I ask him remembering I had left my phone in the car.
"Just after 5:30" he smiles.
"Shit I gotta go, I have dinner in an hour with Aiden and his family" I respond immediately standing up, not realizing my slip up until too late.
"You what?" Luke asks bluntly.
"His mom invited my family over for dinner tonight so we could meet each other" I reply, no use hiding it now.
Luke rolls his eyes but nods and follows me back to my car.
"Love you Lukas, say bye to Miles for me, tell him I'll come back soon" I rush as I kiss Luke on the cheek and get in my car. I hear Luke mumble something but I don't hear what he says.
Another 10 minutes later I finally get home and walk inside to greet my family. Everyone but Robert was home and I had expected he would be getting home very soon.
"Hey baby" my mom smiles at me as I walk inside.
"Hiya mamma" I reply as I kiss her cheek, "Where is Elijah, I thought he was coming home with you" I question.
"He's in his room getting ready" she replies.
I nod at her in acknowledgment and walk up to my room also to get ready.
I slip off my sweats planning to wear something more dinner attire-y and put on some skinny jeans that made my legs look great along with a white spaghetti strap shirt with lace decorating the top. I throw my hair up in a messy bun and wipe off any makeup remnants from the day. I didn't feel the need to dress up that much for just dinner with the neighbors.
I leave the same shoes I had worn today at my bedroom door and grab a cream coloured cardigan. I then lie down on my bed to continue reading. However I don't get very far because I hear my phone chime beside me. I pick it up to look at the message;
I roll my eyes at the name he had given himself on my phone smiling but nonetheless reply.
He replies instantly, almost as if he was on his phone waiting for my reply.
I roll my eyes at his descriptive reply but walk over to my window and open it to see his already smirking face.
"Hey Collins" he smirks.
"Aiden I'm literally coming to your house in like 15 minutes, why did you have to interrupt my reading" I joke.
"I just wanted to see your beautiful face" he charms making me roll my eyes.
"What's your mom like?" I ask, planning to prepare myself for meeting her.
"Awe Collins, already trying to get my mom's approval, do you really want me that much?" Aiden smirks winking, obviously finding this all amusing.
"Bye Aiden" I laugh a little rolling my eyes. I seem to do that a lot when he is involved.
"She's amazing" Aiden genuinely smiles, gaining my full attention once again at his breathtaking smile.
"Awe is Pearlacre highs biggest heartache a mammas boy?" I tease, now it was my turn to smirk.
He smirks at my sudden confidence; "Don't tell anyone, wouldn't want to ruin my reputation" he jokes.
"Aren't I special, before you know it you're gonna share all your biggest secrets with me" I continue to smirk, his smirk widens.
"What kind of secrets do you expect me to tell you?" He asks mischievously.
"Well for one, how big of a Justin Bieber fan you are" I tease smiling genuinely. This was actually the most fun I had in a while.
"I'm too badass to listen to him" Aiden smirks, confidence oozing from him.
"I don't believe you for a second" I reply smugly.
Before he can reply, Robert's voice sounds from the hall, "Come on kid's we're going".
I look at Aiden who continued to smirk at me, "See you soon Collin's"
I laugh and start closing the window, but get interrupted once again;
"Hey Collins" he begins looking at me, the smirk never leaving his face; "Is it too late now to say sorry?" With that, he throws me one last wink and then slams his window shut leaving me speechless.
Did he just?
He so did!!
The bad boy quoting a Justin Beiber song was something I had never known how much I needed to hear.
I knew he was a Justin Beiber fan!!
Smiling at Aiden I walk downstairs to meet with my family before we begin walking next door.
I was actually starting to genuinely enjoy Aiden's company, who would have known the bad boy had a half-decent sense of humor.
Walking beside a miserable looking Lij and excited mother, the 4 of us make our way to our neighbor's house for the much-awaited dinner.
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