"If you really think about it, tobacco companies kill their best customers while condom companies kill their future ones," Jimin muttered, lying down on his back on the bed with his head hanging off, peach hair swaying.
"You've been talking to Hoseok lately, haven't you?" Jeongguk sighed, folding a black t-shirt before stuffing it into a large black duffel bag.
Jimin giggled, his arms beside his head as they dangled. "I realised his thoughts and theories are actually pretty interesting." He looked over at Jeongguk who was still folding clothes.
See, Jeongguk was actually packing clothes for the theatre trip that was taking place only two days later and needed help for what clothes to pack. Jimin, being the great friend he was, decided to give him a hand and invited himself to Jeongguk's room.
-If gazing intensely at the ceiling of his room was considered 'giving him a hand'.
"Chim, you said you were going to help!" Jeongguk complained, holding up two pairs of denim jeans.
"I am!" Jimin cried. "Go with that one." He pointed to left pair. "You look good in ripped jeans."
Jeongguk sighed, folding up the left pair of jeans and placing it inside the bag. "I'm going to miss you." Jimin pouted, lifting himself up so he was now sitting on the bed.
"Will you?" Jeongguk smirked, rummaging through some clothes in his closet.
Jimin nodded, getting off from the bed and walking to the closet where Jeongguk was, giving him a back hug. "You know I will."
"It's only gonna be for three days." Jeongguk giggled, picking out an oversized cream jacket and a graphic white t-shirt.
"Still," Jimin mumbled against Jeongguk's shoulder.
Jeongguk smiled warmly at his friend before he showed the clothes to him. "Would these go together?"
Jimin took a second to look at the clothes then nodded eagerly. "Woah- that with those jeans would look good."
Jeongguk grinned, walking away from Jimin's embrace and over to his bag and folding the clothes before placing them gently inside. "I'm surprised you didn't decide to go full emo by dressing in all black," Jimin commented, surprised.
"Good idea!" Jeongguk cried, scurrying back to his closet where he picked out the darkest outfit possible, showing it to Jimin who shook his head in disbelief before packing it.
Jimin sat back down on the bed, swinging his legs back and forth. "Are you seriously gonna pack those iron man socks?" He laughed.
Jeongguk nodded, eyebrows furrowed. "Um, yeah? Obviously." He spoke as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, carefully packing the socks in a small compartment. "I'm gonna pack my toothbrush and stuff on the day of the trip."
"You do you." Jimin sighed as he stopped swinging his legs, his expression shifting. "Hey, Gguk. I've noticed something."
"Yeah?" Jeongguk replied, zipping up his bag before throwing it to the corner of his room. He plopped down onto the bed next to Jimin. "What would that be?"
"You and Taehyung have been acting particularly close these days. Last time I checked you guys sorta hated each other." Jimin looked at Jeongguk with curious eyes, arms resting on his lap.
Jeongguk froze.
"Well, I- I guess things have changed, y'know?" He tried to play off, picking at his lips.
Jimin slowly nodded, eyeing Jeongguk for a moment before turning away. "You're right, anyway. Wanna play Mario Kart?" He pointed to the switch near the small TV Jeongguk had which faced his bed.
"Again?" Jeongguk asked, and Jimin bit his lip. There was a pause.
"Ah, fine." Jeongguk dramatically sighed, turning on the TV and handing Jimin a controller before sitting back down on the bed. "I'm playing as Peach by the way." He smirked at the way Jimin's mouth fell.
"Fuck you. Get ready to lose, Gguk."
Today was the day.
The day of the theatre trip rolled around quicker than Jeongguk could even blink.
It was two days later and everyone in the theatre class were now crammed on the train, heading for Incheon. Jeongguk was dressed a comfortable all-black outfit which was a simple oversized sweatshirt with some black pants and matching chunky boots with his earphones plugged in.
He sat in between Taehyung and Jin who were ranting to the other students opposite them. Jeongguk merely smiled and nodded, constantly adjusting himself on the uncomfortable plastic seats.
