《Blood to Love | 3rd year》27- Giggles, Galleons, and Games
I woke up to Blaise and Draco conversing on the couch. I kept my eyes closed and didn't dare to move; I wanted to continue listening in on the conversation without them being aware of it.
"Yes, she stayed with me over break and then I was stupid and now she hates me." Draco sighed.
"Dude I don't think she hates anyone," I heard Blaise join in.
"I mean have you seen the way she has treated me?" Draco emphasized.
"Don't act like the victim."
"I'm not acting like a victim! You know how much she has yelled at me."
"I bet you deserved it," George whispered.
"Yes, she yells at you quite a lot but you provoke her as well and you cause most of the fights," Blaise quickly said before Draco could respond to George.
"Me? How do I cause the fights?"
"First of all, quiet down. Secondly, I don't really know but women have their reasons and you have to understand where they are coming from," Blaise wisely spoke.
"So when girls want to be mean you expect them to just get away with it?" Draco asked.
"Well — yes," Blaise stuttered.
"No! If anyone, no matter their gender, disrespects me, they're going to be treated the same way," Draco replied.
"That's not true," George began, weaving himself in their argument. "If a guy yelled at you, you would punch him. If Y/n yelled at you, you would just yell back."
I fought a grin that was daring to form on my face from George's response.
"I'm waking her up for dinner. If you don't want to be in another fight, I suggest you leave the room," George threatened.
I heard two pairs of footsteps leaving the room and let George lightly shake me. I pretended that I just woke up and smiled up at George.
"You were awake weren't you?"
"How'd you know?"
"Well you aren't a very good liar. And I saw you smirk when I talked about you."
As he said that, he smirked at himself.
"Let's go to dinner then I'm off to detention," I said, changing the subject.
"Oh, I didn't tell you! I got detention in Transfiguration class because I was arguing with Malfoy."
"You've got to calm down around him," George said.
"What?" I asked, appalled by his words.
"Just ignore him, everyone seems to be tired of the fighting."
"And you think I'm not? Of course I don't want to fight! But when he brings up my dead sister or he gets protective when I hang out with who I want then I think I have a reason to be mad!" I argued in the now-empty common room.
"When he brings that stuff up then ignore him! He's looking for attention and a reason to fight!" George defended.
"I suppose I could. You didn't have to be so aggressive though."
"I'm not taking his side by the way. I just want to prevent injuries," he replied while putting his arm around my shoulder.
We walked to dinner together and I began to parted from him to sit with Pansy since she waved me over.
"See you tonight or tomorrow?" I questioned before walking to the Slytherin table.
"See you," he said while jokingly shoving me out of his grasp.
I smiled and made my way over to the empty seat next to Pansy and across from Draco.
"Hi," Blaise and Pansy greeted.
"Hey," I replied while filling my plate with the available food on the long table.
"Afternoon," Draco muttered which earned him a slight smile from Blaise.
"Learning manners finally?"
"Don't even get me started. I swear I will —"
Blaise nudged Draco. "Enough!"
I watched the two boys talk with their eyes to one another and laughed at them along with Pansy.
During the entirety of dinner, Draco randomly joined in on certain aspects of the conversation, but ultimately stayed quiet. Pansy and I kept turning and cackling over Blaise's attempt to subtly aid Draco into good mannerism, which was drastically failing.
Time flew by and dinner ended, meaning I had to run along with Draco to detention with McGonagall. We parted from Blaise and Pansy and walked side by side to the Transfiguration classroom. While we walked, the only thing on my mind was the last time Draco and I had went to detention together.
I zoned back in once Draco walked up the the door to knock. Right when he put him hand up to knock, he stopped himself immediately. I furrowed my brow at him and he gestured for me to listen, as if we were reenacting the last detention occurrence.
I put my ear to the door and heard McGonagall and Snape talking to each other. I was freaked out by the coincidence of this happening once again, but continued intently listening.
"Y/n asked to move in class today," McGonagall spoke.
"It would be cheating; I do not take this bet lightly," Snape informed her.
"As much as I wanted to, I didn't allow it."
