《Blood to Love | 3rd year》17- New Beginnings
"In love with what?" Draco questioned.
"The view, of course. Did you think I was talking about you?" I laughed.
"Would it be so awful to be with me?" Draco said, reminding me when I stormed off after he said it would be awful to even consider being with me.
"Probably," I bluntly stated.
"Hermione doesn't think so."
"Merlin's beard, Malfoy. You're a terrible person."
"That hurt," he teased, holding his heart playfully.
"I'm sure it did. Breaking news: the legendary Y/n L/n told Draco Malfoy that he is an annoying prick," I joked.
"It would be the most interesting page of the daily profit," Draco said confidently.
"Sure, top notch next to a mass murderer who is trying to kill a Hogwarts student."
"I just mean that anything with my name in it must be pretty worthy of a front page," Draco bragged.
"You're so self-centered, Malfoy."
"With looks like this, I have a right to be." He smiled pointing at himself.
I was beginning to realize how big his ego was, but also that he wasn't absolutely terrible to hang out with. Yes, he still drove me crazy, but, even I had to admit that he also filled me with some serotonin.
"I suppose it isn't so bad being around you," I said after a short, content silence.
"I could sort of say the same about you," he teased.
I looked over into his grey eyes which were staring back at my e/c ones.
"Friends?" Draco asked softly, still staring into my soul.
"Friends," I decided.
We smiled at each other and looked away back to the window to enjoy the view. The ferris wheel began to spin and the next thing I knew, I was exiting the compartment with Blaise and Pansy waiting for us behind the rail.
"It's getting really late," Blaise observed.
"Should we go back?" Pansy asked gloomily.
"Probably," Draco replied while glancing at me continuously.
We all collectively took one last look around the fairgrounds and sighed. We then walked side by side to get back to the corn field where we left our brooms. Near the barn, our brooms were left as they were placed.
We all mounted on the brooms and soared above the clouds, in the freezing cold air, back to Hogwarts. The wind blew in our faces and we fought the chills from our minds and bodies. After a couple of minutes, we were soaring down to the Hogwarts grounds. We all silently landed and held our brooms in our hand as we entered the pitch black and silent building.
We all walked to the Slytherin common room, checking each hallway for Filch before we turned the corner. We finally arrived back in the common room and the dark, green room was only lit by the small firelight in the corner.
"I guess we should be off to bed," Blaise whispered.
"See you guys tomorrow," I whispered back.
Draco nodded and I followed Pansy back up to the girls dormitory. We tip-toed through our room, set down our brooms, and crawled into our individual beds.
"Goodnight, Y/n," Pansy whispered from across the room.
"Night, Pansy."
I smiled happily, though she couldn't see me.
I fell asleep quickly and much to my pleasure, my sister never arrived in my mind. I dreamt of a random man, looking a lot like an older Harry Potter, rapping to a rap Muggle song.
I chuckled in my dream and abruptly awoke the next morning, happy to be invited to Blaise's for winter break.
I stretched, yawned, and glanced out the shining window. Snow was gently sticking to the ground after gracefully falling thousands of feet. There was a few inches that built up overnight and the bright white of the snow shone through the window and blinded my non-adjusted eyes.
"Aren't you excited?" Pansy asked, noticing me sitting up as she sat at her vanity applying makeup.
"Mhm," I grumpily replied.
"Is everything okay?"
"Just tired," I truthfully replied.
"Then get ready! We eat breakfast and leave shortly after."
I obeyed her wishes and hopped off the bed. I did everything an average person does to get ready in the morning and then set off for breakfast. As I was exiting my dorm, I noticed Pansy had already left.
I slowly and tiredly walked down all the way to the great hall. I smiled at Harry when he turned to look at me and he shortly waved. I then looked over to my three Slytherin friends who were sitting together, so I made my way towards them. All of my new Slytherin friends sat happily together for a change.
I grabbed a piece of bacon from the silver platter in front of me and bit into it, the flavors seeping into my tongue.
"Doing anything this summer, Draco?" I asked, swallowing the bacon.
"Just staying home with dear old mum and dad," he replied shortly.
"You don't like them?" I asked.
"Mum isnt bad, it's father I don't particularly like."
I nodded and turned my head back to my plate, feeling odd to comment on his relationship with his parents.
"Are you guys ready?" Blaise asked.
We all looked around at each other and then nodded. We synchronously stood up and the mountainous food-filled plates vanished. We exited the Great Hall and walked into our common room.
"Go pack and we'll meet here in twenty minutes," Blaise instructed.
