《Blood to Love | 3rd year》18- Muggle George
I awoke with Pansy and Blaise lightly snoring on the floor. It was already afternoon and I was left in the position on the bed where I drifted off. Pansy and Blaise were cuddling on the floor with a blanket wrapped around the both of them. I felt guilty for taking the bed but quickly got over it. I sat up and was about to walk back to my guest room but I heard shouts from down the stairs.
"I TRUST THEM! NARCISSA IS LOVELY. Frankly, I have other things to worry about. They leave tomorrow," Ms. Zabini decided.
"Why do you want them to leave so bad?"
"Of course I don't want them to leave! I have things to do though, they can't be present at the time."
"Fine, but I'm taking them to the manor just in case anything happens," Paul replied protectively.
I heard a "hmph" and footsteps coming up the stairs.
I stared blankly at the wall in front of me and imagined what Ms. Zabini was going to say to us. After hearing the yelling, Blaise and Pansy awoke from their nap as well.
"What's going on?" Blaise quickly asked while looking up to me from the floor.
"We're going to Malfoy Manor for Christmas," I replied shortly, still staring absentmindedly at the wall.
"Why?" Pansy questioned.
"I'm not sure, I just heard them arguing and screaming at one another."
"I'm sorry you had to hear that. Seeing Draco won't be that bad though, right? I mean you guys are sort of friends now," Blaise addressed.
"Yes, it won't be too bad," I truthfully responded.
Ms. Zabini's slow footsteps grew louder and louder as she gained ground on Blaise's bedroom. Blaise sat up from the floor and Pansy scrambled over to the desk and pretended to write a letter with Blaise's spare parchment and quill. I sat crisscross in Blaise's bed, waiting to see what happened.
Soft knocks echoed through the room as Blaise's mum arrived on the outskirts of the door.
"Come in," Blaise yelled.
She gently opened the wooden door and Blaise grabbed the velvet piano chair for her to sit in. She gladly took a seat and supported her back with the wall behind her.
"I'm not sure if you guys heard the conversation going on downstairs," she began. "but I have important business to attend to this Christmas and I have you lot all set to stay at Malfoy Manor beginning tomorrow and until you go back at Hogwarts."
We all nodded, confusedly but still understandably at the same time.
"What will you be doing mum?" Blaise asked curiously.
"I cannot inform you as to the important business I will be attending. Just know that I'm safe and you are as well with the Malfoy's."
"My family knows them very well, it won't be a problem staying there," Pansy assured.
"I've never been but I'm sure my parents don't care where I'm at as long as it's not in their household." I shrugged.
"Perfect, you have today to pack and Paul will be taking you tomorrow. They have rooms set up and I've already contacted them about your advent into their home. They have agreed to let you stay and that's settled," she finished.
"Thank you Ms. Zabini," I replied.
"No problem, dear. I suggest you all pack today and get an early start for your departure."
At that, she strenuously stood up from her small chair and hobbled out of Blaise's room, her pregnancy talking a toll on her mobility.
"How lovely," Blaise sarcastically spoke once hearing his mums footsteps clomping down the expensive staircase.
"I never unpacked earlier so I suppose we have the whole day to do whatever we want," I told them.
"Mum doesn't care where we go," Blaise said.
"How about we go out to a fancy Muggle restaurant?" Pansy suggested.
"Sounds good," I casually answered.
"We don't have Muggle money," Blaise said.
"Malfoy gave me the stack of leftover money from the fair!"
"Great! Let's go get dressed," Pansy excitedly spoke.
I walked over to my claimed room and dug through my trunk to find one of the many dresses stuffed inside. I gripped a red dress along with my makeup bag.
I slipped on the dress along with black shoes and began to apply makeup. After around twenty minutes of finishing my makeup, loosely curling my hair, and checking myself out, I finally finished.
Blaise and Pansy rushed into my room in an assortment of different attire: Pansy had a cute green dress on with emerald shoes and a pearl necklace; Blaise a black suit with a white tie along with dark shoes. They both looked wonderful, as did I.
