《Blood to Love | 3rd year》26- The Almost Kiss
"George what do you mean?" I asked.
"I like you," he repeated.
"But," I began uneasily. "Since when?"
"I thought I did at the beginning of the year, but I didn't know you well enough to make a move. Then you got with Ron which completely destroyed my plans. Now that you're broken up and I'm closer to you, my feelings grew stronger and I couldn't sit here and watch you and ignore the feelings inside me."
"George, if I'm being honest, I might also have some new feelings for you."
"Well, how about we continue hanging out and if we feel like we should get together, let's do it."
"Ron's not going to be happy," I said.
"He'll get over it," George assured.
"Deal," I offered my hand.
"Deal," he shook my hand and then shoved it in the pile of whipped cream on the table.
"Let me get that for you."
"Absolutely not," I started. "Don't get near my hands."
I wiped my fingers off with a napkin and filled a cup of water using my wand. I dipped my hands in the cup to terminate the sticky feeling, then I dried them with another napkin.
"I could've done it much better."
"Hush," I teased as he winked at me mischievously.
We continued eating the food off of the table and it must've gotten super late without us realizing. Class started directly tomorrow and I hadn't got any of my stuff together.
"As much as I don't want to leave, I must. I have to unpack all my stuff and get everything together for class tomorrow," I sadly stated.
"Let me come with you," he pleaded.
"You want to come to my dorm?"
"Yes, I've never seen your dorm," he hinted, visibly becoming eager each second of sitting.
"Come along then."
"After you, love," he said as we exited the room through the, once again, irritated portrait lady who we had woken up.
We sprinted down the hallway, hand in hand, looking for Filch at every corner. We rounded each corner slickly and eventually made it to the Slytherin door.
"Drarry," I whispered loudly.
The common room door swung open and I walked in, pulling George all the while. The room was very dark and there was only a minuscule amount of light radiating from the fireplace.
"What is 'Drarry?'" George questioned.
"Not sure," I honestly replied.
"Is that Draco and Harry's name together?" George started cackling and I broke out into a grin.
"It can't be. Enough with your nonsense. Come to my dorm and be very quiet."
As we made our way to my dorm, I heard whispers from two people on the couch that I hadn't noticed before.
"Y/n?" the familiar voice asked.
"Pansy?" I called out, stopping in my tracks on the stairs.
"What are you doing up this late?"
"I'm unpacking and showing George our room. What are you doing?" I whispered back.
"Just talking to Daphne here," she said, pointing to the side of the couch, although it was difficult to make out any people in the dark room.
"Sorry about earlier, I'm going to try harder to get along with the boys."
"That alright, go have fun in our dorm."
George nodded at me with agreement to Pansy's statement and I led him up the few stairs and down the girls dorm hall. I made my way to my room and squeaked the door open.
He looked around at every aspect of the room and then noticed me rummaging through my trunk to hang my stuff up. I used my wand to move everything around while George sat on my bed, looking around, and randomly sneaking glances at my concentrated face.
With one last flick of my wand, I finished unpacking my belongings. I began getting my things gathered for each class tomorrow. Once I gathered everything, I scurried into the bathroom and lightly fixed my hair in the mirror. After I was done unpacking and touching up my looks, I exited the bathroom where George was sat on my bed. I walked over to him and sat down with our legs grazing one another.
"So," I said.
"So," he repeated uneasily while playing around with his fingers.
"What do you want to do?"
He turned his head from the front to face me. His eyes travelled down to my lips and butterflies filled my stomach intensely.
"This," he whispered, closing his eyes.
He began to lean in and I closed my eyes doing the same. Our lips were mere inches from each other when Pansy bursted through the door, causing us to tear apart immediately.
"Oh, sorry," Pansy sincerely said as she chuckled.
"Actually I'm going to go," George awkwardly said, sensing tension.
"Meet me for breakfast tomorrow?"
"Yeah, see you then."
I watched him walk out of the room and broke out into a massive grin as Pansy walked over to me.
Pansy raised her eyebrows. "Adding him to the kiss list?"
"Not yet. You intruded."
"Sorry about that, I came up to sleep. I can't wait though, so tell me all about what just happened."
"Well, I told him I was coming here to unpack my stuff and get ready for tomorrow. He came along and when we got in here he sat on my bed and scoped out the room while I was preparing. Then I finished and sat next to him and I asked what he wanted to do and he attempted to kiss me but you interrupted and here were are," I explained quickly.
"So you guys are a thing now?" Pansy asked.
"I wouldn't call it a thing."
"I would," she plainly stated.
"Well I'm off to sleep. You need sleep as well."
"Goodnight," she said while walking over to her four poster bed.