We set off for our own dorms and I walked in right after Pansy.
I went over to my trunk and started reorganizing everything in it. I neatly shoved all my clothes from my closet into it. I also decided on adding an extensive charm — that Hermione insisted on teaching me — due to the vast clothes overflowing it.
Once I fit all the clothes, hygiene products, and all other miscellaneous objects, my eyes took one last look around. I noticed my wand on my bed and I shoved it into my pocket. Then, remembering the drawer to my nightstand, I hesitantly opened it.
I grabbed the picture of Ron and I and placed it in the trunk carefully. I threw the chapstick, letters, and giraffe into the trunk as well on top of the picture of myself smiling with Ron.
Once I had a final look around, I asked Pansy if she was ready and we made our way back to the common room with full hands. The boys were standing and talking when we entered. We dragged our trunks over to them and they ended their individual conversation quickly.
"Ready?" Blaise asked again.
We all responded with a variant of yes and walked out of the common room without looking back.
"All students leaving for holiday break, the Hogwarts Express leaves in about five minutes!" Professor Dumbledore bellowed.
Many students started scrambling out into the Hogwarts grounds and to the scarlet train. Steam danced out of the pipes and the wheels churned eagerly with a lust to roll to its assigned destination.
We all hauled our belongings onto the train and found an empty compartment in the back.
"Pansy sit here," Blaise requested, patting the seat next to his.
I sat by the window and Draco sat next to me, trying to avoid bumping his knee into mine. When the express took off, we all went silent. Lost in our thoughts, we became startled once Astoria Greengrass opened our compartment door.
"Hi, do you mind if I sit here?" she asked, only looking at me when she spoke.
"Sure, come sit here," I replied, pointing the the empty area in between Draco and I.
She looked over at Draco and became very frantic.
"I actually need to — uh — I can't."
I realized that Draco is sort of the one who got her beat up.
"Oh, come sit by the window," I offered.
She visibly calmed down and walked across the compartment, stepping over our legs, and plopped down in the seat by the window after I scooted towards the middle, closer to Draco but not close enough to touch.
"Scared of me?" he whispered, leaning in so close so that only I could hear.
"Just don't prefer sitting this close to you," I whispered back, right into his ear.
He shook for some odd reason and leaned back against the small wall on his side of the compartment. I brushed it off and turned to Astoria.
"Where do you plan on staying for break?" I asked her.
"With mum and dad. My sister decided to stay at Hogwarts, she didn't want to have to deal with another possible dementor attack on the express like earlier this year."
Harry told me stories about what happened but I never actually realized what was going on. I was so distracted earlier this year fighting with Draco that I must've simply missed the debacle.
"That's lovely. I hope I can visit you sometime over the break." I sent a sincere smile.
She nodded and the cold air became silent and still once more. I sat there thinking about what to do with all the letters from Ron that I had saved in my nightstand drawer. I decided upon asking Blaise when I arrived with him or I could simply ignore the issue altogether.
"Blaise, you never talk about your siblings. How many do you have again?" I asked.
"One sister, for now."
"You have a sister?" Pansy asked, although looking somewhat calm.
"Yes. One sister right now, expecting another one in February. I think there more to come, as my mum finds a new husband every year," he disgustingly replied.
"Oh." It was all I could think of to reply to that dark accusation about his mother.
"Don't worry about my mum and her husbands when you get there. She will act innocent and sweet whenever you guys are around. She usually lets me do whatever so she won't be a bother either," Blaise reassured.
"I take it that all of you are going to Blaise's for Christmas then?" Astoria guessed.
"All but Draco," Blaise responded.
She nodded and turned back to face the window.
After awhile of riding and chatting, the express finally halted and we dragged our luggage out of the train. Blaise's mom, pregnant and all, stood there with a tall man and they smiled at Blaise. Blaise patted Draco in the back and Pansy waved at him and they started off for Blaise's mother.
"Bye guys!" Astoria called out while running to her parents for a hug.
I waved my hand to her and began walking over to Blaise's mum and her apparent boy toy.
"Leaving without a goodbye?" Draco called out.
"You wanted a goodbye? How sweet," I teased.
"Well, goodbye."
I nodded and attempted to walkaway once more. The guilt of not saying goodbye ate me alive. I turned around and jogged up to Draco, who had already made his way over to his parents.
"Bye, Malfoy. Thanks for the giraffe," I finally mustered up the courage to say, throwing myself into his arms and hugging him.
"Seriously, don't mention it," he replied while slightly hugging back.