"Very well. How long will this bet last?"
"Until she gets with either Draco or Harry," McGonagall spoke.
I gasped and Draco glared at me. I covered my mouth before he could and continued listening.
"Minnie, we both know I'm going to win," Snape said.
"Oh Severus, I wish I could believe you," McGonagall retorted.
"I couldn't help but interrupt," Dumbledore's voice suddenly echoed through the classroom.
"Hello, Albus," McGonagall welcomed.
"Good evening. Anyways, I couldn't help but overhear your bet. Severus, you believe Y/n will get with Draco and Minerva you believe it will be Harry?"
"I'm sorry headmaster," McGonagall began.
"This is highly inappropriate behavior for a professor," Dumbledore stated. "But I have to admit I would like to be in on it as well."
"Well what's your prediction?" Snape eagerly asked, as if my love life was the most interesting thing in his own life.
"Y/n and George are endgame," Dumbledore said and I imagined a proud grin spread across his face.
"Five galleons in the pot, Albus," Minerva demanded.
Clanking of coins reverberated throughout the walls and shuffling of feet also sounded.
"They should be here any minute. I'd ask if you would generously see yourselves out," Minvera said.
Footsteps approached closer to the door and Draco gestured for me to follow him. We sprinted down the hall into an empty classroom.
We panted for a few seconds but heard footsteps passing the door and held our breaths. Once the footsteps had travelled quite a distance and out of listening range, we walked back to the Transfiguration classroom and knocked this time.
"Come in," McGonagall professionally spoke, unlike the teenage-like giddiness she displayed while talking to the other professors just minutes before.
We hesitantly walked in and had a seat in the front row next to each other and in front of McGonagall's view.
"I advice that you two stop talking in my class and you won't be in this position," she began. "However, what's done is done. During detention today I would like you to assist me in grading the essays I passed out over the break and got back today. You must simply write what grade you think they deserved at the top and I will skim through. I trust your judgment, don't be too generous but also not too harsh."
We nodded and she got up from her desk to hand us each a stack of parchment.
We sat in silence the whole time, reading and scribbling the grades we thought the students deserved. I tried not to be excessively biased when looking at who wrote them, but I felt obligated to do so to a small degree.
After quite some time, my stack was finished, as was Draco's. We sat there awkwardly while our Professor scribbled a grade on the last piece of parchment on her desk.
Once she finished, she glanced up at us and took our finished stack. She skimmed through them quickly and gave Draco a glare at one of his grades.
"Harry Potter deserves more than a Poor on his essay, Mr. Malfoy." McGonagall sighed.
"Personally, I don't think he added as much description as he could've," Draco responded.
"Would you like me to pull out your essay?" McGonagall said with an eyebrow raise.
Draco turned slightly red and I laughed directly at Draco. Minerva sent me a slight wink and I smiled snidely at her successful attempt to embarrass Draco.
"You are dismissed. I didn't mean to keep you quite this late."
Once she said that, we scurried out of there and headed to our common room. I said "Drarry" when Draco refused and we walked in together. He mumbled a goodbye and we parted ways to our dorms.
McGonagall had us out immensely late and everyone was already off to bed.
I tiptoed into my dorm and shut the door as quietly as possible. I threw off my robes and put on night clothes. Once I finished my nightly routine, I slipped under the covers of my bed and attempted to drift off, ignoring the thoughts of the bet that the professors made. Once everything successfully went dark, I was content for awhile.
Then suddenly, my sister came into view. I squirmed and tried to shove her out of my view but nothing worked. I pushed her off of her broom and watched her fall, gracefully. Once again, my parents vividly yelled at me and I cried and cried. It was longer than usual. My parents shouted awful words at me but I couldn't wake up. I sat there sobbing and absorbing the words that they spat in my face.
"SHUT UP!" I screamed.
Everything faded back into view and I was breathing heavily in my bed.
"What's wrong?" Pansy shouted.
I ignored her and caught my breath. I began to take in deep breaths while Pansy rubbed my back.
"What was it your sister?" Pansy asked, telling a confused Daphne to go back to sleep.