He glanced over at Taehyung, who was wearing a simple tan knitted sweater which was tucked into some dark green pants and some sandals, all that hidden under a long dark coat. He had his hair brushed back so his forehead was revealed and seemed to be laughing at the conversation going on amongst them, Jeongguk decided to finally pay attention.
"-I'm pretty sure that's a myth." Yeri sighed.
"No, it isn't! If a penny was dropped from the empire state building it could definitely kill someone on the sidewalk!" Yugyeom cried with big eyes, making the girl facepalm.
"Physics say otherwise!"
Jeongguk laughed at the conversation, Jin was groaning in disbelief while Taehyung was rolling his eyes.
"Look, Yugyeom." Sehun started, clapping his hands together to get his attention. "The penny wouldn't pick up enough speed to be able to kill someone! It would only reach a terminal velocity of thirty to a hundred miles per hour, depending on the wind."
Yugyeom looked at the boy with wide eyes, he raised a brow. "Um, you what now?"
Sehun sighed, rubbing his temples. "Basically, it would hurt if the penny fell on you but it wouldn't be enough to kill you."
"Oh." Yugyeom let out. "I'm gonna stick to believing that you could die."
"Oh my god-"
"Anyway!" Yeri cried. "Are you guys happy with your parts in the play?"
Jeongguk turned to Taehyung, who let out a scoff. "Nope." He groaned, huffing out. Jeongguk just giggled.
"Me neither." Seulgi smiled. "I got that fairy twink character or whatever." She said which earned her a couple chuckles.
"Ariel?" Sehun asked.
"Yeah, that."
Jin laughed cockily, a smirk on his face. "Wow, it must suck being you guys. Do you ever get the part you want just to flex on Taehyung and Seulgi?" He boasted, aiming that statement at Seulgi especially.
"Bitch." She muttered under her breath.
"But anyway, you guys are lucky. Princely characters aren't for me! They're not even that interesting, they just act romantic and shit and have no other personality." Taehyung trailed angrily, making Jeongguk let out another giggle.
Yugyeom laughed, leaning his head back against the window. "I was here worrying if you would be able to act since you didn't seem like yourself for the past few weeks but you seem great now." He commented, lifting himself off from the window. "I'm happy for you, man."
Taehyung smiled at his words, subconsciously turning to Jeongguk who nodded with warm eyes. Jeongguk yawned after Taehyung turned away, feeling his eyes start to droop.
"I thought I was the only one? Yeah, Taehyung. You've kinda seemed back to normal I guess but like- better." Seulgi grinned at the boy.
Taehyung just chuckled, looking away. "Thanks."
Jeongguk just kept a small smile on his face, dangling his feet off the seat despite being tall enough for his feet to reach the ground. The boy found himself getting sleepier, Jeongguk didn't want to fall asleep on the train but sleep was calling his name. Stupidly, he fluttered his eyes shut, promising himself that it was only for a minute, just for a minute-
Taehyung then felt a weight fall onto his shoulder, hearing a small gasp from Jin afterwards. He turned around to see that, Jeongguk, had fallen fast asleep on his shoulder, snoring softly.
"Look, Jeongguk's fast asleep!" Jin whisper-cried, pointing to the sleeping boy next to him with his thumb.
"Jin, you're acting like you've never seen a sleeping person before." Yeri deadpanned, making sure to keep her voice low.
Jin snarled at her before glancing at Jeongguk again. "But look! He's fallen asleep on Taehyung's shoulder."
"I think we know that, Jin." Taehyung sighed, brushing some brown strands of hair away from Jeongguk's eyes, the sight bringing a smile to his face.
"Aw, that's cute." Yeri smiled but then her expression morphed into a frown, she looked down to her feet. "I still kind of feel bad for Jennie. Her audition was super good but she didn't end up getting the part for Miranda."
"But you did pretty good too, that's why you got the role," Sehun reassured, and everyone else nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Yeri. You did just as well as Jennie so don't worry about it." Taehyung smiled, subconsciously fiddling with Jeongguk's hands, lacing their fingers together.
