《Blood to Love | 3rd year》16- The Giraffe
As we continued walking down the dark hallway, we made our way to the Hogwarts outdoor grounds.
"What's the plan, Blaise?" I questioned eagerly.
"I was thinking we could fly to a fairground," he said unsurely.
"Don't you think the Muggles will be a bit curious when they see flying brooms?" I questioned.
"What's a fair?" Draco interrupted.
"You'll see soon enough. How about we fly there and land some distance away so we don't arrive on brooms?"
"Sounds good!" Pansy said while jumping out of pure joy.
We all spoke softly. "Accio broom."
Four brooms came flying out of the Hogwarts doors and into our hands. We all mounted our brooms and kicked off the ground forcefully.
Blaise led the way, followed by Pansy. Draco and I hung back just a little but still close enough to see them clearly.
The wind blew my hair as we soared across the sky. My eyes watered as Blaise gained speed and we mimicked his every action. The wind forcefully chilled my face and I began to chatter my teeth. I ignored the chilly feeling as best as I could and looked down. I could see the fair from a distance. The colorful lights shone and radiated joyous energy. There were crowds of laughing and screaming people. Games were being played where you popped balloons, threw rings on a bottle, and threw balls at pins. It was all so new and fascinating to the pure-bloods that I was surrounded with.
On the other hand, I had been to a couple fairgrounds after I moved to a Muggle city, thought it's been quite awhile.
As we inched closer, I could smell the variety of treats awaiting our arrival. We all swooped down into a large corn field and propped our brooms on a crop equipment barn next to us.
We all quickly became very thrilled and energized by all the rides, people, and games radiating their own joyous vibes around us.
Blaise and Pansy entwined their hands once again and left Draco and I to hang back side to side, following right behind them.
We walked out of the corn field and into the entrance of the fairgrounds. Draco gazed around in astonishment and I glanced around, looking for the ticket booth. Draco picked a small pocket sized bag off the ground and opened it. There was a picture of a man and all his information, there was money, cards and receipts all stuffed in the wallet.
"Malfoy, take some of that money," I said.
"What? Why?" he asked.
"We don't have Muggle money, and we have to buy tickets for the rides!"
He pulled out the crisp paper from the wallet and dropped it back on the ground for the owner to find. He handed half of the to money to me and I snatched it while he smoothly pocketed the rest.
"You guys go get some cotton candy or something and I'll buy the tickets," I ordered.
I watched them walk over to one of the concession stands as I headed over to the ticket booth. There was a short line and I waited impatiently.
While standing, I glanced at all the people around us. There was an old couple on the bench next to me, slurping slushees and people-watching. I turned my gaze to the so called Ferris wheel and saw it stop as more people got on. At the very top of the Ferris wheel, a teenage boy and girl were giggling and screaming joyfully. After watching more people of all ages roam around the grass, it was finally my turn to purchase tickets.
"How many tickets?" the middle aged women behind the booth kindly asked.
"Four," I said, though in a louder-than-usual voice due to the screams and yells that grew in volume all around me.
She handed me the four tickets and I handed over the stolen money.
"These tickets will give you access to all rides and games. Have fun!" she said, sounding like she rehearsed that line previously.
I made my way over to a table that Pansy, Blaise, and Draco were settled at. Before I sat, I took in the image I was seeing in that moment: Blaise sucking down a large lemonade, Pansy biting into a enormous hamburger, and Draco picking cotton candy off of a slim stick and greedily placing it in his mouth. I giggled at them and sat down next to Draco, as Blaise and Pansy were stuck together like leaches.
"When we inish eatin, an we ride the eacups?" Pansy asked while gulping down a giant bite of her hamburger.
"Sure," Blaise chuckled.
While waiting for them to finish, I looked over for the teacups that Pansy desired to ride. There were several people in a large teacup, spinning a table-looking circular device in the middle.
"Draco, we're just waiting for you," Blaise observed.
"Patience," Draco spoke softly while plucking the blue fluff off of his stick.
I looked over at Draco who only had a small amount of cotton candy on his stick. I swiftly reached over, yanked a piece off, and plopped it into my mouth.
"I didn't say you could steal my food," Draco said, attempting to look intimidating.
"That's unfortunate," I simply stated.
He glared at me and we all stood up, heading to the teacups after he ate the last bite and through away the white stick.
We walked through the large crowd and finally make it to the line for the ride. Blaise had his arm around Pansy's shoulder and she had her arm around his waist. I was standing quietly next to a tall Draco who was leaning against the railing behind him.
We continued walking up and we were next in line. We stood there and waited for the worker to allow us on.
"Ah two couples, let's get you each on your own," the worker kindly stated, but completely misunderstood the situation before his eyes.
