"Yo, what if Mars has water because humans used to live on it but we fucked it up so bad that they sent a pod with Adam and Eve in it to earth and that was the asteroid that killed all the dinosaurs-?"
"Hoseok! Stop, just please stop." Jimin begged, taking a bite of his pizza after with his head resting on his palm, looking frustrated.
"What if, the asteroids never wiped out the dinosaurs? What would life be like if humans and dinosaurs both existed in the same time period."
"Hoseok, we literally have like five movies telling us what that would be like, now please shut the fuck up." Jeongguk sighed, but Hoseok didn't listen.
"What if-"
"Shut up!" Both Jeongguk and Jimin snapped in unison, Jimin slamming his head down onto the table while Jeongguk just groaned, covering his face with his hands.
It was a casual evening that day at the weekend, students gathered around the dining hall to get some breakfast, chatting away with their friends in small groups. Hoseok decided to bore both him and Jimin with his theories about dinosaurs and what not- pushing them both near the edge of insanity.
"Hoseok, just be quiet because my mind honestly can't take any more of this. Jeongguk stop him, please." Jimin pleaded, slightly raising his head up at Jeongguk with his eyes bloodshot.
"Jesus Christ, Chim! Did you even sleep?" Jeongguk gasped, brushing some dishevelled locks out of his friend's face.
"Nope. Too busy with art stuff." Jimin mumbled exhaustedly against his arm, his eye bags very visible.
"Oh god, okay. Why don't- why don't you get some sleep after this?" Jeongguk suggested, patting Jimin's arm.
"Sleep.." Jimin muttered dreamily, eyes drooping.
Jeongguk bit his lip, realising how much his friend really needed sleep. He looked at Hoseok who just shrugged.
"Right, maybe we should get you to sleep like- right now." Jeongguk got up, pushing his plate aside before pulling Jimin to his feet and walking him out of the hall.
Hoseok got up too, running up to the boys in a hurried attempt to catch up to them. "Wait for me!"
Jeongguk rolled his eyes, standing still for a moment until Hoseok caught up to them. Once he did, Jeongguk began walking again, Jimin's head resting behind his shoulder with his peach hair sprawled out.
"So, Jeoncock." Hoseok began, Jeongguk groaned, not bothering to correct him. "Did you get a part for the play?"
"What, no," Jeongguk mumbled, opening the door to the dormitories. "I'm doing the lights and shit, stuff backstage."
Hoseok pouted, a hand on Jimin's back to keep him steady. "Aw, that's too bad. I wanted to see how bad your acting really was."
"Haha, very funny." Jeongguk turned the doorknob to Hoseok and Jimin's dorm, grabbing a half-asleep Jimin and leading him to his bed.
"How's economics going for you?" Jeongguk asked as he tucked Jimin in and began stroking his hair, the boy seemed to have passed out already.
"Boring as always. Ugh, I don't give a fuck about my parents' company or whatever. I'd rather stick with sports." Hoseok groaned, sitting by Jimin's bed.
"You can become one of those young and hot billionaires though and seduce a college virgin then convince them to sign a slavery contract but if they don't want to you can follow them around everywhere and force them to, saying you don't take no for an answer as well as show heavy signs of a potential abuser but that's okay because you're hot and rich-"
"Jeez, what did Fifty Shades ever do to you?" Hoseok asked with big eyes.
"Exist." Jeongguk deadpanned, sweeping back his brown tufts of hair.
"Right." Hoseok chuckled, getting up from the floor and hopping into his bed. "I think I might go to bed too, m'kinda tired anyway."
Jeongguk also picked himself up, dusting himself off. "Alright then, I'll see you. Night." He smiled, Hoseok nodding.
Walking through the opened door, Jeongguk waved before closing it slowly, careful not to disturb Jimin. Jeongguk was about to walk off to his dorm when he heard a sudden voice.
"There you are, Jeongguk! I've been looking all over for you!" Jin came up from behind, startling the boy.
"Oh my god, you nearly gave me a heart attack. What do you want, Jin?" Jeongguk looked up at the boy who had his hands on his hips in frustration.
"There's a theatre meeting going on like- right now."
"Right now?" Jeongguk widened his doe eyes. "Oh god, this is why I need to pay more attention in class." He grumbled.
"Yep-" Jin grabbed Jeongguk's arm. "We gotta go, now!"
Jeongguk nodded, sprinting out of the dormitories to the theatre department with Jin. Thank god it wasn't that far. Why did there need to be a meeting though?
