Jeongguk was confused, to say the least.
Yesterday was filled with all sorts of chaos and emotions, leaving Jeongguk with a lot of pleasant memories of Incheon and his time at the theatre trip.
Especially the one on the playground.
See, that night in the playground with Taehyung had really fucked up with Jeongguk's brain. He just couldn't get it out of his mind to the point that it was getting frustrating!
Not to mention that, Taehyung, he- he called him pretty! Jeongguk could feel the heat rising to his cheeks just thinking about it. The thing Jeongguk was confused about all this was-
What was that indescribable feeling?
What was it when he and Taehyung were walking back to the hotel, that feeling of butterflies when Taehyung gave him a warm smile?
What was it when Taehyung climbed into his bed, cuddling him from behind until they both fell asleep, despite there being two beds and why his heart fluttered at that?
What was it when Taehyung pecked his cheek softly and mumbled a low goodnight before falling asleep, making Jeongguk's cheeks flush?
Jeongguk didn't know why he was thinking so deeply about this. He and Taehyung always engaged in casual kisses to full-on make-out sessions without a second thought after.
So why was this bothering him now?
"Hey, Jeongguk!" A voice called out, making Jeongguk look up from his phone.
There was Taehyung arriving from the bathroom, he was dressed in a flowered button-down top with some oversized tan pants which were worn under a dark green coat with the buttons undone. His dark locks fell in the usual curls over his forehead, a side of his fringe tucked behind his ear.
"Are you still not ready yet?" Taehyung sighed, walking towards Jeongguk who was still lying in bed.
Jeongguk stayed silent, scrolling through his phone, avoiding eye contact with the boy.
Taehyung sat on the bed, his palm pressed onto the bed. He gave Jeongguk a frustrated glance. "Oh, come on, Jeongguk!" He groaned, watching the boy ignore him and scroll through his phone.
Something that Jeongguk had noticed after that night was- Taehyung was calling him by his real name. No longer was he calling him 'Jeon' he was calling him Jeongguk!
Jeongguk continued to ignore Taehyung, he was scared that if he looked at him he'd get that weird feeling again so he stayed quiet, biting his bottom lip.
Taehyung let out a huff, thinking of what he could do to get the boy's attention. Then the idea came to him, the corner of his lips tugged into a smirk. He had an idea alright.
Suddenly, Taehyung threw himself on top of Jeongguk, caging him between his legs as he began to nip at his neck, making Jeongguk burst out into giggles.
"I- I told you that t-tickles!" Jeongguk squealed, his phone falling out of his grasp and next to him on the bed. Jeongguk tried to pry Taehyung off his neck, pushing his shoulders back but that caused the boy to get a grip on his wrists and pinning them by his sides, still sucking on his neck but not hard enough to leave marks. Jeongguk squealed even louder.
He tried kicking Taehyung off, giggling aloud when Taehyung moved onto his face, peppering kisses all over. Jeongguk tried moving his face away but that pushed Taehyung to release his grip on his wrists to cup his face.
"T-Taehyung! What are you d-doing-" Jeongguk began with a laugh but was then cut off when Taehyung clasped their lips together, that pausing Jeongguk's flailing movements. Jeongguk quickly went to grab Taehyung's arms, feeling his hands travel down from his face to his waist, giving it a light squeeze.
Taehyung pulled away after a couple moments, looking at Jeongguk with fond eyes. Jeongguk stared back, feeling his heart race rapidly. Taehyung then buried his face in the crook of the boy's neck, lips on his neck. "Jeongguk, baby." He called out, voice muffled.
Jeongguk thought he clearly misheard Taehyung so he acted like he didn't hear him at all, his heart still hammering in his chest. He then felt Taehyung bring his hand up to caress his cheek, stroking it softly with his thumb. "Baby." He said a bit more clearly
Nope- Jeongguk heard him correctly. He heard him loud and fucking clear but why was Taehyung calling him pet names all of a sudden?
