《Unforgivable ✔️》Chapter 1


I woke up feeling completely exhausted even though I had slept for enough hours regain my energy. I touched my face and felt it no longer hurt. My torso had received a good beating as well but those damages were long gone as well. I rubbed my eyes lazily and got out of bed. I headed straight into the shower to relax my muscles.

I had stayed in the shower long enough for my fingertips to prune. I felt too comfortable being here. It made me feel good being under the running water. It was enough to relax my body and clear my mind.

When I decided it was finally time to leave the shower, I turned off the running water and stepped out. I wrapped the towel tightly around me and started looking through my bag for something to wear. I didn't have much with me but it was enough to get me by. All the clothes I had were wet and smelled like they had been sitting out damp for too long. A human wouldn't have been able to catch the smell immediately but my heightened senses picked everything up.

I settled for a t-shirt and shorts even though they were uncomfortable. I could go to a store and get a couple of things. I would have to wait another day before leaving. I had hoped that if anyone else was left alive they would be far past the town. Rogues were always on the move and I was no different. This time, though, I had to stay and make them think I had kept going.

After changing I left my room with by bag hanging off one shoulder. I only had my wallet and a few belongings that were important to me. I left everything else in the room. I didn't need to be carrying that if I was just going for a little while.

Surprisingly the town was buzzing with activity when I started walking by the nearest outlet. I assumed they were all humans. My wolf didn't feel any threat around but I still had my guard up.

I went to a store that had tank tops and t-shirts for sale. I went through the racks picking out different colors and seized to try on. I would have to find shorts elsewhere. It made it easier for me to run in and slip off if I needed to shift.

I was in the dressing room when my phone started ringing. I jumped at the sudden noise and quickly took it out of my bag. It was a blocked number. I looked at it debating if I should answer it or not. I let it go to voicemail and set it on top of my bag. Not even a minute later the screen came alive and my phone started to play my ringtone. I bit my lip and picked up the phone. It couldn't be him, could it?

"Hello?" I answered.

"You're okay." Came the relieved voice.

I sighed. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"I got worried after talking to you. Are you somewhere safe? Do I need to go get you? Just say the word, Sage, and I'm there."

"Calm down," I said, rolling my eyes. "everything is under control. I'm staying at a town close by. I'll send you the name of the motel I'm staying at. I'll be leaving tomorrow."

There was dead air on the other line. I sighed already knowing what he was going to say. He worried s lot about me. I told him there was no need but he still worried.


"There aren't any wolves here." I told him as I took a sniff of the air.

The air smelled of mountain air- clean and crisp. It was the most refreshing scent and I absolutely loved it. It fell heavy on the town making feel more at home than it should.

"You should still be careful." He warned.

"I know. I'll talk to you in a bit, okay? I'm buying a few things and then I'll be headed out."

"Call me if anything happens."

"I will." I smiled. "I love you, take care."

"I love you too."

I had a goofy grin on my face as I quickly changed into my clothes. I went to the register to pay for my things and headed off to the next store. I was looking through different shorts to buy when two girls walked in. They would seem like normal girls to the human eye, but I knew different.

They both walked in with a grace and confidence only a wolf could have. They didn't exactly show power but they clearly belonged to a pack. If they were Rogues then I would have known. They seemed too taken care of to be a Rogue and I've met plenty in my lifetime.

I wasn't really concerned about the two girls. What worried me the most was knowing that they beloved to a pack. If they were here then they must have come from nearby. I didn't know this land all too well, but I was now beginning to suspect that it was claimed.

I gathered the shorts I was going to buy and headed to the register to pay for them. The girls didn't seem to pay much attention to me. They didn't seem threatening but I was preparing for a fight if it came down to one.

I already had my phone in hand and dialing the number I had memorized years ago. It was ringing when I stepped out. I looked up and stood frozen in my spot. I took a whiff of the air and cursed under my breath.

"Sage." Came an answer.

I couldn't open my mouth to reply anything. I kept taking in my surroundings. My heart was beating wildly in my chest. I needed to run. I needed to get away.

"Sage, are you there?"

"I-I think I'm in trouble."

"What's wrong? Tell me where you are and I'll be there as quick as I can. How many are there?"

I kept my voice down and spoke to him as I hurried down the sidewalks. I needed to get away from here. Damn it! Why hadn't I picked up on the scent? The rain was still masking the scent of wolves but I knew that it wouldn't take long for it to become more potent. It wouldn't take long for them to pick up my scent of I stayed here.

"There's a pack here. I'm in pack territory." The panic was clear in my voice.

"I'm coming to get you. I can leave now and be there in a day or so."

"They haven't noticed me. I think I can slip away without them noticing."

"Don't do anything drastic. Stay in your room and wait for me. I'm on my way."

He hung up and I quickly walked to the motel where I was staying. I was able to breathe once I had locked myself inside. I started pasting pack and forth.

How could I have been so careless? I hadn't even noticed the scent, but now I could distinguish it. Of course this town was safe. No Rogue or wolf from a different pack go into an unknown territory. They would never allow them close.


But what if that's what I needed? A place where I could be protected. No one would know I was here. He wouldn't think about looking for me near a pack. I could stay for a while. I could use this to my advantage. But what would happen if I were to get caught? No pack was friendly to Rogues. They would rip my head clean off. I wasn't ready to die just yet.

