《Like Sunshine On Snow | p.jm ✔》십이: blatant lies


"What's that sound, Miss Wo—"

Jimin could not quite figure out for a long time whether it was a wrathful gust of wind or really Sera who had managed to thrust his organs out of his body with a mere push. His biggest mistake— he had acknowledged it now— was to underestimate the very girl who had never failed at amusing him, by letting his guard down. Jimin could swear that never in his life, had he been so frightened of someone. Whereas the one who had apparently ended up scaring the poor lad, was covering her torso with her arms as if trying to protect her modesty.

"I'm sorry if tha—"

"Ugh!" Sera cut Jimin off once again before he could even complete and shoved her palm across his mouth, barring him from speaking any further.

It was Jimin now, who had had himself caged betwixt someone else's arms, with the wall against his back obstructing like a cherry on top. His eyes widened ridiculously, not because he was consistently being taken aback by how Sera was behaving, but his undermining of the very woman's boldness that had been costing him tremendously. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined a woman of a petite frame like Sera, to overpower him.

"Keep your voice low, people will know that we're here." Sera's words corresponded with the embarrassing sound of her heart throbbing like crazy, causing Jimin to cast a hooded gaze at her. Slowly, he retracted her restricting hand from over his face, unconsciously not letting go of it even when it eventually wound up resting by her side.

"Wh—what is it?" Sera stuttered out of the intimidation that Jimin was bringing to her, ultimately making him stuff his cheeks with a stifled laughter and burst into choked giggles— like Sera had just cracked the funniest joke of the century. He continued to drain his energy by chortling like he had not found something so hilarious in a long time, until Sera glared at him in a displeased manner.


"Don't tell me you thought that I was going to kiss you or something." Jimin threw his head back as he covered his face with one of his arms, further intensifying Sera's dismay to an unwieldy extent. He abruptly strangled the potential chuckles as his deliberate poker face was displaying, but even that turned out to be ephemeral as he resumed to laugh until tears began to splash out of his eyes.

The mood was genuine, the delight he was undergoing was evidently genuine.

Sera muttered a little Thank God in her head as she also happened to subtly tug her lips into a smile, stirring Jimin to actually halt himself this time.

"I'm sorry, it was just your fac— Alright, back to business. The thing is..." Jimin dragged his speech, pondering a bit regarding how to start, "The thing is that no matter how hard I try, I can't bring myself to text you." He intentionally gurgled rather very impressively towards the end, perplexing Sera as to what he truly said.

She bobbed her head once with an utterly confused look plastered on her face, which Jimin had indeed found unsurprisingly adorable.

"I find it hard to text or call you." Jimin replicated his muffled speech from earlier once again, aggravating Sera's frustration to newer heights.

The girl was miserably hopeless, and so was their case. How in the world could Sera not fathom his grumble when he had practically repeated the same words with the same amount of sincerity? If it were Jimin who had been in Sera's place, he would have readily done the intended the very instant someone had beckoned him of the issue.

"Take my number, damn it!" Jimin snapped out of nowhere, making Sera flinch due to the sudden change in his demeanor. "I didn't mean to shout but you left me with no other choice." Jimin clarified as he looked away from her, probably ashamed because of how he had just acted.


"Why were you hesitating in asking me to take your number? You didn't second guess a bit when you had asked mine," Sera clicked her tongue teasingly as she gently grasped Jimin's chin to have him match eyes with her once again, but instead came across the baffled version of his, "and now you act all flustered. You seriously amaze me, Mr. Park."

"Do you usually do that? Throwing your limbs like an octopus when somebody takes you by surprise while—"

"There you go with your do you usually do that again. Stop assuming what I usually do!" Sera exclaimed, beginning to grow tired of explaining every single thing to everyone. Just when would somebody understand her without having her to render her part?

"Well then," Jimin paused for a bare minute before grabbing Sera's phone from her coat's pocket—which he had located long back— and resumed, "lend me your phone so that I can do the work. You see, I can't really text someone first until I'm very, very close to them. That's why I'm passing the responsibility to you. Our friendship relies on you now, Sera." Jimin mumbled absentmindedly as he dialed his number in Sera's phone.

Lies, lies. Blatant lies.

Jimin had never faced any sort of trouble in contacting someone first. However, attempting to talk to Sera from the last two years had seemed no less than rocket science to him. No matter how much he had tried, how long of a message he had typed or even the contrary, hitting that send button proved to be the exact point where he would choose to give up every single time.

While Sera was still in the midst of whether to register the scene taking place in front of her as a sheer fantasy or something that was actually happening, Jimin had already been done with saving his number in Sera's phone. Moreover, he even sent a Hi to himself so that both of them did not revert back to engrossing themselves in overanalyzing their moves anymore.

Just one of the many things that he had done in order to earn Sera's friendship.

"Since my work is done, see you soon maybe?" Jimin flashed a curveless smile as he prepared to leave, leading Sera to reciprocate his gesture.

Though one memory from their little rendezvous of the day did not appear like it would vacate their heads anytime soon.

The one in which how disastrously they both were dying of the awkwardness.

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