《Blood to Love | 3rd year》11- Black is Back
Ron dragged me to the Great Hall and I sat with the Gryffindors for a large feast. We ate and discussed what fake news was in the Daily Profit. We ate until one more bite would make us explode then waited for the cue to go back to our common rooms.
"Y/n!" Hermione said, startling me but getting my attention all the while.
"Maybe you should stay with him tonight? To stop your nightmares of course," she whispered.
I nodded and turned to Ron who had just stopped a conversation with Harry.
"Hey Ron, do you mind if I stay with you tonight? In your dorm, I mean."
"Oh — er — of course. I'd love that." He then nodded reassuringly and smiled.
Many people started rising from the table. We imitated their actions and followed a crowd to the Gryffindor common room. There was a massive hold up on the stairs. We stood there until Harry led us through a gap to see what was going on.
Ron grunted. "I suppose Neville has forgot that password again."
"Hey!" Neville stated right behind us.
Ron went scarlet red and faced forward, sure to make no eye contact after insulting the poor boy. We took a couple more steps forward and heard whispers and rumors flying all over the castle.
"The Fat Lady is gone!"
"There's been an attack!"
We continued walking up through the gap, pushing through people to see what was going on. The portrait, in which the Fat Lady resides, was now slashed with giant, bloody scratches and the woman was, in fact, missing. The scratches on the portrait picture were enormous and could've easily wounded a student in a matter of seconds.
"Move!" Dumbledore demanded as he made his way up the stairs.
He stopped at the portrait hole, slightly gasped, and then kept frantically walking up the stairs whipping his head in every direction. He finally found the Fat Lady lingering behind a portrait with a cow blocking her body, seeming to be terrified.
"He's in the castle! Sirius Black," she said as she sobbed while peering over the farm animal.
"Students, there is a serious matter at hand at the moment. You will not be returning to your dormitories. There is a possible mass murderer in the castle at this time; it is not safe to be wandering around. I will set up sleeping arrangements in the Great Hall. Prefects, please lead the students there immediately. I will be there shortly but I must inform the other professors." Dumbledore spoke with certainty and passion, emphasizing the importance of the situation.
Students started whispering, spreading rumors, and frantically jogging to the Great Hall as if they were Sirius Black's next target. Harry, on the other hand, wouldn't move from the portrait. He stared at it oddly until I nudged him. His face snapped out of the trance and we walked side by side with Ron and Hermione for the night.
Dumbledore was heading to all of the other common rooms and dormitories to inform the houses on the ludicrous event that just partook.
Since we had walked to the front of the line earlier, we were now walking in the back behind everyone, considering those at the bottom of the staircase had to move first.
Harry looked numb, Hermione stressed, and Ron nervous. I grabbed Ron's arm and pulled him aside. Harry and Hermione stopped for a moment and looked at us.
"Ron, it's fine. I can tell that you are worried but I'm here and everything is fine," I reassured him, hoping to aid his evident anxiety.
"Merlins beard, I don't know what I'd do without you," Ron sighed, glancing at my lips.
I glanced back at his and he leaned in. I closed my eyes, leaned in and crashed our lips together. I wrapped my arm around his neck, and his on my waist. After a few seconds we pulled apart, silently gasping for breath.
Thankfully, the hallway was completely empty. Or so I thought.
Hermione tensed up and gloomily stalked off into the room where we all ate together while Harry jogged after her. I pulled them from my mind and looked up at Ron. He was as red as the Gryffindor common room couch. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand. We walked into the great hall and I tried to claim a sleeping bag next to him.
"Ms. L/n, I believe you are a Slytherin. Therefore you must stay with your house, not your partner," Snape said, choosing the last word very wisely.
"Yes, sir," I muttered, not wanting to receive another detention.
Before I got up to walk to the Slytherin sleeping bags, I walked over to Hermione, who had already started on a textbook.
"Draco told me he is going to start competing with you in class," I told her suddenly, feeling as though if I didn't do it now there wouldn't be another opportunity.
"Why is that?" she questioned, hardly glancing up at her book.
"Well he thinks he is smart, but he also probably enjoys talking to you," I said nonchalantly.
"Draco Malfoy? Me?" she asked, closing her book in shock, laughing slightly as she thought about the pairing.