"Speaking of Jennie, should we invite her over? I don't see her sitting with anyone and I kinda feel bad." Seulgi pointed to the girl who was seated a couple of seats away.
Yeri scoffed. "Of course we should- Hey! Jennie!" She called out a bit too loud which woke Jeongguk up. He snapped his head up, looking rather confused.
"Huh?" Jeongguk groggily mumbled, his vision still a bit blurry as everyone inwardly panicked. Taehyung instantly went back to brushing his hair, leading his head to rest on his shoulder again.
"Shh, it's nothing. Go back to sleep, Jeon." He hushed, stroking Jeongguk's soft locks, running them through his fingers. Jeongguk managed to fall back asleep after a couple of minutes of Taehyung playing with his hair, his puffy cheek pressed against Taehyung's broad shoulder.
Taehyung untangled his fingers from Jeongguk's brown hair, shooting Yeri a death glare to which the girl shuddered, mumbling out a barely audible apology as well as an even quieter comment on how cute the pair looked.
Jennie was turned around in her seat, watching the situation with that glint her eye. Yeri eventually noticed her turned around and waved at her. "I was gonna ask you to come sit with us!" She whisper-shouted, gesturing towards the seat next to Taehyung.
Jennie smiled as she wordlessly got up, walking over to them and sitting beside Taehyung.
"Hi." She greeted, giving the boy a small wave to which Taehyung smiled in response, going back to fiddling with Jeongguk's hands. "Try to be a bit quiet though, Jeon's sleeping." He chuckled, eyes glancing to the boy.
Jennie giggled. "I figured as much." She whispered back, adjusting her black skirt on her seat.
Yugyeom looked at the two with raised brows for a quick moment before changing the topic. "Y'know, people who are good-looking but have shit personalities are basically human click baits."
Sehun chuckled. "So.. Jin basically?"
Jin jokingly flicked his hair. "I know I'm good-looking."
"I don't think you heard him saying that you have a shit personality." Seulgi deadpanned.
"You have a shit personality." Jin fought back against Sehun, crossing his arms over his chest angrily as everyone laughed at that, trying to be quiet so Taehyung wouldn't beat their asses for waking Jeongguk up.
Everyone carried on like that- mindlessly ranting about random things that occurred to them, eventually just full-on arguing about which century the French Revolution happened.
Taehyung just kept gently caressing Jeongguk's hand, a small smile evident on his face as he himself began to grow tired. Eventually, he felt his eyes drift close, his consciousness ebbing away as he finally fell asleep. His head laid atop Jeongguk's, feeling the brown strands brush gently against his face, snoozing away.
"Look." Seulgi pointed at the two sleeping boys, Yeri laughed silently. "Man, why do they look decent whilst sleeping. I look like a fucking whale when I'm asleep."
Yugyeom, Sehun and Jin stifled a chuckle, slapping a hand over their mouths while Jennie just looked at the sleeping pair, the same unreadable expression on her face.
She went back to facing the window opposite her, behind where the others were sitting. Jennie gazed at the deep green bushes that rushed past, she looked higher up where she could see the blissful blue sky where the sun shone proudly. She looked even higher to see the streaks of clouds being left by a plane that soared across the sky.
Jennie sighed softly to herself, her hands resting on her lap as she picked at her nails, her pink lips curving into a small smile.
The hotel visit after the train ride was as hectic as ever.
Both Jeongguk and Taehyung were still very tired from their one hour nap so it was especially tough on them. Jeongguk was groggily holding onto Taehyung's arm, hair tousled and eyes squinted as Mr. Han checked in. Taehyung just stood there, just as tired, rubbing his eyes in order to be more awake.
Students were chatting along to their friends, Seulgi and Jin arguing about whether or not a tomato was a fruit while the rest laughed, ignoring the two's pointless quarrels.
When they were on the way to their rooms, which was on the fourth floor, Jeongguk straight-up refused to take the elevator despite Taehyung attempts to convince him. Jeongguk ended up struggling his way up the flight of stairs, being tired and all slowed him down even further.