No that's —," I began.
"No problem at all!" the worker interrupted while glancing at the tickets in my hand. "You've got tickets, well, you're all set."
He led Pansy and Blaise into their own teacup and us into another.
Draco placed him arm around my shoulder and slightly shook me.
"Lighten up, L/n, I'm not that bad," he assured.
I gave a superb fake smile and sat next to Draco in the giant tea cup. We sat and waited for the outside to start twirling so we could spin the inside
"So we start twirling this table when we move?" Draco questioned.
"L/n, why are you being like that?"
"Like what?"
"Saying two word responses."
"No reason."
"C'mon, enlighten me"
"I don't like you," I stated simply.
"I'm not very fond of you either, but what makes you think we can't get along in this stupid teacup?"
"You didn't have to come, Malfoy!" I whispered aggressively. "Why did you anyways?"
"Am I not allowed to hang out with Blaise when you're around?" he whispered violently back.
"It seems like you only want to hang out with him when I'm around. Is it really your goal to spoil all the fun for me?"
"I'm not trying to spoil the fun for you!"
"Then what are you trying to do Malfoy?"
"Maybe I just want to hang out with my only friend but you are always around so I am forced to hang out with you too!"
"That's not true! I hang out with Harry and a Hermione while Blaise is running off with you."
"Do you know what I do when I am around him? I don't think so because where are you when Blaise is crying in our dorm? Where are you when he is ranting to me at midnight? Where are you when he is sitting in his dorm, wondering whether you're going to find new friends and leave him?"
"What? Why would he ever think that?"
I was so shocked and confused at the information Draco just spat at me.
"You don't understand! Blaise is deathly afraid of being alone and he doesn't want to tell you." Draco visibly calmed down.
"He has all three of us! How could he possibly be alone?"
"Nobody can understand because it's all in his head; but that doesn't mean it's not real to him."
"Now that I know, I can help. Can't I?"
"You can try but he already thinks he is weak. I'm not sure he will want to talk to anyone else."
"I'm going to help."
I ended the conversation with that.
"Well, now that that's cleared up, can we have fun while we are here?" Draco questioned, as if I was the one detaining us from having fun.
"I suppose."
At that perfect moment, the teacup started moving on the outside so Draco and I twisted the small table which twirled our individual teacups. We laughed effortlessly and when the teacup stopped, the worker opened our door.
"Hope you had fun!"
We nodded at him and stepped off the teacup. I wrapped my left arm around Draco's waist, as I was about to fall from dizziness. We stumbled over to the exit and Draco put his arm around my shoulder. We giggled tremendously, as did Pansy and Blaise.
"Where — ahh — to next?" Pansy asked, almost toppling onto the grassy ground.
"Let's go throw something at a balloon," Blaise suggested while pointing at a man encouraging people to play his balloon popping game.
We walked over and smiled at the worker. "Malfoy, look at the giraffe! It's so cute!" I whispered, staring at the adorable animal.
He rolled his eyes as we each stood side by side with 3 darts placed on the long table in front of us.
"Pop three and you win a stuffed animal!" the worker excitedly shouted.
I gripped the dart with my dominant hand and forcefully threw it overhand. It soared to the board and a loud "POP" occurred. A pink balloon burst and I did a small victory dance.
I heard two more pops and then a groan. Blaise missed his first balloon. Pansy and Draco popped one each.
I picked up another dart and popped a green balloon. I cheered and heard three more pops this time, meaning we all made the second balloon. I finally threw my third balloon and it slipped out of my grasp, way below all the other balloons. I groaned and looked over. Pansy and Draco popped their last balloon.
"Marvelous! You two pick out a stuffed animal!" the worker said pointing at Draco and Pansy.
"I want the octopus," Pansy said.
I walked over to Blaise while he watched Pansy.
"Not a good arm, hm?"
"Not at all."
"Where would you like to go next?" I asked.
"Ferris wheel?" he offered.
"Turn around." Blaise smirked.
"Huh?" I began but Blaise grabbed my shoulders and turned me around himself.
Right there, I was surely imagining things. Draco Malfoy was standing with the small giraffe stuffed animal in his hands.
"You did not!"
I clasped my hand over my mouth aggressively.
"Don't mention it."
"Malfoy being nice. Who would've thought?"
"Shut up and grab the giraffe before I keep it to myself."
Before I took the giraffe I decided upon doing something spontaneous. I forced myself into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him an actual hug.
"I could kiss you right now!" I absentmindedly laughed.
"You know you want to." He smirked.
"Is that an offer, Malfoy?" I teased while whispering in his ear.
