《Children of One Piece》Daughter of Kuro



In the East Blue sat an island. This island was like many others, on this island there sat a small village. It was night time now as the streets were empty. The only odd thing was that a single girl carrying a bag walked down the lonely road. This girl had long black hair and a blank expression on her face. This girl was Fumiko, the 17 year old daughter of Kuro. Otherwise known as Kuro of a thousand plans.

Like her father, Fumiko was very smart. In school she was often the top of her class and displayed her talent throughout the village. She was even smarter than some of the adults in the village. Some of her follow schoolmates would try to mess with her but she knew what they were up too. Resulting in their plans never working.

So instead her classmates would avoid her. This didn't bother her that much, especially since she was use to it. They all knew her dad was a pirate, so they all avoided her. Fumiko didn't mind it much, in fact she kind of preferred it. Although it did make life in the village harder with some people refusing to let her into their shops while others constantly talked bad about her. She may had not shown it but sometimes the insults do affect her.

Her relationship with her dad was rather complicated. Kuro often acted cold towards the Fumiko, even when she was a young girl. He often expected the best of her even when she was a little girl. He taught her how to create plans as well as other academic things. Kuro even taught her how to use his special cat claws and trained her physically.

His lessons were tough on Fumiko and failure often resulted in anger from Kuro. Their would be times when Kuro would leave Fumiko along for months to go with his crew. Fumiko preferred it that way, it was then she could relax and act like a kid.


Fumiko walked out of the village and down a path through the woods. She continued to follow the path until she came across a small house, her house in fact. Her dad thought it would be best if she was raised away from everyone else. She entered the dark house and set her bag down. She didn't sit down to rest, she walked right back outside. She walked over to the edge of a cliff near her house. She stood there at the edge, staring at something. That object was a tombstone, one she fashioned out of sticks and branches.

She membered the day it happened. She couldn't believe a man like her dad got captured and executed. Sure they didn't have a great relationship, but she was her only family. Now she was all alone in this world.

Fumiko: Hey old man, dont know if you can hear me or not. It's me again, your daughter Fumiko. Still talking to this cheap grave I made acting like your spirit is next to me. You know I still cant believe that you actually died. How could a man like you see that not coming. The great Kuro of a thousand plans out smarted. I just wished I could talk to you one last time.

With that she walked back to her home. However she noticed something was off. Their was a light on in her home. She quickly ran to find out who was inside her home. She slammed open the door and entered.

Fumiko: Ok who's in he...

She froze at who she saw, it was none other than her father. They both stood there with shocked expressions. Then Fumiko took a step forwards. She took another step and another step until she was running. When she made it over to her father, she punched him right in the face.


Kuro fell right to the ground as Fumiko got on top of him. She punched over and over again, eventually his face started to bleed. Tears fell from Fumiko's eyes.


Kuro grabbed both of her arms as she weakly fought against him. His face was covered in bruises and blood. He looked her right in the eye, he had a sad expression. Kuro then proceeded to wrap his arms around her.

Kuro: I'm sorry, I was a horrible father. I was always tough on you, barely showed that I cared. And then I wrong off and acted dead for years just so I can make some big money. I have no right to come back here. I just to make sure you were all right.

Fumiko was shocked. Never before has she seen her dad like this. So in response she also wrapped her arms around him. The two stayed like this for a while, enjoying the fact that they were both okay.

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