"W-what?" He stammered, feeling a sudden swelling in his heart, and Taehyung raised himself up, brushing Jeongguk's hair back. "You need to get-"
A sudden knocking at the door interrupted them, Taehyung practically jumped off of Jeongguk, scrambling to his feet next to the bed. Jeongguk quickly sat up too, trying to calm his heart down.
"Y-yeah?" Taehyung called out and the door soon opened, revealing Jin. He was dressed in a simple pink top and black ripped jeans that matched his leather jacket which he wore over accompanied by some sneakers.
"Are you guys ready yet? We need to leave soon for the musical." He asked, his hands on his hips with a frustrated pout on his face.
Today was the day of the musical, a lot of their friends were understandably hyped up about it, memorising each and every lyric of the songs while Jeongguk just laughed at their antics.
"Well, I am. Jeon- Jeongguk isn't." Taehyung said as he fidgeted with the sleeves of his coat, pointing to the boy who just huffed in response.
"Come on, Jeongguk!" Jin cried, and Jeongguk nodded. "I know! I know! I'll get ready now." He groaned, getting out of bed.
Jin nodded, cracking a small smile. "Great, see you soon." He said quickly, closing the door behind him after leaving. Taehyung looked at Jeongguk with a cocky grin. "That's why you should listen to me."
"Fuck off." Jeongguk bit back, cheeks still slightly burning as he grabbed his bag and rushed into the bathroom to change.
Taehyung let out a small laugh before sitting back on the bed where he sighed softly to himself, looking down at the floor.
The class was very rowdy that day.
Because of the obvious hype over watching Heathers, the students were more talkative than usual, some excitedly squealing. Jeongguk too, was just as excited.
When Mr. Han announced that they were going to be watching Heathers: The Musical, Jeongguk spent the remaining week watching the movie and listening to the musical soundtrack to get a feel for it.
Oh, he definitely felt it.
So there Jeongguk was, in the theatre seated in the rows beside Taehyung and many more of their friends. He decided to don the outfit Jimin suggested him to wear which was a simple white graphic t-shirt worn under an oversized cream jacket, some ripped jeans with a black belt and converse shoes.
Jeongguk was very much hyped, a wide grin plastered on his face accompanied with twinkling eyes.
"Someone's excited." Taehyung teased, resting his elbow on the armrest of the seat. Jeongguk giggled, nodding his head eagerly. "We're literally about to watch Heathers! Why wouldn't I be?" He cried, making Taehyung break out into a grin.
Jeongguk eagerly turned to Jennie, tapping her shoulder. "Aren't you excited?" Jennie looked at Jeongguk blankly for a minute before smiling, nodding her head. "Mhm!" She let out before the two burst out into excited squeals.
"Freeze Your Brain is the best song." She announced, crossing her arms but Jeongguk shook his head frantically. "Um, no. Candy Store is."
Jennie blinked before gasping, putting a hand to her chest to be extra. "First of all, your opinion's utter garbage." She pointed up one finger. "Second of all, I'm right." Another finger went up. "Third of all, Freeze Your Brain is the best song!" She groaned, looking at Jeongguk with her eyebrows furrowed and three fingers held up.
Jeongguk laughed bitterly, scoffing at the girl after. "Sorry, I don't speak wrong." Jennie gasped once more.
"Excuse me? You're the one speaking wrong, I'm spitting facts." She snarled, flicking her ebony locks behind her shoulder dramatically.
Jeongguk widened his eyes. "I'm sorry, you're really not. Here's why Candy Store is the best song-"
"Personally, I'd like to believe that Dead Girl Walking is a very good song." Taehyung interrupted, making the pair snap their heads at him.
Jeongguk stared at the boy for a couple more seconds before his expression morphed into something of approval. He turned to Jennie. "I mean, he isn't wrong." He muttered, seeing Jennie nod in response.
"I'm your dead girl walking-" Jeongguk let out, pretending to sing highly off-key but then paused, turning to Taehyung.