"Okay, here we are," Jin announced breathlessly, body hunched over from the run while Jeongguk was no different, he was busy trying to catch his breath.
Jin rubbed his nose before opening the door to the theatre hall, Jeongguk following behind him. "Here's Jeongguk. Sorry for the wait." Jin cried out, stepping into the room.
Jeongguk noticed how everyone was already seated and waiting, feeling all of their eyes on him. Luckily, Jeongguk spotted Taehyung amongst the students and sheepishly scurried to take a seat.
"Hey." Jeongguk greeted and Taehyung responded with a small smile.
Jeongguk frowned, tilting his head. "How'd it go yesterday-?"
"So, do we have everyone?" Mr. Han quickly skimmed the crowd of students, grinning in satisfaction when everyone seemed to be here. "Right, lovelies! This'll only take five minutes of your time, I assure you."
"As some of you might already know, the theatre department has organised a trip for you. A trip to visit an actual theatre in order to see a musical in Incheon-"
The students gasped in excitement, some cheering. Jeongguk raised his brows in wonder, deciding to pay close attention to what Mr. Han was saying since this seemed interesting.
"We'll be seeing Heathers: The Musical." Mr. Han spoke, making the students gasp louder at the news, many eagerly talking to the person next to them.
"But!" He cried, silencing the students in an instant. "As this needs to remain educational, you will be required to take notes of the acting and analyse it which you will turn into an essay and turn in."
Students groaned at the teacher's words, Jeongguk sighing out as he rested his head on his palm. He glanced over at Taehyung who appeared to be equally as disappointed from what Jeongguk could see, his dark curls covering most of his expression.
"The trip will be next week and last three days, you will all be staying in a hotel and will be allowed to share a room with whoever you like." Mr. Han spoke, hearing hushed cries of thrill.
Jeongguk continued to listen to the teacher for a couple more minutes, hearing him quickly skim over the days and schedules as well as times students will be allowed to roam the city. His stomach bubbled in anticipation. This was his first theatre trip so he was slightly nervous about everything but he tried to hope for the best.
Taehyung seemed to notice the way Jeongguk was biting on his nails and bouncing his leg, he patted his shoulder which stopped his movements. "You'll be fine. These theatre trips are fun anyway, we can share a room if you like." He whispered, his words easing Jeongguk's nerves.
"Okay, I'd like that." He replied, a smile spreading across his features, bunny teeth pointing out, and Taehyung chuckled at that. "Good, because I was going to ask you anyway."
"Also, I'm sure you all know by now your roles for the play. Again, excellent job to those who auditioned and congratulations to those who got cast. If you have any issues come speak to me." Mr. Han smiled at the students. "Alright, that's all I have to say. You are all free to leave."
The class erupted into chatter once they could leave, people gathering in small groups as they walked out the door. Jeongguk turned to Taehyung, his eyebrows furrowed.
"So?" He began, strolling beside the boy. "How did it go, talking with Mr. Han and stuff?"
Taehyung let out a sigh, brushing some parts of his hair back in agitation. "He said my performance was really good and all but said he wanted me to 'step out of my comfort zone' by giving me a princely character." He air quoted, groaning after.
"What do you mean?"
"I've never really played the 'prince' character, it's usually the wise guys and shit who I try to go for," Taehyung mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"Oh, don't worry about it." Jeongguk comforted. "I'll help you remember your lines. Anyway, how hard can being a prince be? You just stand there and act all romantic, saying some deep poetry shit that nobody will pick up on." He giggled, Taehyung eventually joining in with his deep chuckles ringing in Jeongguk's ears.
"Well, when you put it that way, you are kinda right."
"I always am." Jeongguk dramatically sighed, sassily glancing up at Taehyung.
"You literally thought the continent Africa was named after the song by Toto the other day."
"I mostly am." Jeongguk corrected, still keeping his sassy posture as he and Taehyung escorted him back to their dorms but then yawned. "Oh gosh, I'm tired. What time is it?"
"Eight o'clock."
"Wait, seriously?" Jeongguk stopped in front of his room, covering his mouth as he yawned again. "Early bedtime for me then." Taehyung slightly laughed at his sleepy state.
"I'll see you tomorrow when we go to that K-BBQ place then with Jimin and Hoseok." Jeongguk groggily murmured, a hand turning the doorknob. "Jeez, why is Jimin so obsessed with that place-"
"Wait, before you go," Taehyung called out, and Jeongguk turned around, looking at the boy. "What's up?"
