《Unforgivable ✔️》Prologue


The wind whipped around me blowing my hair wildly as I ran. My legs felt like they weighed a ton of bricks. I shouldn't have been surprised that I had gotten caught. I was careless and that is what got me into this mess. I only hoped that once again I would be able to make it out alive.

Run and keep going. Never stop.

That had become my mantra. If I let myself forget that then I was as good as dead. I could never stay in a single place. That was no longer an option for me. I tried, I really did, but it was never easy. Life had given me the short end of the stick.

I felt the light trickling on my face. I smiled and allowed myself a bit of hope. The rain would be able to wash away my scent and give me the opportunity to run away. I was playing with fire and I had gotten burned so many times already. I guess deep down I was hoping someday this would all end the only way I knew it would.

I could hear the thuds of several wolves running after me. Even in my human form I was fast but I wasn't fast enough to outrun all of them. They were skilled in tracking me and this wasn't the first time they had chased me through different lands. I had to keep moving if I wanted to survive.

The rain continued down and it made my shoes slippery against the mud. I could shift into my wolf but then I wouldn't have an advantage. Staying in my human form allowed me to move faster out of their reach. They were bigger in wolf form. They weren't quick enough to get a good hit on me.

Apparently what I didn't anticipate was someone separating from the group and taking a different way. I felt the weight of the wolf hit my body. It knocked the air out of me and sent me flying. I landed on the ground and I tried to quickly get up.

Arms wrapped around my waist before I could even begin to run. My body was lifted up into the air and I was thrown on the wet ground again. My bag dug into my back as I landed and I cried out in pain. I looked up at the dark figure standing over me.

"Found you." He taunted. I couldn't focus on his face with my bag digging painfully into my back, but I knew he probably had a sick smile on his face.


"Congratulations, get in line with the rest that stated the same right before they died." I retorted.

"I'm not like the rest, sweetheart."

He was right. This wasn't the first time I had ran into him, though this is the first time he's been able to catch me like this. I wasn't ready to die today. I had to find a way to leave.

"You're right," I said. "you're weaker."

A growl left his lips and I smiled at the satisfaction of getting him riled up. They were all the same. Every single one of them had big egos. No one had been able to bring my head to their precious Alpha.

I turned to look at the approaching wolves who slowed their pace. For that single moment he got distracted and I took that as my opportunity. I swung my leg behind his ankles and he fell to the ground. I jumped to my feet and took off running again. I heard him letting out a curse but he sounded close behind. I felt him before he had a chance to grab on to me. I swing around and dug my claws into his flesh. I aimed for his eyes and hoped I would blind him momentarily.

My hit didn't stop him from throwing himself at me. I stumbled back and my back hit a tree. A hand took hold of my ankle and I went down again. At that moment I felt several people taking a hold of me. My bag was lifted off of my shoulders and was tossed. I screamed in panic when I felt I couldn't get my arms free.

"You're going to pay for that!"

I felt a kick to my stomach and a slap across my face. I had expected both but it still hurt like hell. I groaned in pain when I felt a stronger hit to my face.

"I'm gonna make you pay for all of those times you got me, bitch!"

I was being restrained and I felt someone tugging on my shirt. I cried out when I was being groped. I had to do something quickly before they could continue. I did the only thing I knew that would cause enough damage.

I shifted.

The change took a lot of energy and effort from me. It was so sudden that no one expected it. Now that I was in my wolf form I gave her complete control. She wanted blood and I was going to let her have it.


I clawed at anyone that got near me and bit anything in my way. It was no longer me in control of my body. My wolf was taking out her vengeance and before I knew it, it was over. I stood in my wolf form breathing heavily. I noticed two were still alive while the others were dead. They should have learned not to mess with an angry wolf that has lived the life of a Rogue.

I shifted back into my human form and crouched down in front of the person I hated the most out of the bunch. He had wounds coating his flesh. It made me happy seeing him close to death.

"You're going to go to your precious Alpha and tell him that he can keep sending everyone he wants, but it will never be enough. He won't have me." I said loud and clear.

"You think-"

"Shut up!" I snapped. "I wasn't talking to you."

I looked over my shoulder at the other man who was trying to get to his feet. I met his eyes and they widened. If they thought I was stupid then they were completely mistaken.

I turned back to look at the pathetic wolf in front of me. I sneered at him before shifting back into my wolf. I didn't waste a second in biting his head off. It wasn't as easy as I would have thought. I clawed at it and bit down. Blood filled my mouth and I savored the victory.

I shifted back once I was sure his head was no longer attached to his body. I looked over my shoulder again and met the mans wide eyes.

"I'm letting you go because I need someone to deliver that message. It was either you or him. Don't feel sorry for Lucian. He might have been the leader of your fighters but he was weak. That pack is weak."

I got up and searched for my bag. I needed to leave and find somewhere safe to stay. I took off in a run as soon as I found my bag. The rain continued to fall down as I ran. I found a new puddles and tried to wash off the blood on me. It clung to me like a second layer of skin. It was now beginning to sicken me. I was able to change into clothes as soon as I found cover.

I didn't know where I was going but all I knew is that I couldn't stop now. I had to get out of the woods. I didn't know if there were others still out there. The rain was now making my scent fade. I had to take that opportunity to get as far away as I could.

It was almost sunrise when I finally found a small town. I sighed in relief and relaxed a bit. Now I had to find somewhere to wash up and change. My clothes were clinging to me and I was sure I looked filthy.

I walked around for a while trying to find a motel to check in at. It wasn't until an hour later that I found one by a small outlet. I rushed in and sighed when I found there was someone there. The receptionist looked up at me and her jaw dropped open. She seemed to be around my age, maybe even younger.

"Hi," I said, approaching the desk. "how much for a room? I just need it for a night or two."

"I-I," the girl stuttered. "are you okay?"

I shook my head. "I'm leaving my boyfriend. He's probably looking for me right now. I need someplace to stay and then I'll be leaving before he gets his hands on me again."

"I'll get you a room." She said quietly.

I walked into the small room I would be staying in for the night and headed right for the bathroom after locking the door. I turned on the lights and looked at myself in the mirror. I had a bruise on my face but I knew it would be gone by the afternoon.

I stripped from my clothes and saw that I was covered in blood. I quickly turned the shower head on and stepped into the steaming water. It numbed my skin and it felt good.

I stayed in the shower for a bit longer than I intended to. I couldn't bring myself to leave when the events from hours ago played through my head. I had done it again. I had killed to escape. I was exactly who he excused me to be. I was a killer. I was just like him.

I slid down to the tub and brought my knees to my chest. I buried my head in my knees and wrapped my arms around my legs. Now I allowed myself to cry. The sobs rocked through my body uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry," I cried. "....I'm so sorry...."

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