I found it a bit strange that my wolf had been dormant since we came to stay here. I could feel her stirring occasionally but other than that, she was quiet. It's like she was waiting for something- for someone. It was odd and it bothered me. Did she feel that this place wasn't a threat?

I fell asleep that night with several thoughts running through my mind. I made up my mind. This place couldn't be safe. If I were to en caught by the Alpha then I would be taken back to him. I rather die than lie in his hands.


I woke up feeling my stomach twisting and making the most annoying sound. I was starving. It had been a while since I've actually eaten a proper meal. I only had a few snacks in my back but they were all spiked when my bag got wet.

It was around five in the morning so I could go and quickly grab something to eat. Hopefully there wouldn't be a lot of wolves out and about around this hour.

I quickly showered and changed. I carried everything I needed in bag in case I needed to make a run for it. A Rogue could only be safe. I walked to the outlet knowing very well I had seen a cafe there. I hoped they would be open at this hour. There were people around but I could tell they were human. I saw a couple of people going into the cafe and I smiled.

I stood in line waiting to order when I saw they had books on display. I started going through them and picked one out to read. It had been a while since I was able to enjoy a good book.i gave my order to the boy behind the register and I tensed. He was a wolf- a mated wolf. I tried to calm down my nerves and acted casually. If he knew I was a wolf he didn't say anything. He seemed really young which surprised me that he already had a mate. He was just a pup!

I never really thought much about finding my mate. Being a Rogue for years didn't give me a chance to look for him. I had been to many different places across the country and I had to say, I've been through it all. I wanted to go back so many times to my former life but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. The regret and the pain I felt every time I considered the option weren't worth it.

It wasn't like I could openly go back home. There would be consequences waiting for me upon my return. I wasn't a fool. I knew that if I went back I was as good as dead. Still, I missed my home. I missed seeing the people that had once been my family. Now all of that was left behind.

"Would you like more coffee?"

I was sitting down eating a BLT while reading. I hadn't realized how much time had passed until I looked at my phone. The boy from the register stood in front of me. This was the third time he had approached me and he always seemed so shy about it.I nodded and let him pour more coffee in my mug. I sipped the coffee as I continued to read my book. I looked up and raised a brow when the pup was still standing there. He opened and closed his mouth as if wanting to say something.


"You're trespassing into Night Shade's territory." He said.

I raised a brow and I wondered why it took him all this time to say anything on the matter. I wasn't doing anything wrong and as soon as I was done eating I would be on my way. It wasn't like I was an actual threat to the nearby pack. I knew better than to get too close to them. The less threatened they felt the better things went in my favor.

"Is that so?" I asked, amused.

"Look, you look like a really nice person, but you're also a Rogue. I need to tell my Alpha that you're here but I want to know why you're even here in the first place. You must have already noticed this place is surrounded by wolves."

"Max," I said as I read his nametag. "I'm not going to do anything. If I were a real danger then you would have all been under attack by now. I'm just eating and then I'll be on my way."

"I'll escort you out now." He said.

"I'm not done eating." I said as I picked up my sandwich to put my point across.

Max grabbed my arm and I growled at him. My wolf didn't appreciate the hold he had on me. No one was allowed to touch me like that. There were a couple of humans around but they didn't hear me. Max looked around nervously and I knew it was time to leave. I shoved my book into my back pack and snapped it closed. I scooted out of the booth and left the watt of cash on the table.

"Thank you, Max, but I will be escorting myself out."

I quickly walked out of the small café and down the the sidewalk. I could sense a couple wolves around but they didn't seem to notice me. I looked behind me and Max was making his way towards me. His shaggy brown hair blew wildly in the wind and his shirt clung to his body showing off his toned figure.

"You, wait!" He called out.

People looked at us and I knew it was a matter of time before it caught the other wolves' attention. I broke out into a run and headed towards the trees. I needed to lose them and get as far away as I possibly could. This wasn't the first time things had resulted into a chase.

As I ran past the trees I started taking off my t-shirt. I clumsily tried to shove it in my bag as I ran. I was now running barefoot and in my jean shorts with a tank top. I kicked off my flip flops and ran barefoot.

I could hear heavy paws behind me and I pushed myself to run further. I couldn't help laughing as I dodged the wolves that were trying to knock me down. I was still running in my human form so I was a bit quicker than they were. I now had five people on my tail and I knew it wouldn't be long before I was now out of their territory.

I was about to reach the end of the territory when I hit something hard. I went crashing to the ground and I heard a crack when I put my hands out to break my fall. I cursed as my wrist started throbbing. I cradled my wrist against my stomach and winced when I felt the bones start cracking back into place.

I was about to take off once again forgetting my backpack and all of the belonging I had in it. I only managed to take a step when I was tackled to the ground. This time arms held me down as I tried to fight against whoever was holding me. My wolf was growling to be let out but I couldn't risk it with an injured wrist. It would be an hour or two before it would be fully healed.

"Let go of me!" I said, through gritted teeth.

"You're trespassing through our land without permission. We should kill you now but we'll let the Alpha take care of you." The guy holding me down hissed in my ear. "You won't walk out of this alive, Rogue."

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