《Like Sunshine On Snow | p.jm ✔》이십사: starry night


"This place... Ah, I would've told y'all its location but then it won't remain exclusive to me. So please let me off the hook this one time, our ARMYs are the best!" Jimin exclaimed out of the blue, which made Sera sway her head in amusement.

Jimin's casual remarks were ending up getting converted into Sera's fit of giggles every single time, and the latter certainly felt distracted due to that. She was not even a good driver to begin with, and such diversions were only amplifying her fear for her life.

"He for sure knows how to attract people's attention effortlessly." Sera mumbled to herself as she drove away in Gaeul's car once again, periodically checking her distance from the spot through the navigation system with all the alertness in the world.

"To be honest, I wasn't the one who wound up discovering this...meadow, you could say? Namjoon wanted to go to a quiet place since he was finding it difficult to write a new song amidst all the chaos that usually goes on in our home. I— I don't know why and how— I decided to accompany him that day and tada, came across this amazing place. Don't you agree? It's beautiful, isn't it?" Jimin switched his camera to the rear mode, eventually unleashing the starry night for his viewers.

 And oh boy, did Sera get mesmerized by the scenery the same way she was at the first time as well?

"So we think alike, that's great," Jimin abruptly reverted to the front camera view, giving ARMYs an opportunity to get delighted because of his proximity to the screen— he was sort of angled in a funny manner, "oh no, I looked so ugly. Anyway, he told me that the sight from here— of the bare sky adorned with numerous stars as if they were its accessories— seemed so angsty yet reassuring to him. He also told me that... y'all gotta keep it a secret, alright?" Jimin whispered as though around a million people were not watching him, and innocently proceeded to preserve his faith in his uncountable confidants.


"He told me that if one day he finds someone special, this would be the first place he'd like to show to them. Unfortunately, I beat him to it and showed the sky from here to my ARMYs before anyone else." Jimin pursed his lips, him contemplating about something would be the prima facie interpretation of his expression, if anything.

"There was one more person too, besides y'all as you know... but before I could officially bring her to this place, we drifted apart. I calculated a lot, and realized that I had no idea I was starving for this kind of love until I got to have a taste of it. I'm very capable of looking for her, to confront her about what went wrong all of a sudden. But I won't do that, because I respect her decision. The last thing I'd like is her being bound by me... to me. I guess that's why being truly in love is equated with selflessness." Jimin rolled his eyes to prevent the tears from being too visible to his audience, but his tiny sniff gave it all away. Dreading that his breakdown would cause an issue, Jimin immediately wrapped up the live with a heartfelt goodbye and a promise to go live as frequently as he could.

By the time Jimin's isolation relapsed, Sera had also set her foot onto the grassy and mushy surface of the meadow. She had managed to listen to Jimin's ending note, and exactly what it was that prompted him to do it— the accumulated tears in her eyes that she was trying to hold back so earnestly depicted it in quite a lucid way. Her tread had involuntarily turned fleeting, and she could no longer glance at anything but Jimin— a small figure seated at the very edge of the slope, sporadically pushing his head back as if failing at containing his cries in every way possible.


Sera's shudders were gradually taking the form of wails the nearer she would advance towards Jimin, urging the latter to swiftly check on what was happening behind his back. A dark figure consistently approaching him, looking like someone gravely injured because of its wobbly jog— for sure succeeded in igniting a spark of curiosity in Jimin. Narrowing his eyes on the silhouette as it also began to grow clearer simultaneously, he was left in utter shock when he could finally perceive who it was.

One of the restricted tears ultimately triumphed in letting itself loose from Jimin's eye as he dashed towards the oncoming person, along with probably abandoning his passive front at last. He had zero legitimate reasons for restraining himself from bawling. How could he not let his emotions prevail this time, when the person whom he thought he had lost forever— without even bidding a proper farewell— was rushing towards him with all the life she had inside her?

"Sera, you don't know how much—"

"You know what, Jimin?" Sera panted intensively— athletics was never her field after all, "Fuck this world. I was the stupid one to have given a damn about these jobless people. I will no longer be one, though. We know that we love each other, we've got nothing to be afraid of. We're humans too, aren't we? You too are a human most importantly, don't you deserve to live your life without the fear of criticism too?" Sera's pitch was still a bit raised because of the running, and Jimin was this close to bursting into chuckles— the contrast between her voice and words being the very reason.

"I get it, I get you totally. You just... you can't understand how happy I'm to have you back. These two weeks were like a nightmare— no, a living hell. I can't help but think that I'm still dreaming thoug—"

"Well then, Park Jimin," Sera grabbed Jimin's face to pull him closer before whispering the same, their noses brushing against each other, causing them to smile coyly. "I'll prove to you that you aren't dreaming." Concluded Sera by attaching her lips to Jimin's, both of them leading each other on to share a passionate kiss.


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