I grabbed the stack of money from my trunk and shoved it in my small purse. I placed the small purse string around my neck and let it hang to the side as I walked down the stairs and out of the front door of Blaise's house.
"We're going out!" Blaise yelled right before closing the door behind him. Paul followed right behind us in an attempt to guide us with apparition.
"Ok!" Ms. Zabini weakly shouted back.
"I learned apparition at a young age so I've been sneaking out for awhile now. I usually apparate to a nearby abandoned beach and we can walk to the city from there and my mom leaves, but Paul is here this time," Blaise said.
"Perfect," Pansy spoke.
Pansy and I grasped Blaise's and Paul's arm and I felt a swirling sensation for a second time today. Darkness filled my eyes and I had the sudden yearn to throw up. The spinning came to a halt and I felt myself bent over, ready to let out my breakfast. However, I stopped myself instantly.
Pansy chuckled at me and Blaise looked away, scared to see what would come next.
"Sorry guys," I said, embarrassed.
"It's quite alright, I puked my first time. Are you okay now?," Blaise asked, still avoiding eye contact.
"Yes, I'm fine. The feeling is gone."
"Meet me here at eleven and I'll apparate you guys back," Paul advised.
We nodded and heard a popping sound just a few feet in front of us. Paul had apparated back and we were left alone on the abandoned beach.
"Follow me," Blaise ordered.
We obeyed, following him through the sand and to the small sidewalk that led to a vibrant city. Once we stepped onto the city grounds, our pace increased vastly. We slipped through the crevices of people and increased speed whenever Blaise did, as he was leading.
"Just this way," Blaise shouted over the Muggle cars honking, crowds conversing, and forceful wind blowing.
We continued dodging through people until he stopped in front of a large restaurant on the corner of the street. A big sign reading Stan's Steak Shack was hanging above the restaurant. A few nicely dressed muggles entered the building and we quickly followed in after them.
"How many?" The hostess kindly asked, overlooking our age and probably only thinking about the money they will receive by serving us.
"Three," Blaise spoke, though visibly quieter than out in the bustling streets.
She gestured for us to follow her and we sat in a booth in the corner of the restaurant. Blaise and Pansy sat together, causing me to, once again, feel like an outsider. The hostess handed us a list of food items and asked what we wanted to drink off of the list first.
"Water," Blaise answered shortly.
"I'll try the strawberry lemonade," Pansy requested.
"I'll try the mint-lime iced tea."
She nodded at us three and set off to retrieve our drinks, but not before scribbling all of our responses on a piece of paper with a blue-inked pen.
I looked around in the restaurant and saw a variety of people: a middle-aged couple chatting about their desire to get away from "the kids", a grandma and grandpa slurping soup and people-watching, and another group of teenage boys and one girl probably about a year older than us sitting in the booth right behind me.
I turned back to the table I was sitting at and noticed an engraving of letters carved into the middle of the table.
I grinned at it and Blaise followed my eyes. Pansy caught on eventually and we were all now staring at the useless letters on the table.
"Albus and Minerva," Blaise jested.
We all giggled and that was the start of our great, eventful night. We finished laughing and scoped our menus for a few minutes to decide what we wanted to devour.
Our drinks eventually came and we sipped them eagerly.
"Are you guys ready to order?" a new, outgoing waitress asked.
I nodded and began, "I'll take the sirloin with steak fries."
She scribbled it down as well and Blaise ordered next.
"I'll take the Dallas fillet with a baked potato," Blaise said instantly.
"And I'll have the grilled barbecue chicken," Pansy finished.
The lady took our menus and we began chatting and talking about how nice the restaurant was. We made jokes and even began conversation with the group of boys and the one girl sitting behind me.
"So are you two dating?" the cute brunette boy asked, pointing at Pansy and Blaise.
"Yeah," Pansy replied while inching closer to Blaise in the booth.
"How about you?" he said, turning his gaze to me.
"Oh no — I — uh — well, I am completely single."