"Wait-" Jeongguk paused, looking at Taehyung with big eyes. "Isn't that song about-"
Taehyung jokingly winked at Jeongguk. The boy blushed profusely, hitting Taehyung in the chest. "Stop fooling around!" He cried, Taehyung laughing out in response.
Jennie gazed at the pair with a blank expression, that sinister glint in her eyes flickering for about a second before she turned away, facing the front.
Jeongguk and Taehyung continued to mess around for a bit, Jeongguk trying to control himself and his racing heart so it wouldn't explode while being around Taehyung. He didn't know why he was feeling this way or what he could do about it so he tried to push his emotions back to the furthest part of his brain, somewhere he didn't have to think about them.
Soon enough, the musical started and Jeongguk was more than hyped. He looked over to Jennie who seemed to be equally as excited, smiling widely as well as squealing.
A lot of people silently squealed in the crowd too, cheering as each character made their appearance. Jeongguk saw how Yeri and Seulgi were close to screeching from behind, awe painting their features.
Jeongguk swore he nearly screamed the whole place down when he saw the actors of his favourite characters appear on stage, tugging on Jennie's arm, squealing to which she squealed along with the boy.
Taehyung frowned at that. He grabbed Jeongguk's arm, his grip softly travelling to the boy's hand where he laced their fingers together, placing their hands on his lap.
"Taehyung?" Jeongguk called out after he turned to Taehyung, looking at him with big doe eyes while Taehyung just avoided eye contact as he stayed silent, tightening his grip on Jeongguk's hand.
Jeongguk smiled at that with his cheeks tinted a rosy pink with that weird fuzzy feeling coming back. Ignoring it once more, Jeongguk went back to paying attention to the musical. He was so occupied with singing his heart out to the songs and the fact that he and Taehyung were literally holding hands right now- that he had forgotten to 'analyse' the actors' musical talent for his essay.
Jeongguk was just too mesmerised by the performance to even take mental notes of it. Oh well, his essay was going to be one of the shittiest of the bunch anyway.
Jeongguk continued to watch the musical, his hand interlaced with Taehyung's on the boy's lap as he enjoyed himself, a wide grin on his face throughout.
However, something he didn't notice was how Jennie kept throwing glances at the pair, that same unreadable expression on her face. That glint in her eye shone gloriously amongst the theatre lights before turning away once more.
Before he knew it, the musical was over. Time had passed by in a blink but Jeongguk was not ready to leave. There he stayed, glued to his seat as Taehyung tried to convince him to get up, his words going in one ear and coming out the other.
He and Taehyung were still holding hands when the boy was trying to heave him from his seat, telling him that it was time to go with Jeongguk whining in protest.
"Jeongguk- I said we need to go!" Taehyung gritted out, removing his hand from Jeongguk's in order to grip under his arms to lift him up. Many of the students watched in confusion, some letting out a few snickers at the scene.
"No! I don't want to!" Jeongguk protested before he felt everyone's gaze on them, even some from people that weren't in their class. Grumbling a couple of incoherent words, Jeongguk got up, feeling Taehyung let his grip go of him and look at him with a small smile. "Thank you."
Eventually, everyone was out of the theatre, coming out super hyped. Almost everyone was discussing the musical, talking about how iconic it was.
Jeongguk walked in a group with Yeri and Yugyeom, listening along as they ranted about the songs.
"-I'm telling you, Candy Store was the best song in the musical until Riverdale decided to fucking ruin it!" Yeri cried, Yugyeom nodding eagerly in agreement.
"I fucking know right! They changed 'a snack' to 'ice cream' like- what the fuck were they thinking?" Yugyeom groaned, covering his face with his hands while Jeongguk giggled.
"Riverdale ruins a lot of things with its cringey writing." Jeongguk deadpanned, smiling when both Yeri and Yugyeom let out some cries of agreement.
"True and true," Yeri replied, sighing out after. "Netflix manages to ruin a lot of shows and movies but 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before' was good."