That night, I slept peacefully and without any intruders, better known as my sister — Eleanor. The only think waking me up in the middle of the night was Pansy's loud snoring from across the room.
Morning arrived shortly after and it was finally time to head to classes, for what seemed like the first time in months. I was excited but also aware of the stress of homework and annual end of year tests.
I completely forgot to meet George for breakfast but decided to apologize later in the day when I got the chance.
I was definitely not used to waking up this early again, so it was going to be an absolutely tiresome day.
I hopped off my bed and dragged myself to the bathroom to fix up and then to my closet to pull my robes on. Pansy was ready and waiting for me on her bed. She too, was terribly tired so we hauled each other down the dorm stairs, hoping we didn't stumble along the way.
Draco was sitting on the edge of the sofa with his legs hanging down, possibly waiting for Blaise. Pansy waved to him and he slightly nodded at her. On the other hand, I completely ignored him and walked with Pansy to our first class: Divination.
"Welcome students," Trewlany greeted as all the students sat in their usual seats. "Please turn in the papers we received over the break on broken bonds and new bonds."
I grabbed my paper and saw how the things had changed over break. I didn't bother scribbling out the names, as I was much too tired and didn't care much about about my Divination grade. How would she know who I was close with anymore anyways?
She came around and collected our papers. Blaise and I were stuck with the seats we had before break, meaning that the remainder of year would be filled with more awkward situations.
"Psst," Blaise whispered.
I turned my head towards him then cocked it sideways as an alternative to talking in class.
"I didn't realize that I hurt you when I hung out with Draco instead of you all the time. I just wanted to say sorry. Pansy and I are good now, and Draco and I are good as well but I didn't know the situation between us."
"Blaise, I have something to say," I nervously whispered.
"Go on."
"Well, Malfoy told me that — well — he told me that you get anxiety and that you get upset when I'm not around. He told me that you are scared to lose me," I uneasily whispered.
"That son of a —"
"No, I want to help," I whispered calmly, interrupting an oncoming outburst.
"Please don't worry about me. I told him not to tell you," he angrily whispered.
"Blaise this is serious! I want you to know that you can talk to me when you are scared, don't only confide in Malfoy. I'm here. Please talk to me, I don't like having secrets between us."
"Okay, okay. I'll talk to you whenever I'm struggling, okay?"
"Good, just please don't go beating up Malfoy, it's better that I know."
"Fine." He sighed.
"So we're good?"
"We're good."
After we fixed our slightly torn friendship, through class we could enjoy ourselves thoroughly. Although we were both extremely tired, we still managed to crack some jokes and get a few chuckles out of it.
Maybe this year wasn't going to be bad after all.
After class, we had our usual free period together and we decided to sit in the library and chat. Luckily, Trewlany didn't bombard us with any homework on the first day back.
Blaise and I sat and talked about many random events: Draco's anger issues, Pansy, school, and George Weasley.
"Yes, I did tell George I would give him a chance," I told Blaise during our conversation.
"So you guys are a thing now?" he questioned. "What about Ron?"
"It's not a thing, and Ron will have to be fine with it, it's not his choice anyway," I plainly stated.
"Very true."
I ignored his comment and went back to a conversation about school. After a few more minutes, it was finally time for Care of Magical Creatures. Hopefully this time, unlike before break, class was actually occurring and we didn't walk outside for nothing.
As we walked out, students were gathered near Hagrid's hut. Blaise and I headed over quickly and shivered in the cold air, wishing we put more layers on. All the Gryffindor's were out as well and segregated from the Slytherins.
Blaise and I walked over to stand with the trio and some Gryffindors gave us odd looks to which we disregarded. Draco gave Blaise an annoyed look but turned back once Hagrid began talking.
"Ello students. Today yer will jus be looking at flobberworms and nothin else. No mor dangerous hippogriffs." He scoffed, tearing up all the while.
We observed the flobberworms and took notes on their physical appearance and behavior. It was quite boring, but we knew that Hagrid was dumbing down the lessons to refrain from getting fired after the Buckbeak incident.
Although I'd like to think he wouldn't, Lucious Malfoy would most definitely convince the ministry to aid Hagrid into unemployment.
Class went by very slowly due to the fact that all we did was struggle writing with quills and place parchment on our knees and each other's backs, as there was no flat surfaces around.
Hagrid dismissed us and we made our way to the Great Hall for lunch. Blaise told me to go sit with the Gryffindors for lunch. I said bye to him and Pansy and made my way over the the trio who were sitting next to the twins as well.
"Hi guys." I smiled.
"Hey, sit here," Fred urged, pointing in between him in George.