I simply nodded and she understood enough to stop talking about it.
"It's already six in the morning. Let's get ready," she said.
I groaned and got up. I threw on my clean robes and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. After a few minutes, I was done. I exited the bathroom and Pansy was sitting there waiting for me.
"Early breakfast?" she asked.
"Sure," I plainly replied while following after her into the Great Hall.
While passing the common room and the halls, there were only a few students lurking about. It was about twenty minutes early to be at breakfast, but we were offered food anyways.
"What's your first class?" Pansy asked.
"Potions," I replied.
"That shouldn't be too difficult. Snape likes the Slytherins. Especially Draco, so he is sure to go easy on your class," Pansy jealously said.
Those few words repeated themselves in my mind.
Snape likes Slytherins. Especially Draco...
"Is that why?" I blurted out.
"Why what?" Pansy asked.
"Snape made a bet that Draco and I would get together! Did he only do that because he likes both of us as students? Why does he think that? Does he not know how much we fight?"
"He made a bet?" Pansy practically shouted.
"Yes, I'm still trying to figure out all the details but I don't have the why."
"Don't you think it's odd that a professor is making a bet on you?" Pansy concernedly asked.
"How do I find out?" I questioned, disregarding Pansy's question.
"Y/n! Answer me!"
"I do think it's odd but it's already happened and I want to know why."
"I can try to help but it won't be much use."
"I would appreciate any help I could get. It's just odd that Snape thinks that I would ever go for Malfoy when he has certainly seen me yelling at him all the time."
"I understand where you are coming from and we'll figure it out," she assured.
I nodded and continued eating breakfast. Soon enough, the Great Hall became exceedingly packed. Blaise and Draco were laughing amongst each other while entering. They sat across from us, now beginning to wheeze uncontrollably.
I smiled at their happiness. "What's so funny?"
Blaise wheezed even harder as I asked this question and Draco covered his face, as he was laughing so much. "Draco here has just been asked out by three little first years!"
"What's so funny about that?" I asked.
"Let me finish! He was asked by the three first years and then one of them started serenading him in the hallway!" Blaise cackled after getting the words out.
I began breaking into a small burst of laughter and Blaise started wheezing once more. Draco had attempted to collect himself but his face was still bright red and a smile was glued along with it.
Pansy bursted out into laughter. We all sat there cackling and after a few minutes of silence and suddenly, it died down.
"What did she sing?"
Blaise broke out into an uncontrollable laughter once more and I smiled while waiting for a response.
"Baby by Justin Bieber!" Blaise shouted.
I broke out into another fit of laughter.
"I didn't even know it but it was interesting." Draco sighed.
"It's a Muggle song!" I informed him giddily.
After more joking around and continuous laughter, it was finally time to head to class.
I walked alongside Draco, teasing him about the first year and we finally arrived to the dungeons in front of the potions classroom door.
I walked in and he followed behind. I was about to sit in my usual seat that I received before break but halted once Snape rushed towards me with his cloak flying behind him.
"We are changing seats for this term," Snape informed me in his deep voice.
"Okay," I quickly replied, shocked by his urgency to get me away from my original seat.
Once all the students were standing in the room, Snape started assigning new seats.
As I had expected, Snape sat Draco and I in the back row next to each other. I sighed and began reading the textbook for our lab on Thursday, as we were instructed to do. Draco read as well and seemed fine with the seats. If we could tolerate each other in Transfiguration we could in Potions, right?
"The people you are sitting with will be your lab partners," Snape announced as we packed up after sitting there reading and listening to tips from Snape on how to make our potions successful.
"Why's he doing this?" I mumbled quietly to myself.
"What was that?" Draco nosily asked.
Class was later dismissed and I scurried off to the common room to meet Blaise for our free period.
"Draco has a free period too, do you mind if we hang with him?" Blaise pleaded.
"C'mon Blaise! He's getting Buckbeak killed and I haven't forgotten," I sternly stated.
"I know but I'm still friends with him and we are friends too and I don't want to leave anyone out."
