《Fawn In The Dawn | Peeta Mellark》twenty two


Coin had all the remaining victors join her in Snows dining room. We then proceeded to sit at the familiar circle table before us. And surprising to no one, Coin sat at the head. "I have taken the burden of declaring myself interim President of Panem." She informed us all as Haymitch scoffed. I sensed Haymitch's distaste for Coin, and I figured she did as well.

"Interim? Exactly how long is that interim?" He asked. Peeta and I looked to one another.

"We have no idea how long but people clearly can't make a decision right now. We will have an election when the time is right. But that's beside the point. I have called you here for a more symbolic vote." She informed. I raised an eyebrow, curious to this. Symbolic? What exactly was that supposed to mean? I couldn't help but fidget with the bottom of my jacket sleeve, something felt, off. "This afternoon we will execute Snow. Hundreds of Capitol officials as well. Thirst for blood is a difficult urge to satisfy. So I offer an alternative plan." She continued.

I looked around the room, curious but dreading this idea. Coin always left suspicious and just odd feelings linger in me. And I knew only bad would possibly come from her new plan. "In lieu of these barbaric executions, we hold a symbolic Hunger Games." My heart dropped. We took down Snow, only to replace him with yet another replacement, and I stood to my feet in anger.

"You're joking right? Please tell me, you must be joking." I laughed, sarcastically and uncomfortably. The anger began to fill my body. She manipulated us to do her dirty work, so she could become the new leader and do exactly what he has done. "I mean, you trully cannot be serious?" I grew a little louder. No one was protesting my abrupt outcry, because everyone agreed with me and Johanna laughed, shaking her head side to side. "People have died enough, don't you think? Finnick died, Lt Jackson, Mayneck, Boggs, these people died for a greater good and you want to set us back, yet again?" I scoffed, furiously, as I began feeling my hands shake with rage.


"You wanna have another Hunger Games, with the Capitol's children?" Johanna asked, clearly just as frustrated as I was, or so I had thought.

"Is this Plutarchs idea?" Haymitch spoke up, setting his glass down and beginning to bite on his thumb nail.

"It was mine." She admitted before continuing. "It balances the need for revenge with the least loss of human life." She defended her sick idea.

"They're children." I snapped at her, still standing my ground. Katniss remained quiet, angrily glaring toward Coin as Coin ignored me, per usual. "Even many of the Capitols people had just died with a false promise of safety, and you want to throw them in what we've endured? For revenge?"

"You may cast your votes." She told us, ignoring my pleas.

"No." Peeta said, sternly. "No, obviously not, this is crazy." Peeta continued.

"Well, I think it's more than fair, Snow's got a grandaughter. So, I say yes." Johanna switched teams and gave the two of us a look.

"So do I." Another victor spoke up, happy with this idea. "Let them have a taste of it."

"Are you kidding me? You can't help what you're born in to?" I shouted at them, knowing I would have been one of these children, had I still been a minor, and not joined the games. I felt I was going mad, this was absurd. "Katniss, his grandaughter admired you. She would wear her hair in a braid after the first games. It was Snow who made her stop." I informed her, defending the innocent children, who, may be a product of their families, but they weren't evil. "I would have been one of those kids! Look at me, I'm nothing like where I grew up in. This is hypocritical!" Katniss looked to me, before Peeta spoke again.


"You guys, this was the same thought process that started these uprisings!" Peeta said, more angry as Victors would agree.

"I vote no, with Peeta and Ari." Annie spoke. I knew she would never allow this. "And so would Finnick, if he were here." My heart dropped a little, saddened by his name, but I can't imagine her feelings.

"Well, he's not." Johanna said, and I glared over to her. "Because Snow killed him." Annie began to tear up.

"Shut up, Jo." I snapped, not being able to hold my tongue. "He died to protect people, and he would have never wanted this!" I told her, as she scoffed, slouching back in her chair.

"No." Beetee now said, diverting our attention. "We need to stop viewing each other as enemies." I nodded at him, feeling it was Coin against everyone. Katniss and Haymitch were left. Everyone stared toward them.

"I get to kill Snow." Katniss finally said and I could feel my face turn into confusion.

"Katniss?" I questioned. What were her motives?

"I expected no less of you." Coin complimented and agreed.

"Then I vote yes." She said, causing me to shake my head. "For Prim."

"Oh my god." Was all I could say, before walking to the wall behind us and raising my hands above my head in defeat, and placing them on top of my head, dumbfounded. Prim wouldn't want this, and she knew that.

"I'm with the uh, Mockingjay." Haymitch said and I leaned my head against the wall now, closing my eyes, trying to ignore the insanity that washed over these people. I was furious.

"Excellent. We'll announce the games tonight, after Snow's execution." Snow dismissed us, and I found myself storming out, enraged and red in the face.

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