He grinned at me and I felt my face grew hot as his face was so close to mind due to the fact that he was sitting back to back with my booth. I gave him a slight smile and the other two boys began talking, making me turn my head to show I was listening.
"This is my girlfriend," the blonde guy with blue eyes said, pointing to the only girl in the booth with red hair and green eyes.
"George and I are single," the last boy that hadn't spoken yet said.
I began laughing at the name.
"You don't like the name?" the brunette, George, teased.
"No it's fine, but I know another cute George as well."
"So you think I'm cute?"
"I mean — yes," I confirmed, my fingers fumbling with one another as I became bold.
"Good to know."
"So what are all of your names?" Blaise said, after getting seemingly uncomfortable at the encounter with me and this George guy.
"I'm George," George said. "This is Ace," George also said, pointing at the other apparently single guy.
"I'm Flynn and this is River," the blonde said while addressing himself and then his girlfriend.
"Nice to meet you guys," Pansy, Blaise, and I all stated.
"How about your names?" George asked.
"I'm Y/n."
"I'm Pansy."
"Nice to meet you all as well," Ace said.
We continued chatting and making interesting conversation. We learned a lot about each other's childhood and told random stories — obviously leaving out the part which we were witches and wizards — which was surprisingly very fun for them being complete strangers.
After awhile, our food came and we turned back to eat. In the meantime, George kept turning to talk to me and I had a loads of stories and things to say to him, making it the least awkward experience I've ever had with a guy I just met.
"Do you guys want to head to the miniature golf place next door when we finish eating?" Ace suggested.
"Sure," Blaise reluctantly said.
After awhile of more talking, we finished eating and I handed the lady the cash in my small purse. There was still a considerable amount left, to my absolute pleasure.
"Let's get out of here," the ginger, River, demanded.
We all walked out together and followed the group to the miniature golf course next door. It was around seven at night and not quite dark yet, so we had a good amount of time to mess around outdoors.
"Seven clubs please," George began.
"No, Flynn and I are going to leave. Have fun," River, the girlfriend, annoyingly said.
"Alright then, five clubs," Ace quickly said before George could protest to his friends sudden retreat.
The worker handed us five clubs and a different colored golf ball each. We then collectively made our ways outside to the large course.
"I've never done this before," I admitted and Blaise and Pansy verbally agreed.
"I'll teach you lot," George stated.
He walked over and gripped my arm in the position it was supposed to be hit and he swung my ball. It went right into the hole straight ahead.
"Wow you're good." I laughed.
"You next," George said while helping Blaise and Pansy with their form and shots.
After awhile of adjusting to the clubs and messing around on the mini course, it came down to the end. Ace got the least amount of points, meaning that he won the game. We congratulated him and headed out of the gates of the mini golf course.
"I had a lot of fun," George began. "I hope to see you lot around again. Maybe I could get your address and we could write letters?" he asked.
"Unfortunately we don't really live around here," Blaise explained.
"Yeah, sorry guys. I had a lot of fun, hope to see you around here again someday." I sent a sorrowful smile.
We sadly waved goodbye and headed back to the abandoned beach.
"You and George hit it off," Pansy observed.
"What? We did not. I can't even imagine being with a Muggle. He was funny and it was cool to hang out with someone new for awhile but there was nothing happening there."
"So you have a thing for the George's?" Blaise teased, recalling the time on the astronomy tower when Draco asked who I would get with if I hadn't been with Ron.
I lightly pushed him as we arrived on the sandy beach and smirked a mile wide, attempting to dodge their questions.
"Paul should be here any minute," Pansy said.
"Pansy, how do you feel about those guys?" I questioned, glancing at Blaise who was grinning widely.
"They were fine. Flynn and River were a bit odd but the other two were — pleasant . I suppose you enjoyed their presence more than us."
"What's that supposed to —"
A loud "pop" sounded before I could finish my sentence.
I was interrupted by Paul apparating back to the spot we arrived.
"Ready?" the shy man questioned.
I nodded hesitantly and we appeared back into Blaise's home, with the puking sensation arising in my throat once more.
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