《Like Sunshine On Snow | p.jm ✔》십삼: a new person


Jimin had to lead a clumsily abrupt departure when he came to know that he had held Sera's hand in his for a particularly long time. Obliviously on top of that, like icing on the cake. Not mentally equipped in an adequate manner, Jimin therefore preferred to rather dodge the satirical remarks that Sera might be inclined towards unleashing at him due to that. And so, he spared one last embarrassed smile at her before rushing out of the room so quickly that he ended up tripping not once, but consecutively twice.

Sera had taken the support of the wall before she crouched down on the floor, clutching the very spot where her heart was supposed to be, as if things would get out of hand if she did not do it.

More like her emotions would run free if she did not bridle them in time. And only she knew how her suppressed emotions from years back were apparently her greatest adversaries.

But things had changed. Most importantly, it was Sera who had changed. Though she would not exactly call it a change, because she had evolved instead. Evolved out of the phase that was frustrating her emotional growth. She had called it quits with the worst feeling that she had ever come across, and that was the state of being lovelorn. For two years now, she had had an upper hand over those futile emotions, and she was so looking forward to continuing to defeat them in perpetuity.

Sera had realized that every thing had two sides to it— that of bright and dark. The human psyche instinctively tends to embrace the darker one, thinking that whole of their lives are damned with relentless struggles. When in reality, there exists a brighter side too, which due to the woes that the evidently dominant dark side causes, ends up getting neglected by humans. If only humans become as much patient to overcome the dark hurdles and await their entry into the better part, they will be able to derive the pleasures and joys of the good side too.


Sera had accepted the concept with a firm heart, and promised herself never to revert to how she used to be— no matter how hard time would get for her.

As much obvious as it must have become by now, Sera had started to treat Jimin as a new entry in her life. She had deliberately wiped out all the bad memories pertaining to him. Sera wanted to refurbish their relationship, with no skeleton in the closet that could possibly wreck their potential bond. She would even abandon her chest of secrets to Jimin if it ended up becoming the need of the hour. In a way, she could see themselves treading along that very path, due to which an intoxicated grin stretched across her lips.

With the same bashful expression dancing on her face, she did not take account of Gaeul running into her. Gaeul was simply passing through that corridor when she had happened to spot Sera diffidently sitting on the floor whilst smiling coyly.

In all honesty, Gaeul had always found Sera's sanity a little dubious. It did not matter how efficiently she had been transforming herself into a more emotionally stable human, her secret doings would expose her nonetheless. And it was one of those times again when Sera was all by herself, reveling in her own company.

"Just what in the world are you doing here?" Gaeul queried with a blend of sarcasm and annoyance lacing her voice, as she folded her arms over her waist.

Sera had whisked her head almost instantly towards the curious lady who was constantly tapping her feet against the marble floor, coming across as if she would probably punch the life out of Sera if the latter did not wind up answering in time.

"I... What are you doing here—"


"In case it happened to slip from your mind, I was the one who had asked that first." Gaeul spat back with the most sassy tone that she had ever rendered, leaving Sera dumbfounded. After stammering for about a couple of seconds however, Sera had finally given up on making a comprehensible sentence which would also involve zero suspicion.

"Just like that, nothing special. Actually... why don't we hang out? It's been a long time anyway and I assume both of us are free today so what do you say about scooting our asses out of this campus?" Sera's eyes were now glistening with hope, and the only action that could dim that glimmer at this point would definitely be Gaeul turning down her proposal.

But Gaeul was not as stone-hearted as she had generally appeared to be.

"Alright, fine. But the treat will be on you." She side-glanced Sera in an inciting manner, and Sera immediately followed her condition by nodding her head fiercely.

Gaeul need not to say yet another word for Sera had already linked arms with her, tugging her all the way to the exit. However, just as they were about to set their feet outside the certain threshold, Sera's phone vibrated once— indicating her of a fresh notification.

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