"Yes Hermione, don't act all shocked. Have you ever heard of enemies to lovers?"
"Of course I have! But that shouldn't apply to real life, it's only in the books."
"Just give him a chance if you find him interesting in any way. For me? Please?"
"Yeah, fine. I'm not sure if that'll be anytime soon though, so don't get your hopes up, Y/n."
"Yes ma'am," I called out while walking over to the group of Slytherins.
I found Blaise in a sleeping bag near the back of the room. I took the one in the very back corner while he was in front of me. As it was only around ten at night, many people were energized and not ready for bed quite yet.
Blaise called for Pansy to come sleep next to him, meaning she was be diagonal from me. I sighed and laid in my sleeping bag staring at the bewitched ceiling ahead of me. There were stars of all shapes and sizes floating around subtly. The fake glowing moon shined brightly and smiled down upon all the tranquil students.
"Is this taken?" a familiar voice questioned.
I looked up to see Draco, causing me to sight but then remembered that he still had to be nice to me for today.
"No, it's not."
He slid into the sleeping bag right next to mine.
"Why'd you decide to sit next to me Malfoy?" I questioned curiously.
"Oh you know, to get information about Hermione and to talk to Blaise."
"Well about Hermione, she thought the idea of you liking her was preposterous. She also promised that if she found you interesting in any way, shape, or form then she will give you a chance."
"Great," he replied sarcastically.
I turned my gaze back to the tampered-with ceiling and attempted to find the few stars that I knew.
I could feel Draco shift in his sleeping bag and mimicked my actions. We stared into the stars for a couple minutes.
"You're named after a star, right?" I questioned, while glancing at Blaise and Pansy together in one sleeping bag.
"Gamma Draconis. Can I ask you something personal?" he suddenly questioned, changing the topic from his name.
"It depends."
"Why don't you talk about your sister."
"I don't want to do this right now." I replied turning to my side away from him.
"You can't bottle up your emotions, Y/n."
"I can. I'm not talking to you about my sister." I replied, my blood starting to boil within my veins.
"I know I haven't been nice but—" he began.
"Nice? No Draco, you most certainly have been a complete git. I'm done talking about it!" I whisper-shouted.
I heard him sigh and turn away. I laid there for hours, thinking about my sister and scared to have a nightmare in front of the whole school. It was probably around one in the morning: the lights were off, students silent, and I had been laying there for a few hours.
I remembered what Hermione said about being with a comforting person which made me want to get up and lay with Ron. Though I couldn't do that because the teachers were roaming around and whispering amongst each other.
I heard Draco shift in his sleeping bag and I turned over to face him. His face twitched, grip tightened on his sleeping bag, and I noticed dark circles under his eyes that I hadn't seen before. It looked as if he was about to scream. Although I would've loved to see that, my brain told me to save him from the embarrassment.
"Draco!" I whispered.
He shifted but his eyes didn't flutter open. I wasn't sure what to do so I scooted my sleeping bag close to him and unwrapped his hand from his then I began to trace circles around it like my mom used to do to ease me as a baby before she blamed me for the death of Eleanor.
Draco's face softened and I sighed. I sat there for a couple more seconds, feeling myself drift off. I scooted back to my spot with my sleeping bag and drifted off into darkness.
I was the next to twitch; my sister was on her broom so I tried to shake her away but I couldn't. She was about to fall. I could feel myself twisting and turning but my sister wouldn't escape my mind. Before she did fall, my mind went black and I could feel a grip on my hand. I sighed and slept comfortably the rest of the night though confused as to what stopped Elenors reoccurring death in my head.
I awoke the next morning to students bustling around the Great Hall.
"Students up! We will put the tables out. You are free to go back to your dormitories. Sirius Black is nowhere to be found in Hogwarts," Dumbledore proudly announced.
The students replied with some cheers and tired groans as well. Dumbledore swished his wand in the air and all the sleeping bags vanished, to be replaced with four recognizable house tables.
I hurried off to my dormitory and put on some normal clothes, as it was a Saturday. I threw on leggings and a long t-shirt. Finally, when I finished my daily routine, I walked back into the Great Hall and sat down with the Gryffindor's, specifically Ron.
"Hey," I greeted, sitting down with my favorite ginger.
"Hi," they all replied.