Eventually, Jeongguk made it to the fourth floor, seeing Taehyung waiting for him at the top with a cocky grin plastered on his face. Jeongguk, although being out of breath, had the energy to playfully shove the boy by the shoulder which made him let out a chuckle.
When they made it to their hotel room, Jeongguk immediately threw his bag to the side and flopped onto the bed after struggling to take off his shoes, letting out a hum of delight as he felt himself instantly relax.
"You literally took a nap for an hour and you're still tired?" Taehyung asked, taking off his coat as he began to unpack.
"Shut up, I'm tired," Jeongguk mumbled with a pout on his face, breathing in the scent of the hotel's freshly washed duvet.
Taehyung merely smiled, strolling over to Jeongguk's bed. He crouched down so he was at Jeongguk's level before he brushed his hair back, planting a kiss on his puffy cheek.
"Come on, get up." He gently spoke, his lips remaining on Jeongguk's face for a moment. "The others wanted to explore Incheon for a bit since the musical is tomorrow and I think it's best we tag along." Taehyung kissed the boy's pouty lips.
Jeongguk felt his cheeks slightly burn at that. He sighed a few moments later before begrudgingly getting up from the bed. "Fine, let me unpack quickly and then we can go." He grumbled, picking up his bag and zipping it open, feeling a case of butterflies in his stomach for a reason he didn't quite know yet.
What was it exactly?
Taehyung grinned once more, he got up from the floor and brushed himself off. "Thank you."
Jeongguk unpacked his phone charger and couple items of clothing, placing it beside the bedside table while Taehyung went to the bathroom to wash his face.
A few minutes later, Taehyung came back from the bathroom, slipping his phone and wallet inside his pocket. "Let's go, Jeon." He called out, Jeongguk nodding and walking along beside him out the hotel room door.
Incheon was so different yet so similar to Seoul indeed.
The city air was fresh and crisp, there wasn't a single cloud present in the daytime sky, the glorious sun as bright as could be. Many buildings stood tall and proud amongst the city, many people walked along the concrete pavement, many cars sped along the road, it was all so busy.
Jeongguk breathed in the city air, looking at his surroundings with big doe eyes. He was walking in a group with Taehyung and the others, he strolled beside Yeri and Seulgi who were still ranting about the French Revolution and what not- something strange like that.
"Yikes- Belle from Beauty and the Beast picked the worst time to get married into royalty." Seulgi grimaced, shoes clicking against the pavement.
"Don't even get me started with that film!" Sehun, who was walking alongside Yugyeom and Jin, called from behind, a scowl on his face.
Yeri turned to the boy. "What about it?"
"There are so many things wrong with it! Stockholm syndrome? Check. Partial Beastiality? Check. The time Belle decided to go marry into royalty? Fucking check!" Sehun rambled on, hands flailing about.
Taehyung laughed. "I mean, he isn't wrong. There are a few things about the film which is kinda concerning." Jeongguk turned around at the sound of his voice, seeing him walking beside Jennie who didn't seem to be talking much.
Jeongguk felt something in his brain that told him to go talk to her, was it pity? Sighing, Jeongguk did so. He left Yeri and Seulgi and headed over to the girl, a smile on his face.
"Hey, I like your outfit." He grinned, seeing the girl's expression stay blank for a moment before lighting up.
"Oh, thank you." She smiled back, adjusting her skirt over her stockings. "On Wednesdays I wear pink." Jennie gestured to her pink Chanel top.
Jeongguk gasped excitedly, eyes big. "It's actually Monday but I'll let it slide- you know Mean Girls?"
"Of course." Jennie giggled, playing with her necklace, and Jeongguk's eyes glimmered. "Oh my gosh, really? Do you know Legally blonde?"
Soon enough, the two had formed a friendly friendship, Jeongguk had realised that he'd completely misjudged Jennie because, in reality, she was actually really sweet.
They laughed together as they saw their friends stupidly posing in front of some statues, watching Seulgi taking out her phones out to snap pictures of their silly shenanigans.
"Oh my god- Yugyeom stop making that dumb bird pose all the time." Jin cried, "Taehyung, stop him." He looked over to Taehyung who was posing normally with a peace sign.