I pulled away and felt content with the goodbye. I waved and walked back over to Blaise, who was chatting with his family.
"We left Alaire at home, we thought she could handle herself," Blaise's mum spoke.
"Mum, she is three!" Blaise shouted loudly.
"She'll be fine. Now, are you going to introduce me to these two ladies," Blaise's mum spoke elegantly and proper.
"Pansy, this is my mum, mum this is Pansy. Mum, this is Y/n and Y/n this is mum," Blaise sighed.
"Please, call me Ms. Zabini." As she said that her husband shifted uncomfortably next to her but continued putting on a smile to the three kids standing before him.
"This right here is my husband Paul," she replied shortly after pointing to him.
"Let's go?" Paul spoke up, though his voice cracked as if he hasn't spoken in ages.
"Yes let's go. And Honey, next time you say something, make sure to speak out a little more," she individually addressed her husband.
He nodded and led the way to a dirt-filled ditch. There were bottles and plates thrown all over but many wizards around were touching them. I furrowed my brow and looked over to Pansy, she had the same confused expression as I did.
"We will be using a portkey, all you have to do it touch it and it transfers us to our house," Blaise explained after looking at our clueless faces.
"Is it safe for your mum, I mean with the baby?" I asked.
"She doesn't care," he replied shortly.
"Ahh here," Paul stated. "All you do is touch it on three."
"1 - 2 - 3!"
We all grabbed onto the empty can that Paul held up and I felt a swirling sensation. Everything went black and I tumbled onto the dark wood floor of an expensive house. Paul and Ms. Zabini gracefully and landed on the floor. Blaise landed but stumbled a little at his mother's grand arrival. On the contrary, Pansy and I were sprawled across the floor, grunting lightly as we stood up.
"You guys each have your own bedroom set up, go ahead and bring your stuff," Paul shyly said.
I nodded appreciatively at him and made my way up the stairs, following Blaise to find our bedrooms, stumbling slightly after our unusual source of transportation.
We walked up the tall spiral staircase and once we got the the second floor landing, we turned left down the wide hallway. The walls were painted emerald green and there was a black elegant rug rolled out in the long hallway.
There were four doors down the left hallway.
As we passed the first one, Blaise scoffed while declaring, "this is the house elves bathroom."
I widened my eyes in horror and continued following Pansy and Blaise down the hall.
"This first door on the left is Pansy's guest room. This first door on the right is Y/n's room. And this final door at the end of the hallway is my room," Blaise informed.
"Where do your parents sleep?" Pansy questioned.
"Mum usually sleeps upstairs on the other end of the hall, but with a baby coming, she sleeps with Paul in the guest room downstairs."
I nodded my head, suggesting that I understood, and made my way to the guest bedroom that Blaise had invited me into. As I walked into the dark, stained door, I noticed the bulky chandelier first. I turned my gaze to the four poster, wooden bed covered in emerald sheets. There was a large rug, filling most of the room, loaded with a circle pattern throughout.
There was only one dresser with a small Muggle radio sat on top. I was surprised that his mother, a raging pureblood, would have anything in her home representing the Muggle world. I also noticed a door next to the bed and made my way over to it. The glass door knob turned at my will and I stepped into the room. It was a large bathroom with more emerald cabinets.
"Do you like it?" Blaise asked while coming up behind me.
"Yeah, it's perfect."
"Pansy's looks the same. Do you want to come see my room? She is already in there."
"Yeah, sure."
He led me to the final door down the hallway and I entered after him. His room was insanely tidy and nothing seemed out of place at all — not even a speck of dust could be found.
His king sized bed filled only a little of his room. A dresser, nightstand, and small desk were also perfectly placed in there as well. In the far corner of his room sat a piano and a velvet chair. In the other corner, was a rug and an empty space.
"What's the rug in the corner for?" I asked.
"Sitting, getting lost in my thoughts, dancing, or reading. It could be anything I want," he smiled, as though reminiscing the times when he sat in that corner and engaged in his favorite activities.
I nodded and sat on his bed while Pansy walked over to the piano. She sat in the small chair and began playing random notes. To be quite honest, she wasn't very good. Blaise noticed her playing and made his way over to her.
"Let me help," I heard him whisper.
She nodded as he placed his hands overtop of hers and began to play a cute Christmas jingle. I couldn't help but feel jealous at their perfect relationship while I was stuck with my now- nonexistent love life.
I sighed and laid down onto Blaise's bed, staring at the ceiling, and slowly drifting off as calm music began radiated throughout the air.
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