《Like Sunshine On Snow | p.jm ✔》십: daydreaming?


If anything, Sera and embarrassment were inseparable. They were, in a way, attached at the hip. Meaning wherever Sera went, humiliation never spared her, and neither would the female ever part her ways with the emotion— no matter how much it cost her.

Right now, Sera was brooding of ways to call it a day. Oversharing had never benefited her, but she just did not seem like learning any lesson from her past experiences. Just a scraping attempt at her highly flimsy ambiguity and next she could be heard cracking open the pandora box that apparently was her life story.

Jimin's heart and lungs would have worked with the same efficiency even if Sera had not thrown up the plethora of her memories right in front of him. Post-disclosure side-effects had begun to grow visible on her face more than ever. Her pupils did not have the same stability as before and she continued to sweat buckets as if she were pushed into a sauna some one or two hours ago and had not been allowed to come out since.

If only she could lock up her tongue and throw its key into the Pacific Ocean.

Scrunching up her nose with eyes closed due to the shame that had been clouding her face for a long time, Sera could now see the most reasonable excuse charging towards her like a horse galloping at its best. Breaking her musing with a grin that could not have looked more pretentious, she worded her thought out.

"Uh... Mr. Park? Goddamn it, why does me calling you that sound so weird—" Sera had reduced her voice as low as a whisper-to-self towards the end, but picked up when she saw a terribly confused Jimin staring at her as if he was totally convinced of Sera being a little out of sorts, "If you don't mind, I need to return back. G—Gaeul must be waiting for me." Surrounded by an overflowing quantity of awkwardness, Sera was glad that she could still relay her message so easily in such a situation.


"Thank God you spoke up. The silence was killing me. Do you usually do that? Talking as if you were friends with someone since birth and then falling mute like cat got your tongue? You scared me, Miss Won, really." Jimin said, the pout never leaving his lips even when he talked. He must have gotten really very upset due to Sera's behavior, or as his face told.

"I—I suddenly got reminded of how I haven't prepared anything for tomorrow's class, yeah..." Sera clarified hesitatingly, internally admitting how stupid of an excuse was it that she had made.

"You're witty, I'll give you that."

"Are you perhaps disappointed by my behavio—"

"No, no, chill. You said Miss Gaeul must be waiting for you, you'll run late if you don't rush back right this instant." Jimin chuckled, assuming that Sera would not be able to get through his pseudo front of always being pleasant no matter what. He was obviously a little bit hurt, and his suppressed voice was blatantly showcasing it.

"Oh, okay then. Let's meet again soon." Sera passed an amiable smile to Jimin, wishing that it would make up for her unintentional rudeness, if she even happened to cause him stress in the first place.

Jimin only mirrored her facial expression, not bothering to utter a single word. Displeased, Sera rotated herself to face him with her back once again, starting to walk away by the next second itself. Her short and wobbly steps were portraying her anxiety well, and Jimin's comparatively cold attitude from a minute ago was eating her inside out. As if the regret of spilling her information just like that was not enough to put pressure on her brain as well her heart, that the male tended to act in a manner that Sera had never heard of before. Her fists were balling up, and her nails could pierce through her palm any moment now if someone did not stop her.


If Jimin did not stop her.

And just right before she was about to miss her boat, Jimin had called out her name. Park freaking Jimin had used her first name to address her. What could be the possibility that she was not daydreaming?

"Sera!" Jimin shouted her name once again whilst jogging in her direction moderately, "I hope I'm not being too disrespectful by this, right?"

Sera could merely sway her head in denial as a response. She had unsurprisingly transformed into the perfect example of being tongue-tied.

"Give me your number." Jimin plainly stated, neither posing it as a question nor a plea.

"B—But don't you already have my card?" Sera asked out of perplexity, prompting Jimin to jump in with yet another reason.

"I had lost your card the same day itself. And it's already been two years, how can you expect me to hold onto something that's made of paper?" Jimin chortled, playing Sera into believing his almost plausible situation. "Ah, not saying that I would've called you if I had your number— Ugh, what even am I saying... Anyway, I intend on not losing your trace anymore. Let's stay in touch this time." Jimin beamed, stirring the fluttering butterflies in Sera's stomach to go wild.

"S—stay in touch, you say?" Sera stuttered, because of which she had already killed herself infinite times in her own head. At this point in their acquaintance, she would not be too shocked if Jimin showed up at the university one day to meet her, risking his life like a lunatic.

"Yup, you're a friend whom I'd like to know more about." Jimin tugged his lips once again into a smile, and Sera ended up caving in naturally by sharing her contact details for one more time in a jiffy.

Sera could tell through her conscience who must be awaiting her arrival at home. Not Gaeul, of course.

Overthinking, her old friend.

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