I could tell that his stress levels were increasing and I definitely didn't want to uprise a panic attack onto him, so, to my displeasure, I agreed to let Draco hang out with us. We all sat around the small tables in the common room with Blaise and Draco on one side and me, alone on the other.
"I'm surprised I'm allowed to hang around you while she is here," Draco said to Blaise.
"I'm right here y'know?" I interrupted.
"Carry on with your homework," Draco said, shrugging me off.
"You're a git."
"And you are too, L/n," Draco snapped.
"I'm going to go," I said to Blaise.
"No don't leave!"
"Finally," Draco muttered.
"That's it!" I bellowed while pushing Draco off of his chair and storming out of the room, feeling quite proud of myself.
I confidently walked through the halls and stopped at the Transfiguration classroom. I opened the door and the class of 5th years all turned their heads.
"Excuse me Professor McGonagall but Dumbledore has asked me to grab Fred and George," I awkwardly announced as the whole class of Gryffindors in fifth year looked at me.
"Go along boys," she ushered.
They both stood up and grabbed their belongings. I lead them outside and they began walking to Dumbledores office.
"Where do you guys think your going?" I called out.
"To Dumbledore," Fred confusedly responded.
"Dumbledore doesn't need you." I laughed.
"You're telling me you just got us out of class?" George asked.
"Yes, I was bored in my free period."
"Your bloody brilliant," Fred ran up and hugged me.
I was startled but hugged him back. George joined in and I was smashed between both of their long arms.
"I thought it would be odd just to take George so I asked for both of you," I said.
"What should we do?" Fred asked.
George grabbed both of our arms and lead us to Dumbledores office.
"Prongs," George proudly stated to the Gargoyle that lead to Dumbledores office.
The Gargoyle swiftly moved and stairs appeared from behind. I began to ask how George knew the password but he pulled us onto the stairs and we began escalating upwards.
"George why are we going up here?" I asked.
He ignored me and knocked on Dumbledore's office door. Dumbledore opened the door and furrowed his brow slightly. He gestured for us to come in, so we sat on the small couches in front of his desk.
"What brings the three of you into my office during school hours?" Dumbledore asked.
"Technically we are always on school hours since we live at school," Fred jested.
"I suppose you are correct, Fred. What brings you into my office during class hours?" Dumbledore rephrased.
"Y/n has a cold and refused to go to Madam Pomfrey," George lied.
"Y/n, why have you refused to go to the hospital wing?" Dumbledore kindly turned to me.
"Sir, I am fine," I croaked out.
"I can't deny that your voice sounded ill. However, If you wish to refuse treatment from Madam Pomfrey, I will simply ask Professor Snape to serve you with a quick potion."
"Sir, that is not necessary," I urged while glaring at George.
"It's no issue at all, it will be ready this afternoon. Thank you for coming to me boys, she would not be able to attend class if she was ill. Y/n I suggest you let other people around you help, you don't have to be independent all the time," he wisely stated.
"Thank you, sir," I uneasily responded.
"I suggest you get back to skipping class now." Dumbledore winked.
I shook my head at George and we headed out of the door and into the hall.
"That was all for nothing!" I punched George in the chest.
"He outplayed us," Fred realized aloud.
"Of course he did! It's Dumbledore."
"We had to go there in case Minnie asked Dumbledore," George started. "Anyways, Dumbledore won't snitch. Our secret is safe with him."
"Get back to class, boys."
"But Dumbledore told us to get back to skipping class!" Fred recalled.
"Okay, take a breath. What should we do?" I asked.
"How about we go prank some first years?" George offered.
"They're all in class!" I groaned.
"Not the ones with a free period," Fred said mischievously.
George led us over to the Gryffindor common room and we walked in where a group of first years were finishing their easy homework.
"Here you go," George said while handing us each a piece of unknown candy.
"This is awful," I said while walking up to a first year willingly.
"Hi, I found this on the ground here, is it yours?" I questioned the small boy sitting on the sofa, holding out the piece of candy.
He shook his head aggressively and went back to scribbling on his parchment.
"Would you like it?" I asked.
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