Taehyung walked a couple steps into the room before leaning down for a kiss, his hands in his pockets. Jeongguk widened his doe eyes for a split-second before his hands fumbled to grab onto Taehyung's arms, his hands clinging onto his shirt.
They moved their lips against each other's for a couple more moments before Taehyung pulled away, a grin on his face. "See you tomorrow, Jeon."
Jeongguk nodded, smiling with a red tint spreading across his cheeks. "Yeah, see you."
Taehyung stepped out of his dorm and closed the door behind him, his hands still in his pockets. Before Jeongguk jumped into his bed, he made sure to brush his teeth despite being tired. After that, he wasted no time to head to bed, throwing the blankets over his small frame.
His eyes slowly fluttered shut as Jeongguk found himself falling deeper into the whims of sleep. Eventually, his consciousness faded away as his mind sailed off into dreamland.
"I do not see such purpose for the debate about metal and plastic straws. Personally, I prefer drinking my beverages by using my mouth like an intellectual which very much helps the environment and rejects the need of using valuable resources such as metal for straws-"
"Oh my god, Hoseok. Shut the fuck up!" Jimin groaned, resting his hands on his temple. "I should've stayed in bed today."
"Straws do not hold much of a purpose as many would like to think. I suggest that we, as a society, should completely eliminate the use of straws and stick to consuming beverages by merely-"
"Jeongguk!" Jimin cried, seeing the boy arriving with Taehyung, chatting away.
"-And that's why I'll never go on an elevator." Jeongguk finished with a sigh, and Taehyung chuckled. Jeongguk turned to Jimin after. "Hey, Chim. What's up?"
Jimin's eyes were fixated onto Taehyung for a moment before he glanced at Jeongguk. "Thank god you're here. Please save me from Hoseok!" Jimin begged, clasping his hands together as Hoseok just scoffed, sipping on his water without a straw.
"Rude bitch," Hoseok grumbled as Jeongguk and Taehyung took a seat, Jeongguk sitting next to Hoseok while Taehyung sat by Jimin.
"I was just informing Jimin about how pointless straws are!" Hoseok huffed, Jimin rolling his eyes at his response. "So was your argument."
Jeongguk stifled a giggle, eyes crinkling. "So, Jimin. How was your sleep?" He asked, hiding half of his hands in his sleeves.
"I slept for twenty-three hours. I woke up like- half an hour ago." Jimin deadpanned, adjusting the sleeve of his striped oversized outerwear.
Both Taehyung and Jeongguk looked at the boy with wide eyes, exchanging glances with each other for a quick moment before looking at Jimin again.
"Yeah," Jimin sighed. "I know."
Taehyung blinked, resting his elbow on the table. "Jimin here's acting like sleeping beauty- anyway, let's order now." He spoke, tucking some strands of hair behind his ear.
Jimin nodded, his gaze remaining on the boy for a moment before turning away. "Yep."
A while after ordering, their food had arrived. Jimin wasted no time digging in, shovelling pieces of meat into his mouth.
"Jesus, Jimin. Slow down!" Jeongguk cried, watching his friend eat with concern before taking a bite out of his food.
Jimin continued munching, using a tissue to wipe around his mouth. "Y'know, this is the only other time I'm stuffed to the-"
"No!" Jeongguk, Taehyung and Hoseok pleaded at the same time.
Jimin looked at the trio, scoffing after. "Bitches."
"It's not our fault you decide to make that nasty joke each time we eat here." Taehyung laughed, leaning his head into his palm.
Jimin paused, blinking his eyes at the boy. "Sorry." He muttered, running his fingers through his locks.
Feeling the slight tension in the room, Hoseok cleared his throat, facing Jeongguk.
"I heard some voices outside our room yesterday just after you left, was that you?" He asked, raising a brow.
Jeongguk made a sound of confusion before he realised what Hoseok was talking about. "Oh, yeah. I was talking to Jin, he said he was looking for me and shit because there was a theatre meeting." He looked at Hoseok's confused expression. "He's from mine and Taehyung's class."
"Wait-" Hoseok started. "Do you mean Kim Seokjin?"
Jeongguk nodded slowly. "Yeah, him. Why?"
"I know him! I mean- I don't talk to him but I always saw him with that bitch off the basketball team. Yeah, I used to always think his name was 'Suckjin' or something."
Taehyung choked out a laugh while Jeongguk looked at the boy questioningly. "I'm seriously starting to think you're doing this on purpose, Hoseok."
Hoseok tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean?"
