《Like Sunshine On Snow | p.jm ✔》이십오: epilogue


Resting her elbow upon the window sill and leaning out of it was the most viable method for Sera to escape from the forever-churning world, even for a little while. The fresh breeze hailing straight from the mountains would collide against her face whenever she did that, attributing one of the many reasons to the deed that made it top Sera's favorite things list.

It was one of those mornings when Sera did not have an early class to teach, and hence was lurking around the windows of the staff room to catch a refreshing breath from outside. She grazed the glass panes with her fingers, seemingly on the brink of slipping into her mid-day trances anytime soon— her absentmindedness effectively substantiating the deduction. Just when Sera was about to retreat back to her seat, blaring thumps—as if an elephant were hopping in the hallway— crashed into her eardrums, making her freeze at her own spot with an expression so confusingly petrified.

She waited for the roaring footsteps to halt nonetheless, as they did recede in the volume aspect. As in the terms of proximity, precisely not.

A gasping woman emerged from behind the door— her entire body relied completely on its wooden frame. Though when she lifted up her head and revealed her frustrated features to Sera, the latter being utterly unamused at that would definitely be an understatement.

"I was this close to calling the animal pickup service. I thought an elephant had made its way into our campus." Sera sarcastically remarked as she proceeded towards her desk, purposely ignoring Gaeul's acknowledgement of it.

"How in the world are you so relaxed? Have you not read the article yet?" Gaeul managed to speak, still running short of breath from the sprint that she had made for Sera. However, she was glad she could pique Sera's interest finally, for the latter had jerked her gaze in her direction the moment she came straight to the point.


"Article? What article?"

"Not surprised. I was hundred percent certain anyway, about you living under a rock. Take out that device called phone from your pocket and put it to use for staying updated, you freaking ant!" Gaeul yelled, eyebrows straining due to Sera's obsolete knowledge about current affairs.

"Oh it's nothing new. Jimin's trending on Twitter as usual, do I really gotta check it?" Sera quizzed whilst sifting through her newsfeed, still perplexed as ever.

Gaeul was finding it hard to contain her vexation— Sera's snail level of swiftness being the very cause— which led her to stomp towards her hurriedly and place her own phone in the female's hands. Sera's incertitude had not been disentangled yet by Gaeul, and her glares were anything but helpful to the poor lady. Swaying her head in anticipation of the worst, she nevertheless clicked on the link that the post was directing her towards.


"This is so... touching? I literally have no words to say." Sera hid the bottom half of her face with her hand, but her grin was too wide to be kept concealed so easily. By watching her eyes getting crinkled into crescent moons, one could effortlessly point out how pleased she was.

Her bliss was too conspicuous to go unnoticed just like that.

"I'm calling Jimin, I can't simply wait till evening." Sera spoke in a rush while returning Gaeul's phone back to her and fetching hers too, simultaneously. But just when she had almost pressed the call button for Jimin's contact, her own phone began to buzz instead.

As if the morning had not been a plethora of surprises, Jimin happened to ring up Sera when she had decided to phone him too— making an instant blush spread across her cheeks instinctively.


"Has he implanted a chip on you or what? How is this possible?" Gaeul was baffled, though finding out if she was just playing along or she genuinely was, was something not very important to Sera at that moment. With an intimidating side glance, she succeeded in shushing Gaeul as the latter placed a finger on her lips following Sera's intangible threat.

"It's called telepathy, dumbass." Rolling her eyes sassily, Sera immediately picked up Jimin's call without wasting another second.

Gaeul was seen dumbfounded, and Sera's switch in addressal had to be the only thing to be held responsible for that.

"Sera! Let's go on a date tonight." A simple statement from Jimin lit up Sera's world like nothing else. Owing to the uninvited shyness that was overpowering her currently, she was rendered tongue-tied— though she still managed to let out an almost audible hum.

Beaming uncontrollably at everyone and anyone whom she had encountered down the hallway as she rushed towards her apartment, Sera gradually grew oblivious of her absurd behavior. Was that how a drunk in love person apparently looked like?

Sera had all the grounds to act so dumbly. If a sensible person like her was letting the humiliation pass, then it was permissible at the very least. Because it had eventually come true, her belief that her emotional numbness would one day subside. That she would too find a reason that would restore her faith in love. That someone would come along like sunshine on snow into her barren life. Though she never expected Jimin to turn out to be the one for her— and that very unprecedented intrusion, unarguably, was what had enhanced the beauty of it even more splendidly.

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