"Yeah, definitely." Yugyeom nodded, his hands in his pockets before turning to Jeongguk, stopping. "We're allowed to stay out, y'know. Me and Yeri are gonna go to the convenience store to get some snacks. You wanna join?"
Jeongguk thought for a moment before shrugging. "I have nothing better to do so I might as well." He sighed, seeing Yeri smile at his response.
"Okay, great. I'll ask some of the others if they wanna join- hey!" Yeri called out from behind, cupping her hands around her mouth. "Seulgi! Taehyung!" The two paused their conversation and movements to turn to the girl, eyebrows raised.
"We're going to the convenience store! Wanna join?" She cried, seeing the two nod at the offer before walking over to their group.
"Hey, Jeongguk." Taehyung smiled to which Jeongguk grinned back, feeling his heart rate increase again. "Hi."
Taehyung hummed, adjusting the collar of his green coat. "You seemed to really like that musical." He smirked, seeing Jeongguk roll his eyes.
"And what about it?" He huffed, crossing his arms as their group made a turn on the street. Taehyung chuckled, picking at his lips. "I- It's cute." He let out, scratching his temple after.
Jeongguk widened his eyes, he quickly averted his gaze from Taehyung as he tried to ignore his burning cheeks. "Sh-shut up." He mumbled, flustered as he played with his jacket sleeve.
He and Taehyung continued to talk for a bit, Jeongguk inwardly questioning if Taehyung was trying to flirt with him or not. He tried not to look too deep into it, maybe he was just being nice?
Okay, Jeongguk was definitely looking too deep into it. What if he was flirting? And why was Jeongguk's stomach doing somersaults at the thought of it?
Jeongguk bit his lip to stop himself from squealing out. Calm. He had to stay calm. He tried ignoring that feeling in his stomach, stammering out every response as he talked to Taehyung.
Finally, they made it to the convenience store. Yeri, Seulgi and Yugyeom headed into the drink aisle where they looked at flavoured milk and juice, debating about if strawberry milk used real strawberries or not.
Jeongguk walked into a random aisle with Taehyung following suit. He glanced over to the shelves, seeing them hold noodles, he picked a packet out from the shelf. "Ooh! Look at these noodles, apparently they're supposed to be like- really spicy."
Taehyung chuckled, picking out another packet, reading the writing. "These apparently are kimchi flavoured."
"What? Really! Give it over." Jeongguk made grabby hands to which Taehyung laughed, handing over the packet. "Hoseok would love these."
Jeongguk held the packets in both hands, grinning madly, bunny teeth pointing out. "I can't wait to get back to eat these!" He looked at Taehyung with bright eyes, making the boy smile along with him.
Jeongguk roamed through the aisle some more, seeing if there were any more flavours that seemed interesting but he seemed to be satisfied enough with the packets he was holding. He walked over to Taehyung, giving him a small wave.
"I'm gonna go buy them, see you-"
"Hold on for a minute," Taehyung called out, Jeongguk raised a brow as he looked at Taehyung with a questioning look.
"What's up-" Jeongguk began with a hum but was interrupted when Taehyung gripped onto his waist, pressing their lips together.
Jeongguk had his eyes opened in confusion for a couple of moments before fluttering them shut, still holding onto the noodle packets as his arms laid by his side. He felt himself get pushed back, his back hitting the shelves as they kissed.
Taehyung caressed Jeongguk's waist with his large hands before opening an eye and grabbing the noodle packets off Jeongguk. He pulled apart with a smile, pecking Jeongguk's cheek softly.
Jeongguk watched with wide eyes as Taehyung wordlessly walked away, still holding the packets. Confused, he glanced over to see where Taehyung was going, it was to the till.
He continued to watch, seeing Taehyung proceed to pay for his things but this time he didn't try to stop him. His heart was beating far too quick for him to even speak.
After a couple of minutes, Taehyung had paid and returned with a plastic bag in his hand, giving it to Jeongguk. "Here." He smiled, Jeongguk's eyes lighting up.
"Thank you!" Jeongguk giggled, holding the bag with a wide smile. "You- you didn't have to do that to do that though." He then pouted, clutching the bag tightly.