I pulled away from the hug and rolled my eyes at him. He handed me the giraffe and I smiled at him one last time before grabbing his and Blaise's wrist, pulling us to the Ferris wheel while Pansy had one hand connected to Blaise's and one gripping her well-earned stuffed purple octopus.
We made our way to the line for the Ferris wheel but right before we walked through to enter, two boys, who looked around our age, came up to us. I let go of Blaise and Draco's hands and stood there waiting for them to say something.
"Do you need something?" Draco asked to the two boys.
"We were wondering if you guys lived around here," the taller brunette boy asked nicely.
"Sorry, no," Blaise bluntly stated.
"Oh alright, where do you guys live?" the shorter blonde boy said.
"Uh — pretty far south," Draco said tensely, not knowing the Muggle geography system completely.
"Well if you live so far, I guess it would be inappropriate to ask if you two ladies wanted to hang out outside of here. It looks as if you already have dates as well," the taller one proudly stated, pointing at Pansy and I when addressing us.
"I suggest you hurry along and go find another girl that will be your make-out toy," Draco defended us.
"We are going to go now, have fun," Blaise said quickly before the boys could argue with Draco.
I gasped at Draco's comment while walking away.
"That was unnecessary," I said, turning to him.
"They wanted to make-out with you and Pansy in their parents cars, there is no way I'm going let you do that."
"I can take care of myself and so can Pansy," I replied.
"Please, don't do this right now!" Blaise pleaded.
I looked over at him and realized we were stressing him out. I gave him a small smile and changed the subject.
"Are you guys ready to ride the Ferris wheel?" I questioned, moving on from the possible bickering contest with Draco.
They all nodded and we made our way to the line. We stood in line and eventually got to the front.
"Next two!" the worker called.
I was about to ask Pansy if she wanted to ride in a compartment with me but she grabbed Blaise's wrist and pulled him into one. I sighed and avoided eye contact with Draco.
The Ferris wheel spun and a couple exited the compartment.
"Next two!" the tall man repeated.
Draco and I slid into one of the compartments and sat across from each other. The worker locked our door, and the Ferris wheel began to move. We were about halfway from the very top and I looked down at the floor, which was complete glass, and gaped at the crowd and vibrant lights from below.
"It's brilliant," I whispered, astonished by the view.
Draco turned his gaze to where my eyes were. His eyebrows raised slightly and he looked happy for once. I looked over at him while he smiled at the fairgrounds below us.
"What if I shook it?" he asked mischievously.
"What?" I confusedly questioned.
Draco began rocking back and force and shaking the Ferris wheel.
"Malfoy, stop!" I screeched.
He completely ignored me and continued rocking the compartment.
"You're going to kill us."
"I wouldn't mind," he simply stated.
"What do you mean by that, Malfoy?"
"If iI died right now, at least I would die happy."
"You're bloody insane. I don't want to die with you."
"You know you do."
"Sure, I'd like nothing more than to die with Draco Malfoy. How honorable," I replied sarcastically, gripping my seat as much as I could as though it could save me.
The Ferris wheel rose more and more and we were stuck at the very top together, finally ridden of the shaking that he caused.
"Wow, we're high," I shivered.
"Scared of heights?"
"Maybe a little."
"Come here, L/n," he said while patting the tight space next to his seat.
"Don't tell me no," he said while grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the seat next to him. It was a tight squeeze, as it was only made for one person. His right leg was pressed up against my left and I scooted away as far as I could.
"Git," I muttered.
"What did you just say?"
"That's what I thought," he whispered. Cold chills were circling my body and I mentally brushed them off while staring out of the side glass window, still stuck at the very top.
"I'm in love."
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Elizabeth Rielle wants to be a hero. To be a hero that would protect the world from the thieves that steals old women’s bags to monsters that threaten the survival of humanity. But when she took the dormant meta human DNA test she finds out that she is a rare specimen, her DNA is 100% clean without any changes. No nuclear change, solar change, and not even any hereditary diseases. Elizabeth is absolutely the perfect example of a perfectly healthy human being. Since Elizabeth is perfectly human anything injected in her body to make her stronger will kill her since the human race has evolved to be capable of making their bodies stronger. Rejected, the distraught Elizabeth goes to find a job that would allow her to help society in the smallest of ways. She entered the police force but even the police force is mostly handled by metahumans, making her a simple traffic enforcer without any capability to get to a higher position.But when an incident almost costs her life, memories appeared inside her mind showing her a way on how to become stronger without changing her body in any other way. With a new way of becoming stronger and the hope of making a change towards humanity Elizabeth followsthe path of becoming the last cultivator but what she doesn’t know is that higher powers are watching her and one day she might need to face them.
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Having a Common Game Ability In Normal Life
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