《Fawn In The Dawn | Peeta Mellark》twenty three


The drumming rang through my ears as I stood with Peeta in front of the large podium with Snow ahead of us and Coin above him. All of us Victors stood here.

Katniss walked down the long walkway behind, on her way to seal Snow's death, as well as the Capitols children. She walked down the middle of us, standing her ground. "Welcome, to the new Panem." Coin announced. "Today, on the avenue of the tributes, all of Panem, a free Panem, will watch more than a mere spectacle." She smiled before continuing her speech of ending all wars with Kat killing Snow. "Mockingjay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure." Coin raised her arms, prepared for Kat to fire that arrow into Snow, securing his fate.

She drew one and lifted her bow, aiming to Snow. But before anyone could even expect anything else, she fired that arrow, straight into Coins heart, killing her. The crowd went into an uproar, charging toward a laughing Snow and beginning to beat him to death. Coins guards stormed over to Katniss, dragging her away from us. I went to charge forward, when I felt someone grasp onto my hand and I was in disbelief of who I had been faced with.

"Come on." He demanded, pulling me away and inside to safety. And that's when it hit me, as we were running down those halls, that this was her plan all along. To kill Coin to prevent another Hunger Games and for history to repeat itself. "Are you alright?" He asked as we entered into a room, standing at a loss for words.

"Jackson, where have you been?" I asked, shocked at his appearance, but jumping up and hugging him.

"Here. I've been doing what I could to stay alive but also keep you safe." He said to me. I couldn't seem to let go of him.


"Is she going to be killed for this?" I asked, finally. Kind of in a state of shock.

"No, I don't believe so." He shook his head, assuring me. "I've been working for Plutarch under cover and I think this is what he had been intending. Don't worry about her. Let's just get you to safety."


Haymitch informed Peeta and I, that this was indeed the outcome Plutarch was hoping for. We waited at the bottom of the steps for Katniss, out of sight of the public.

I watched as she hugged Effie, then made her way to Peeta, hugging him tightly. Then to me. I reached up and felt I couldn't let her go. "You deserved so much more in this life than what you've experienced. But we are thankful." I told her, quietly. She smiled slightly with tears in her eyes and then walked to a car with Haymitch, where she'd be headed to her home, secure and safe.

Peeta slipped his hand into mine and I leaned my head onto his shoulder slowly, watching the car drive off.

The Hunger Games was officially over.

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