"But- but I wanted to," Taehyung smirked, imitating the way Jeongguk stammered. "Don't worry about it, Jeongguk." He sighed, hearing Jeongguk hum. "I know but still."
Taehyung then brushed Jeongguk's bangs back from his face, kissing his forehead softly. "We should meet up with Yeri and the others."
Jeongguk merely nodded, cheeks ablaze at the sudden action. The pair met up with their friends where Seulgi and Yugyeom were still bickering about flavoured milk until Taehyung stopped them, telling them their argument was pointless.
After everyone had paid for their things, they headed outside. Yeri, Seulgi and Yugyeon planned to venture out some more, extending their invitation to Jeongguk and Taehyung to which they declined, Jeongguk saying he was pretty tired and Taehyung muttering a similar excuse.
Jeongguk and Taehyung walked back to the hotel in a comfortable silence. They didn't speak or anything but it was fine like that, anyway, even if they were to speak Jeongguk would have to try his fucking best not to stammer.
When they made it back to the hotel Taehyung told Jeongguk that he was going to take a shower to which the boy nodded in response, deciding that it was best to change out of his clothes, getting into a loose shirt and grey sweatpants.
Jeongguk then flopped onto his bed with his phone in his hand, face buried in the pillow. He laid there, just listening to the sound of running water coming from the shower. He sighed.
After a couple of minutes, Jeongguk turned on his phone, he wondered if Hoseok was up and thought he should ring him, pressing the video call button.
- In Serial25 Chapters
Resurgent [Hiatus]
Resurgent is the story of a man by the name of Marcus Diamandis and he begins his journey in an unexpected location, the skies. On the day of Armageddon, or later commonly referred to as Integration, Marcus begins his fall that hopefully preludes an eventual rise to greatness. Humanity has become stagnant in its ideals, no one quite knows what would happen if it were forced to change. Cataclysm now arrives in modern times, can we adapt, or will mankind fail its greatest test? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Resurgent is a story that will include LitRPG and GameLit systems. Will not include any Harem elements whatsoever. This story is my first posted attempt at writing an episodic piece of literature and constructive criticism is always welcomed. The New World and The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound heavily inspired me so if you haven't read them please go give them a read!
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Battlefield Restart 2: An Identity Beyond Self
When he first realised he had a second chance at life, Simon Rainglow was ecstatic. After his failure of a first life, he reformed himself and lived in a way he wouldn’t regret in his past life. That was... until his life was abruptly threatened by shadows of his past. --------------- He goes on an epic journey. Finding lifelong friends, companions, lovers, all until he reached the climax. ...He lost in the final battle against the greatest calamity to ever befall him, the Galaxy Dragon! Some think that failure is just not trying enough, but what happens when you only fail even after putting in the effort? Slowly, the ‘Calamity Crusher’ who once embodied might became old and cynical. Without telling anyone else, he returned to Earth to drink himself away in sorrow. He abandoned it all...! His friends, family, wives, all of them. Creating a new home for himself on Earth after saving a young teen. Simon refuses to return to the Other World, even if everyone begged him. He started valuing his life...! This is about his journey to redemption...
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District 9
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Mercy (Pennywise 2017 x Reader) UNFINISHED AND DISCONTINUED
[PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS STORY HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED AND WILL NOT BE FINISHED]Please have mercy on me, take it easy on my heart...Life in Derry Maine had its ups and downs. Especially for Y/N L/N, an 18-year-old who has just finished high school and is unsure of where life will take her. When things begin to get odd; children are going missing more and more these days, and she starts getting the feeling she's being watched, will she be able to crack down on what is causing all of this torment? Or will she just plead that she's not next?(In the same year as the 2017 IT movie! Will include snippets of the Loser Club, but you'll be older than them.)
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MaAn : The fairytale
So, its my first ff....hope u like it....Pls koi bhool ho gayi ho toh maaf kar dena..🥺🥺Enjoyyyy
8 413