《Like Sunshine On Snow | p.jm ✔》이십삼: reliving the old days


Sera's ability to distinguish between days was consistently worsening. The twelfth hour in the midnight had nothing but reduced to a mere murky moment for her. Every day was gruelingly repetitive, and she could not restraint herself from holding accountable her own insecurities for discarding the very beacon of hope that her life had finally gotten brightened by, out of her life.

Nevertheless, she also did not miss reminding herself from time to time how the step that she had taken for both Jimin and her would eventually prove to be worthwhile. Taking future in consideration was what had provided her moral strength all this while. To ponder about the present was plainly horrid for her, and she would rather say that she was better off without it. So even if the boldest step that she took in a notably long duration ended up requiring more time to justify itself, she would simply bring herself to keep believing in her intents, that it would ultimately turn out as favorable some day.

After all, that was the kind of person whom she had grown into.

However, she would be lying if she said that Jimin's lull had not been bugging her lately. Literally not a single article had covered him in the past two weeks, except for the ones that talked about the whole group in general. Nor had he been active on social media, or going live like he used to, ever since that incident. Jimin's silence was scaring Sera, but there was nothing left for her to do. For a person who had severed their ties on her own will, it was quite tenable.

Sera shook her head repulsively at the approaching negative thoughts, pulling an artificial smile to mask her hurting self. Although she was in solitude and practically in no need to avert bawling, trying relentlessly to stay firm was what she was still prioritizing. Completely oblivious of a forthcoming notification ready to vibrate her phone, Sera flinched when the sensation became the reality.


"Talk of the devil." From Sera originated a genuine giggle, though the tears accompanying it made her happiness resemble more to an ironical one.

"ARMY... how are y'all doing? It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

An unsurprisingly handsome face unfolded on Sera's phone screen as soon as she had taken the bait. Jimin's pupils had started to dance the instant he was done rendering his part, probably due to the flood of comments that his fans were altogether storming in his direction.

"Where have you been Jimin..." He squinted his eyes at the screen while attempting to read the comment, and replied all energetically, "Ah, I was here only. You could say that I was taking the overdue rest." Jimin simpered towards the end, involuntarily causing Sera's face to light up too.

A live had never appeared this much therapeutic to Sera. Being an ardent fan since the beginning, there was hardly any occasion when she did not keep up with the boys' activities. Such sporadic lives were her utmost favorites, the reason being their candidness— them not being scripted. It felt like she was living those old days again, when she was a just a fan. Those times had been stressful too, but atleast she was enduring it all alone.

It was much better when Jimin was not a part of the anguish too.

"Now we're on the same page," Jimin's abrupt change of discussion spurred Sera to glance back at her screen immediately, with the poor woman fearing the worst happening in the meantime she was busy drifting away to her reveries, "I titled the live that way because... I had been reflecting a lot over these last few days. Why am I clueless? I couldn't exactly find the reason but possibly, it must be due to me being upset over something that I don't understand. I don't understand that whatever happened to me, why did it even take place? How wrong must things have gone for them to wind up in such a way?"


"I was late in finding out that my pictures with a... certain someone I'd say, were leaked on social media. I know I'm guilty of not telling the most precious people to me in the world— my ARMYs, about it, and I accept my mistake. So, shall I tell you now and make up with you? Would that suffice for my irresponsible behavior, hm ARMYs?" Jimin's lips turned upside down, making him come across as a sincerely downcast person with that sulky expression.

It was a matter of time until he began to beam again, and Sera wasted no time in landing her gaze at the swiftly incoming replies— consisting of innumerable yes.

"That was my girlfriend— though I can't really reveal her name without asking her first." Jimin's cheerfulness drooped again at the bare mention of Sera, and the latter could feel her heart splitting up into two.

"We haven't been on talking terms since that day. I couldn't understand at first what made her do what she did, but whenever I find myself going back to that day now, I do kind of grasp her stance. I would've done the same if I were in her place. Just so she gets to know, I'm not at all angry with her. I'll embrace her the same way I used to do if she ever decides to come back to me." Jimin finished, crinkling his eyes into a thin line and setting the widest grin on his face.

Sera could figure out that if anything, it was his way to console her and assure her that he respected her choice from that day. If that was the case, then why did his elation seem fake to her? Why did it look like that he just was not particularly relieved, when he himself stated that he had forgiven her?

Sera's vision shifted to the dark background that Jimin's live was disclosing. By the way the stars appeared so reachable to him, Sera turned positive about her deduction of his location. It would only be right to label their relationship— as it was fated to be— at the very place from where it all commenced.

With determined eyes but brittle heart, Sera rushed to the meadow where Jimin was most likely to be found at.

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