Jeongguk shook his head, sighing out. "Nevermind, anyway. Apparently we're going to have a theatre trip next week or something so that's good." He smiled, Hoseok widening his eyes.
"Wait, for real?" He gasped. "Aw, no fair. I wanna go on a trip." Hoseok trailed, and Jeongguk giggled, continuing to discuss the trip with the boy.
Jimin's eyes travelled to Taehyung who seemed to be immersed in their conversation, occasionally laughing at some of their words. He didn't understand why Taehyung kept declining his invitations to hook up. Hell, he didn't even see him as much anymore.
Was he getting tired of him or something?
Jimin decided to test the waters. Tentatively, he placed his hand on Taehyung's thigh, noticing the way the boy suddenly tensed up at the action.
Biting his lip, Jimin's hand remained there for a bit, caressing the boy's thigh gently as his hand began moving higher. Jimin glanced at Taehyung's expression for a reaction, seeing how stiff the boy was as he tried to pay attention to the ongoing conversation.
Jimin furrowed his brows, proceeding to move his hand even higher before he felt a grip on his wrist. This time, Jimin was the one to freeze as Taehyung placed his hand back onto his lap, visibly relaxing after.
Frowning, Jimin tried to ignore the hint of disappointment he felt at Taehyung's actions, looking down at his food.
"-And that's why stairs are superior." Jeongguk smiled, glaring holes at Hoseok. "Anyway, Jimin. You haven't been talking much, what's wrong?"
Jimin's gaze shifted to Jeongguk, startled. "Huh? Nothing, just tired."
"You literally slept for twenty-three hours."
"I'm still tired," Jimin said, Jeongguk rolled his eyes.
"Wait, so how long are you guys going for again?" Hoseok asked, chewing on his food.
"Three days. The trip's next week so we have time to pack." Taehyung replied, sipping on his drink.
"Three days? That's so long, bro." Hoseok gasped, surprised, and Jimin whispered a 'that's what she said' joke which earned him a kick in the shin from Hoseok.
Jeongguk nodded, swirling the ice around in his drink with a straw. "Yep, we'll be back before you know it though." He smiled.
"Aw, man. M'actually gonna miss you." Hoseok pouted, and Jeongguk scoffed, shaking his head. "Yeah, right. You'll miss not calling me 'Jeoncock' every day."
Jimin laughed loudly while Taehyung choked out another laugh, spitting out his drink onto the table as he clasped a hand over his mouth after.
"Oh, for god's sake, Taehyung. You're such a baby." Jeongguk sighed, gathering tissues to wipe up the mess from the table.
Taehyung continued snickering, shoulders shaking with each laugh. "I-I'm sorry, Jeon, but- Jeoncock? Seriously?" Taehyung smacked his fist onto the wooden table while Jimin leaned into the boy whilst laughing.
Jeongguk groaned, getting up to throw the damp tissues in the bin before walking back, a frustrated expression on his face. "Fuck off. This is all because this dumbass, Hoseok-" Jeongguk paused to point to the culprit. "-Actually thought that was my name before we started talking. Jimin probably didn't even try to correct him when he always called me that!"
Taehyung laughed even harder but this time no sound came out, he was laughing so hard that you couldn't hear anything. Jimin's was still very audible; his laughter filled the whole place as some threw their table dirty looks and stares.
"You guys are so immature!" Jeongguk weakly snapped, glancing over to Hoseok who was also laughing, not as much as Taehyung and Jimin but still laughing.
Jimin toppled over onto Taehyung, his head leaning back on Taehyung's shoulder as Jeongguk continued to pout. "You guys are shit friends." He grumbled, sipping the last of his drink.
Taehyung inhaled sharply from laughing too hard, that making the situation funnier for everyone, making Jeongguk able to crack a smile.
After a couple more moments of pure laughter, Hoseok paused, breathing out. "Okay guys. I actually think we should stop."
Taehyung nodded, clutching his stomach as his laughter began to slowly die down, his smile never fading. He lightly tapped Jimin's arm which signalled him to get up. Jimin lifted his head from Taehyung's shoulder, smoothing down his hair as he tried to mask his expression.
"I still don't understand why you guys found that so funny." Jeongguk sighed, flicking a brown strand away from his face.
Hoseok shrugged, cleaning his hands with a tissue. "I don't know either but all I know that it was funny."
"Why do I bother?"
Taehyung smirked, looking at Jeongguk. "Maybe I should start calling you that, Jeoncock."
Jeongguk let out a pained cry. "Oh god, please don't." He looked at Taehyung achingly.
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