《Shattered Schnee( Neglected Schnee X Tokyo Ghoul)》Chapter 2 Experiment


Coal POV

I wake up to multiple bright lights shining in my face. The memories of last night come back to me, which startle me. I roll off the surface I was lying on and land on the floor. I get up and observe my surroundings. I'm in a completely white room and I was lying on a white table attached to the wall.

Me: Where the hell am I?

I fell a surge of pain from my stomach, making me collapse to the ground. I clutch my stomach and run over to the corner where I throw up.

???: I see the effects are starting to kick in.

I turned around and saw a man standing there.

Me: Who are you?

Watts: Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Arthur Watts but ii prefer if you call me Watts.

Me: Where am I, is this Atlas?

Watts: Tell me, what is the last thing you remember?

Me: I saw all of my teammates dead, and then three people walked over to me. Then everything went black.

Watts pulled out a package and opened it up. Inside was a raw piece of meat. I don't know why but it smelled amazing.

Watts: You're hungry aren't you?

I nod my head quickly. He throws the meat to the ground and I quickly devour it like a predator.

Me: What kind of meat is this?

Watts: Human.

My blood runs cold and I fell my heart stop.

Me: W-what?

Watts: Allow me to sum it up. You've have been kidnapped and while you were out for a week we experimented on you. You are now a new type of grimm we call ghouls.

Me: I'm a g-grimm?

Watts: Yes, one where the only thing that satisfies your hunger is by consuming human flesh. Normal food taste disgusting to you, that's why you puked up the human food in your stomach.


I crawl into a corner and grab my head.

Me: No, no, no, no, no, NO!!! Why me?

Watts: Our mistress wanted you because of your glyph semblance.

Me: Who is your mistress?

Watts: The queen of grimm, Salem.

Me: Q-queen of g-grimm, I don't care who she is I'm not working for her!

Watts: You don't have a choice, by the why I drugged that meat.

As he said that I started to feel dizzy. Next thing I know I fall to the ground and black out.


Coal wakes up strapped to the table. He tries to break free but no luck. The door opens up and Watts walks in pushing a cart.

Coal: What are you doing!?

Watts: You see before we can release you onto the world we have to test your abilities.

Coal: What abilities?

Watts: Remember how you lost your arm.

Coal's eyes widen and he looks over to his arm that he supposedly lost.

Coal: How, I saw I getting cut off.

Watts: Luckily for you, a side effect to your abilities is regeneration. That is how you got your arm back.

Coal: Regeneration isn't so bad.

Watts: All we need to do is see how far it goes.

Watts pulled out a buzz saw and Coal's eyes widened. He began to pull against his restraints.


Watts started up the buzz saw and dragged it along Coal's stomach, slicing him open. The whole time Coal was screaming out in pain and coughing up blood. Blood spewed out from the wound and stained the white room. When Watts stopped Coal was breathing heavy. He looked down at his stomach and saw it repairing itself. Watts took notes at this.

Watts: Impressive, lets see what else we can do.


Throughout the castle Coal's screams could be heard.


For the next month, every day Watts would slice Coal open. By now Coal's eyes looked lifeless and his body was riddled with scars that would disappear a few days later. The white room in which Coaled stayed in was stained in his blood. Watts would also feed Coal everyday. At first Coal would refuse, but eventually he couldn't bear the pain and ate to heal himself. Today was a different day, when Coal woke up he was chained to a chair attached to the floor.

Coal:Great what now?" he asked in a lifeless voice"

The door opened up and Tyrian walked in.

Coal: Who are you?

Tyrian: My name is Tyrian.

Coal: Why are you here?

Suddenly Coal felt pain in his stomach. He looked down and saw a scorpion tail stabbing him, he then saw it was attached to Tyrian.

Tyrian: What says we need to break you.

Coal then felt the pain of venom. He began to scream which made Tyrian laugh.


Tyrian then pulled out a pair of plyers and a bucket.

Coal: WHAT are t-those f-for? "Coal asked through the pain"

Tyrian: My mistress says your my play thing until I fill this bucket with your fingers and toes! LETS START SHALL WE!

Tyrian then began to break off all of Coal's fingers and toes, each time blood would shoot out. This plus the pain of the venom was driving Coal towards insanity. When Tyrian finished he poured venom on all of Coal's wounds.

Tyrian: I'll see you tomorrow.

Tyrian left Coal, who was writhing in pain.


It has been three months since Coal was captured. During this time each day Watts would experiment on him and the next day Tyrian would torturing him. Right now Coal had finished another session with Tyrian. By now his nails were black and his finger and toes were a light pink. Also his ankles and wrist were covered in scars from him trying to break out.

Currently Coal was shaking from the trauma and was crying.

Coal: Mom.....please.......help me.

He would say this everyday but everyone thought he was dead. Even his own mother.

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