"Yugyeom, stop being an embarrassment to the human race." He deadpanned which earned him a scoff from the boy who eventually threw a normal-looking pose which was him holding a thumbs-up sign.
"Thank god." Seulgi sighed in relief, a hand pressed to her chest. "Okay, say cheese."
"Spaghetti!" The pair cried in unison, flashing some goofy smiles as they remained in those poses for a couple of seconds.
Seulgi grinned, taking a look at the picture on her phone, both Taehyung and Yugyeom jogging over and peaking over her shoulder to take a look. "These look good," Seulgi commented, her gaze then shifted to Jeongguk and Jennie. "Hey! Jeongguk, Jennie!"
"And that's why Heather Duke was a bigger bitch than Heather Chandler- huh, what?" Jeongguk called out, confused.
"You and Jennie get over here! We wanna take a picture!" Yeri gestured to the statue, Seulgi smiled as she held up her phone.
Jeongguk smiled at Jennie, walking in front of the statue with her as he struck a simple pose, standing with a peace sign like Taehyung.
"Wait!" Jennie cried, shaking her hand in front of the camera. "Let me tie my hair up first." She then proceeded to bunch her dark locks in her hand, using the pink scrunchie that was on her wrist to tie it up in a low ponytail.
"Okay, let's take the picture." She sighed, holding her hands at her front with a small smile. Seulgi nodded and did so, taking the picture while the others peered at her phone.
- In Serial25 Chapters
The Cosmic Interloper
Synopsis: A cyborg transhuman escapes her corporate indenture and through unfathomably unlikely circumstances, she ends up in a fantasy world of full of unique magic, angry people with sharp implements, and the whole flavor-spectrum of divine entities. Hilarity ensues. Features: - No blue boxes or cultivation, this is not a LitRPG nor about martial arts - Hard-ish Sci-Fi meets hard-ish magic - Generally trying to keep this "rational" Rationale: My primary goal with The Cosmic Interloper is to write something that I myself would enjoy reading. Of course, that’s not the only motivation, but I think it’s the most important one for me to keep in mind, especially as the author. In fact, this whole story came about because after consuming oodles of fiction, I found myself craving a very specific type of story which I couldn’t find many examples of. Then I asked myself, “why not write it myself?” and here we are. Disclaimer: In general, while I’m not writing a comedy, I do intend for this story to be funny and a bit wacky or absurd. That said though, I am using this story as a vehicle to explore some potentially dark topics including (but not limited to) slavery, speciesism/racism, and existential questions of self, consciousness, and identity. Still, I’m going to leave the “traumatizing content” tags off, because I don’t feel that what I’ve written so far (or plan on writing) exceeds the threshold that would be necessary for me to tag it thusly. Also, [insert your favorite boilerplate “views expressed” disclaimer here]. I shouldn’t need to say this, but the main character can be wrong on occasion (gasp!) and the way she views the world is not the objective truth (if such a thing even exists).
8 162 - In Serial42 Chapters
RETURN, A Dark Lord story.
