《Children of One Piece》Son of Arlong



Shyarly sat inside her house doing nothing in particular. She had the day off so she decided to enjoy her free time. However pounding came from the door, so she went over to investigate. Standing their were two guards and young shark fish-man. This boy was Mako, the 19 year old son of Arlong.

Growing up Arlong told stories about his time with the Sun Pirates and about Fisher Tiger. However these stories would always lead to one place, hating humans. Everyday Arlong would teach Mako about how evil the humans are and how fish-men were the superior race. Being the young influential boy Mako was, he believed him. This made Arlong happy.

However when Arlong would leave for the East Blue he decided to leave Mako behind. However he promised Mako that when he did conquer the East Blue that he would bring Mako over. In the meantime the two would chat by using transponder snails. In the meantime Mako was sent to live with his aunt Shyarly.

As Mako got older he displayed more and more signs of becoming like Arlong. This worried everyone else, fearing that the boy would become just like his troublesome father. Because of this most people decided to ignore the boy while others tried to teach Mako to treat humans fairly. Some of these people included Shyarly and Jinbe.

For a brief time it worked, Mako became calm. That was until a certain straw hat boy attacked his father's crew and then took down his father. Which later lead to Arlong being imprisoned. In response Mako's hatred for humans returned and the boy became rebellious. Times where he was caught by the authorities was not uncommon.

Shyarly: What did he do this time?

Guard: Vandalism and destruction of property.


Shyarly: Just send me a bill and I'll pay for the damages later.

The guards let go of Mako as he walked into the house.

Guard: If he keeps up these crimes, we'll have no choice but to lock him behind bars.

Shyarly: That's what I'm afraid of, thanks for brining him back.

The guards left and Shyarly went back into her house. She found Mako lounging on the couch.

Shyarly: You have to stop this Mako.

Mako merely grunted.

Mako: Why should I?

Shyarly: You're actions annoy everyone else more and more everyday. It wont be long until people are banging on the door demanding for your arrest.

Mako: I could care less what those idiots think.

Shyarly: Why do you rebel so much?

Mako: Those people made my father an outcast, all he wanted to do was make the world a better place for the fish-men.

Shyarly: By slaughtering the humans!

Mako: SO WHAT! It's not like they dont kill us, all they see from fish-man are disgusting creatures that belong beneath their feet! My dad was going to make us equal!

Shyarly: By starting a war that would end with thousands of dying, both fish-man and human! We are but one nation against hundreds, it would have meant the end of us all! Mako, if you continue to act the way you are you will end up like your father!

Mako: Why do you care!

Mako turns to walk away but Shyarly grabs his wrist and then pulls the boy into a hug. Which stun Mako. After a few seconds the two separate.

Shyarly: My father left me with Arlong when I was only 3. He was the only family I had. Back then he was kind, he acted like an older brother should. But as he got older he became cold, his hatred for humans blinded him. I dont want you to follow the same path as him, so please try to get along with others.

Mako thinks about it for a few seconds and lets out a sigh.

Mako: Fine, I'll start acting differently.

Shyarly smiled

Shyarly: Thank you.

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