"Sorry I didn't meet you for breakfast, I got up late," I whispered to George.
"No problem," he stated with a smile.
I sat down and got odd looks from the trio who were now sitting across from me. I ate with them and we talked. I only turned to Ron a few times during the conversation, but I'd say it was progress.
"So you really think that your going to pass your O.W.L's?" Ron asked the twins on either side of me.
"We will find a way," they both said, glancing at each other over my head.
"Well, if I were you I would be getting prepared soon. They will come up before you know it," Hermione advised.
"Don't worry, we'll be prepared." Fred grinned.
For the rest of lunch, we talked and laughed. I glanced over at Blaise, Pansy, and Draco who were also seemingly having a good time. Their smiles radiated to the Slytherins around them and it seems as if they continuously cracked jokes. I felt just a pang of jealousy but quickly rid myself of those feelings when George told a joke that created our friend group to burst into laughter as well.
It was finally time for the fourth class of the day without any of my close friends. Although I didn't mind because Ernie Macmillan was good company.
I walked to the Muggle Studies classroom and sat in my usual seat from before the break. Ernie was already there and waiting patiently for the class to began.
As usual, I zoned out in class and Ernie informed me, like routine, briefly as to what we talked about and that there was one small assignment due on Wednesday. I wholeheartedly thanked him and strutted off to Transfiguration class. I sat down in my seat and put my hand on my chin, waiting for McGonagall to speak.
It must've slipped my mind, but I had totally forgotten that Draco sat right next to me in this class.
"Professor, would you mind if I switched seats with anyone?" I asked before class officially started.
"I'm sorry but these seats must stay the same," she stated, seeming a little disappointed by her own rule.
I grunted and heard her mutter something along the lines of not being able to cheat due to Snape. I couldn't tell if I heard her correctly so, naturally, I ignored it.
Draco swaggered into the Transfiguration classroom and sat down next to me, sneaking a grimace my way. I faced forward the whole time, fighting the urge to look his way and insult him.
"Welcome back students, we are going to get right into it today and start off by learning incantation and movement of the spell that can turn teacups into tortoises. Turn your books to page 34, read the whole chapter, and ask any necessary questions. Wednesday we will be practicing this and Friday we will have a possible quiz. Full credit to those who do this successfully and extra points to those who make an appealing shell. Off you go," she waved at us to do our work while she sat behind the desk, grading papers that we turned in from over the break.
I was intently reading the chapter that began on page 34 and absorbed the information as I did. My mind randomly wandered off into a conversation and I had to reread the page a few times. Once I finally finished the chapter, there was only a few minutes of class left due to the amount of pages and description on the included.
"What does this mean?" Draco mumbled to himself.
I ignored him and gazed around the room out of boredom.
"L/n, what is this?" Draco turned to me and pointed to a picture on the textbook.
"It's a tortoise you blithering idiot," I obviously stated.
"No, what's this?" he said while pointing to the engraving on the turtles back.
"Malfoy, how am I supposed to know?" I whispered aggressively.
"You're supposed to be smart!"
"Says who? Stop talking to me."
"Do you seriously have to bring up our hatred for each other right now?"
"Detention," McGonagall spoke loudly from across the room. "Draco and Y/n, enough talking."
I gave Draco a glare and he looked at McGonagall in bewilderment. She glared back at him for a few seconds and he finally rolled his eyes and turned back to his textbook.
I rushed out of the classroom as soon as we were dismissed. Transfiguration was the last class of the day and the only thing I had planned for the rest of the night was dinner and detention.
That changed immediately as I was stopped in the hall by a familiar, tall redhead.
"Hello," George smiled. "Mind if I come to your common room?"
"Why?" I asked while yawning.
"I would like to hang out in your environment."
"Sure, come along," I replied, grabbing his wrist and pulling him to the Slytherin door.
Draco was walking right behind me and I could visualize him acting confused while I dragged George with me.
"Drarry," I said to the door.
It gradually opened and Draco gasped from behind me.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he shot at me when he heard me recite the password,
"Not sure, maybe you and Harry's name?"
"Ridiculous," he muttered.
George and I laughed while he squinted his eyes at us.
"Bringing your weasel boyfriend to the common room?" Draco observed.
"Yes," I plainly replied.
"Well, tell him to keep his candy business away from us Slytherins."
"I would, but he's standing right here and I'm sure he heard you."
I gave a fake smile and sat on the couch, still hauling George along with me.
Draco scurried off to his dorm, probably to hang out with Blaise. I laid with George and took a nap with my head in his lap on the Slytherin couch.
I fell asleep peacefully and happily in George's arms, oblivious to the interesting rest of the day that would uprise.
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