Return, Synopsis In the Triangulum Galaxy, one of a number of galaxies controlled by the Empire of The DARK LORD, JENNA OF CHRISTOS finds herself on the run after she killed a patrolman. Becoming pilot on a pirate craft, several years later she and other pirates are devastated by attacks of the Imperial Legion and are now trying to regroup. Seeking funds that will help them hide out for a time, their leader THURGOD DRISTA and JENNA meet with a PROFESSOR of galactic history who gives them information, a map and an ancient artifact described as a singing stone. He tells them that this could lead them safely to a legendary treasure trove, called THE DARK LORDS HOARD, on the forbidden planet TRILLA. The hoard is supposed to belong to the ruler of the empire who vanished close to one thousand years before and is presumed to be gone. The treasure is believed to be hidden in a tunnel accessible from the planet surface but no one who has gone into the tunnel has ever come out alive or sane. Leaving the pirate hideout immediately after the meeting and avoiding a major attack by the legion, the pirates travel to the galactic rim for supplies and to leave a false trail. With them they take the PROFESSOR and ILISA, a serving girl. However CAPTAIN TRASKA the commander of a Legions task force called Detachment T, has guessed the pirates intentions and tracked them to the rim. The pirates leave on their next leg to TRILLA unaware that CAPTAIN TRASKA with his force of heavy cruisers, is already there and lying in wait for them. Allowing the pirates to land, including an unexpected second pirate ship, CAPTAIN TRASKA sends a force of troopers to capture both craft and their guards. Before they can do this, THURGOD, the PROFESSOR and others, numbering thirteen altogether and led by JENNA entered the tunnel complex. JENNA, warned by ILISA that she must be the one to hold the singing stone, carries it in the hope that it will guide her and her companions past the many dangers in the tunnel. Shortly afterward, VIS VISTRICER the Legions overall commander travels to Trilla in an armoured planetoid, a spacecraft as large as a moon. On his arrival at TRILLA, VIS VISTRICER meets with CAPTAIN TRASKA but before they can do much, they are both surprised by one of the LADIES OF THE CIRCLE who is waiting for the outcome of what is happening in the tunnels. In the tunnels, JENNA leads THURGOD and the rest of party through many dangers and tests. Four are killed in the tunnels but the rest finally come to their goal where, to their surprise, in a cavern they meet the DARK LORD who is alive and very well. He has been waiting for them so he can return to the Empire. JENNA finds out that the patrol officer is alive and that she and many others have been manipulated all this time by the DARK LORD. She also finds out that ILISA, whose real name is JURA, is a member of the CIRCLE OF LADIES and was sent to teach JENNA many years before on her home planet of Christos. The DARK LORD restores and fulfills a promise to release JURA from her service as a LADY. He next has each pirate declare their own fate and takes them to the surfaces of TRILLA. There, at their election, he executes two of the pirates while JENNA is pardoned and some have the death penalty reprieved. The rest will face the courts of the Legion. VIS VISTRICER is raised to the rank of STAR COMMANDER, the highest rank in the Legion while TRASKA becomes a COMMODORE. The DARK LORD returns to Tihab, the administrative centre of the empire. There he takes up his residence in a surprised and disconcerted imperial palace. JENNA is returned by COMMODORE TRASKA to the planet Christos where she is welcomed by the planets rulers and her family, some of whom were aware of some of what was happening.
8 253 - In Serial11 Chapters
Forbidden (Kamisato Ayato)
"M-my Lord, please stop. This- this is wrong.""Wrong? What's wrong showing affection to my lover? Hmmm."There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.
8 166 - In Serial238 Chapters
Marked for Death
A deathworld version of the Naruto setting, a team of missing-nin fleeing from Mist into Fire, and one disaster after another. What could possibly go right? MfD is a quest that has been running on SufficientVelocity since 2015. Velorien and I co-author it and he has agreed to let me re-post his chapters here. "Quest" in this context means that after every update the readers vote for what they want the protagonist to do next. SV updates on Thursdays and Sundays.
8 163 - In Serial31 Chapters
Silence ✔️
Zelda Harkinian is a girl with impaired hearing and has been bullied mercilessly for it her entire life. Years later, one of her former tormentors, Link Forrester, sets out to make amends, in hopes of earning her forgiveness and help with the new problems he now faces. ••The Legend of Zelda and its characters belong to Nintendo. Cover art was created by Finni Chang. If you would like your art removed, please pm me!Inspired by the Japanese animated movie "Koe No Katachi" (A Silent Voice). All writing is mine. Please do not repost my work anywhere else.Highest Rank: #1 in Zelink3rd place in the Popularity Contest under the Modern AU category for the Zelda Watty Awards 2018!Word Count: 52KPublished: January 22, 2017 11:07 PMCompleted: May 2, 2017 10:51 AM-KatyWritesStuff- ©
8 142 - In Serial11 Chapters
Undead Girls: A different change
Follow the story of some very different type of friends. A story filled with sadness, madness, depravity, and more. And yes... There will be undead
8 74