"Are you okay, Harry?" I asked, noticing his eyes staring unusually at the ceiling above.
"I suppose," he answered.
"It's going to be okay, you know? We know that he is after you, therefore we just have to stay close to you for safety precautions."
"I suppose," he repeated, but a little more high-spirited this time.
"What are you guys going to be doing today?" Ron asked, ignoring our conversation about Sirius Black.
"I'm going to be catching up on homework," Hermione informed.
"I'll be doing homework and figuring out how to kill Sirius Black," Harry said plainly.
"I'll be preparing for the Slytherin party tonight. Ooh that reminds me! You guys have to come, it's going to be fun and it will get Sirius Black off of your mind for awhile," I persuaded.
"I'll be there!" Ron said immediately, using any excuse to see me.
"C'mon Harry, Hermione?"
"I'll go. It'll be a good distraction," Harry said, acting as though he is convincing himself more than anyone else.
"Well, if I get all my reading done then I will attempt to come. No promises though," Hermione said while shaking her head disappointedly at the eagerness of the two boys.
"There will be muggle music, butterbeer, and karaoke," I added.
"I said I will attempt, there is no need to persuade me any longer."
"Well I hope to see you all there but I must go now. I have to form a group of people to help out and then we have to decorate and set everything up."
"Have fun," Harry called out.
"Hope to see you guys there," I replied, giving Ron a small peck on the lips before I got up and walked away.
I was walking towards the dungeons when Fred and George Weasley stopped me in the hall unexpectedly.
"Hello, I'm Fred," Fred stated holding out his hand, to which I shook lightly.
"I'm George," the other one greeted, also holding out his hand.
"Pleasure to meet you both," I replied, finishing my handshake with George.
"So you are the famous Y/n?" Fred started.
"Ron has told us loads about you," George finished.
"Oh — that's great."
"No need to be shy," George began.
"We think it's brilliant!" Fred ended.
"Well I'm glad to have your approval."
"I'm not sure why you'd ever bloody choose Ron —"
" — but we applaud you, truly, for dealing with him, of course," George continued while smiling.
I beamed at them and a brilliant thought came to my mind.
"I hear that you two sell random products to the students. Would you like to come to the Slytherin party tonight and maybe make some extra galleons with the crowd while they're walking in or something?"
"That's —"
" — bloody —"
" — brilliant!" Fred finished.
"Great, you guys can set up right outside the door and persuade people as they walk in," I replied, walking away.
"Thanks Y/n! Ron's lucky," George shouted down the hall.
I laughed and walked into the Slytherin common room. There was a group of people that Blaise collected, sitting in complete silence.
"Wonderful, you got people!" I excitedly observed.
"Yes, now tell them what to do."
"Blaise get the drinks and snacks. Astoria help the twins set up their stuff outside. Parkinson get the disco lights and decorations. Malfoy get the Muggle music and karaoke machine. McLaggen, I'm not sure why you're here but hang up all the decorations and I will work on invitations and setting up the common room." I said, pointing at each of them when giving them a job. "Also, if you find anyone else that wants to help, give them a job."
"Y/n." Draco came up after I began to walk away.
"Yes, Malfoy?" I questioned, still annoyed by his attempt to talk about my sister yesterday and completely ignoring the events that partook last night with his nightmares.
"What kind of Muggle music do you want?"
"Muggle 80's, pop music, and anything upbeat for a party but don't forget about a few slow songs as well."
He walked off after scribbling all of those things on parchment and I turned the opposite way and continued to walk away.
Throughout the day, I first informed Slytherins about the party. I then told a couple of people from each house and the news spread fairly quickly. We were a bunch of teenagers after all. I hung out in the common room, helping others and moving stuff around to get ready for the party. I skipped lunch but dinner came quick. Many people scarfed down their food, excited for the party. The professors were confused when half of the room exited early.
I sprinted to the common room, tidied some last minute furniture up with the other Slytherins and jogged up to my dorm. I put on a formal black dress and a silver necklace with a frog bewitched to croak when I become upset.
I touched up my fading makeup and curled my hair into loose curls. After placing some black, fancy shoes on my feet, I headed down to the common room. Faint music flooded my ears, the common room door creaked open repeatedly, and chattery people spoke from below. I took a deep breath and emerged from behind the stairs, the party awaiting my arrival.
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