《Like Sunshine On Snow | p.jm ✔》십일: well done, cosmos


There had always been this fine line of distinction between commoners like Sera and widely adored celebrities, then why was it that repetitive reminders from her conscience regarding forgetting about Jimin— once and for all— were irking her like anything? Truthfully, she had never envisaged even a single text to come from Jimin's side to begin with, but it was also growing to be kind of frustrating for her when it was actually him who had asked for her number in the first place, and that too twice.

Separate sets of days blurred into one, but Sera could still be found consumed by the fiasco. However, she was not quite sure about whom she was exactly disappointed in— herself, or that gem of a human apparently named Park Jimin. Because after all, all he did was to take her number twice, which did not necessarily mean that he would eventually contact her.

"Professor? Hello?" Sera's gaze immediately trembled upon someone's addressal of her, as she desperately tried to sift the very voice out of the horde that was seated in front of her.

Oh, right. I'm in the class right now, and I was teaching. Why the heck did I suddenly start thinking of him?

"Ah, yes. Sorry, didn't have that good of a sleep last night." Sera blurted out rather inaudibly, but since it was something that she had notintended to say otherwise, her eyes abruptly widened in reflex, leading the class to cast an accusatory look at her.

"See, the insomnia is taking its toll over me. So let's just wrap up today's class right here and I'll cover for it tomorrow, alright? Dismissed." Sera had just finished collecting her stuffs from over the table that she instinctively swerved her neck towards the exit of the room, in the suspicion of someone staring at her for a relatively long period of time. And she was indeed right.


Though she sincerely wished she was not.

A man— appearing like as if smiling with his eyes— had his feet planted a little far from the threshold. With his hands tucked in the pockets of his jeans, he sent yet another smile Sera's way, which seemed more like a preparatory one to the latter. Her hunch had proved to be accurate ultimately, for he began to walk away the moment Sera had come to conceive a puzzled expression.

"Prof, you look a bit troubled today. Are you sure it's just lack of sleep?" A student quizzed Sera at a rather awfully crucial time, but the amount of concern that his eyes were reflecting halted Sera right in her tracks.

She felt honestly touched by that person's kind gesture, but the hurry that she needed to let take over her, shrouded her contentment without even announcing. And so, she just waved her hand in dismissal while complementing it with a pleasant smile before dashing out of the scene.

Within the nick of time that student and Sera got engaged in their conversation, the intriguing man that the female would follow even if she were on the brink of death, had made a major lead, which resulted in her almost losing his trail. Moreover, the corridor was remarkably flooding with students that day, hence making it arduous than ever for Sera to keep looking for that man.

If it was a regular passerby who had curiously happened to peep into the class, Sera would not have given much heed to him. But the way he remained standing there for a couple of seconds while beaming specifically at her, had gotten Sera immensely fascinated. Either he was obsessed with her to have left his own class just to steal a glance at her, or he was someone she knew and had simply paid her a visit.


There was supposed to be nothing in between.

Just when Sera was about to slide off to her abyss of spiraling thoughts, she accidentally met eyes with the same person whom she had been crazily searching for. Those eyes crinkled once again before their owner swiftly pounced into an adjacent hallway, prompting Sera to pull up her socks and scoot her ass as quickly as possible too.

Huffing, when she came across the comparatively placid lobby, she was rather stunned to have noticed the contrast. How come no one had their business there?

Ducking her neck cautiously to peer into the classrooms on the either sides of the hallway, Sera had not expected to get pulled into one of those very classrooms just the next minute. A natural frantic even during the most ordinary situations, Sera's hyperactive defensive instincts kicked in and she began to rub her back against the wall that she had been pinned onto, in the hope that the abductor would resultingly give up on her.

Nice joke, said the cosmos.

"Sera, calm down. It's just me." The alleged kidnapper finally spoke up, and Sera deemed it as the perfect timing for activating her laser eyes.

"I don't know anyone named me, tell me who are you—"

"Why in the world did I not consider the possibility of me failing so badly..." The man trailed off as he doffed the mask off his face, revealing his true identity.

"Mr. Park? What are you doing here? At the university? Like this?" Sera jabbed her fingers towards Jimin, causing him to crack a cackle eventually.

"What do you mean like this," Jimin paused when Sera gave him an obvious look of her being not willing to buy his lies, though despite the intimidation, he continued nevertheless, "I came to check on the students, yeah the students." He bobbed his neck as he agreed to what his own self had said, and it was now Sera's chance to laugh right in his face.

"If you're here to meet the students then why were you trying to kidnap me?" Sera giggled as she asked an already flustered Jimin, whose cheeks were growing pinker by every new second.

"Jeez, whatever. I came here to see you. Satisfied now?" Jimin ended up babbling the truth under Sera's influence, which even the latter could not bring herself to accept.

Recurring pair of pounds echoed throughout the room, and thanks to the proximity between their bodies, Jimin could judge from where the sound was originating.

Sera's heart, of course.

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